Kincaidston Primary School Information Booklet for Parents and Carers August 2011 to June 2012 “Good communication between home and school is essential for the well-being of our children.” Dear Parent/Carer In Kincaidston Primary School, we are committed to providing the best possible educational experiences for our pupils in order to help each child achieve and reach his/her full potential. We are proud of our reputation for caring and place great importance on ensuring that our children are safe and happy. I firmly believe that by working together to build home/school relationships, which are based on understanding, mutual respect and trust, we will be well placed to meet our shared responsibility for educating your child(ren). This booklet has been prepared in order that parents, carers and pupils have information and advanced notice of some of the key arrangements for this session. Should you require any further information, please contact us at the school – we will be happy to help. Yours sincerely Sandy Hose Head Teacher SCHOOL CALENDAR 2011/2012 Teachers (In-service) Tues 16 Aug 2011 Teachers (In-service) Wed 17 Aug 2011 Pupils return Thurs 18 Aug 2011 local holiday Fri 16 Sept 2011 local holiday Mon 19 Sept 2011 Close Fri 14 Oct 2011 Teachers (In-service) Mon 24 Oct 2011 Re-open (Pupils) Tues 25 Oct 2011 Close (2.30pm) Fri 23 Dec 2011 Re-open Mon 9 Jan 2012 Close Thurs 9 Feb 2012 local holiday Fri 10 Feb 2012 Holiday Mon 13 Feb 2012 Teachers (In-service) Tues 14 Feb 2012 Re-open (pupils) Wed 15 Feb 2012 Close (2.30pm) Fri 30 Mar 2012 Re-open Mon 16 April 2012 May Day Mon 7 May 2012 Teachers (In-service) Fri 01 Jun 2012 local holiday Mon 04 Jun 2012 Local holiday (Queen‟s Tues 05 Jun 2012 Diamond Jubilee) Close (1.00pm) Wed 27 Jun 2012 The dates below are provisional Teachers (In-service) Thurs 16 Aug 2012 (provisional) Teachers (In-service) Fri 17 Aug 2012 (provisional) Pupils return Mon 20 Aug 2012 (provisional) IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR INTEREST Annual Sponsored Event 8 September 2011 (Nursery-P7) P7 – Dolphin House 12 – 15 Sept 2011 Infant Induction 10 May 2012 School Show (Oliver) 15 & 16 May 2012 (evening) P7 Visit to Belmont 11 & 12 June 2012 School Sports Day 13 June 2012 P7 Cluster Sports 15 June 2012 End of Term Service 27 June 2012 School Photographs 2 November 2011 Christmas Lunch 8 Dec 2011 P7 Christmas Lunch 9 Dec 2011 Christmas Fayre 8 Dec 2011 (evening) Christmas Parties 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Dec 2011 Christmas Closing Service 22 Dec 2011 (9.30am) Christmas Pantomime 23 Dec 2011 (am) Robin Hood (in school) REPORTING TO PARENTS AND PARENTS’ MEETINGS Parents Meetings have been arranged for session 2011/12 as follows:- Monday 14 November 2011 Evening Tuesday 15 November 2011 Daytime Monday 26 March 2012 Evening Tuesday 27 March 2012 Daytime Details of each meeting will be sent home in good time via schoolbags. WRITTEN PUPIL REPORTS will be issued to parents one week prior to the March Parents‟ meetings. SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL As previously advised the School Board and Parents‟ Association have joined to form a School Parent Council. Details of any future meetings will be sent out to you in due course. NEWSLETTERS A school newsletter will usually be published each term. As these are sent home with pupils, please check schoolbags and be on the lookout for the current issue. CARE AND WELFARE OF PUPILS Every member of the support staff and teaching staff in the school has responsibility for the welfare of pupils. The class teacher is the best first contact should a parent/carer wish to discuss their child‟s progress, behaviour or general well being. The management team of the school is always interested and willing to assist when required. As a health promoting school we are again this session focussing on Active Health promoting physical exercise and Healthy Eating. Please contribute by discouraging your child(ren) from bringing sugary snacks to school and instead bring fruit whenever possible. The school nurse is available should parents wish to discuss their child‟s health with her. We intend to promote exercise as fun by holding a number of fun events throughout the school year. CHILD PROTECTION CO-ORDINATOR Mr Hose, Head Teacher, is the co-ordinator for all Child Protection issues relating to children attending Kincaidston Primary School and Nursery Classes. Any person with a concern regarding the care and welfare of any child should contact Mr Hose without delay in order that any issue may be addressed timeously. MANAGEMENT TEAM Members of the Management Team have specific areas of responsibility. Miss Wagner, Nursery Teacher has specific responsibility for overseeing nursery classes. Mrs Currie, Depute Head Teacher has specific responsibility for overseeing Language – Nursery to P7 Nursery Class Mrs Jamieson, Principal Teacher has specific responsibility for overseeing Health and Wellbeing Programme Determined to Succeed Mr Hose, Head Teacher has overall responsibility for all pupils in the school. Management and overview of all school issues Pupil support (including behavioural issues) Child Protection issues If telephoning, parents should ask to speak to the Depute Head Teacher (Mrs Currie). In certain circumstances it may be necessary for parents/carers to discuss matters with the Head Teacher (Mr Hose) School contact No. 01292 266686 ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their child(ren) attend school regularly. Kincaidston Primary School operates a computerised registration system which holds information on pupils‟ absences and lateness. It is essential that Parents/carers contact the school by 9.15 am on each day of absence to advise of reason for absence If your child is absent and we have not heard from you by 9.15 am, the school will telephone the child‟s home so that the child‟s whereabouts and safety may be established. As a first step to progressing at school is regular attendance. I would urge any parent foreseeing a difficulty in this area to make early contact with the school. HEALTH AND SAFETY The wearing of earrings is likely to cause difficulties on „gym days‟. Please ensure that your child does not wear earrings on these days or alternatively, if removing the earrings causes a problem, then pupils may bring micropore tape to school and use this to cover over the earrings for the duration of the P.E. lesson. SCHOOL UNIFORM Kincaidston Primary School has a very attractive school uniform consisting of sweatshirt in the school‟s colours of turquoise and white. The sweatshirt should be worn with a white polo shirt. Girls are requested to wear a dark or grey skirt or trousers and boys should wear dark or grey trousers. The school will issue an order form for ordering sweatshirts/polo shirts, fleeces and waterproof jackets. If you require any further information on the school uniform please contact the school office. The school will make every effort to return lost property. However, if your child’s name is not marked clearly on their property, we may be unable to help you. The following categories of clothing are deemed unacceptable for school wear:- any item carrying advertising for alcohol/tobacco. any item encouraging factions (eg. Football colours.) any item causing offence (eg. Anti-religion, symbolism, sexist statements etc.) In Kincaidston Primary School we strongly discourage the wearing of denim clothing. PHYSICAL EDUCATION KIT Our children receive 2 hours of PE each week and for these sessions all children must bring the appropriate kit. This should be - White Top, Black/Grey Shorts, Gym Shoes HOMEWORK Homework is any school work that takes place outwith formal classroom teaching. What is Homework for? Allowing parents and carers to become familiar with work which is currently being taught in the classroom. Providing opportunities daily for school and home to communicate where necessary and to demonstrate to pupils the shared commitment home and school has to their learning. Practice and consolidation of work done in class. Allowing preparation for future class work. Developing skills for working independently. Training for pupils in planning and organising. Developing good work habits, self discipline and responsibility for own learning. Each stage from Nursery to P.7 brings with it different demands on different pupils. It is difficult to be exact as to how much time each child should spend on homework. Please note that we do not necessarily issue homework every night. PUPIL PLANNERS – Information for parents Reading with your child Always make reading to your child, and hearing him/her read ENJOYABLE. Choose a quiet place and a time that suits you both when neither of you is tired. Encourage your child to: Read with fluency Read with expression Break new words down into sounds that he/she know such as: st – o – p = stop ch – ar – m = charm Use other ways of reading unknown words, eg, look at pictures, recognise parts of a word, think what would make sense Predict what he/she thinks will happen next in a story Talk about the book when he/she has finished it, eg, who were the main characters, when and where did the story take place Use contents pages and index of a non-fiction book Read all kinds of reading materials, eg, magazines, newspapers, atlases and roadmaps, instructions for games and toys, recipes in cookery books, letters and advertisements. Please fill in the home-school reading record, and write your own comments such as “He really liked the book”, “She read with lots of expression”, “He tried hard but found some words very difficult”.
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