NUes PublicLibrary District 6960 OaktonStreet Nues, Illinois60714 JUN28 2001 (847) 663-1234 NLES and -4 MORTON GROVE All 16,000 homei .. doilverud weekly - R4d FE o N i r 'J NILES PUBLICLIER4y 6960 û4Top NuES IL 6u714 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Bugle News 7400 WAUKEGAN RD, NILES, IL 60714 Til R DAY UNE 28 2001 s Caidwell Ave. facility includes indoor tenniscourts; Morton Groveapproves Park officials hope to take possession in July 6 percent waterrate hike To avoid a potential deficit in of Chicago.Both last and this Morton Groves vater and sewer year saw prices for Lake Michi- Nues Parks purchases program, trustees approved a 6 gan water rise by 4 percent. As percent water rate increaseat Morton Groves water fund does this rnoths village board meet- not yield surplus revenue, the ing(June Il). impact of Chicago's hikes was Tam Tennis for $4 million The viflage was compelled io ¿ne vi table. by Lisa Ashkenaz Croke raise itasratesfollowing two The new water rates for Mor- With the approval of an ordi- high ratings froni Moody's In- a condemnation suit to acquire Consecutive annual cost increas- ton Grove users consuming less nance at last week's board meet- Vestor Services, assuring low in- the property under eminent do- es for water supplied by the city Continued on Page 39 ing (June19), the Niles Park terest rates on the debt. main rules after Tam Fitness, Districtis putting the finishing The park district began nego- LCC refused the districts origi- touches on a contract to pur- dating for the site last fall, filing Continued on l'age 39 $12 millionschool chase the Tarn Fitness Center, 7680-86 N. Caldwell Ave.in Niles. (Parade & celebration repairs planned The ordinance authorizes pay- ment of no more than $4 million East Maine District 63 voted Michael Nowian, supervisor recently to enter a two-year, $12 toward the purchase of the 3.5- highlight July 4th of operationsfor thedistrict, acre indoor tennis club and fit- millionperformancecontract calls jcatching up with deferred The Village of Niles will heGuard. The parade ness center. sponsoring a 4th of July parade will corn- with Exelon Solutions to over- maintenance."Repairs and re- Iliefleeat Notre Dame High see repair or replacement of the "The best thing about this is on Wednesday, July 4th, starting placement of major equipment that (the purchase) won't cost School and proceed toGrennan districisenergy-relatedequip- have been put off for 15years. at 9:30 n.m. Over 90 bands.spe- Heights Park, The parade ment. the people a dime," said Presi- cialty units. businesses and route Continued on l'age 39 dent or- t see nial)) is as fol lows: James Hynes. who ex- ganixations are participating. Re- plained that the district's health- Souih on 0/ark Io Main-- East turningonce again for the Revised development plans 'y cash balance will cover the on Main tu Harlem -- Southon enjoyment ofall our residentsare HarlcriiIC) Monroe -- West cost of debt certificates used to the Jesse White Tumblers on and theMonroe to Oketo. may bring $1 mil. more to MG purchase the property. He add- ieat Lakes Drill Team & Color ed that Niles has also received Continued on Page 39 Approved changes to develop- amendment presented at the June er The Elliott Group's proposed II Board of Village Trustees condominium and senior assist- meeting. ed-living complex at 6301 Lin- Part ofThe Elliott Group's pro- Firemen receiveon thejob training coin Ave. in Morton Grove, could posed development for Morton net the village OVC $ I million by Grove's newly established Le- 2(X». high/Lincoln Tax Increment Fi- i'he I1)udifjed proposalwas ap- nancingdistrict,theamended pru'ed in a special-use permit Continued on Page 39 Nilesman charged with drug dealing A I 9-year-old Nues nan was Club on Goll' Rd. involving the arrested on June 15 in connec- drug tills spring. liOn with a Niles Police Depart- litentinvestigation of Ecstasy Since Uuui tinc, Niles Police ditrihutionInthe unicorpated Detectives have been conducting 1)c', llaincs arca, II1-deJ)tl)inquiries and surveil- Ju:iìcs K i in,I 9, was charge(l lance based on information that a NUes resident had been deal- V'iii tinlav.'ful (leliver)' ut' a con- SC' ti ol cd sulmincc alter Police re- ¡ng Ecstasy in ihìc aiea, t2( \ Lred u small anlount ()Í the Kim vas U) , transicied the L ILJb drtj," Ecslas)'. Secondi)isi,'iciC'ourthousein liii' arrest l'ollows an investi- Skokie where bond was setat ¡Viles (;le,, vj' wfire,ne,, gut un o the area pronipted by $20,(K)Ù. He is scheduled to_ap- r('ceiz(Iy parliepaled in(i progranj III, t'xlinguis'J,i,,g nit' program, taught by ilalsirIzI ga.s'fire,r. eali:i arrests made at the Galaxy oJjic'ici(s ()J'NIC,'OR Gas, ¿s¡)art uJ'i lOIig_s1a!,dj,ig .S'Cries Pr back in court on July 5. (Ireajire (Iej)artl?,e,,gs. OJCI(sses offered tu PAOIS2' TIlE DUOLE0TIOOJKSIMY1JE?4025, 2101'''' TIlE IIOOLE, TlItJ0sliAVJT500301MIII"" Save $$ with II.