K5,. n~0~-D , . 1 _, 4,L3¢, 92..-1 6-2-61! Bev. ! 1 I _ M ¥ @5150. Belmont/_-_-- H» . _ »./ I a Mohr _.___- = ~ Callahan .__-_- C nrad Diconsn- "" can Evans _.£_._-- Jéisen va I , ii |:]Aii|-9-rum m Cub|egru i¬ 2/4 W an y_..__..__ URGENT 7-20-61 - &#39;ALUER T0 IRECTOR ""4Lf;§2J:;:LQ-pd 1555222; FROM LEGAT,MEXICOT 0. 0 660 }}ZL &#39; RELATI0Ns WEMBASSY, MEX!0ITY. As BUREAU AWAREIs b6 PRESIDE s BROTHER EDWARD M;KENNEDY PRESENTLYMAKING T0UR b7C RICA A CCOMPANIEDJOHN §g,DR. N7¥PLANK,|! BELA EETK0RNITzER, PARTYAT MExIc0 AND|E ARR§vAL AM§AssARw ;§:0§§$3 . 6:00 PMJULY 19LAST TOGETHERWITH MINISTER CALE AND5TW0@s_L%;m_mi§Q& OTHER EMBASSYOFFICERS. THISI DID AND 0NTALKING WWJHM3. Ié KENNEDYREQUESTED HE I ARRANGE THATGEWTGGETHER ALL EMBAS§Y OF <-. EMPL0YEEs FROMMAssA0HUsETTs. THISWAS ARRANGEDATE9=H5;mHIs% MORNINGMINUTEG INOFFICEMY MEETING ANDOFFICETHE KENNEDYIN EIGHT MR. INDIvIDUALs APPRDXIMATELYQIE FROMMAs§AcHUsETTs SPENT §§ AND PERs0NNEL OF THIs OFFICE. HE vIsITED N0 0THER sEOTION OF EMBASSY. HIS GRDUP Is MAKING sTUDY OF s00IAL AND EO0NOMIO CONDITIONS BUT REQUESTED N0 AssIsTAN0E FROM THIs OFFICE. DR. fLAN§_QMI§WPR0FESSOR FROMHARvARD UNIvERsITYTOLD MEKENNEDY Is&#39;TNTEREsTEDMEETING WTTHLEFTIsTs"IN T0 TALKWITH THEMAND§f DETERMINE WHY THEY THINK As THEY D0. PLANK STATED HE HIMSELF FEELS M0sT OF THESE LEFTISTS" ARE NOT GENUINELY ANTI-Us AND WHAT THEY sAY Is BASED MDRE 0N EM0TI0N THAN 0N IDE0L0GI0AL 00NvI0TI0N. DUE TO LIMITATIONs OF TIME PLANK DID NDT EXPAND ANY FURTHER0N THIs TOPIC. PARTYIs ALSOMEETING TONIGHTWITH j sP0KEsMENRIGHTIST, FOR ANTI,c0MMUNIsTGROUP KENNEDYPAg@§%M§,;; [:::::;;;;::::%]T0DAYMEETING WITH_E1m1uL4W;,NA1LgNAL_N;¥;g§;1Y,MExI00,QI115§R;f&#39;&#39; WHOMOFFICE THIS0NBUREAU ANDINFORMATION HAs INDICA I G 00MMUNIsT sYMPATHIEs. T0NIGHT PARTY Is HAYING DENNER AND DIs0UssI0NWITH GR0UP0F_mNELLECTUALs LEFTIST OF TINGE, V *1 &#39;9I5:/__,- /¬Li:;;%;J;¢£?MCT¬g§?%>/é%§Z:_S fé 92. xi L,/. ¬im$§2sP# 4. AV _&#39; Aggy:1WAX;ZA§;q~QgqTZfi 7? AU%%Q1961_xER;;92éZ?&#39;&#39;?&#39; _- j;J2¬/é4>4%*.W1z_5g?%F§h95|$§<§é%§: 92 the intelligencecontained inth&#39;e message above isto beaissem nated outside the Bureau,it is suggested thatzt be smtably paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau&#39;s cryptographicsystems. l92L " J k I .~ . ~ T T &#39; *&#39;. _ . 3 , G .. V *4 1 - 4 I * KI4-s aevi_ s-2-ant , &#39; &#39;Tolson __-- 0 i _ I Blimont ..__-- Mohr .___-,- Callahan _.__- Conrad ___.__- urconro corv &#39; " DeLoach __.._- Evans __._--- Malone _._._-- Rosen .__--- Sullivan ._.___._- Tavel __:.__ Trotter ¢ 92:1A§irg~rum Cublegrum Tele. Room_..__ Ingram ____..__ Gandy ii. PAGE 2 FROM MEXICO CITY N0. 660 APPROXIMATELY EIGHT MEXICANS TO BE PRESENT, EXACT IDENTITY OF AT THIS TIME. EMBASSY DISCOURAGED INVITATION mi , COLLABORATOR IN PUBLICATION OF ANTI-US, PRC- COMMUNIST MAGAZINE "POLITICA" AND WELL--KNOWN AS COMMUNIST b6 S M IN GROUP WHOARE EXPECTEDTO ATTEND ARE 31°79 ~ 9 ;<_:_921pw|>1:;rs sTRoneEoc. §3YMPgTH|zEB Q3.!