ke Fr •• lacancy, . " an WQrn* COM. !II - A LII­ CIt owan Monday called uj,. Serclng The State UnWer,ufJ of IOtlM and tM p~ of Iowa CitrJ o . sha~e thcmaelve. Establlshcd )n 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Iowa City, Iowa WedDesday, JUDe 17, lli59 Zln~ c~mplaceDcr' Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirepboto; Ut\Ited Preas IntemationaJ Leased Wire orruc, and polilicil . Oscar A. &nso,i , Minn.. retirm, e Augustana LUI~ arned that progr~ Berli" Compromise if "comfortable ~ status quO" at' U. S. Plane Attack·ed their positions or hurch and govel'llo Presfflnted By West . Benson prea~ ervice at the Opt"" h Annual SYnod ol Lutheran Church ~n. with.a mel1lber~ Would Open IS thc fifth hirgest By Red Jet F,ighter p in the Unite( t~ose who challeh,' t'A Way for IIces. war, political racla.1 bigotry anc! rlsy were obey: Not Known r GOd. but liv;ng in Summit Parley Senate .Passes. Gunmen Still At Large Allied Rights Whether u.s. ' TAKEN . Not Mentioned • I.., - Jesse F~ed~ , $300 Million Despite Wide Police ··Hunt es told police MOl!. GENEVA IA'I - The Western Returned Fire was burglari2eit fprelgn ministers Tuesday night Veterans Loan MIDDLEBORO, Mass. (,fI- Two • ay and $670 takea a,tered the Soviet Union a face· young orphaned brothers from • est. FredregUl said Philadelphia, Pa. - turned des· Gunner Hit By 1st Shot. attending a picllia I saving compromise agreement on Sum Cut To Avoid peradoes - were stiU at large Is 'Out Of Danger' he breakln. Berlin. Presidential Veto Tuesday despite the biggest man· The plan was worked out to set· hunt In the 5t~te'5 history. WASHINGTON til - Communist tie the Berlin crisis on an interim WASHINGTON IA'I - The Senate A POise of up to 300 state troop. jet flahters iwnped a U.S. Navy KER~91 moved to break a log jam on MUS' .. basis and thus open a way for a .ing legislation TUesday with pas. ers. police. FBI agents and can· patrol plane over the Sea or Japan HE CAMPUI Monday, badly woundlog the tall summit conference. sing of a veterans loan bill. It ",a$ servalion officers had cordoned a I gunner. Althoulh riddled. the craft Diplomatic authorities said the cut to the patlern of reducing ~c:~~:a o~~rcla~:-~el~~c:.1 escaped. idea - essentially a British one- spending measures 10 avoid pos· Coyle. 23. and his brother. Wil. sible presidential vetoes. Word ol the attack oll North skirts around the vital question of The action. taken by voice vote. bam. 21. may have sUpped throuih Korea came Tue.sday from the Allied rights in West Berlin by was on a special bill passed bu the night. Much 01 the area is Pentagon which said two Soviet- I dense swampy woodland. buill MIG lighters were believed simply not mentioning them. the Hou e which provided $300 mil· · f d' t h . I The hunt is to be enlarged and involved. Firat reportJ did not say Thus the proposal would imply IIon or Irec ouslng oans. The Senate previously had apo intensified - up to 20 square miles wh ther the AmerIcan P4M lired give and take by both " the West· proved a similar item of U50 mil. in this southeastern Massachusetts Iback . ern Allies and the Soviet Union. lion in pa iog the omnibus housing sector. The plane was on a routine train­ Informants said the new Wes. bill now tied up in a Senate-House House to house rechecks wiIJ be tng patrol from Its base in Japan. , ern formula amounts to this: . conference committee. made and aU vacant cottages will It w.a the first IUCh Incl4ent GENEVA GABFEST - Secretary of St.t. Christl.n Herter, Of! hi. But Tue day the Senate cut the be examined. Road blocks have In the F.r •••t liMe last H.. The existing state of affairs in way to a Sunday lunch.on appoint.d in G.neva, Pi'used for • curb- lund to 100 million before passing been set up in towns within a 20- vember. tile divided city. 110 miles inside sid. chat with his assistant for public affair., Andr.w H. Berding. the separate measure and sending mJle radius. Communist East Germany. is tak- H.rt.r met un.xpectedly Tuesday with Andrei Gromyko at the So. It back to the House. Democratic The search became a holding BULLETIN en for granted - the presence of yl.t statesman's requ.st, to dl.cuss the final ph ... of th. confer.nce Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas operation Tuesday nleht. In over- YOKOSUKA. J.,.n III _ Tho ICE Allied troops, Western rights of on B.rlln.