■ \ ' i.. ~ ■ I .GE EIGHTEEN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1954 . /■ iHanrtifatpr lEv^hftts HrraUt c* ■ Am iite DaUy Net Pm a Rna The Loyal OUxle t€ Kings Far the Weak Kneed The Wegthet Ont St, 1964 Oauiditers wiU mest at the'Osnter b y Bank Promotiii^ reraerad of U. K WfiatlMr utTown ChupCli Monday evening at 7:45. Certified Board Surj^cal dresiings for the hospital Vartable ekmdtoeae tort eOtorw be folded. Members of the rs- Popular Servifc^ 11,558 Chairman Ed Serrell haa called wlae Hair, aet gafto aeioM toaighfi. a meeting of the Elke’ Pan-Cake freshment commltt^ sre Mrs. r ef the AnOt Feetival Tor tonight at the Laiflon Harold Belcher ancTvMrs. Emil , The Savinge Bank of Manches­ 6 / o n / at OIranMtfen Mghnr Kottke. ter is using modem retail mer. of thil committee are requea^ to chandlsing methods as it engages City of VUlago Clfarm attend ■ / ' Members of Lakota C oun^ No. in a special campaign thia month 61. Degree of Pocohontss, are to promote one of its sarvices call­ VOL. LXXiy, NO. S2 (TWELVE PAGES) Emanuel Brotherhood'Will meet quested to meet in front of ed the Savinga-Ihsurance Club. MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER «, 1954 (ClaaalfM AdverUahic an Page 19) PRICE nVE CENTS tonight at 7:S0 in Jjxttkr Hall. At W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 The Savings Bank, ia displaying a p.m. a debate wUt be baaed on Main 8t„ tonight St 7:30 to pay colorful banners, posters and pen­ t • : the aubject "ReaolWKl toat all Mi- respects to Pasqusls Vendrillo, nants in the lobby and is dis­ ■ theran bodies in America ahould whose son. Salvatore Vendrillo, tributing literature inriting cua- be United Into, oiie body." Men of and daughter, Mrs. Roland Wil­ tomers to "Ask About Our Ssv- Fire Graft Concordia Lutheran Church will be iams, are membbrs of the council. Ings-Insiirance Club." The bank is guests. ^ participktlng with numerous other » - mutual savings banks that offer The Manchester Messiah Chor^ Savings Bank Life Insuriuice in a Probed in Mary " B. C h e n e y Auxiliary' will have its first rehearsal and UBWV, No. 13, win hold iU statewide promotion of the Sav- registration for hetv and old mem­ Ihgs-Insuranee Club.. monthly business meeting Monday bers at 7:30 p.m. Monday in Lu­ Ot 3 p.m. in the SUte Armory. The Savings-Insurance Club Is | 0 n G^lastonbury Field New ther Hall, Emanuel . Lutheran a systematic sarings plan through Cliurch. Members are urged to be which Is provided k sarings ac­ Flair prompt and to bring music. For count and a life insurance policy. I New York, Nov. $ (flP) further information please call Savers make weekly or monthly | P^ottofi of the city’s fire, po­ Mrs. William Steiner, membership deposits in the club account from j ’ Looking TowuriJ W uhington secretary, 813 Center St. One of Five lice and housing depeitmenta ^ ic h the premiums for the Ufa I Jhe fashion in coats is luxury were under way togay. Graft EMERGENCY FabtsD-Bschrach Photo. instance policy are. automatically j to Be Built Here Epworth Leaguers and their Dr. Robert V. McCormick paid 'ks they fall due. Thus, the i fobrics . so soft, so light, so * chaiyea. against three Brook­ OIL lU lm ER friends Will bowl tomorrow night lyn fire battalion chiefs ex­ Dr. Robert V. McCormick of ' saver nV^^only t>uilds a fund In his I KiUed,Paot SERVICE at Manchester Bov^-ling Green on savings aeqbunt. but also has the ■ warm . so right wherever you panded into the Ptdlce Dept, Center Street. The group n-lll meet Madison,. N. J., hss been certified | protection of^llfe Insurance for his I first at the South Methodist \ yeaterday, with ’Police Com-. Out of Russia by Request by the American Board of Internal family In what.ia termed s pack Dixon Pact CALL Church at 7 p.m. before leaving for age of security. go. In Hospital Hiisaioner Francis W. H- 1 Air Defense Medicine. the bowling alleys. Adams denouncing “ traitort” A graduate of Harvard Medical M I-9 -4 5 4 8 School, he aerved both hia intern­ under hia command. Members of the Britiah-Ameri- Glastonbury, Nov. 6 (/ F h - Supporters ship and his resideacy at the School Observes A lavishly appointed plane Adama. at premoUpn earemonto* Of Area Set W HJJAMS ^ can Club vriU meet at the, club­ Rooaevelt Hospital in New York for 16 eftlceni, told bkh-s thaaAOO \ frequently ua^ by John Fox, of t o hlffa-raaldag aubordiaatee: OIL SERVICE house at 7:30 this evening andpro^' City. He ia a member of the staff Education Week *39 ceed to the Holmes Funeral Home of Morristown, N. J. Hospital and Boston newspaper publisher ‘‘rn miace ao words . W* have F