PART II-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES GOA, DAMAN & DIU S. K. GANDHE of the Indian Economic Service Director of Census Operations GOA, DAMAN & DIU AND DADRA &- NAGAR HAVE~I 4,0' 72 S6 GOA DAMAN & DIU ... ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS .. , 1971 , 2G-z -26 4 2 o 4 & MILES ...'" ... KILOMETRES 4 2 a 8 12 "" STATE BOUNDARY_. _. _._ .. Ii .. 9 1 TAlUK 700, 5;( CAPITAL OF UNION lERRITORY DISTAIC T HEJ.OQu.o.R1ERS lAlUK,>. "EAOQuARIERii *•o ~ - lJ!5)~!IAN SCALE} . ) .., ...I \. .. _. 81CHOLIM" @ .....- . ./ •f (. - .. , I ~O r • ..J .1 o ~; - SCALE;- I ~ 20.000 g' • 45 14 07 , , ""'0' EAST OF GREENWICH I , 14- 20 UPON SURVEY OF INDIA MAP wITH HE PERMISSION Of THE' 5URVEYOKGENERAl OF INDIA THE TERRITORIAL Io'ATEIlS OF INDJA EXTEND INTO THE SEA TO A DISTANCE OF TWELVE NAUTICAL !MILkS MEASURED FROM, THE APPROPRIATE BASE LINE. 1971 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU (All the Census Publications of this Union Te~ritoiY will bear Series No. 78) Central Government Publications Part I . • • • • . (1) Part I-A CelSlJ.s General Report (2) Part I-B (3) Part I-C (Subsidiary 'Fables) Part II (4) Part I1-A-Gencral Population Tables Oensus Tables on Population rPart H-B-Economic Tables (5)~ part H-C-Social and Cultural Tables lPart II-D-Migral ion Tables Part III Establishments Report and Tables {part Ill-Report and Tables Part IV • • • • • • • (6H 1 Part IV-Report and Tables Housing Report and Tables • • l Part VI-B (7) Special Survey Report on Panaji To wn Part VI-C (8) Survey Report on village Pale, Taluka Sat ari Dis.trict Goa. Part VIII . (9) Pari VIII-A-AdminiSl.ration Report-Enumera­ Administration Report tion (Not for sale). (For OffioiaIl1s.e only) • (I 0) Part VIII-B-Adminisl~.ation Report-Tabula­ tion. (Not for sale). Part IX • (I1) Census ALIas of Goa, Daman and Diu Oensus Atlas Miscellaneous • (12) A Portrait of Population (Popular version of the Census Report). (13) A Special Survey of Fairs and Festivals of Goa District. Publications of the Gltvernment of Goa, Daman and Diu Part X ,Parl-A : Town and Village Directory of the District s of Goa, Daman and Diu (1) ~ Part--B Village and Town-wise Primary District Census Hundbook Census Abstract of!he Distric1s­ l of Goa, Daman and Diu. (2) Parl---C Analytical Re-porl and Administra­ tion Sf atemenl s and District Census Tables of the Districl s of Goa, Daman and Diu. Note.-(i) Part V{Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and ScheduledTribes) is not published for Goa, Daman and Diu as a separate publication. (ii) Part VI-A (Town Directory) is not pllblished as a separale publication for Goa, Daman and Diu. The da1 a are included'in the District Census Hand book of Goa, Daman and Diu. (Part A.) (iii) Part VII (Speoial Report on Graduates and Technical Personnel) is a publica I ion of the Office of the Registrar General, Indial New Oelhi on an all-India basis, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is a known fact that successful completion of a popUlation census in India largely depends upon the willing cooperation of thousands of workers who do not belong to the Census Organisation. The 1971·Census could not also be an exception to this; in fact it was particularly so this time in view of the fact that many of these persons had also to work for the mid-term elections to the Lok Sabha which just preceded the Census Operations. I must express my sincere gratitude to the sixteen hundred and odd persons who worked as Enumera- .ors, Supervisors and Assistant Charge Superintendents at the various operational levels for the 1971-Census in this Territory. I am also thankful to the Collectors of Goa and Daman, and the Civil Administrator of Diu, for their help and cooperation throughout the entire period of the 1971 -Census Operations. My thanks are due to the Mamlatdars of all the talukas of Goa and Diu districts, the Block Development Officers of Tiswadi, Bardez, Salcete and Daman Blocks, and the Secretaries of the Municipal Councils of Panaji, Mapusa and Margao, who worked as Charge Superintendents for the 1971 Census and acquitted themselves very creditably in that capacity. I feel obliged to Shri K.N. Srivastava, I.A.S., ex-Chief Secretary to the Government of Goa, Daman & Diu, and to Shri T. Kipgen, LA.S., the then Development Commissioner Government of Goa, Daman & Diu (and at present Chief Secretary), both of whom took keen interest in the census work right from its start early in 1969. Many an operational problem was resolved without much difficulty with their guidance and timely help. I am greatly indebted to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, 1. A. S., Registrar General, India, New Delhi, who provided very valuable guidance from time to time in practically all the aspects of the Census. Shri K. D. Ballal, 1. A. S., Dy. Registrar General, India, New Delhi (Census) and Dr. Roy Burman, Dy. Registrar General, India (Social Studies) New Delhi, were extremely helpful in the administrative as well as field matters. Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Assistant Registrar General (C&T) New Delhi, greatly helped us by checking the accuracy of the 1971 Census tables incorporated in this volume. I am grateful to them all. While all the members of my staff contributed their mite to this work, I would in particu· lar make a mention of the following officials for their hard work: 1. Shri N. Y. Gore, Asstt. Director of Census Operations. 2. Shri D. P. Naik, Asstt. Director of Census Operations. 3. Shri S. :e. Desai, Tabulation officer. 4. Shri D. V. Nagappanavar, Statistical Assistant. Kum. Florinda Fernandes Jr.Stenographer of my office had to type out the drafts as well as the final copies of the report. She has done a nice job of the work entrusted to her. Panaji, S. K. Gandhe of the Indian Economic Service April, 27, 1973. Director of Census Operations Goa, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (iii) CONTENTS PAGES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii INTRODUCTION 1-7 A-I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATIONj 9-32 Fly-leaf. - 10 Union Table A-I-Area, Houses and Population 25 State Table A-I-Area, Houses and Population 26 Appendix I to Table A-I-SlatemenL showing 1960 Territorial units cons1j,uling Lhe present set up of Goa, Daman & Diu 28 Sub-App::ndix to App::ndix 1-Si_a1ement showing the areas for 1960 and 1971 for those towns which have undergone changes in areas since 1960 Census showing the population of 1960 and 1971 Census es for the transferred area 29 Appendix II to Table A-I-Number of villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 . 31 Appendix III to Table A-I-Houseless and Inslitutional Population 32 A-lT-DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION SINCE 1900 . 33-43 Fly -leaf 34 Table A-II-Decadal Variation In Population since 1900. 39 Special State Table A-II-Decadal Variation in Population since 1900 40 Appendix to Table A-II-Union Territory and Districts showing 1960 populalion accord­ ing to their territorial jurisdiction in 1960, changes in area and the population of 1960 adjusted to jurisdiction of 1971 43 A-Ill-VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION . 45-54 Fly-leaf 46 Union Table A-III-~illages classified by Population 50 State Table A-II 1-Villages classified by Population . 52 Appendix to Table A-Ill-Villages classified into four broad size groups of population- 54 Special Appendix to Table A-Ill-Villages classified Into four broad size group5 of popUlation by Union TerritoryfDistrictfTaluka. .. .... 54 A-IV-TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION IN 1971 WITH VARIATION SINCE 1950 55--63 Fly-leaf. 56 Table A-IV-Towns and Urban Agglomerations classified by Populaiion in 1971 with Variation since 1950 61 Appendix II to Ta~le A-IV-Changes in area and population of towns between 1960 and 1971 and reason for change III area. .. ....• 63 (v) (vi) PAGES A-V-STANDARD URBAN AREAS 65-71 Fly-leaf . 66 Table A-V-Standard Urban Areas. 70 Primary Census Abstract 73-97 Fly-leaf . 75 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 88 ANNEXURES: ANNEXURE 1- Instructions to Enumerators for filling up the Houselis:. and ESI ablishment Schedule 101 ANNEXURE II- Houselis( Abstract ~nd Insiruc(ions thereof 113 ANNEXURE III- Abridged Houselist 115 ANNEXURE IV-Instructions to Enumerators for filling up the Individual slip 116 ANNEXURE V- Degree Holders and Technical Personnel Card 141 MAPS Map of Goa, Daman & Diu sho'h-ing Administrative Units Fronl. ispiece A Map of Enumerator's block 4 I Standard Urban Area cf Margao I Between I Standard Urban Area of Mormugao I Pages Standnrd Urban Area of Panaji J 66 and 67 INTRODUCTION The ] 971 Population Census of India happens 5. The 1971 Census da.ta has been presented to be the eleventh decennial Census taken in the in this volume in 17 units i.e. one each for the country. In case of Goa, Daman & Diu which was. Union Territory, the three districts and the thirteen under the Portuguese rule till 1961 and thus had talukas. The following order of presenta.tion based a different type of administration, the tradition of on the Location Code Numbers of the districts and taking a population count also dates back to as of the talukas within the district, has been unifor­ early as 1850 when the then Portuguese Govern­ mally adopted in this report :- ment made a first organised attempt to hold a popUlation count. Regular decennial censuses (I) Goa, Daman & Diu were however carried out since 1900 by the for­ (II) Goa District mer regime.
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