385 curial ointment and were over A CASE OF turpentine stupes applied the abdomen; frequent and small doses of brandy PROLONGED RETENTION TREATED BY were given, and a mixture containing fifteen grains of ASPIRATION DAILY FOR FIVE WEEKS. sulpho-carbolate of soda every four hours. On the eleventh day there was present bronchitis, diarrhoea, low muttering BY J. T. HAGUE, L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. ED. delirium, deafness in both ears, and a pinched and deathlike appearance of the face. Temperature 104° and a small AMONGST instruments of modern invention, few are of quick pulse, but the general abdominal enlargement had a hard consider- more use in the treatment of disease than the disappeared, leaving large swelling rising practical above the umbilicus. Mustard were and one of its most uses is ably poultices applied aspirator, generally recognised to the chest, a plain starch enema given, and the lower part for emptying of the bladder in cases of retention where of the body anointed with carbolic oil after each motion. a catheter cannot be passed. In such cases the choice of The brandy and the sulpho-carbolate mixture were con- treatment lies between puncture of the bladder per rectum tinued. On the fourteenth day the patient began to The was still and with a curved trocar and cannula-a proceeding improve. temperature, however, high, certainly the abdominal about the same. On the above the swelling twenty- requiring expertness-and aspiration immediately first day the improvement had continued, but the high tem- The latter treatment is as I pubes. certainly easy, and, perature and swelling were still present. She was taking a think, safe. At any rate the following case bears out that mixture containing ten drops of tincture of perchloride of belief. iron three times a day. In the first week of a On 3rd last I was called to see a June large abscess pointed and dis- Sept. patient, aged ninety, between the umbilicus and The who was suffering from retention of forty-eight hours’ charged midway pubes. fixed to the abdominal was duration, due to enlarged prostate. Of course catheterisation uterus, being firmly wall, rapidly in and the was her was the treatment indicated, and this was tried most care- diminishing size, patient regaining strength. fully and perseveringly by Dr. McGuinness and myself with Harrold, Beds. both silver and soft catheters; but, partly by reason of the enlarged prostate and partly from numerous false passages, which made it almost impossible to keep the catheter in the urethra, all efforts to reach the bladder with catheters failed. A Mirror Then, as it was an absolute necessity that immediate relief OF should be given, we decided to aspirate. That was done, HOSPITAL PRACTICE, and thirty-five ounces of urine were drawn off, the operation causing but little pain. On the following morning, as no BRITISH AND FOREIGN. ill effects were visible, it was decided to aspirate again, instead of trying the catheter, so that the urethra might Nulla autem est alia pro certo noseendi via, nisi quamplurimas et mor- recover itself, and the false passages heal, by rest. This borum et dissectionum hiatorias, tum aliorum tum proprias collectas habere, et inter se comparare.—MORGAGNI De Sed. et Caus. Morb., was done, and has been repeated daily for thirty-four lib. iv. Prooemium. days, all the attempts by several surgeons to catheterise during this time meeting with failure. On the 7th October, ST. THOMAS’S HOSPITAL. however, I succeeded twice in passing a soft catheter. This CHARCOT’S DISEASE OF THE KNEE-JOINT; SUPPURATION IN patient therefore-an old man of ninety--passed no water THE JOINT; AMPUTATION OF THIGH; SECONDARY per urethram for five weeks, during which period he was HÆMORRHAGE ; LIGATURE OF THE FEMORAL aspirated thirty-four times, and has had neither cystitis nor ARTERY; RECOVERY. ill an peritonitis; the only discoverable effect being inflam- (Under the care of Mr. CROFT.) matory thickening about the seat of the numerous punc- tures. THERE have been few recorded cases of Charcot’s disease in which has and the case This is the third case in which I have aspirated the suppuration occurred, following bladder: one case being a stricture, with acute gonorrhoea ; will be read with great interest. One of the most striking the other, calculus impacted in the urethra. In neither of points in the case was the almost total absence of pain, these was it to more than cases, however, necessary operate although extensive suppuration in the joint was present, once. I have never found ill arise from any consequence and it was after the formation of a sinus in connexion the and I cannot see what the old only operation, advantage with the that it was decided to the limb. method of puncture through the rectum possesses over it. joint amputate It