The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license. under affiliates its by and it, by used are and Company Insurance Life Manufacturers The • Manulife, Stylized M Design, and Manulife & Stylized M Design are trademarks of of trademarks are Design M Stylized & Manulife and Design, M Stylized Manulife, Those experiencing emotional distress. emotional experiencing Those • date event info, please visit halifaxpride.com. halifaxpride.com. visit please info, event date Someone looking for an Active Listener. Active an for looking Someone For full event descriptions and the most up to to up most the and descriptions event full For exactly as listed. listed. as exactly on site. on Lower Parking Lot Parking Lower • information in this Pride Guide or whether events will be presented presented be will events whether or Guide Pride this in information Point Pleasant Park Pleasant Point Attendees that need a separate space to decompress in a safe area area safe a in decompress to space separate a need that Attendees organized events. Halifax Pride cannot guarantee the accuracy of the the of accuracy the guarantee cannot Pride Halifax events. organized Who is this space for? space this is Who communities. This calendar features a variety of community and Pride Pride and community of variety a features calendar This communities. • Active Listener Volunteers Listener Active 2SLGBTQ+ (Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, plus) plus) Queer, Transgender, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, (Two-Spirit, 2SLGBTQ+ of Halifax Pride. Halifax of the Halifax Regional Municipality during the Halifax Pride Festival for for Festival Pride Halifax the during Municipality Regional Halifax the balls, etc balls, • proud supporter supporter A Events listed in the Pride Guide and Online Calendar take place in in place take Calendar Online and Guide Pride the in listed Events TRUE COLOURS TRUE Sensory regulation tools such as spinners, headphones, exercise exercise headphones, spinners, as such tools regulation Sensory • Individual enclosed spaces (tents) that fit one or two people. two or one fit that (tents) spaces enclosed Individual FESTIVAL CALENDAR FESTIVAL CELEBRATE YOUR CELEBRATE The Decompression Space will feature: will Space Decompression The health promotion. health with an Active Listener, and centre themselves. centre and Listener, Active an with booths hosted by organizations dedicated to supporting 2SLGBTQ+ 2SLGBTQ+ supporting to dedicated organizations by hosted booths festival guests can go to find a quiet space to decompress, speak speak decompress, to space quiet a find to go can guests festival Council House Council . at found be can Questionnaire halifaxpride.com Saturday, August 14 August Saturday, will include information information include will 15 August Sunday, and diverse sexual and gender identities to come together and flourish. and together come to identities gender and sexual diverse The Decompression Space is an area on the Festival Site where where Site Festival the on area an is Space Decompression The th th Woman’s and contact tracing form when entering the Festival Site. The The Site. Festival the entering when form tracing contact and A Health & Wellness Area at the Festival Site on the afternoons of of afternoons the on Site Festival the at Area Wellness & Health A forms of oppression. Our purpose is to create spaces for persons of of persons for spaces create to is purpose Our oppression. of forms DECOMPRESSION SPACE DECOMPRESSION Taavel Park Taavel • noted with an asterisk in the event listings. event the in asterisk an with noted All attendees must complete a COVID-19 Health Questionnaire Questionnaire Health COVID-19 a complete must attendees All own festival activities. Our aim is an equitable society free from all all from free society equitable an is aim Our activities. festival own AREA WELLNESS & HEALTH Raymond are Program Funding Event Community the by supported Events numerous events and supporting the community as they develop their their develop they as community the supporting and events numerous symptoms of COVID-19. COVID-19. of symptoms • the years we have developed into an annual festival, coordinating coordinating festival, annual an into developed have we years the youth oriented, and/or QTBIPOC focused are prioritized for funding. for prioritized are focused QTBIPOC and/or oriented, youth Refrain from attending in-person events if you are experiencing any any experiencing are you if events in-person attending from Refrain United Church United first Pride march in response to prejudice and discrimination. Over Over discrimination. and prejudice to response in march Pride first ad hoc groups, or individuals during the festival. Events that are free, new, new, free, are that Events festival. the during individuals or groups, hoc ad Friendship Park Friendship their hands. hands. their St. Andrew's St. members of Halifax’s 2SLGBTQ+ community planned the city’s city’s the planned community 2SLGBTQ+ Halifax’s of members support to 2SLGBTQ+ community events hosted by non-profit societies, societies, non-profit by hosted events