~ eno PAR 1 ca FOR, .REPO¥§2_,,|_._EFTIST cos A RICA AFTERNOON||921T_r-;1i&#39;E"Ef§T&#39;tr7;"" auu 21 NEXT. |;,.""z<1s:|<1i921&#39;E:t>W7"&#39; .106 |:| Ib7C RECEIVED: 7-20-61 9:52 PM RN -GTF ~ /,92_/_,_,_;,I _-N:-17%/4 , Z/742 . , . I F , I 3RD CC--MR. LALLIER I I 1 k 5 ~¥ 3% :92 92 If the intelligencecontained in th&#39;e above messageis to be aisseminatedoutside theBureau, it is suggestedthat it be suitably L paraphrased in orderto protectthe Bureau&#39;scryptographic systems. 1. Fr , vOPTlONAl. <&#39; Al-fp FORM NO. to Q" M &#39; Be1mom_______ To1son_-Lr ~ " _V I UNITED STATES Govn _, w ENT y . . §§,,&#39;,,,,<,,, eh _--I 4. Memorandum / »i ad Malone 29¢ i Rosen l TO ; MR. A. R0 .,~;~_;w*="§ . we July 24, 1961 I, <§g%§;,"1__"1 §f¥&#39;W l&&#39;I&#39;rotter ___i 3* ? Tele. Room ._j- _;ROMMR. G. H. sCATTERDAY : .»h92,4 . AIngram__:-_ i T7 w . 3/$3&#39;3 ,4 SUBJECT! LATINAMERCM92I Mi. than 7 Yr TOUR" l 5 A /&#39;~ lg o A * By cablegram 7-20&#39;%ql/the Legal At,tache, Mexico City; advi &#39;1&#39; that &#39;the President Latin s brother America Edward accompanied M. Kennedy b Dr. had John arrive, N%&#39;1ank; in that ib"/Cbe _ maliing I _ a study of l; social Bela Kornitzer; andeconomic c a I1 ions an ~ reportedly .T e group departedis T Lfor Costa Rica on 7-+216l. They are reportedly interested in meeting : jthink with "leftists," as they do; to talk with&#39; rector them inquire and determine what. why they, ourfiles the contain"leftists," conc erning Plank, Korn,itzer&#39;~ an t/&#39; 3Dr No who information &#39; is contained a Harvard in University Bureaufiles; pifofesso-r jconcerni A - |;b6 _, 1 or . T,Ihe_latter two i -&#39; &#39; lsfa i _ . -WC, fomerWprofess_ionalboxer .» _ ersona - r Gene s o <Edwa13.d Tunney. Kennedy, and A is ifthegson A o_f i . ; No. inves=tiga.tion has been tcondueted by the Bureau concerning A B§ however, the follorwijng information is contained in Your » fi es. Kornitzer born 11-28.-&#39;10, at Szerencs, Hun ar entered the , United States in Novemher, 19462 as, an offic&#39;ia&#39;l of the Hungarian Gover ~ ment studyforof social thepurp.o.se and economic of, according conditions.» to his in own America. statements, Later, making 1&#39;11 L2§3F_hea A h_ec&#39;ame a naturalized citizen, A source has advised that Kornitzer ad been ayreportier and author in Hungary before World War II,92 Kornitzer has claimed in interviews with Bulreau Agents that during, the Nazi Q¢¢&#39;1Pa15&#39;i0I1 Oillungary, he assumed a falsje identity and took refuge on. !a at $111311 the endof faIm~11.¬?i&#39;%lI ~WorTd*92V921ar BL1<1apesjt.. II when Korngitzer the =Russ.ians has -further occupied advised Huiiigary, that he in helpelg-945 organize the Ministry92or Public Supply in~_the first cmoalition governi- ment of Hungary and served under Prime Minister Feriehe Nagy. This position was obtained through K_ornitzers_ friendship with 8 P&#39;1.0minent Hungarian military 1-eader. 