CALIFORNIA HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC WORKS ~Fficial Journal of the Division of Highways of the Department of Public Works, State of California, FRANK W. CLARK, Director C. H. PURCELL, State Highway Engineer J. W. HOWE, Edi4or K. C. ADAMS, Associat¢ Editor Published for information of the memb¢rs of the department and th¢ citiz¢ns of California Editors of newspap¢rs and others are privileged ko use matter contained her¢in. Cu4s will be gladly loan¢d upon requesk Addr¢ss communications to California Highways and Public Works, P. O. Box 1499, Sacramenko, CaliFornia Vol. 18 JANUARY,140 No. 1 Table of Contents Page Legislation Proposed to Unfreeze $50,000,000 Central Valley Project Sonds -------- -------------- ---- 1 Contra Costa Canal Project, Illustrated ______________________________ 2-3 Public Works Program for 1940 Totals More than $50,000,000__________ 5 B~ Fra~ik W. Clark, D%rector of Public Works Completed Section of Tehachapi Pass Realignment Opened____________ 6 Pictures of Improved Tehachapi Yass Highway______________________ 7 Administrative Problems of State Highway Maintenance, Illustrated____ 8-11 By T. H. De~~a~vis, Maintenance E~tigiaaeer Psychiatric Unit to Be Added to U. C. Medical School______ 12 By P. T. Poa~e, Ass~istomt State Architect Sketch of Modern Psychiatric Clinic Building________________________ 13 Highway Relocation Bridge across Shasta Reservoir at Antler, Illustrated------- --------------------------------------------14-15 By Glenn L. E~e]ce, tlssociate Bride E~t~i~ceer Newhall Tunnel Eliminated by Cut___ _______________________________ 16 B~ Joh7a D. Gallaher, Assistant Flig7a~u+a~ E~z~i~~eer Photographs of Newhall Tunnel Cut and Ne~v Highway__ It New Reduction in Bay Bridge Toll Rates in Effect____ ________ 19 Concrete Riprap Bank Protection___ _______________________________ 20 By C. F. Child, District Constructio~a L'~iyi~tiee~• Illustrations of Cache Creek Riprap ~~Vork________________ _ 21 University Avenue Grade Separation in Berkeley Formally Opened____ 22 Pictures of University Avenue Overhead and Dedication Scene__________ 23 Highway Bids and Awards for December____________________________ 24 Total Bay Bridge Traffic Passes $30,000,000 Mark____________________ 25 Realignment of Mountain Springs Grade____________________________ 26 B~ E. E. Sore~zson, District Co~tistruction Engineer Photographs of Improved Mountain Springs Grade____________________ 2l Obituary of Everett N. Bryan_______ _______________________________ 28 e era - toto ro u ps ct to n reeze 50~ 000 ~ 000 in entra \/a ey Pro~ ect Bon s EGISLATION which wonlcl eii- ~f the project, for the income derived able the Water Project ~uthor- Ickes Stresses Need from these sales will have to repay ity of California to cooperate the Federal Government for its cost. with the Federal government ii1 the for Legislation Secretary of the Interior Ickes also stressed the need for State action irz complete development of the Central Excerpts from a letter by Secretary Valley Project .has been presented to of the Interior Harold L. Ickes to Gov- providinb these markets. He wrote: Governor Culbert L. O1soi7 ai~cl the ernor Culbert L. Olson read as follaws: "I believe that California can United States Bilreau of Reclamat~ioiz "Commissioner Page, of the render to the United States a valu- for their consideration. Bureau of Reclarna,tion, which able service by undertaking a pro- The lebislation proposed is an is building the project, and I, gram which wonlcl provide public amendment to the Central Valley understand the need for such power outlets for the energy to be Project Act which would permit the assistance as can be given by ~eneratecl at the Shasta Dam of the Water Project Authority to issue Ltp the State, in the encouragement Central Valley Project. The value to $50,000,000 of revenLle bonds au- of and assistance in organiza- of the service could be increased thorizecl in the act, to be used iiz per- t on of both irrigation and by early and vigorous prosecution forming the purposes and objects of power districts. Adequate pro- of such a program as is contem- the act approved or regtiiested by visions in State law permitting plated." Secretary of the Interior Harold L. issuance of revenue bonds to Ickes. The bonds would be a lieu on finance the construction of dis- Iiz presiding at the conference reventiles from the project only aizd tribution systems afford a con- Director Clark, as chairman of the not general obligation bonds of the venient and desirable machin- Water Project Authority, made it State. ery. clear that the State is ready to take "There is no doubt in my Federal, State and local representa- sLlch action as desired by the Federal tives joined forces in working oLlt the mind that the public interest will be served. best if publicly Government; and approved by groups legislation at a two-day conference genuinely . and constructively