Acta Palaeobot. Suppl. 2: 211–217, 1999 — Proceedings 5th EPPC ON MONOSULCATE AND DISULCATE POLLEN GRAINS FROM THE ALBIAN-TURONIANIN KAZAKHSTAN VALENTINA F. TARASEVICH and SERGEY G. ZHILIN Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of Palynology and Department of Palaeobotany, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376, St. Petersburg, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. In the pollen floras of the Albian of Western Kazakhstan and the Cenomanian-Turonian in Northern Kazakhstan, monosul- cate pollen of early Cretaceous form genera such as Clavatipollenites (C. incisus and C. hughesii), Asteropollis asteroides, Retimonocol- pites and Liliacidites has been discovered. For correct determination of their systematic affinity they have been investigated under the SEM. Their exine is typically angiospermous with a reticulate tectum and columellae. Despite their close similarity, they do have some specific features. Alongside monosulcate pollen in the Cenomanian-Turonian, circular monosulculate and disulcate pollen occurred which perhaps implies the existence of an independent evolutionary line which led to the appearance of monocotyledons. KEY WORDS: Albian, Senomanian-Turonian, pollen, ultrastructure, monocotyledons, evolution INTRODUCTION In the Upper Albian deposits of Western Kazakhstan regions of North America (Couper 1958, Huhges 1958, (Daukara, Northern Priaralye) and the Cenomanian- Kemp 1968, Doyle 1969, Doyle et al. 1977). Clavatipol- Turonian deposits of Northern Kazakhstan (Sokolovka lenites pollen has recently been recorded in Albian de- and Sarbay Quarries, northern Turgay Lowland), a rich posits in Canada and Australia (Dettman 1973, Norris et assemblage of well-preserved pollen of flowering plants al. 1975, Burger 1981). In Russia the first record of in association with spores has been discovered. These Clavatipollenites came from the Albian? – Cenomanian findings are interesting for their phylogenetic implica- of Western Siberia (Chlonova 1976). Early Cretaceous tions. Records of monosulcate pollen are discussed monosulcate pollen has been described for other regions widely in connection with the origin of angiosperms, of Russia also (Vachrameev & Kotova 1977, Kotova their phylogenetic trends and global distribution. 1979). Since Clavatipollenites was found for the first time, new angiosperm taxa have been established on the basis RESULTS of exine structure (Kemp 1968, Pierce 1961, Doyle et al., 1975, Paden Phillips & Felix 1971, Chlonova 1977, In the Cretaceous deposits of Kazakhstan occur Juhász & Gôczán 1985) which differ from one another in Clavatipollenites, Asteropollis asteroides Hedlund et reticulum detail and sulcus configuration. A number of Norris, Retimonocolpites, Liliacidites and two types of diverse morphological types can be observed in sedi- disulcate pollen. Clavatipollenites incisus Chlonova (Pl. ments of the Potomac Formation of the Early Cretaceous 1, figs 1, 2) was of Albian age while C. hughesii Couper (Doyle 1969, Walker & Walker 1984). (Pl. 1, figs 3, 4) was detected in the Cenomanian- Frequently fossil species are difficult to distinguish Turonian deposits. The first and oldest Clavatipollenites under the LM which is inadequate for assessing the de- fossil pollen to be discovered was described by Couper velopment of the tectate reticulum over the columellae. (1958) as Clavatipollenites hughesii from Barremian de- In early descriptions the Clavatipollenites reticulum was posits in England, and possesses morphological features characterized as having distinct columellae (Couper which are similar to those of modern Ascarina pollen 1958) or even as being retipilate. SEM micrographs (Chloranthaceae). Nowadays there is absolutely no doubt show that the exine is intermediate between tectate- about attributing it to angiosperms as, since 1958, early perforate and semitectate (Doyle et al. 1975, Walker & angiosperm pollen has been found on different conti- Walker 1984). nents and in deposits of various ages, including the Bar- TEM studies of exine structure and stratification are remian in England, Africa, continental Europe and some of great importance. Synthesis of the available data sug- 212 gests that many structural characters are of systematic revealed by the SEM. It showed supratectate elements and phylogenetic significance. TEM examinations have covering the surface of muri bearing parallel bands ar- shown (Doyle et al. 1975) that Clavatipollenites hughesii ranged so that they are continuous or became interrupted bears a columellar ectexine, while the thick nexine is in the centre of the muri (Walker & Walker 1984). composed almost enterely of footlayer. The authors were In addition to Clavatipollenites, Asteropollis, Reti- uncertain about the possible presence of a thin