166' LIST OF MEMBERS .. ot THE' •• ~~dne~ Dniversit~ ~ng .i neerin~ @0ciet~. NOTE.-Members are rS'qU'sst'e'd : t'o' co'm 'm 'tI'n"1 cate any chanllS of address to the Hon. Sec., The University. Y 1 .No.ol ear. 0 Papers [tSic .. ijies Pasl Prmoitlll.l EJectIon Oont'b'd, 1905 Ada, W. L., B.E., Tramway Offices, Huuter Street 1912 Ao.amson , R. W. , B.E" Great Cobar, Cobar 1907 Anderson. W. J., B.E., Kapsan Mining Concession, Doten, via Songchin, Joskin, Korea 1912 . Anderson, R. C., St .. Andrew's College, Camperdown 1908 Alexander, H., B.E., Black R ange West, Sandstone, W.A. 1913 Alison, Colill, The Ulliversity 1897 aAmphlett, E. A., H.E ., A.M.l.O.E., L.S., "BoOIferah," Crow'. Nest Road, North Sydney 1895 Arnott, R. F., B.E., Con"ulting Engineer, Liherty Street, New York 1913 Audit, Lewis, The University 1912 Baldwin, J., ., Rothsay," Prince Aloert Street, Mosmall 1898 " Ball, L. C. , B .E. , A.si ~ t. Govt. Geologist, Brisbane 1895 3 tBalTaclough, S. H., M.M.E. (Cornell), B.E., AS80o. M. lnst. C.E., The Universi ty 1896 "Beaver, W. R. , B.E , Railway Department, Cowra 1907 Re e.~to n, S. L., H,E., Royal Au.~ f.ralian Navy 1908 R e~t, G. ; H.E., Sons of G w'alia, Gwa;iia,. W.A . 1913 Bill, tV. G ., The UlliverHity . 1913 Black, Olifford, The University 1910 Blumer, C. H., Prospect Road, Grauville 1911 Booth. E. H., B.Sc., The University 1909 BOURNE. C. A., B.Sc., B.E., KhartoulIl Avenue, Ohatswood 1912 Boyd, E. G., 10 A venue Road, Glebe 1896 2 "tBOYD, R. J., M.E., Assoc. M. ln8t. C.E., c/o. Messrs. Haes .t Egger, Olarence Street 189S Boyd, W. S., B.E., Ray Consolidated Copper 00., Ray, AI'izona, F.S.A. 1900 1 ·Boydr-ll, W. Lt. B. , B.E., Ka]>"an, K orea 1895 6 "tBradfield, J . J. C., M.E., M. lnst. C.E., Department of Public Works, Sydney 1895 Brearley, J. H. D ., B.Se., B.E., A.I.E.E., NO)'e8 BI'os., 153-7 William Street, Melbourne 1911 Brett, H., Railway Parade, Kogarah 1900 Brereton, E. Le Gay, Chemioal Laboratory, The' University 1903 " Bridge, J. M., B.E., South Blocks. Broken Hill 190'8 Bridge, 0 ., B.E., Rnyal Australian Navy, Melbourne 1913 Briggs, G. H., The University 1912 Bugler, V. N., 186 George Street West 11112 de Burgh, T., B.E .. Department Public Work~ , PhillipSt .. Sydney 1909 Burn, Alan. R E ., State Rivers W.S. 00mmi~ 8 i o ll , Melbourne 1905 ' Burnell, J. G., B.E., W ater Supply Commission, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne Jlutler, A., RE., c/o Ratfield Tin Minirlg S,ndi6ate, Naraguta, N. Nigeria IYOO Caddy"J. P., B.E., Brown Hill Oonsuls, Kalgoorlie, W.A. 1911 Callender, G. G., St. Andrew's College, Camperdown 18 Y t No, 01 . eu.o Paper. HEMBERS __illtillu,l . ElectIOn C)ollt'b'd 1909 OAMPBELL, A. L., B.A., B.E., University Olub, Oaatlereagh Street, Sydney 1913 C,.mpbell, R. A., B.So;, A.?{.I.C.E., Dicky Gundi, .,.is Dubbo 1912 Campbell-, E. F. , .. Moorialda," Cheltenham Road, Burwood 1912 Oalvert, F. J., B.E., Wellington Street, Bondi 1907 tOARDEW, J. H., L.S., Assoc. M. Inst. O.E., 75 Pitt Street, Sydney . 