Now incorporating New Providence-Berkelef Heights Dispatch SiimniW * Herald ... Summit's only real newspaper VOLUME 100 NO. 36 April 12,1986 PrteetSS* Democrat declares candidacy for Ward I By PAIGE TUNSTALL Democrat to run was Pat Obst, In a statement declaring his result of the rent increase, accor- prospective county taxes up by 19 from the members," he said, SUMMIT-Local politics got a who drew 45 percent of the vote candidacy, Schneider said, "I am ding to Schneider. percent. "this weekend we're going to jolt this week as Democrat Philip in her bid for council. now a candidate for councilman For example, Schneider said, a Election strategy distribute voter registration Schneider declared his candidacy Schneider will face incumbent because 1 feel there are a number 90-year-old woman in his Eric Pearl, chairman of the forms to all the major apartment for Ward I of Common Council. Judy McLendon in next fall's of needs of individuals to be ad- building will face a 46 percent Municipal Democratic Commit- buildings," in the city, he added. A Democrat has not sat on the election. McLendon is currently dressed." rent hike April 30 when her cur- tee, gave a breakdown of local Schneider's campaign council since the early 1920s. serving her first term on council. "In particular," Schneider's rent lease expires--"But she's registered voters as 40 percent manager, John Elliot, said the Schneider is Both are running unopposed in statement says, "my civic in- feisty-she's a fighter," Schneider Republican, 40 percent indepen- campaign will use leafletting and the first Democrat to run for. their respective primaries this volvement began as a result of the said, "she's not going to give dent, and 20 percent Democratic. phone-banking as ways tp reach in." the voters. Elliot's experience in- council in four years. The last June. inability of the Summit Rent "1 think we have to get to the s Commission to realistically assist Schneider stressed that independent voters," Pearl said, cludes working on the 1976 the tenants of Summit." although his involvement began "those who like to make up their Carter Presidential campaign and with tenants' issues, it wouldn't own minds." a term as a member of the Ohio Schneider had filed a com- end there: "I'm not a one-issue "It's the swing voters who Democratic State Committee. New computer plaint with the commission on candidate," he said. make or break any election, and McLendon is in Europe until behalf of tenants in his building "1 will take a detailed look at they're the key factor here," Sunday and could not be reached at 390 Morris Avenue, where the the budgets," of school, city, and Pearl said. for comment. landlord has asked rent increases county, Schneider said. "I plan Schneider said he planned to may help keep tax of approximately 40 percent. to meet individually with each of use a new tenants' organization "Numerous tenants, many the (county) freeholders to get an he helped to form as a "spr- senior citizens of this community, understanding of what has hap- ingboard" for his campaign. Panel to explain assessments faced sudden hardship," as a pened," to push local taxpayers' "I've gotten a very good reaction process By PAIGE TUNSTALL tions, but it is an immense disad- of creating SUMMIT--The city is con- vantage in terms of determining sidering purchase of a new com- assessments, according to Coun- puter system to help keep its tax cilwoman Marjorie Brown. school budgets assessments up-to-date--and help "This program tackles the pro- avoid city revaluations costing as blem," of having a varied hous- SUMMIT — The Educational much as $250,000. ing stock, the council woman Forum will sponsor a panel Assessment values have tended discussion, followed by a ques- to lag behind market values in the said. "Also, it allows us to do a tion and answer period, on the city as real estate prices spiralled reassessment ourselves within a budget process at 8 pm, Wed., over the past few years. When a matter of weeks," instead of pay- April 30, in the cafeteria of the wide discrepancy exists between ing for an outside firm and hav- Junior High School, assessed values and market values ing the process take months, she Entitled "Quality Education on a citywide basis, the city runs said. vs. Budget: A Collision the risk of having to pay for a Both Del Guercio and Brown Course?", the forum will feature costly revaluation. estimated that an outside firm four panelists, discussing aspects will charge $40 for every property of quality education and budget Currently, all assessments are in the city when a revaluation is limitations. done by hand on the basis of pro- performed. Panelists