^Fw^^^m^m mmmm Volume 18 Number 32 Thursday, .October 14, 1982 Westland, Michigan 48 Pages Twenty-ffvexents I }<2 Suburban CommuicttioaCorporttioo *H-Rl{»n RtinvH Barns, Skrel differon economic proposals By Sandra Armbrustor duce the SEV over a three-year period editor to something less than the maximum 50 percent of market value now as­ Both claiming to be the Westland sessed. representative candidate, Justine "We need to reform the assessment Barns and Sylvia Skrel discussed taxes, procedure so that it reacts more quick­ unemployment and experience in a de­ ly," shesaid. bate at a chamber of commerce lunch­ » Appealing to the traditionally Demo­ eon on. Tuesday. The two are cam­ cratic voting patterns in Westland, paigning for the 38th state House seat Barns pointed out slogans on her cam­ in a newly redrawn district. paign literature which say, "You can Skrel, a Republican who represents bend her ear. They can't twist her arm. the northern half of the city as a state Justine Barns — Democrat, of course." Representative for the 36th district, moved into Westland from Livonia SKREL SAID that the two main when her district boundaries were campaign issues are jobs, or unemploy­ redrawn as a result of the 1980 census. ment, and taxes. "There's no substitute for experi­ "State government doesn't create ence," Skrel told the chamber audience,. jobs. Business creates jobs," Skrel said she tells her constituents. "State gov­ She said her experience includes ernment's job is to keep business in work in the state Legislature since a Michigan through diversification and special election in 1980, leadership in tax incentives. her position as assistant minority whip, "Unemployment compensation debt work as vice chair of the senior citizens is the number one issue that will face and retirees committee, and a 20-year us in the fall," she continued, saying she record of volunteer service. voted for reforms of the workers com­ pensation and single business tax. "JUSTINE BARNS is a big part of Skrel plans to introduce legislation the history of Westland," responded providing for a "work-sharing" pro­ Skrel's Democratic counterpart. gram similar to that used in Arizona ."We've lived in Westland since 1944." and California. During a question and Barns oited her "broad base" of expe­ answer portion of the meeting, Skrel rience as coming from her 14 years on explained the plan. the Peoples Community Hospital Au­ "I ask employers, 'Why are you lay­ thority, work as a precinct delegate, as ing off 20 percent of your people? Give a member of the planning and charter them all one day off and then everyone commission, as first vice-chair of the can work four days,'" she said, adding Wayjie County Charter Commission, that the only problem is the unemploy­ Southeastern Michigan Council of Gov­ ment laws in Michigan which require ernments representative and its chair employees to work a five-day week to for the community and economic de­ qualify for benefits if there is a lay off. velopment committies and as a city "I need workers, employers and the councilwoman. unions to work on this together. I would If elected, Barns said she would appreciate your input," she said. work to change the formula for deter­ Skrel also called for restructuring mining the state equalized valuation the entire state system of taxation. upon which property taxes are based. "There's too much reliance on the \ . .; ... •. ,. .... ARTEMANUELE/etaffpftotogarpher She added that she favors a bill now State House Candidates 8ylvla Skrel (left) and Ju$tine Barns began their discussion of campaign Issues before the Westland Chamber before the Legislature which would re­ Please turn to Page 2 of Commerce by debating who would speak first. • A • Norumyrie'v -^:\'-;-v.*/•*.•• area eyes sajety plan Residents in the Norwayne area of. police hope (6 reduce crime through police station to make a report. That's numbers in places crooks'normally Westland are beginning a Neighbor­ improved reporting of incidents. not true here. We'll send a car out," he don't look." hood Watch/Operation Identification said. "Only through reports do we know SABATINI SAID that the Norwayne program with a meeting at 7:30 p.m. "OUR.BIGGEST problem is that if we're having a problem." Task Force has been busy working on crimes aren't reported in the first Thursday in the gymnasium of Jeffer­ Bowlby said the Neighborhood other programs for the area. Its next place, or they aren't reported prompt­ general meeting is scheduled for 7:30 son Elementary School, 32150 Dorsey. Watch is an awareness-type of pro­ "We're telling the crooks that we're