M IRACL ES IN MODERN L IFE BY THE REVD . J OHN LAM ON D , D . D . PSYCHIC BOOK CL U B 48 OLD BAILEY L ONDON E . , , C . 4 a A further step has b een ta ken by in v estig tors . The assert an d in deed I . m sel assert th at it is y , y / , p ossible to get in to tel ep athic commun ication with Th ir those who hav e surv iv ed death of the body . e min d th eir character their erson a lit ersist an d , , p y p ! though they can n ot directly mak e an y imp ression on “ our mater ial sen ses e ur ed b con tin ued a ection , y t g y ff , or by some other sufii cien t r eason th ey can occasion a ll make use o a h siolo ical in strumen t th e b rain y f p y g , n erv e- muscle mech an ism of a livin g p erson en dowed — with th e receptiv e or tel epathic facul ty so as to o v me sa h s n d A n d in so c n ey s ges to t o e l eft b ehi . doin the o ten ta k e ste s to rov e th eir iden tit an d g y f p p y, t ti n ue x t n ce es a blish their con d e is e . It i n ot eas o a all that or t i n o a thin s y t s y , f i s t g t b e said li htl I on l sa it on the str en th o a o g y . y y g f great b ody of eviden ce n ow kn own to me an d to man y Eith ru al I t s t ue it oth er . er it is t or it se i r s e is f . ] i r t n is difi cult to ov erstate its tremen dous imp o a ce . S IR O LIV ER L ODGE . C O N T E N T S DEDICATION To LADY PALMER viii PROLOGUE ON EV IDENCE ’ KATHLEEN S RETURN ’ DAV ID DUGUID S PSYCHIC PICTURE ’ DAVID DUGUID S RETURN ’ SWAFEE R S FF ON MR. HANNEN GALLANT E ORT TO CONVERT LONDON ON THE EVIDENCE FROM PHOTOGRAPHY ’ LADY PALMER S PSYCHIC PHOTOGRAPH ON THE INCREDIB LE THE SUPERNORMAL IN HEALING : THE CASE OF SIR WALTER SHAKERLEY A WORD OF WARNING A TYPICAL EXPERIENCE ’ GOD S TELEGRAPH E PILOGUE DEDICATION TO LADY PALM ER ' Dear Lady Palmer, I dedicate this book to you . It contains the story Of the psychic p hotograph taken in the crypt Of the MemOria l Churc h at Domremy told in your own words . That photograph ought to settle the question as to the real ity of psych ic photography . With regard to the other experiences recorded in this book they are as the merest commonplaces for those who possess the deeper knowledge . Mean while , we must wait for the wiser day, a day in which all that is true in psych ic investigation and all that is true as regards the deeper spiritual l ife will b e more o e fully rec gnis d . Yours faithfully , O H N AM ON J L D . London , PR O L O G U E During the last three hundred years our con cep tions Of the outward material universe have been enormously enlarged . Man could form some idea of a world that could be circumnavigated , but when it was discovered that our Earth was merely on e Of s sun several other planet revolving round the , and that these planets were revolving at enormous distances from the sun h is mental energies were taxed to the utmost . When it was further discovered that our solar system was only one of mill ions of wa similar solar systems, and that the Milky Way s on e Of S probably only many imilar universes , then ' to man had accept an extremely humble position , and recognise that he was only as a mote in the of immensity God . But before these conceptions could be accepted there was a sustained Struggle on t he t he part of pioneers of astronomical science . Copernicus only ventured to publ ish his treatise when on C Of his deathbed . The first published opy that to ee treatise he was permitted s , and he left it as his . legacy to mankind . Galileo from all accounts had a sore enough time Of it . He wrote Kepler that he could not induce the professor of philosophy in his University to look through his telescope . That dreaded telescope revealed too much ! One hundred and twenty years of our Earth time had to pass before the In t ell igen t ia of Europe would accept the teach ing f o Gal ileo . It t h is always e same . Every new concep tion as a r regards Science, and cert inly eve y new concep tion P RO LO GU E a s regards spiritual facts , meet with opposition . T h e Christ who Challenged the orthodox teaching Of his age was nailed to a cross . The early Reformers died at the stake ! and they only sought to introduce into th e Church certai n modifications Of bel ief and i t h en t h at pract ce . It is no marvel the facts tabled by f e Spiritual ists should be. treated with indi ferenc or 1 8 neglect . Dr . Alfred Russel Wallace in 95 pub l i h ed Mira cl es an d M odern S iritualism s his book p , on e Of the ablest books written on the subject ! and in that book he maintains t h at the. facts Of Spiritual ism are as fully proved as any scientific fact could ever be . Dr . Russel . Wallace was a competent f judge of the value O scientific evidence . But if the facts were fully proven i n 1 895 h ow much more is this true t o- day when during the intervening period a mass of incontrovertible facts . has been accumu lated ! Many of t h e greatest minds in Europe are n now engaged upon these problems . It is un ecessary to mention the names Of the eminent men in our own land who have given their life- energy to establ ish n f the spiritualistic positio . And yet O ficial science t h e turns bl ind eye upon this subject . Even Lord ’ Kelvin declared in answer to Mr . Stead s enquiry that borderland subjects were due t o fraud or bad ! ’ r Obse vation , and at an earl ier period Sir David Brewster declared as regards these mysterious manifestations that Spirit was t h e last thing he “ i ! e would g ve in to Mr . James Douglas r cently in the columns Of Th e Daily E xpress made an appeal l It to the scientific world to deal With this question . is h to be hoped t at his appeal will receive attention . P ROLOGU E But if Offi cial Science has turned the blind eye on Spiritualism what is to be said as regards the attitude maintained by the Christian Church for th is is a subject that primarily concerns the Church ? That scientific evidence can be produced to prove that f f f there is a uture l i e and a uture world , and that a measure Of communication can be maintained between the two worlds is a fact that ought to be Of interest m n to every Christian a and woman . It is upon these central facts that the Christian faith has been built . The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ is regarded as the - key stone in the arch Of the Christian faith . Spiritualism alone can explain the Resurrection Of Jesus which otherwise would remain an isolated fact - in human experience . On this all important matter “ — I n w F . W . H . Myers truly wrote venture o upon a bold saying : for I predict that in consequence Of the new evidence , all reasonable men a century of hence will believe in the Resurrection Christ , Of whereas , in default the new evidence n o reasonable ! man , a century hence , would have bel ieved it . A n d as t o the essential teach ing Of Spiritual ism K C Sir Edward Marshall Hall , . who certainly could be credited with a keen legal mind , has written : I was , and am , convinced that there is an existence so- beyond called death , and that there are means Of ! u communication between them and s . In this book we have r ecorded some personal of n experiences psychic phenome a , and some ex p eri ences of trusted friends on whose statements we can . rely But however valuable such evidence may be , that evidence can never convey complete conviction to P ROLOG U E — the mind at least at this period of mental develop t ment . Future generations will accept these sta ements W e as readily as meanwhile _ accep t the statements ’ acce uch regarding Saturn s rings . We p t s statements si on Scientific authority . But the spiritualistic po tion is f . We as di ferent are, yet , merely as pioneers in a movement whose claims are so deep and far reach ing as to revolution ise th e conceptions hitherto held al ike as regards Rel igion , Science , Philosophy and Soci r ology .
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