5» » __ i _ Shortly after his arrival_ in the United States, according to Korn1 taer»,_headdressed a group .ofi.Hungarian Jews denouncing the &#39; COTI1U1U111S_tp;l&#39;1nf1LL¬I1C¬ in Hungary-. He/was subsequently notified he was n longer a government official. A,G;atho1ic priest who met Kornitzer 1. Mr. Belmont - Q 1 - Mr.92~l!eYl.o h. E819-5 A $ P" A1 - 1 »-Mr- Rosen l ~ - iv- 1 Mr. suliifran 9 °&#39; %5752"°" P 1 - Mr. Eva &#39;/ ;;eY»°$- » - Name Check Section w-ewe 49" w====~ / &#39;w==@ 798i~¢;@> V 2 gRR7{/J3?and , W E **HE_3H%§ M1__ A " A .1 VJ! 1&#39; &#39; 1 w I 92 __ . ,0, 6 L > ~ ~ I u Memorandum to Mr. Rosen RE-2 EDWARD KENNEDY shortlyhim, had stated his thatafter hearrival was advised not in that sympathy Kornitzer, with communismin conversation butpraised with the. conduct of Russian soldiers in Hungary. Kornitzer further gt reportedlyagpearedemto statedin two stop as .£roc,ommunis,tthat when;did note wanthe came appearpra92is_ingto thepapers 1:0Uniteda States butcommunist him, heasorhad. articlesrequested progagandistU Since his. arrival, Kornitzer has been in contact with many 0.-f t e leading political pversoiialiti_esI in the ;United States, including former P/residents Truman and, Eisenhower and has written variou_s.,b.ooks, including American Fathers and §ons:_ 952!,"The GreatAmerican Heritage, The Story of the Five Eis,e,n,how.e1 Brothers 955!; and The ligriendReal Nixonboth former-of a "biography President Q1960!. ,He~ Eis,en_h_ower hasclaimed and to former be Vicea personal President 1x0.n. A In connection with his writings, he has on numerous occas.ion_s attempted to meet the Director and tjo obtain material for his books. In _l947 he claimed to have met the Director; however, the Director . commented, ll never met him. He has: been most pe-r,s,i;s.ten;tin the past andpon one! .occ,_as.ion in#l95_1i_nt,imated to Inspector Wick that he might c_on_tac1: ,formerPresident Truman or if.0.1jmerAttorneyi General Mctirath in the hopes; they might convince the Director to see him. He continues to send the Di&#39;1fectorcopifes. of, all his works. and as recent as; September, article.l96 _!,arr a_&#39;;:,kn0w1ed%men12 Inl9,4-7 _&#39;o&#39;1?merwasAssistant wriitten,;co-ncerning DirectorMcGuireidescribed..KKr;itzer the receipt of an r as a smoo.1_:h-talking,&#39;fasto.per&#39;ating_, iZndividua=_I§,_,wh9:w<{LTi, trickay a e&#39;us~e .C011"t¬1 _3f1_3»lV1&#39;i3l:1»Director to his, the advantage in meeting;.o,i5hei:s.~..He» has been interviewed in various invest,i_gfations_§ conducted;b;9¢ the"Bureauand has always been cooperative. 00-344383--; .62-823,5,l!~ &#39; I92 RECONIMENDATIQN:For informatio 92/ ~&#39; ...2_ l FTA 4 , Q. A l X &#39;I &#39;9 &#39; uaowmng&#39; - REALIT; - ,. mmn&#39;j 92 " TN-1 FEDFl};T_| BuNT OFjus /1 92.¢ _ c0MmumcAT1oAUG 3N?9%TGmw@?/ 7&#39; 92 &#39;EE.E&#39;E§ _P_E i T13 &#39;;&#39; ?&#39; M.c , DJ "r. URGENT11&#39;19 PDSTS-3-61 MPD ANDitaMr. E 11$ Malonf / E15-E0B95 I To DIRECTOR,FBI ~ Nn.&mrAAD,Mr.lav T &#39; Mr.Trotter.- " Tele. Room...-¢1 000:0 CIAO 10090 ; Mr.Ingram...-- TELEPHONE,, AUGUSTNINETEEN CALLTHREE,SF.92§IIIIII SIXTYONE. F sAc,N4FRANCISCO sAN 11,3 92 ,AQ4@,;;m/5-T.
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