ly," he explained. "People will think p.m. Oct. 27 in the Dorsey Community about it for a while, watch a little TV, gram. If enough residents join the pro­ Center on Dorsey at Venoy. tired of them coming in and ripping us gram from a court in the Norwayne off. We're going to stand up for our­ drink a beer or talk it over with their Following on the success of two sum­ neighbor. By then the incident is all area, a sign can be posted warning mer dances sponsored for youths in the selves," said Daniel Sabatini, a criminals that the neighborhood parti­ Norwayne Task Force member who is over." Norwayne area, the task force is plan­ Bowlby said he hopes to make people cipates in.the program. There are B2 ning a Halloween dance from 6 to 10 chairing the project. - courts in the Norwayne area, according "We want senior citizens to be able more aware that when a crime is com­ p.m. Oct. 29 at the community center. mitted, residents should call the police to Bowlby, who added that at $50 each, The dance is open to Norwayne youth to take evening strolls and kids to play the city will be unable to afford signs. in the parks again," continued Sabatini, immediately. ages 10 to 16. Admission is free. "We don't mind going out on bad runs Residents will, however, be instruct­ Sabatini said that prizes will be who said he hadjieen thinking of the ed on what to do and what to look for. program for several years. when someone sees a guy who's locked awarded for the best and the ugliest his keys in the car. If they don't call, "That in itself should turn things costumes. A live band, Metropolis, "At last month's {task fofcg) meet- around," he said. Jng, I brought it up again. So I took the the next call is from a person whose from Wayne Memorial High, will baTTand went doSr^tJRfoWT.1 told them car was stolen," Bowlby added. The Operation Identification part of donate its time for the dance. Area jhbors)./'Djayenit^eqn you take a. He said that another major problem "the program will involve inscribing merchants also have volunteered items walk ih two years," sajd Sabatini, a in the Norwayne area is "through dis­ valuables with driver's license num­ for the dance. There will be a mini­ Westland resident for 4¼ years. satisfaction -or misunderstanding of the- bers "so if they're stolen, we can trace mum charge for refreshments. Westland Police Officer Craig Bowl- police department." them to their owners," said Bowlby. "It's a beautiful community effort," by, who works with the Youth Energy "Some people have moved here from "Serial numbers are easily removed, he added. "We started with absolutely Services program in Norwayne, said Detroit, where you have to go to the but we can tell residents where to put nothing." Mushett plans '84 international games A Westland man will become coordi­ could be the last time for this genera­ land Mayor Charles Pickering, who from June 17-30,1984, in Nassau Coun­ nator of the International Games for tion." added that he is trying to work out a ty, N.Y. - '••' the Disabled to be held in the U.S. for Mushett, 30, has participated in four leave of absence for Mushett, filling his The games will be sponsored by the the first time In 1984. other International Games. Last sum- Tri-City position on a temporary basis. U.S. Association for Blind Athletes, the ART EMANUELETsiaff photographer Mike Mushett, supervisor of the Tri; _jner. he jc^ed as assistant team leader U.S. Amputee Athletic Association and City Therapeutic RecreatlorTProgram, and coach when the U.S. wheelchair MUSHETT SAID that he will be re­ by the National Association of Sports sponsored by Westland, Wayne and - soccer team won a gold medal in Den­ sponsible for planning and implemen­ for Cerebral Palsy. Brewing tip fun Garden City, will take a leave of ab­ mark. Mushett also was a team leader tation of the Olympic-type games, "Even as exciting an opportunity as sence to assume his new, two-year posi­ in 1980 in Holland and 1981 in Japan. which he said now are being coordinat­ this is, it wasn't an easy decision to. Jan Masters, a member of the Westland Jaycee Auxiliary^ brews tion on Oct. 20. He made his first trip to the Interna­ ed to occur in the same country and make," said Mushett. "After seven up some fun for area youngsters who will venture into this tional Games in 1978 in Scotland where year as the Olympfcs for able-bodied years (as Tri-City supervisor), I have "This is a once-in-a-llfetlme opportu­ : year's Haunted House, a yearly fund-raising project of the Jay- nity. It's a tremendous challenge," said he was a coach.
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