Olivet Nazarene University Digital Commons @ Olivet Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today Church of the Nazarene 4-15-1981 Herald of Holiness Volume 70 Number 08 (1981) W. E. McCumber (Editor) Nazarene Publishing House Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Practical Theology Commons Recommended Citation McCumber, W. E. (Editor), "Herald of Holiness Volume 70 Number 08 (1981)" (1981). Herald of Holiness/ Holiness Today. 303. https://digitalcommons.olivet.edu/cotn_hoh/303 This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Church of the Nazarene at Digital Commons @ Olivet. It has been accepted for inclusion in Herald of Holiness/Holiness Today by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Olivet. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HERALD l ! h . y u m m 7*CHHUURRCCHH..OOFFT THHEE NANAZZAARRENENEE // AAPPRRIILL 1155,,11981s98 X > . * * AN EDITORIAL T’S NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE for the feet of those who bring good another man, but a man of God. I us to even imagine a world news.” owe him my best attention. He de­ without preachers. Not only those By the authority of the Scrip­ serves my respect. I shall give I heed to the truth he reveals to me. “in the church” but those “out­ tures, then, the preacher is as­ side” find their lives intertwined sured his special place within Through him I have learned to call with and dependent upon the ecclesiastical framework. How fit­ on the One in whom I have be­ clergy. Weddings, funerals, hap­ ting it is that in the Church of the lieved. Through his ministry I find py times, and sad occasions all Nazarene we have designated this the words which bring salvation to very frequently occasion the pres­ year to be the year of the minister. my soul. How beautiful indeed are ence of a minister. My minister (and yours) stands the feet of those who bring good The preaching ministry is God’s before me with the expressed news. I thank God for my minister, special design for saving those confidence of his church to pro­ and today give him my respect for who believe. The process of vali­ claim “the Word.” He is not just his authority over my soul. □ dating the plan has been clearly delineated by Paul in the 10th chapter of Romans, especially in verses 14-15: “ How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they THOSE WHO BRING believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone GOOD NEWS preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’” (Romans 10:14-15, NIV). In the first place, no one can call upon someone in whom they have not believed. Secondly, one cannot even believe without first having heard. Thirdly, there’s no way to even hear unless someone preaches to them. Finally, no one can preach unless the preacher has been sent. Then comes the exclamation, “How beautiful are by General Superintendent Jerald D. Johnson 2 HERALD OF HOLINESS Two Borrowed Tombs y a s t r a n g e by ROSS W. HAYSLIP TWIST of history Lord Nelson, the great he­ ment, the empty tomb re­ Bro of England, lies in a mained in the decaying tomb that was prepared chapel for 150 years or so. for another person’s burial. When Nelson’s body was Cardinal Wolsey at the brought home for burial in height of his power was the St. Paul’s, the problem Cardinal Legate, Arch­ arose of finding a place of bishop of York and Canon burial suitable for a man of Windsor. It was at as great as Nelson. The W indsor in the small chap­ Dean of St. Paul’s suggest­ el of Henry III, where many ed that the tomb prepared of the kings of England Joseph took the body, wrapped it for Wolsey be used for Lord were buried, that he built Nelson. Today the body of his own sepulchre— “ an in a clean linen cloth, and placed Lord Nelson lies in this enormous marble sarcoph­ it in his own tomb that he had cut elaborate burial place. agus surrounded by rail­ Like many wealthy men out of the rock. M atthew 27:59. NIV ings, candlestickes and with orderly minds, Joseph angels, all cast in bronze.” of Arimathea had made When Wolsey died on his way to stand trial for high preparations for his burial in a dignified manner in a treason, Henry VIII seized all his wealth and property newly made fine tomb. Now after the event of Cal­ and ordered the sepulchre at Windsor to be prepared vary his own burial mattered nothing to him in com­ for his own burial. When Henry himself died some parison with the need for a resting place for the 17 years later, he left a will directing that his body Lord’s body. Joseph and Nicodemus prepared the should be buried by that of this third wife, Jane Sey­ body of Jesus for burial as best they could. It was late mour, in St. George’s Chapel. Thus it was that Wol- in the day and they could not perform the Eastern sey’s tomb was left without an occupant and the ritual of embalming the body. They must wait until surrounding small chapel was locked up