o r B oost to pay their respects to Mrs. an a,:«ociate m en ^r of the Amer­ and financier, crashed in traitors, men and women, Whohave Thomas Ford u’ho died - s\iddenly ican College of Phyalclans. In observance of American Edu­ flames in an alfalfa field here aot hesitated to sell, ua but for a yesterday, and whose two sons are , , 5, ' J , ; few [dollars. They have' aot only Wfiahington, Nov, 6 (JP)— Manchester has been ear­ Dr. McCormick ia the son of Mrs. cation Week, the Howell Cheney $ 6 9 9 5 last night, killing the co-pilot. members of the club. Rachel and the late William Mc­ Technical School ia pleased to an­ .4 - degraded themsel\'M,hut have at­ More top government of­ marked for one of six NIKE nounce open houseon Monday, Found dead beside the aircraft tempted te destroy 4 ia all through Cormick of 226 Center St.v ~ which was owned by the Boston ficials were called today to guided missile installfitions The Women's Auxiliary of SC Nov. 8. Visiting hours will be (Not exactly as Illustrated) their conduct. testify in support of the con­ Mary's Episcopal Church will meet from 10 to 12 a.m. and from 1 to Foet waa 'Whitney Welcfi, Who "It will not go on if I have to to be constructed in the in the parish house Monday at 7:30 Miss Margaret Rogers, 1163 E. 3 p.m. , sided Pilot J. Kenneth MacKenzie amaseulaU t t o aatira depiart- troversial Dixon-Yates plan Greater Hartford area with­ p.m. The program will consist of Middle'Tpke., a member of the The staff and students cordially in ptloUiig the twln-engliM Lock- meat.” ’ , to feed private power into 'peed. MacKenzie also was thrown in the next year to “provide a Sim, "India, My Country.'' After College Theater of the Teacheha extend an invitation to all parents Ih other, develapnmnU yeater­ the lines of the Tennessee the area with a far greater the meeting refreshments wilt be College of Connecticut at NewN and friends to visit and view the dear of the plane and waa taken day, Houatog Commissioner ner- Britain. ^ l ly operation of the school. The .to a Hartford Hospital with'severe aard J. Ollroy said aii toqulcy was Valley Authority (TVA). degree of air defense than served by Mrs. William Brgnnan Select Your Hr- • Rep. Col* (R-NY), chairman of and her committee. snops and the related classes will -hurna and criticu head Injuries iiBder way "to aee If any of our would be possible with the The . 16th annual New England opiate In the usual scheduled ' Three Uninjured people were lavolved’’ . to graft- the Senate-House Atomic Energy Three other paszengera who said oommittee, pushed the group's more limited rimges and [otE N TONIGHT FRIDAY The Rev. Phil Shuler, noted Natureopathic convention, under manner. takutf charged againai'th* three UNTIL 8:30 P..M. the auspices of the Connecticut The\shops will have on display Personal they hsd "hitched” a ride for Bos­ study of the proposed contract characteristics of' conven­ evangelist, will take for his topic ton at New 'York's LaGuerdta ll^mea. ' with an unusual Saturday session. this evening at 7:30 at'the Oove- Society of Natureopathic Physi­ varying\student work. Clasarooma Detalla Imrirtag tional anti-aircraft artillery OPEN ALL DAY cians, will convene tomorrow at will dtspiav projects and materials "Field escaped with bruises and Recalled for additional testi­ weapons. nant-Congregationai Church, 43 severe shaking up. They were iden­ Newepapkrs reposed today that mony in ths third day of public SATURDAY Spruce St., ‘‘The Unbeatable the Hotel Statler In Hartford. Dr. as completed in the claaaes. Stu­ Christmas Cards tha Health sad Air Pollution Con­ WhUs toe area in which tha in- dent guides will be on hand to aid tified as: hcaitoga ware Chairman Lewis L atallatioh will be constructed haa 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. .Game." He appears, under the John V. Oregan of thia town Matthew C. Abbott. 36, of 16 trol Depts. were under scruttoy, Strauss of ths Atomic Energy auspices of the Central Conn. introduce some of the speakers at any visitor. not as yet been pinpointed by the Open house iAU>e‘past has beent Ames St., Oreenwood, Mess., and but details- and eUioial oomment Commission I ABC I and K. D. Evangelistic Aksn. and will speak the two day convention. Robert W. Mudge, 34, of 20 Morel were lacking. Nichols, ABCs general manager. U/S. Army, the general area under I Come at the time most con­ again Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and held during ,the\ evening hours From O n e conaideratlon is between Keeney venient for you . Use our only.
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