*o m 4 lw |M fc Pub!!* Ufcriry Spook A v?. LynH rertt, !.. j . 7 R E V I E W IS C«tfv p tr » I U p K . Sarana-Om« w m p pm * « «MitN j *, 197* V* w r » iw 14 90 *MM Wmm, Extensive Building In M eadows Millions are flowing like build two office building- known office sites in the sold off 100 acres to a consor­ wilier as Bellemead Develop­ warehouses on the south side metropolitan area because jt tium of investors. ment Corp. announced plan*l in of \ajky Brook Avenue has one of the best transporta­ A ll three of the proposed lax week to erect three more the meadowlands. There, too. tion available. Within factors new office buildings will he office buildings in the Wall extensive parking facilities minutes of the center are the and Clay Street section of made from brick Tinted glass will be jvailtfWc. New Jersey Turnpike and will make 30 percent of the’ their Lyndhurst Corporate Modem employee« travel Garden State Parkwav. exteriors. to work III automobiles. New Routes 3. 17. 20 and 80 and a Secret of the season Bel­ Jersey has been found to be a satisfactory network of in­ Mario Cammarano. con­ le mead is confident of succcss haven for companies seeking terior local roads. sulting engineer lor Bel­ of the $6 million-plus con­ new facilities with parking Bellemead. now a part of lemead. said that ground struction project, it the room spaces for their employee*. Chubb Co.. the insurance already has been prepared for it will have to accommodate Bellemead already has two conglomorale. was one of the the first office building. I.23S vehicles in parking six-story office buildings in earliest investors in South Bellemead won approval on spaces around the new operation and a third is near­ Bergen meadowland. It has that site from the Planning buildings. ing completion. over 300 acres now ready for Board and tentative approval Only a short time ago Bcl- The Corporate Center is development. Last week it on the other two. pending f ■emead disclosed it plans tobecoming one of the best was disclosed Bellemead had completion of its plans. I t ’ s H e r e H I S T O R Y O F Attractively printed and chock full of facts and faces of Certificate awarded by Stati PT.. Lyndhurst people and places. ii-Potter Conteet. L to R - Pat Esposito, Cultural Art» Chairman; Marilyn Faziola, “History Of Lyndhurst." the Franklin Schoól PTA President; M Biondi, lit place la a(e group for Bi-centennial Potter; hit mother Jane Biornti and Frank Ruggiero, Principal. Bicentennial Committee publication made its ap­ LYNDHURST pearance this week. Photos Will Be Philip DePano. chairman of the committee which has Sika Receives Approval Taken Witji Sant* been often commended for the The Lyndhurtt Junior excellence of its planning and Woman’s Club will sponsor a execution, wrote the foreword Of Tank For Pollutants "Pictures with Santa Claus” which states: Sika Chemical Co. has per­ vironmental Protection spirits and corn tugar solu- day on Saturday. Panther “The Bicentennial has mission to buHd a holding Afancy. tiona are stored. II at the comer of Sliiyaannl caused people to pause and tank for pollutant materials, and Kingsland Avenues reflect — to appreciate our Lik» many other chemical (across from Roosevelt great American heritage and but can’t add otherwite to its companies Sika bad baa* ïü*?*i. neat of tanks it maintains un­ School.) Polaroid | what It means to eaab of us. dumping waste, into Berry s for hokii^« por- You should feet proud of der the meadowland ridge off th e taken Valley Brook Arcane. Lyndhurtt.' A t a N tanks «story ofOorV Natio* a * ' »and . * of - thè Bicentennial Celebration “My thanks lo thè members of thè commitlee. Your devotion and civic in­ terest made it all poiaible. The peopie of Lyndhurst, who T a s k F o r c e «are recipients of your labor. ara moat grateful for a job M a p s G o a l s w«it dotte Your efforts and tha participation of thè peoplc O f * F u t u r e made our many programs a rtaoundfng success." The Franklin School-Wid* Jnduded in thè booklet is a Talk Force met Friday after* Bjpy of thè senato rasolution noon at 3:30 p.m. in the ^»nsored by State Senator school's all purpose room. Anthony A. Scardino Jr.. Procedures wan outlined and general information concern­ mayor of thè township, in ing the T * E program discus­ which thè Sfnate «tended its baat wishes and congratula- in th e sed in deUH. tions to Lyndhurst. The second meeting of this Ateo in thè boc r ip «rid involve suggestidhs portraits of Scardino and ih* goal setting by both lay tour other township commis- and Mauro t B M 'S