include Dr. Richard perty record cards, making the Brown said the hardware for Fiander, school superintendent; process of reassessment arduous the system-IBM equipment- Harold Kessler, school business and complex-and making it dif- would cost about $10,000. Del administrator; Dr. William ficult to determine exactly when a Guercio said the software would Rosen, operations chairman, property should be reassessed. cost about $9,000, bringing the Board of Education; and Bernard Hundreds of taxpayers turned total cost to $19,000. Steinfelt, director, financial out last summer to protest the tax The system has been in opera- management . services, State •MOMor'* practice of reassessing tion in Bridgewater since last fall. Department of Education. homes when they came to his at- Also, Brown said, Chatham NEW DEPUtY COURT QERKtor Suifrt Cynthia HellrTget recites the ooth of office to Municipal Court Judge Edwin Art. Each panelist will give brief Township recently contracted lor Dotten, Jr. Holding the Bible is Court Clerk Patrick J. Fitzgerald, Sr. According to the court clerk, his new deputy "was tention through sale. Protesters selected from a number of excellent applicants." He said that they "decided on an in-house promotion based upon remarks before a question and contended the practice penalized the system. Miss Hellrigel's excellent performance ffi her previous position as Violations Clerk for Summit." Hellrigel has worked answer period with the audience. new homeowners. Once the system is in place, it is for the city since 1983. Moderator will be Kathy Cllngan New system kept current by feeding in infor- ofTV-36. A computer program that mation on each property that is could help keep assessed values sold, said Del Guercio. up-to-date was presented (o In the process of feeding that Common Council's Finance information in, he said, the Working parents are not Committee Wednesday by Ernest assessor and his staff will have Del Guercio, who developed the the ability to compare the sale program two years ago. value with various assessed values "The program is capable of of similar housing, different bane to children, psychologist says storing all the relative to informa- types of housing, and also with tion used in establishing assessed values in the same ByPAKJKTUNSTAI.L ing for each child to talk lo the stance, he said, "It's impossible "One of the things I don't hear assessments and real estate neighborhood. parents saying very often is, values," said Del Guercio, who is "If you find that one house SUMMIT-I or parents, the parent alone, protected fiorn lo sit down and give a rational ex- question is not whether to work distractions and competition— planation lo a two-year-old of 'What are the goals, what are the tax assessor in Mendham. sold for much more than its values that we think make for "The program allows for col- assessed value, you don't change or not to work--the question is and lo make sure those interludes why mommy has to go to work, how to form a happy family are scheduled for sometime after why daddy has to go to work, self-esteem?' " D'Urso said. lection and analysis of the data," the whole neighborhood on the "There are usually a lot of unar- said Del Guercio, "but then you basis of that-you reassess when around a work schedule, accor- the parent has had a chance lo why it is a good thing for them to ding to Anthony D'Urso. unwind. go to work." ticulated expectations...a tyranny have to make a judgement on the there's a trend," of discrepancy of shoulds," he continued. basis of that information on the between assessed and market D'Ursn, a psychologist at Mor- Allowing child to participate If a parent of a young child ristown Memorial Hospital's docs have to work, he said, "You 'Wired differently' quality of the house-that's where values, Del Guercio said. D'Urso estimated that women Characterizing psychology as a the art of the assessor conies in." "The danger of this system is Family Hnrichmcnt Program. now form 33 percent of the work have to explain it to them in the says children do not necessarily language of their world--for in- "soft science," or one that relies "The program facilitates the not that the computer will begin force, and thai the number of more on theories than facts, assessor's evaluation, but it can't to think like the assessor-it's that suffer long-term problems from women entering the work force is stance, say 'Yes, I have to go to growing up in a dual-income work, but we can have a good D'Urso declined to give any hard and doesn't and shouldn't the assessor will begin to think still on the increase.
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