J 2* - THE HERALD. Sat., Feb. U, 1981 7 . « Crisco Kid loses battle \- MANCHESnR GAINESVILLE, Fla. (UPI) - IV WE SUeSEST Twice a day for eight years, nurses swathed young 10-yeaisild Michael u BUSINESS DIRECTORY GUIDE FOR JITTEIIS A SALADS i n u Hammond’s body in gauze soaked in DR YOUR HOLIDAY WEEKEND^ shortening to enable him to endure ^ a the pain of a rare skin disease so n g t n : • tKUjMWiBttimt • WflUMUDWa at MANCHESTER AND SURROUNDING r ! K £ 2 * •amnuTD serious that even a touch could kill a I * uiama . ituun nmo cmmt i him. C0«n*!!^pg000CT8 The nurses dubbed the child, the IfM jO VICINITY the Marinated Mushroom, Inc. "Ciisco Kid," and formed a special "(2 Su «r &aiJt of. iA« attachment to him. HARTFORD (UPI) - Connecticut 182 6ouai Main 6L < ' His unexpected death Saturday residents will have a chance to tell came especially bard for them. lawmakers what they think should CIMIFFE AUTO BODY SotA Painting Problem? We’ll Holpl "The girls are all crying,” said stay and what should go when the Ollie Norris, nursing supervisor at ROUTE S3 TALCOTTVILLE.CT. FEATURING THIS WEEK ... Service still means something to us — and service means time comes to trim the state’s fiscal spending enough time with you to help_ you select the the Sunland Training Center. “ You 1961-81 budget, expected to top |3 right paint finish for that job you're planning. See us tor know we’ve had all kinds of death in bllUon. 24 HR. TOWING paint and service when you plan yoJr next project. that ward, but this — Michael means Sen. Marcella Fahey, D-EIast Hart­ more to us than anything.” ford, and Rep. Gardner Wright, D- 643-0016 Confined to a wheelchair, Michael CUNLIFFE AUTO BODY E AJohnson PAI NT tO. Bristol, co-chairman of the •CO M P Lin COLLISION REPAIR ■ *0un was given the nickname “ Crisco Legislature’s powerful Ap­ •POREION AND AMERICAN CARS INOEPtNOtN^ Kid" because he had to be swathed in propriations Omimittee, request^ •RUSTY JONES RUST PROOPINQ 646-4801 shortening-covered gauze to protect input from . citizens and several Gov. William O’Neill has proposed i i his tender skin. groups on the major budget expen­ a budget of more than $3 billion for He suffered from Epldermolyfls ditures. fiscal 1981-82. The Appropriations Bullosa, a rare disease that caused 763 Mrs. Fahey said the lack of real Committee decides how the fiscal pie him to lack all defense mechanisms Michael Hammond, the 10-year-old known tle with a rare skin disease. (UPI photo) -WC MAIN ST. public participation in the past has is divided and sends the spending m needed to protect his skin. as the "Crjeco Kid,” died after a lifetime bat­ hampered committee efforts to iden­ package to the House and Senate. 643-1101 tify low-priority programs. A proposed $74 million “ hit list” 191 "We only heaid from those who released by Wright and then co- iesigns,inc MAIN ST. thought their ox was being gored. chairman Sen. Richard Schneller, D- i M l i l i MANCHESTER This time we are asking for broad in­ Essex, last year sparked protest and SROAO STREET. MANCHESTER. CONN. 0S040 put on the whole range of major state outcry from the various programs M n s 643-1000 programs,” she said. slated for elimination. Manchester Professional Park, Suite A-1 Betty Gallagher, Prop. Wright jokingly referred to the un­ An overview has been drawn up precedented move as a "public hit this year, compiling major state WE SERSIK AND INSTAU INDUtTWAL AND CDMMERCIAL list” but said it was a serious programs with budgets in excess of AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION BLACKSMITHING attempt to allow the public to tell $1 million, based on current state HEATING and SHEET METAL government where it would like spen­ agency requests. The programs a WELDIMG ding cuts to be made. represent approximately 93 percent eHAND FORGED ITEMS “ We want to show the public how of the budget. u>,': New England Mechanical Services, Inc. elTBMS CUSTOM M ADE. their money is to be spent and we Wright said the document also :.:p aSAND BLASTING want their ideas of where we could provides a listing of employees WALTSCAODEN Serving The GreaterHerald Manchester Area For 100 Yean make cuts,” he said, denying a needed to carry out agency programs 166 TUNNEL RD. 22 WAIMEN ST. VERNON, CT. 06066 suggestion that the proposal was a "so the public can see how many jobs jUNCHEtm . GT. Manchester, Conn. Monday, February 16, 1981 25 Cents case of the lawmakers evading would be eliminated in'^utting out 871-1111 responsibility. services. CLYDE a MICKEY MILLER'S Serving Mane better over 50 yri. TEL 846-8828 . p . p A U T O PARTS QUAUTY WORK AT COMPETITVE PRICES “AUTO PARTS FOR LESS" Penttand The fhiist Prices going up, but no gas lines expected HOURS •COMPtm GOLUSIM WORK 24 BIRCH ST. WASHING’FON (UPI) - A major put downward pressure on prices at on where the location is and what the storage set in April of 1980. The Amoco chief said oil producers supplies. a TO S MON.