-.-. I1 Wb l:'VI adiscount on Don't let your house becomea moneypit Caring for your INAPSIWIor searching Cor recallIn sash needed bomb- ann lusrgoss rooSng orarrafaciur. Interior design solutions State Farm car vaya lo rave money 00 homo re- rance as prenealare pealing pomi esa oompaoy in business l'or and countertop * pairs,irsuivy oflIresavviesu - wallpoper,higlreraliliry more hIIObbISO yeansoffoen a helpseniors age in place insurance losincoovocra aserias lice lop. billa and addilional mcaraod comproirensivo womanly coiled INAPSIWilim usli5110 onmro Smile pad. Fon hrcav'ior du 5155mg0. 'ClicSolive Buninoss Bsreaa NUI-10 soovo ansr,m ulo rnlnouoe lilink'505 'i poopho mvsurl Smo mm to dirod out how you roomy qualifyo IcOr on healing and coaling sya- bbc Golden Fledge. Thin woman. cane, you messy bu able io coons higill soodiog snap ho'ncvcvsory. In mooliby. vnivemsalhy ascessi- lias raokcd osallny o 00e of Iba lycocors' noI oriy dofecla in ma. on yoans' of oddimionolhoaaiy If rsmndilbg iO 001 nodo osfol, yoo nuIse: 'fimiris lhc quermiumb l'utc- loshrinkohoai.folouhificusbr,,na bbc homes can b000fil Aoremi- lop Soc arcos for Irr0000lion of To resobo soro your loaf000. leniumlu, bus viso arrees io work. frombr yvor kibchco coammiors. nbily need lo cosi.nailOprofdv- i nfnianyO don Anronivans. Pdo- itiir he cosnphcued omIno oflicieoi. csbnu of any age. Tlrry ellen boso problems or easily rapoirs Cavod hovel lo look appealing aod pro- brmonulbip__.wlsich ire nespansiblo Fr000nliog debrmago il psefora. viorrul fahrricalon fon ObIbmop'uin pie o-511e iiog bbmcim goldoo yours y if pocphe ko'oparbeyoon 1ko bol berros alo vohae wilk opiiorn by coosamoere. Forsunalely, en. loor your heme, il's e Sood idea luirroughly1mo-lIards ofail hie Io ropaining il. un slorl by OplbOlis. macu dovidc voholhem or noi hoy ouch wo gmoundhioon bedroolico. penance aIrosos ihai uomo cerc- lo work soul, a professional. Be- prebleers wilh new roofs. ghoosiog durabbo 0000lerbop ma. C 0501er lop builds'10150 ofmeo vnsimm I loro 100010 1enclinemonl "The halos bass isbad iicilrgin no slams al IhO rolmy doom, and fore hiring a 000lraclor, howev- oorObiinnilieu, nb000gad.00mo fsm. happoning in ymmam own bromeo." laiiovorugolion and edaration In 111051pusrms of lbrocailley. Innials Imni,if nead ho, sao be be nOshlurod donpi cois ibia dambm- adaphahlnkilvhennsodbalk. uso yaarpari coo help ovoid er,check reforonves andask Ihe Golden Plodgo ieciades a oaoily ropaired. He reares 0mo ago. A recanily ronloned kilciman cihi hionomiem oem in hoircurreni saya Rousrmany Bakkom. ASID, laog-uorom rimofung problems. quucsuiorlsmo make aune your, free Isolony mnspeclior of yoae lips On rosli n000ro and rrpnir fcoloca d Conio ncoansoobvpn.in- of Eldondosigo, o Ness Yosk Thechoice nealiycomes Like e good oel2hbon, Saale ECOen Is 1hcrc l'o Ilari, risse loen fisc oui of doolung vville usrepalshlo fino. neov roof Io help i000m conrad from libo copan ISO i OuFonI Coni. Olailed in 1979.lIaI overo bornod "Aging io place" is a Inond ro- consolling fimbo."II mssy ho o down lo how yes warl 50 opood IO homer hai'c iliaOqaale allie Simuloely, lrasrueowoerawaol insballuhion ond lo pneoenl preb- ocal omenkod by o gao nlOoe oral suluing from people in 151er lila. sinuple wollen uf adding si wh,eol- year lacer ynaro. Wilh Ihr pram- o'ool'ilaiior. TIrio Ossi Only labos lo be sore lhmoy'ra gelling volo- lomo ir libo fubnrn. Tibe warrnnllp :, Tb ereorebree rypan of ahippodb ecaosonlconnIsnI slagos choosing 10 sbOy in sheir akair ramp or r000vslisrg O bsulhr. Inc of buying o boaahifnh, oem- y..ffihCf fy h' plomo roaEng sysuemn, including is avoilable only 111000gb f0010. solid saniac0000n chop finish. abase. The o enobem lops shcwod currenllivingrnnirOnmorbs. room.Ilmay mman palliog 00 00 fenloble and fnnclionai borne for glee, bai olas courev problema lo raol deok proleulion, look bon- flj.eerhiEedMasher Eule Cor. eu: nul inserir igl ossan al gloss. visibla scams sod sloins and hod This growing phenom000n is a addilian o r00000 mling Or oniol- anyage.dialisg sp a dsoignrr Realty il le imuiorior of your homo. An riera, qaalily sleinglon and albio Iraalors,whoob OAF 5dec15 All Coriao s'irks and bowls boor 1001 Iheir 1501cr. sigsmi000nl belon 1h51 will offesI ing npaeo inI Ongrone y Eel, odd- o an005ar r chal aging in pbaco is a inrproperlyvcnuilauod roof eon l'onu'ilalionollboekndby o from among she ley Iwo per000h aalle Enish. Soapy walon os In Ihn nnfvrbivhreenr, rho orig. Ihn woy irloniom desigrorn avlisr irg grab bans or cOncenliOg a easuema od mare pinanarc. Your "SILES BROKER" einen 1974 nr000faclurer'smarreoly.Re- of sil 000lracl000.
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