and allowed the morrow of the Sabbath had passed and the third to fall into partial decay. It was said that Charles I day had come. But they did what they could, washing had intended to repair Wolsey’s tomb for his own the beloved body, wrapping it in a winding sheet burial but instead he was buried in the same vault as with a napkin around the head. They rolled a rock, Henry VIII. sealing in the opening and making the tomb safe. Stripped of its bronze angels and candlesticks dur­ The tomb in the garden is now empty. The one ing the years of Cromwell’s Commonwealth govern- stone was rolled away and the body that had occupied the tomb is no longer there. The empty, borrowed ROSS W. HAYSLIP is the pastor of the First Church of tomb testifies that “Death is swallowed up in vic­ the Nazarene in Tucson, Arizona. tory.” □ APRIL 15, 1981 HERALD Bible Quotations in this issue: M3HOLIMESS Unidentified quotations are from the KJV Quotations from the following translations are used by permission: ML ML W. E. M cCUMBER, Editor in Chief (RSV) From the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyrighted 1946, 1952. © IVAN A. BEALS, Office Editor 1971, 1973. MABEL ADAMSON, Editorial Assistant (NEB) From the New English Bible. © The Delegates of the Oxford University Press and The Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, 1961. 1970. (NASB) From the New American Standard Bible. © The Lockman Foundation. 1960. Pnnf rih, if inn I V. H. LEWIS • ORVILLE W . JENKINS uonLriDuting £ HARLEg H STRICKLAND • EUGENE L. STOWE 1962, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973. 1975. ta ito rs . | W |i_L|A [\/i M GREATHOUSE • JERALD D. JOHNSON (NIV) From The Holy Bible. New International Version, copyright © 1978. by New York International Bible Society. General Superintendents, Church of the Nazarene HERALD OF HOLINESS (USPS 241-440) is published semi-monthly by the NAZARENE PUB­ LISHING HOUSE, 2923 TR00ST AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO 64109. Editorial Office at 6401 The Paseo, Kansas City, M0 64131. Address all correspondence concerning subscriptions to Naza­ Cover Photo: by H. A rm strong Roberts rene Publishing House. P.O. Box 527, Kansas City. M0 64141. Copyright 1981 by Nazarene Publishing House CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send us your new address, including ZIP code, as well Volume 70, Number 8 April 15, 1981 Whole Number 3324 as your old address, and enclose a label from a recent copy SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $5.00 per year. Second-class postage paid at Kansas City, Mo. Litho in U S A. IN THIS ISSUE THOSE WHO BRING GOOD N E W S .................................2 FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS ................................. 13 General Superintendent Jerald D. Johnson Book Brief Walter and Caroline Gilroy TWO BORROWED T O M B S .................................................3 EVERYBODY WON BUT THE LOSERS .........................14 Ross W. H ayslip William L. P oteet LETTERS .................................................................................. 4 WHO’LL ROLL AWAY THE S TO N E ? ............................... 15 THEY CRUCIFIED HIM, BUT ON THE THIRD DAY— . 5 Poem Elma Brooks Comp fort Charles Hastings Smith NAZARENE ROOTS ............................................................15 THE GARDENER?................................................................. 6 SUSAN WITNESSES WITH HER TRUMPET .............. 16 Poem Jean Hogan Dudley Celeste Rhea PULLING THE STING OF D E A T H .....................................6 J. M elton Thomas THE GUEST .......................................................................... 17 Poem Dorothy Conant Stroud EASTER S ANSWER TO EVIL S CHALLENGE ........ .. 8 Gordon Chilvers THE EDITOR S STANDPOINT ......................................... 18 W. E. M cC u m b er HE CAME AS A S E R V A N T .................................................9 P oem Sherry' Yerkes BY ALL M E A N S .............................................................. .2 0 How Sanford's Tavern Was Closed Glenn E. Sneed IF I DIED TOMORROW .. .WHAT WOULD I IN THE N E W S ........................................................................ 21 TAKE WITH ME? ................................................................. 10 Pauline E. Spray NEWS OF R E L IG IO N ..........................................................30 THE MEASURE ............................................................... .1 2 ANSWER C O R N E R ..............................................................31 Helps to Holy Living John M. Nielson LATE N E W S .......................................................................... 34 COMMUNION MEDITATION .............................. 13 EASTER ON R E V IE W ..........................................................35 P oem Lois B.
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