inter- held in Sacramento December 21st controlled outlets for the sa1- ested in the development of the Cei~- and 22d. Representing the Federal able commodities provided by Government were Walker R. YoLing, the project are brought into tral Valley Project in all its phases. existence. I realize that so far supervising engineer of the Central has as the power is concerned the "'i`he Federal Government Valley Project, and R. J. Coffey, at- ii~clieatecl that legislation should be torney for the U. S. BLireau of Recla- supply from Shasta Dam must be supplemented by adequate enacted immediately," Director mation. Public Works Director Clark said. "The representatives Frank W. Clark, State Engineer Ed- stand-by capacity if its maxi- mum benefits are to be ob- of the Federal Government have ward Hyatt and members of their indicated that now is the time to staffs represented the State. Local tained. In my opinion, therefore, the prepare such leislation if the groups were represented by Governor Secretary's wishes are carried out. Olson's Central Valley Project Com- proposal by the State to em- power the Water Project The State is anxious to fulfill these mittee and the Central Valley Project wishes and place itself in a posi- Association. Authority to provide these sup- plemental facilities and to aid tion to cooperate ~~ith the Federal The meeting was called at the re- Government." quest of Commissioner of Reclamation in the organization of the public power outlets should be com- John C. Page, who urged that the Mr. Coffey, mended and deserves the sup- as attorney for the Bu- State take the necessary steps to pro- reaLl of Reclamation, amplified the vicle public outlet facilities for the port of the people of Califor- nia. Because of the underly- position of the Federal Government project not contemplated by the Bu- b3~ stating rean of Declamation. ti~hile the ing Federal law, such legisla_ can bureau is bLiilcling the major features Lion not unfavorably affect "The Water Project Authority the prospective water of the Central Valley Project, it has users of should be in a position to go ahead the project, but on the other where the made. no provision for distribLltion of government leaves off. hand the provision, as proposed, We think you have all the necessary water and power to local agencies. of a competitive power market legal power to clo what should be Providing this market for the sale should mean actually more done. You need only funds for of water and power to be developed favorable rotas on the water." the Authority to go ahead. I can is of vital importance to the sLiccess 'not say ho«~ you shoilld do it. One way would be to provide revenue provided that the total issue was to quired of the State. If pending Fed- bonds." be reduced by the amount of the Fed- eral legislation authorizing the gov- eral Government's "contribution.' finance Starting with this as a basis the ernment to construction of Until the amount of that "contribu- not approved, conferees worked out the following lateral canals is approg- 1;ion" is determined bonds provided $50,000,000 premise on which the legislation imately half the will be by the act remain frozen. purpose. should be designed: available for this It will The method adopted to overcome also provide funds for the construc- 1. That no change in the original this difficulty was the framing of a tion of secondary electric distribution intent of the Central Valley Project new section to the act which would lines and a standby steam electric Act was necessary. release a portion of these bonds. The generating plant at or near load cen- 2. That despite Federal financing amendment drawn calls for a ceiling ter of the Northern California power of the major features of the project of $50,000,000 in revenue bonds that market. the responsibility for providing out- can be issued under the new section. It was the concensns of opinion of let facilities still with State rests the leaving frozen in the original act those attending the conference the and local agencies. X120,000,000 in revenue bonds as a proposed legislation will meet the sec- 3. That means should be devised safeguard against the failure of the tional objections offered to the Piero- whereby Water Project Authority the Federal Government to complete the vich Bill, defeated at the last session could assist local agencies and co- major features of the project. of the legislature. The Pierovich Bill operate with the Federal Government In order to safeguard those inter in financing these outlets. ested in seeing that the revenue bond: 4. That the best possible method be used only for the purposes desig~ PUMPING PLANT NO. 4 presently available of securing these nated in the Central Valley Project Initial installation, two 450 h.p. distribution facilities would be Act, it was also proposed the issuancE motors and two 250 h.p.
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