community 2SLGBTQ+ to support • Peace and Peace sanitize or wash regularly to encouraged be will attendees All Queer, Questioning, and Asexual (2SLGBTQ+) Pride Festival. In 1988, 1988, In Festival. Pride (2SLGBTQ+) Asexual and Questioning, Queer, The Community Event Funding Program offers financial and promotional promotional and financial offers Program Funding Event Community The moving around the Festival Site. Site. Festival the around moving producing a Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Intersex, Transgender, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Two-Spirit, a producing Studios PROGRAM FUNDING EVENT COMMUNITY e Garden e • Move East East Move All attendees must wear a non-medical mask while entering and and entering while mask non-medical a wear must attendees All The Halifax Pride Society is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to to dedicated organization not-for-profit a is Society Pride Halifax The ABOUT HALIFAX PRIDE HALIFAX ABOUT comply with changing public health regulations. health public changing with comply Support for ASL interpretation provided by TD. by provided interpretation ASL for Support protocols. Please note that these protocols will be updated to to updated be will protocols these that note Please protocols. Garrison Grounds Garrison All festival attendees must adhere to the following COVID-19 safety safety COVID-19 following the to adhere must attendees festival All support in any way we can. can. we way any in support community groups. groups. community as we are happy to offer our our offer to happy are we as at us contact to [email protected] Dinner eatre Dinner COVID-19 SAFETY PROTOCOLS SAFETY COVID-19 vendors and artisans, as well as information booths by queer focused focused queer by booths information as well as artisans, and vendors Sackville Landing Sackville Grafton Street Grafton accessibility features or in the events calendar, please do not hesitate hesitate not do please calendar, events the in or features accessibility Saturday, August 14 August Saturday, will include 2SLGBTQ+ 2SLGBTQ+ include will 15 August Sunday, and th th the calendar for Two-Spirit Space events. Space Two-Spirit for calendar the Should you require any assistance beyond that which is listed in the the in listed is which that beyond assistance any require you Should Grand Parade Grand A Community Market at the Festival Site on the afternoons of of afternoons the on Site Festival the at Market Community A important symbol and connection to Indigenous cultural identity. See See identity. cultural Indigenous to connection and symbol important COMMUNITY MARKET COMMUNITY Halifax Commons Halifax ticket purchasing link or at the door. door. the at or link purchasing ticket teepee will host a variety of activities throughout the festival and is an an is and festival the throughout activities of variety a host will teepee Caregiver and companion tickets will be available for free through the the through free for available be will tickets companion and Caregiver Bell Rd Bell partnership with the Wabanaki Two-Spirit Alliance. This space and and space This Alliance. Two-Spirit Wabanaki the with partnership South Park St Park South For a second year, a teepee will be raised at the Festival Site in in Site Festival the at raised be will teepee a year, second a For ticket purchase, and are first come, first serve. serve. first come, first are and purchase, ticket features. features. covered and outdoor seating. Tables must be reserved at the time of of time the at reserved be must Tables seating. outdoor and covered SPACE TWO-SPIRIT Sackville St Sackville Icon Legend next to the Festival Schedule for a full list of accessibility accessibility of list full a for Schedule Festival the to next Legend Icon Radstorm Garden. This 19+ designated area will be table service only, with both both with only, service table be will area designated 19+ This Garden. features for each community and Pride organized event. Please see the the see Please event. organized Pride and community each for features Space The 2021 festival will see the return of Halifax Pride’s Beverage Beverage Pride’s Halifax of return the see will festival 2021 The Brewing Co. Brewing Decompression We have collected information on the various accessibility and service service and accessibility various the on information collected have We parking spaces. spaces. parking Emergency Exit Emergency Good Robot Good Stage BEVERAGE GARDEN BEVERAGE Festival Site. The Info Booth will be located near multiple accessible accessible multiple near located be will Booth Info The Site. Festival 19+ Exit 19+ to expand ways to make this festival more accessible. accessible. more festival this make to ways expand to All Ages Zone Ages All also serve as sighted guides, assisting individuals in navigating the the navigating in individuals assisting guides, sighted as serve also our Accessibility Committee and Accessibility Coordinator, we continue continue we Coordinator, Accessibility and Committee Accessibility our Diamond how to obtain live audio descriptions.
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