1903 Oarslaw. Prof. H. S., M.A., D .Sc., F.R.S.E., The Uni;veraity. 1!105 Oarter. H. G., B.E., "Glenrook," New South Head Road, Darlillg Point 1905 Carter, E. M., B.E., c/o Harding Frew, Oonsulting Engineer Brisbane 1913 Chapman, R. H., B.Sc., "Lansdowne," Mann's Avenue, Neutral Bay 1899 Clayton, O. H. J ., B.E., SUllny Oo\'Oer, N.S.W. 1905 Cl ayton, F. H., R.E., Water Supply Commission, Kerang, Victoria 1906 Olayton, H. E., B.E., SandstoueDevelopment Co., Sandstone,W.A!. 1910 Olift, G. C., B.E., Public 'Works Department, Wollongong 1910 Connell, G. W., Blilckbul'D, Yass 1899" "too OK. W. E., M.E., X.I.O.E.. M.C.E., Burraway Stre.t North Sydney 1909 Corbett, L. 1. 899 Oorlette, J. M. C., B.E., Assoc. M. lust. O.E., Hunter District W. S. &: S., Newcastle 1905 Ouward, W. B., B.E., " Ingalara," Viotoria Street, Ashfield 1907 Oowdery, G. E., B.E., Existin:g L ines, Railway Commissioner's . Office, Bddge Street 1909 Cowlishaw, T ., Livingstone Road, Petersham 1909 Cran, C., B.E., Masonic Hotel, Broken Hill 1912 Crane, O. G., "Hillstone," Robel'taon Street, Croydon 1900 Oropper, C. H ., c/o H . H. Johnson, Village Deep G. M., Johann .." burg, S. Africa 1911 Ounninghame, W. A. F., St. Paul's College, Darlington 1895 6 .. tDare, H. H., M.E., M. lust. C.E., Department of Public Work. Sydney 1905 Davidsou, G. F., B.E., c/o Bank of N.S. W., 6,. Old Broad Street, London 1912 Day, F. H., ., Raydon," Sholder Street, Neutral Bay 1890> "Deane, H . J ., B.E., Assoo. M. Inst. C.E., 91ddesleigh Mansions Oaxton Street, Westminater 1909 Deane, C., Wyabelena Road, Hunter's Hill 1900 Debenham, A. J., B.E., "Thargoona," Northwood, Lane Co.,.e 1900 Dennis, S., B.E., Department Public WO"ks, Phillip Street, Sydney 1\109 DENNIS. C., B.E., Royal Australiall Navy 1909 Desgl'8l1d, V. A. G., B.E., Box 89, P.O., Cobar 1896 "Doak, W. J., B.E., Assoc. M. lllst. C.E., Railway Dept., Brisbane 1910 DOWLING, B., B.E. Queensland Government Railways, Brisbane 1907 Doyle, A.B., BE., Royal Australian Navy 1911 Duff, W. M .• Box 1821, G.P.O., Sydney 1907 2 EASTAUGH, F'. A., A.R.S.M., F.O.S., A.I.M.M., The University 1910 Edwards, A., Electrical Engineer's Department, Publio Work. Department, Sydney 913 Elliott, Maitland, The Uuiversity 1908 England, J ., B.E., Department Public Works; Phillip St., Sydnoy 1913 E B8erman, N. A. , The University 1912 F ell, J., Northwood 1912 F enner, E, W., Nausori Sugar Mill, Fiji 1907 Forster, A. D., B.E., Government Dockyard, Newcastle, N.S.W. 1902 Foxall, H. G., B.E., B.Sc., Gladstone Avenue, Hunter's Hill 1909 Foxall, J. S., B.E., SOll8 of Gwalia, Gwalia, W.A . 1900 Freeman, O. C., D.E., Zinc Corporation, Broken Hill 1905 "Frow, A. E. H ., B.E .