SCRUTINY BOARD (CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE) 17TH NOVEMBER 2005 PRESENT: Councillor Bale in the Chair Councillors Brett, Ewens, R D Feldman, Kendall, Murray, Renshaw and Selby CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Mr E A Britten – Church Representative (Catholic) (VOTING) Prof PHJH Gosden – Church Representative (Church of England) Mr R Greaves – Parent Governor Representative (Secondary) Mrs S Knights – Parent Governor Representative (Primary) Mr C Macpherson – Parent Governor Representative (Special) CO-OPTED MEMBERS: Ms C Foote – Teacher Representative (NON-VOTING) Mr P Gathercole – NCH Representative Ms G Cooper – Youth Work Partnership Representative 70 Chair’s Opening Remarks The Chair welcomed members and officers to the meeting, in particular Georgia Cooper, Paul Gathercole and Robert Greaves who were attending their first meeting of the Scrutiny Board. 71 Late Items In accordance with his powers under Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair admitted to the agenda a late item of urgent business in the form of a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development dealing with a draft framework for monitoring support to Looked After Children (children in public care) which had not been available at the time of agenda despatch (Agenda Item 11, Minute No 79 refers). 72 Declarations of Interest The following members made the following declarations of personal interest: Councillor Selby – Agenda Item 9 (Director of Leeds East Homes ALMO) and Agenda Item 10 (Governor of Grange Farm Primary School) Councillor Murray – Agenda Item 9 (Director of Leeds South East Homes ALMO) and Agenda Item 11 (his wife is a Reviewing Officer for Social Services) Councillor Feldman - Agenda Item 9 (Director of Leeds NE Homes ALMO) Councillor Renshaw – Agenda Item 11 (personal contact with Social Services) Draft Minutes – For approval at the meeting to be held on 15th December 2005 Councillor Ewens – Agenda Item 10 (Governor of Leeds NW SILC (Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre) and City of Leeds School) and Agenda Item 9 (Director of Leeds NW Homes ALMO) Professor Gosden – Member of School Organisation Committee Mrs Knights – Agenda Item 10 (Governor of Leeds NW SILC) Mr Macpherson – Agenda Item 10 (Parent of child with a statement in a mainstream school in the NW SILC area) Councillor Bale – Agenda Item 10 (Governor of Guiseley High School and Westfield Infant School) Mr Gathercole – Agenda Item 11 (Employee of NCH which provides services to looked after children) Councillor Kendall – Agenda Item 10 (Governor of Roundhay School) The following member made the following declaration of personal and prejudicial interest: Councillor Brett – Agenda Item 9 (Lead Member, Neighbourhoods and Housing) The Clerk reminded Members that generally it was not necessary to declare a personal interest in respect of school governorships, unless there was a specific item on the agenda relating to a school at which they were a Governor. 73 Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence from the meeting were submitted on behalf of Councillor Mulherin, Mr T Hales and Mrs S Hutchinson. 74 Minutes – 3rd, 6th and 20th October 2005 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meetings held on 3rd, 6th and 20th October 2005 be confirmed as a correct record. 75 Minutes – Overview and Scrutiny Committee, 3rd October 2005 RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 3rd October 2005 be received and noted. 76 Members’ Questions The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report outlining the provisions contained in the Scrutiny Board Procedure Rules for Members to ask questions at each ordinary Scrutiny Board meeting of the Chair (or their nominee) of the corresponding officer Corporate Priority Board which matched the Board’s portfolio. In this case, the relevant officers were the Directors of Draft Minutes – For approval at the meeting to be held on 15th December 2005 Social Services and Learning and Leisure. The Director of Education Leeds (or his nominee) had also agreed to make himself available to respond to Members’ questions under this item. Attached to the report were copies of a relevant extract from the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions for the period 1st November 2005 to 28th February 2006, together with the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Board held on 21st October 2005. Rosemary Archer, Director of Social Services, and David Dickinson, Deputy Chief Executive, Education Leeds, attended the meeting and responded to the following pre-notified questions:- (a) What support is available to children who act as carers for disabled parents? The officers outlined the extensive assistance and support available via the Willow Young Carers Service provided on behalf of the Council by Barnardo’s on a contract basis, not