discon- monocolpites and Liliacidites (Pl. 2, figs 7, 8) the fossil tinuous inner layer (endexine) in areas remote from aper- material contained disulcate pollen (Pl. 2, figs 1–6) tures. However, near apertures such a layer exists and probably connected with monocotyledons. Disulcate pol- differs from conspicuously lamellated footlayer, endex- len has well–developed columellae and a fine reticulum, ine being thick and irregularly sculptured on the inner resembling the monosulcate Clavatipollenites. This type side. Comparision of the ultrastructure of the exine of of pollen bears a semitectate-columellate exine and short Clavatipollenites hughesii (Doyle et al. 1975) and C. in- lateral sulci covered by a membrane with small granules. cisus carried out by Chlonova and Surova (1988) have Sometimes the membrane was lost during sedimentation shown obvious differences between them. A thick lamel- (Pl. 2, fig. 4). This pollen possesses two types of reticu- late endexine and a thinning of the footlayer near aper- lum – one without supratectate elements in the lumina of tures – both characterize C. incisus. This species reveals reticulum (Pl. 2, figs 1–3, 5), while the other has distinct a greater resemblance to the modern pollen of Ascarina supratectate elements in the form of tubercles frequently than does C. hughesii. It is worthy of mention that pre- covering lumina (Pl. 2, figs 4, 6). These pollen grains served pollen of Clavatipollenites type has been found possess sulci dividing the grain into two equal parts as adhering to the stigmas of fruits extracted from the Earli- shown in Pl. 2, figs 3, 4. Similar pollen occurs among est Cenomanian sediments of the Atlantic Coastal Plain both dicotyledons and monocotyledons. Pollen of disul- (Pedersen et al. 1991). These pollen grains under the cate type is found in primitive angiosperms (e.g. some of SEM looked like C. hughesii but the TEM revealed the Calycanthaceae, and Monimiaceae) described as hav- pecularities in the structure of the endexine and footlayer ing distal apertures (Erdtman 1952). Among monocoty- in the aperture region. In contrast to C. incisus and C. ledons some taxa of the Araceae, Liliaceae, Dioscore- hughesii the footlayer was thick and homogeneous near aceae, Arecaceae and Amaryllidaceae possess a definite the aperture, while the endexine formed a massive affinity with disulcate fossil forms. The pollen of Calla granular layer there, i.e. the nexine structure of this spe- palustris L. (Araceae) has two sulci dividing the grains cies was characterized by an absence of evident lamel- into two equal parts and a perforate tectum. Tofieldia lae. Comparison of the exine structure and stratification pollen is semitectate-reticulate and T. coccinea Richards. demonstrated three different types of exine arrangement even has supratectate elements like the fossil pollen (Pl. in the pollen grains of Clavatipollenites and confirmed 2, fig. 6) which we studied earlier. the existence of diverse relationships with different mag- On the basis of the stratigraphic distribution of early noliids (Walker & Walker 1984, Chapman 1987, Chlo- nova & Surova 1988, Pedersen et al. 1991). angiosperm pollen types in the Barremian-Cenomanian Hedlund and Norris (1969) described Asteropollis as- of the Potomac Group of the Atlantic coastal plain of the teroides from the Albian sediments of Oklahoma which USA, Wolfe et al. (1975) proposed an evolutional is related to Clavatipollenites. Its pollen grains are radi- scheme for angiosperms. This was based on generalized ally symmetrical, heteropolar, oblate in equatorial and tectate-columellate monosulcate Clavatipollenites, Reti- circular in polar views, having an special asteroid polar monocolpites spp. pollen type which gives two inde- aperture and semitectate columellate exine. In our fossil pendent evolutionary lines. One reflects the evolution of material the pollen bears exclusively tetrachotomosul- the dicotyledons in which, in the authors’ opinion, tricol- cate apertures – other modifications of the aperture, e.g. pate pollen can originate from the monosulcate type penta- or hexachotomosulcate, are not found at all (Pl. 1, through a reduction in the polar part of the asteroid aper- figs 5, 6). ture and the transformation of three radii into equatorial In the Cenomanian-Turonian pollen floras of Ka- colpi. Another evolutionary line represents the mono- zakhstan another reticulate monosulcate form was dis- cotyledons. The first and only link in the scheme is pre- covered, known as Retimonocolpites sp. (Pl. 1, figs 7, 8). sented by Liliacidites spp. from the Middle Albian. The This species is represented by small pollen grains of circular sulcate pollen of Retimonocolpites sp. and the elongate or elliptical outline,
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