-AP Wirephoto. engineered the cut. cast. cold, raw weather. troopers U.s. New., IN,", pl .... cnpp1e41 .ri.nce. access to and from the city and The administration has opposed guarded roads along the pcrlm· ltv c.mmurM.t MIt. 45 mile. the Allies., obligation to protect the dircct·loan program on the eter but no actual searches In the eft Net1h KerN Tw"y w•• West Berliners if necessary. Long W·lns Court Battle, ground that an increase in int.cr· woods wcrc undertaken. abevt .. retvm fire .,. Itt ou GOV. cst rate on veterans' marl gages Armed witb live pistols and The Western plan then goes on from 40/6 percent to 5~ per cent three belts of ammunition, the t.1l lun w.. kneclced M In the to offer a supplementary arrange'" ~ . .. would attract private money into brothers look to the woods Mon .. .HKil, the pllet wid ••ny ... ment that would improve the exist· Remaelns In Hosp' ' l'taIOvernelght this field. The bill passed Tues- day forenoon after robbing a li- "'y. iltg state of affairs with a num- day makes that increase. quor store. Lt. Cmdr. OeMld R. tMver ef ber ot specific measures. Th Se t ted D ts L Itchflelcl, c.n..., llid the t.1I e na e ac as emocra As they fled under pollee gun- ,un tv""' wa. kneclcod evt en This plan would remain in ef- GALVESTON. Tex. UPI _ LOU-, own state boundaries? challenged Eisenhower to seek , rire, William Sedgwick. 49. of Phil- the ..cONI ef II_ .weeps which fect until reunification of Ger· isiana Gov. Earl K. Long. his bat- . Doc~ anyone have the legal pow- verdict from the people on his adelphia, released himself of bonds the two RuHl.n-Itvllt fI,hter. Mounting many is worked out. tIe Cor freedom from a Texas psy· llr· to keep the governor from ex- legislative program. and staggered, half·starved from en h'. twine tvrM-pr., . The new Allied proposal will fhiatric clinic apPltf'CntlY Jwpn, billr ercising his authority should he his own car. The Coyles had hcld PWm" Mere.tw. come up for discussion Wednes· cia his lilne in his hOSPital room decide to abrogale prior under- TV r. han nel him captlvc for nearly 10 days. day when the Big Four ministers Tuesday night while awaiting re- standings? .,. \,,; .ije was abducted June 8 aftcr U.S. authorltJes were unable In secret session at British turn to his home state today. Lt. GOY. L.th.r Prazer, who F . Kane. 33, wu shot' to death as im· fueet medIately to IdcntiCy the nallonal· }':o~eilfn Secretary Selwyn Lloyd's During the early evening hours. took over Lonll'a offic. M.y 30, Applications he walked his beat. The brothers ily of the auaclUn, craft which 'Geneva town house. speculation grew that the 63-year- s.ld: are sought in connection with this bore red stars - the Communi t The new Western plan might old governor would leave the hos· "As far as I know, when Gov. H - 5 shooting. InslgnJa - on their sliver fuscJag . satisfy the SOviet Union which pital Tuesday night - contradict· Long comes back to the state he's ea rl ng et Sedgwick had partially recover- "WAS NO PICNIC"-Wlillam Sedgwick, .. " of Phil.delphl., tell. of The Sovict • Hed Chinese and Com­ has refused to perpetuate in writ. ing reports he would leave Gal· governor. ed after a night's rest in a hos- his uperl.nee II • host.g. for two youthful blndits .t pollc. he.6- munist North Koreans all UIe ing the Allied rights of occupa. veston by plane this morning for "I'll be very happy for him to WASHINGTON IA'I - A hearing pital and statted home In his own qu.t1ers TlleaNy, following his ...1 .... from the holfllt.l. Secltwlck MIGs. lion. a New Orleans hospital. take over. I'll do anything I can 011 applications for television chan- cat _ a willin, and grat.erul pas- 1.ld the gunmen did not .buu him but th.t hi. orde.I "",•• no The point of attack was over It should satisfy Western insist- But Long appeared at his hos· toFcontinuhe to he~Pt ~imd'''th h nel 8 in the Quad·Cities areas Of senger this time. A detective drove picnIc." H. lIuped wh.n polic. fir.d at • c.r dri".n by Wllli.m tnd international waters about 85 miles pital window at 8:30 p.m .• clad in razar a.s malO alO~ . r.oug - Iowa-Illinois will resume here the automobile because Sedgwick ence t h at. in an emergency. t hey t th t h I tt f stripped pajamas. ou a e IS mere y SI 109 10 or July '1:1. was still a little weak from hunger. John Coyl, of Phlledelphle, wanted in the sl.ylng of a Phil adelphi.
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