• The Hermitage, Chelmer, Bi'isbane 168 Year of No. of MEMBERS-~.".'tifjued. Election O~~~~~'d li07 Fry, H. G .. B.E., c/o The Bucyrus Co., South Milwaukee, Wis- cousin, U.S.A. l!Hl Fry, A. E .. ·The Ulliversity, Sydney 1909 FRY, H. W., RE., Dep'1. of Publio Works, Sydney li12 Gall .. way. R. F., Behnol'e Road, Rand wick 1912 Gelme, R. W., 5 Cook Street, Glebe Poiut 1910 Gibbes, F. W., B.E., The Boulevllrd, Strltth6eld 1903 2 Gibson. Pm£. A. J., Asooc. M. InBt. C.E., University of QlIee1l8- land, Bri.hane . 1911 Gibson, W. H. H., " Al'llulen," Ben Boyd Road. Neutrlll Bay 1912 Goodwiu, E . ·W., "Elbnrt,on," Wardell Road, MalTickville 1901 Gray, G. J ., B.E., B.Sc., Great Cobal', Cobar liOO Gmt, C. E' . de J., M.A., B.E., Kalgoorlie, W . A. 1908 Haigh, V. A., BE., Junotion, Broken Hill lill Hain, L. '1'., 8 Avenue, Newtown 1909 Hall, G. E., B.E., Avoca St.·eet, Randwick. 1900 Hall, R . Vine-, Mains' Engineer, City Council, Syduey 1~02 3 Halloran, H. R., M.E., (Col'llell), Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., Municipal Lighting St.ation, Pyrmont 1910 Hamilton, John, B.E ,Wentwort1, Road, Strathfield 1907 Hanton, T. G., B.E., .. Corinna," Raymond Terrace 1911 Harden, G. B., The University 1896 Hawken, R. W., RE., B.A., Univel'8ity of Ql\ een~lalld, Bl'i8bllne • 1912 Harrison, J. F ., '700 Darling Street, Balmain lil2 Hay, W .• St. Andrew's College, Camperdown ISi5 " Hayley, P .E.L.,. B.E., Angelo Street, Burwood 1907 Hebblewhite, W. R", B.E., Military College, Dunb-ooll 190i Hebblewhite, F. S., St. Paul's College, Darlington 189[) " Hedgelalld. E. W., B.E., Trig. Survey Departmellt, Taiping, via Pellang, Federated Millay States 1912 Hennessy, J. L., B.So. A. (Penll.) Norwich Chllmbers, Hunter Street, Sydlley 18\18 Hennillg, E . '1'., Rl!:., "plU<sy," Hllnter's Hill 1907 Herbert, D.P .• B.E., Roy .. l Australiall Navy, Mel holll·"e 1912 Hiuder, R.B., RE., Great Coblt,., Cobar 1909 Hollingdale, G.]'., B.E., Luc8s Road, Burwnod 1907 Holloway. R . A .. B.Sc., B.E., University Club, Ca.tlereagh Street, Sydney 1910 Hope, B . C., M.E. (Cornell), c/o P. N. Chriotie, Esq., Harbour Trust, Ciroula,' Quay 1900 Horsburg, J., Chillagoe, Queensland Ull Horne, T.C., The Ulliveroitv 1909 Houston, R ., B.E., 55 Ross Street, Camp~rdowlJ 1905 HowatBolJ. G., B.E., Lake View and Stal' Limited, Fill,iatolJ, W.A. 11104 Hud.on, J . M., D.:";', .. BaunawcBI'a," Uranu, N.S.W. 1902 Ireland, O. A., S.";'. Royal Australian Ntny, }Ielboul'l!e 19l1 Irving. R. C., View Street, Chatswood 1896 -Jack, R. L., B.E., F.G.S., Geological Survey Offie'e, Adeillide, S.A. 1910 James, H. F., B.E., St. Paul's College, Darlington 1900 -Jal'luan, Prof. A., A.R.S.M., Waihi Grand Junotion, Waihi, N.Z. 1912 Job, R C .. 87 Phillip Street. Sydney HW:! Jones, S. W., B.E., Public Works Department, Newcastle l!H I Julius, G. A .. B.Sc., Box 1493 G.P.O., Sydney 1901 Kellick, A. C. '1'., .. Kulnura." Paul Street. Waverley 1895 .) *tKnibbs, G. H., C.M.G., L .S., F.R.A.S., Federal Statistician, Melbourne liOi Knight, O.
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