only to young carers but to other children within families affected by this issue, and regarding the links to schools and the health service in this regard. The Director of Social Services undertook to circulate to Members a copy of the Annual Report of the service. RESOLVED – That the report be noted (b) Please can Education Leeds provide an update from their perspective on admissions to the Academy, both generally and particularly for Year 7 in September 2006? David Dickinson reported that the Academy had a Year 7 published admission limit of 180 pupils. It administered its own admission arrangements in accordance with the national Code of Practice, which did allow for up to 10% of pupils to be admitted on the basis of aptitude. Education Leeds was working closely with the Academy. Demand was likely to exceed the number of places available, but the Academy had to be viewed in the context of the wider School Improvement agenda, aimed at providing good, inclusive local schools for all pupils. Reference was also made to the new-build school proposed for the Primrose High site. Parents of pupils not granted a place at the Academy could appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel, as with any other school. Mr Dickinson also responded to questions relating to the situation whereby some current Year 8 students at Agnes Stewart and Braimwood would have to be found alternative schools due to over-crowding issues. He also undertook to supply Members with a copy of the Academy’s Admissions Policy. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. (c) Please can the Board have an initial reaction to the Schools White Paper? Draft Minutes – For approval at the meeting to be held on 15th December 2005 Chris Edwards, Chief Executive, Education Leeds, joined the meeting at 9.58 am and responded to this question. A lot of the proposals in the White Paper had already been trailed in the media. The thrust of the White Paper seemed to perhaps reflect a certain frustration on the part of the Government that the resources and initiatives aimed at education since 1997 were not yet reflected in terms of the hoped for improved outcomes for children. It also seemed to reflect a ‘market forces’ concept of education provision, with the local education authority as commissioner of services rather than provider, and this was reflected in the idea of Self-Governing Trusts for schools. The concern was that this approach would not actually succeed in delivering the hoped for improvements for disadvantaged pupils. Furthermore, the White Paper did not address the real concerns about mental health, stress and depression among young people and was also light on parental responsibilities as opposed to rights. The White Paper also trailed the demise of School Organisation Committees, a system which had worked well in Leeds. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. (d) What is the current and likely future impact on children of asylum seekers under Section 9 of the Immigration Act, the implementation of which is being piloted in Leeds? Does the authority believe that implementation of this act conflicts with the requirements of the Children Act? The officers outlined the pilot scheme being operated in Leeds in close collaboration and consultation with the Government and the National Asylum Support Service to tackle the Human Rights aspects of the inherent conflict between Immigration and Children Act legislation. Approximately 18 of the 40 families potentially affected across West Yorkshire as a whole lived in the Leeds area. However Social Services did not anticipate final steps being planned in any cases imminently. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. 77 Scrutiny Inquiry – The Impact of Housing Conditions on the Welfare of Children and Young People Further to Minute No 34, 8th September 2005, the Board received further evidence and witnesses in connection with its Inquiry into the impact of housing conditions on the welfare of children and young people The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report detailing the agreed Terms of Reference for the Inquiry and the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report outlining the work being undertaken by his Department and the Council in general to increase the supply of family accommodation and the provision of affordable housing across the City. Neil Evans, Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing, Simeon Perry, Megan Godsell and Ernie Gray, Neighbourhoods and Housing Department, Jane Draft Minutes – For approval at the meeting to be held on 15th December 2005 Hall, Education Leeds and Andrea Richardson and Mo Parks, Early Years Service, attended the meeting and responded to Members’ queries and comments. In brief summary the main areas of discussion were:- • The problem of under-occupation
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