would certainly have been impossible to have repeated At the operation all the structures divided were found this latter proceeding thirty-four times. degenerated ; there was advanced atheroma of the femoral Brixton-road, S.W. artery, and this diseased condition of the vessel was the cause of the serious haemorrhage which took place during A CASE OF the after-treatment of the case. The man’s vitality was low, and the wounds were slow in It PUERPERAL MANIA AND METRITIS TER- operation healing. will be observed that he suffered from a perforating ulcer of MINATING IN ABSCESS; RECOVERY. the foot of the opposite side. BY THOMAS EDWARDS, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., & L.M. J. A-, aged fifty-two, formerly a woollen merchant, now of no employment, was admitted into the Edward ward on Jan. and left 1885. The Ox April 16th of this year I delivered L. G-, primipara, 25th, July 1st, family was very his parents lived to above seventy aged unmarried, of twins. She was at the history good; twenty-eight, years; six brothers and sisters living and healthy. With time from a of bronchitis and mental suffering slight attack the exception of an operation on the right eye for cataract depression. I applied the forceps to the first child, there ten years ago, he enjoyed good health until three years siuce, being considerable delay in its descent. She progressed when the present illness commenced. There was no history favoarably until the third day, when she complained of of syphilis. Three years ago the left knee became swollen and behind the joint; the down to want of sleep. I gave a draught at bedtime containing painful subsequently leg fifteen the ankle became " swollen and glossy." He was treated by grains each of bromide of potash and chloral hydrate. iodine, and rest, and recovered. Six months On the sixth blistering, day violent mania appeared. No other bad later he was attacked in a similar manner, and has become symptom being present, 1 gave thirty grains of compound progressively worse, all treatment failing to do good. jalap powder with five grains of calomel, and the above About two years ago a "black spot" was noticed on the chloral draught every four hours until sleep appeared. under surface of the right great toe; it disappeared, how- The vagina. was syringed out with warm carbolic water ever, but returned six weeks the toe became (1 in ago; painful 20). On the eighth day the mania was less violent. and swollen, and soon an ulcer formed. lIe states that Lochia and milk arrested ; abdomen greatly distended ; during the last three years he has found difficulty in walking pain only caused by deep pressure over the uterus; legs in the dark. drawn up. Temperature 105°; pulse 120. Strong mer- On admission, the patient was a well-made, fairly healthy- 386 looking man. He had ptosis and external strabismus of the until the 10th, when the small incision was made. It was right eye, in which there was also the scar remaining from then somewhat irregular again. After the operation he had the cataract extraction. The right great toe was swollen a good deal of pain in the stump, and the temperature rose and red, and on its plantar surface, over the position of the to 105°, falling later in the day to 101°. articulation between the phalanges, was a sloughy ulcer, 27th.--Progress has been quite satisfactory. The stump three-quarters of an inch in diameter. The edges of this was dressed again ; all the sutures and the drainage-tubes ulcer were sharply cut, the discharge fetid. Movement of were removed. The wound is healing well. The tempera. the joint produced grating, and a probe impinged on bone ture has been about one degree higher in the evening, than and entered the joint, but did not cause much pain. There in the morning, 99.2° to 1002°. was no loss of cutaneous sensation. The left knee, which 30th.-The patient having been placed under ether, the was considerably enlarged, presented a large fluctuating head of the proximal phalanx of the right great toe was swelling. It extended upwards in the position of the removed, and the base of the distal phalanx scraped. The synoval cavity of the knee-joint and for some inche, wound was plugged with iodoform gauze and dressed anti. down the tibia. The circumference of the knee was nine- septically. teen and three-quarter inches, and from above downwards April 10th (twenty-fifth day).-Violent hæmorrhage from it measured eleven inches. In the upper part its colour was the thigh came on at night. The inner extremity of the that of normal integument with dilated veins over it; primary incision was extended upwards, and the femoral below it was reddened and the skin thinned, and it artery secured by silk ligatures in Hunter’s canal; it was appeared to lay over the tibia.
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