-PRI. TEL. 643-6247 oil (xnnpany chief says beating oil any time,” the newsletter said, but It — the local taxes are.” Lundberg said gasoline sui^luses will lose much of the profit from He said if U.S. inflation continues ___________ _ 8 TO BOAT. A SUN. 643-4444 and gasoline prices will go up is likely before the end of March. Lundberg has predicted gasoline will continue to climb as refineries decontrol to the government in the at anything like 10 percent a year and 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) •FIRE ESTIMATES F.T.D. another seven to 10 cents as the John E. Swearingen, board chair­ will average about $1.45 by the end of meet the demand for distillate form of the excess profits tax. the producing nations such as Saudi MANCHESTER MASTER CHAME result of decontrol and OPEC’s latest man and chief executive officer of IMl. heating oil during the winter months. "What this decontrol action has Arabia raise their prices by 2 percent AMEIICAN EXPRESS WOmji WIDE BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY •COMPIETE PAINT JOBS SERVICE hike, making gasoline cost more than Standard Oil of Indiana (Am<NX>), Swearingen and Lundberg agreed As refineries are currently con­ done is provide the government to 3 percent above the inflation rate $1.50 a gallon in some areas. said Sunday the results of President there probably won’t be any gas lines stituted, they must manufacture something in the range of $5 blllion-$6 as they have indicated, ".We're •OOSTOM MUON PAINT WORK But the Lundberg Letter, an in­ Reagan’s decontrol oLoil prices and or serious problems in the supplies of more than two barrels of gasoline for billion in additional income and we talking about a doubling of crude I ABC APPLIANCE REPAIR | FID’S Cake Decorating Supplies bic. dependent oil industry newsletter the OPEC increase have not yet been either gasoline or beating oil for 1981. every one of fuel oil. are the tax collectors. ... We get prices in something like five to seven •WREONER SERVIOE Ma-0226 ® rr * 7 0 .3 2 9 2 published in Los Angeles over the passed along to consumers. The Lundberg Letter said gasoline “ I believe that Inventories and blamed for it,” he said in an inter­ years, depemling on the rate at which I Oak Straat i niioRpy lA y rA A OOMPIETE UNE OF WNTON OANE DEOORATIONS weekend, predicted a new gasoline “ And ru expect we’ll probably see stocks in primary storage at supplies in prospect are sufficient to view on (jBS’s "Face the Nation." they do this.” Manchester, Conn. 649-8879j glut will help keep prices down, another 7 to 10 cents over the next refineries cljmbed to 277 million certainly run us through 1981 without ‘ ‘I think what we are headed for is The Lundberg Survey of Feb. 6, the I RUSTT JlMcS •OOMPETimiE PUKES perhaia below $1.45 a gallon this several months,” he said. “ It will barrels durinig the week that ended having any serious crunch on a continuing Increase in oil prices,” newsletter said, showed the average 181 CINTKII ST. I This coupon worth $20 towards purchase ■ GOOdiVB fUStV CRTS, MANCHimil. CONN. ye«T. raisp it (gasoline prices) over g,. ■ Feb. -8, a figure only 6.1 millloQ availability of either of gasoline or Swearingen said, as long as imported U.S. retail gasoline price - was lot Mercedes Progress Vacuum ... Come In * ^ * •FOREHN 1 AMERKAN OARS Mon. - Met 10-B “ Suridus gasoline coqU begin to d c jl^ and a half a gallon depending barrels below the re<x)id of gasoline fuel oil,” Swearingen said. oil makes up 40 percent of American $1.3222 per gallon. Thort., 10-1 I& see the quality of this long life Vac. Call Me about I “QuanUly Llntlled" m um I the best auto rustproofing Wedding Cakes A Specialty MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. guarantee in Sunday a had day for dancer Rules change ovek45 / Suppliers 0/ Safety Protection town. MINGHESTER By RICHARD CODY better “ to have a lead part rather TEAM than “ just be a kid who runs around Herald Reporter •FOUL WEATHER SUITS VISA MEMORULCO. EXPERIENCE stage.” 643-0016 COVENTRY - For Suxanne Performing is her favorite part on mortgages •BOOTS •HOSE TALCOTTVILLE. CT. Brazeal, sitting around relaxing on 0pp. Eh I Cemetery CALL 849-8807 of dancing, because the dancers •OLOVES^TARPS^RESPIRATORS Sundays is a vice. receive appreciation for their hard WASHINGTON (UPI) - The rules regulators nave begun to permit are changing for home buyers who them nationwide.
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