I P.M. it citizens and students of the sioners with a description of Bicentennial Year school. The aaxt meeting will thè departments they head be an Bounced at a later date. and tbe scope of their duties. iw w n w m w iTf ~ | h | Title I Council M eets Dec IS 1 meeting of tha Ti- TM«-» taaebars f o rt an iA fr W y Canoe« wfll b»|y«aa«tiodU- Class Of ’51 Reunion “ p.m. on W fcltair the - W È É i Av*nu*' * 1 1 1 1 2 — Thursday, December 9, 1976 Another Honor For VanW inkle: Masons’ ‘M an O f The Year’ Kobcrt A. VanWinklç Jersey Association of Grand Lodge of New Jersey Gulf. Ormoc. Mindoro. returned last week from Realtors to learn he had been can confer upon a Mason L in g a y e n G u lf., Subic- A tla n tic C ity \*here he voted Boiling Springs Lodge, Boiling Spring nominated Bay,Corregidor and Batan. received "Realtor of the F &A.M “Man of the Year Van tin k le in May and the Brunei Bay. and Borneo. Year" honors from the Ne* It is the highest honor the election by the Grand Lodge was announced last week dur­ While commanding the ing the realtors' convention U.S.S Scrimmage in Previously VanWinkle had minesweeping operation un­ been chosed by Rutherford der the command of Lt. Com­ Chamber of Commerce as its mander Robert VanW inkle a “ Man of the Year." citation was presented to him Marvin B Keys, master of and his crew and the citation Boiling Spring Lodge said reads. “ For meritorious ser­ that VanWinkle w ill be guest vice during minesweeping of the lodge Dec. 14 at the operation in the Manila Bay Masonic Temple, 16** Park area from 14 February to IK Ave . Rutherford. A ll M asons F ebruary 1945. While under and their friends have been in­ heavy artillery fire from vited to participate in the enemy coast artillery located honors for Van Winkle on Corregidor, Caballo and The VanWinkle family set­ Carabas Islands the officers tled in the Passaic area over and men aggressively and 300 >cars ago and finally cooly proceeded on the hazar­ located in South Bergen. dous ta.^k of sweeping a great ke\s pointed out number of enemy mines, which were in good condition, VanWinkle is ifie ninth active and in one field spaced generation of vanWinkles in only 30 feet apart. the Real Estate firm of A W VanWinkle Co. at Station They distinguished Square. Rutherford His son themselves throughout these Peter Sterling, is the 10th operations by their able generation in the firm. seamanship and tactical skill Robert VanWinkle was in radically maneuvering to born January 2. 1917. in avoid destruction by enemy Rutherford, the son of Stirl­ hore batteries to maintain ing Van Winkle and Mable counter battery fire and to Sherwood VanWinkle. A t­ avoid contact with floating tended Sylvan and Park mines. EVERYBODY IS HAPPY. South Bergen Realtors had reason to be proud at state convention in Atlantic City. ' elementary school, and Their former president, Robert A. VanWinkle, seated second from left at table, was named Realtor of the Year. Others ^ BARGAIN graduated from Rutherford By clearing these High School, attended and minefields under diffcult at the table, left to right: Mrs. VanWinkle, Peter Ferraro, Richard Tarantino, Jack Erhardt and Marge ( avell. dit ions, they con tribu t Standing left to right: Peg McLaughlin, Sylvia Swenson, John Savino, president of South Bergen Board; Ron Artigles. * BASEMENT graduated from Admiral Far- ragut Academv and Rider materially to the opening * Mrs. Artigles, Richard Van (¿lahn, Mrs. Van Glahn, Mrs. Peter Ferraro, Mrs. John Erhardt, Betty Sottovia, Charles; College in 1937. Robert Manila Bay and to the success Swensen, Shirley Boyd and Daniel Van Winkle. jointed the family real estate of the Phillipinc Campaign. Their actions were out­ Trustee and President Board sful year for Rutherford as and insurance business of Director and President 1957- Palmer. A W. VanWinkle. in 1938. is standing and in keeping with Passaic Collegiate School. well as Bergen County and 1975. received Realtor Com­ November. 1956 Mr. \ 8 SO KEARNY AVE., KEARNY, N.J. now Presdent of the firm, the highest traditions of the our Nation. munity Service Award 1967. Robert VanWinkle was Serving since 1950 to date which is recognized as the Navy of the United States.“ elected Mayor of the Borough as Chairman Rutherford Mr. Robert Van Winkle is O P E N 3 D A Y S O N L Y oldest real estate business in Signed D.E. Barry, Vice Ad­ Director of State of New of Rutherford and thus far Chamber of Commerce Park­ a member of the First The United States Van miral.
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