ThE bOX SCOrE INSIDE IOWA’S FOOTBALL STATS, WEEK 9. SPORTS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 tueSday, OCtOber 23, 2012 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ 2012 VOTE 2012: EducaTiOn 2012 VOTE 2012 ‘Helping more young people afford college should be at the forefront of America’s agenda. This shouldn’t be a Republican or democratic issue. This is an American issue.’ UI Affording college still an issue e-market The average student loan debt for 2011 picks UI graduates was $25,446. by JOrdyn rEiland Obama [email protected] The Iowa Electronic Markets niversity of Iowa junior Catherine favor President Obama Clark is in debt — over Mitt Romney in the U$45,000 to $50,000 in student loans to be ex- presidential election. act. Unlike Clark, UI soph- omore Brian Behrens is scotch free — his parents by nick hassETT pay for his education. [email protected] Though Clark’s situation may be a bit more repre- The Iowa Electronic Markets — a sentative — the average system of real-money future exchanges student-loan debt for the run by University of Iowa faculty — is UI’s 2011 graduating class calling a front runner in the upcoming was $25,446, and the na- election. The system favors President tional average was slight- Obama by a wide margin, leaving one ly less — both she and market committee member puzzled. Behrens are part of a key Faculty in the Tippie College of Busi- demographic in the 2012 ness run the markets, in which students presidential campaign: col- and nonstudents can trade in “shares” lege students. or contracts regarding the outcome of While both presidential events such as elections. The price of a candidates have main- contract reflects demand; the market tained that college afford- drives up the price of shares attached ability is an important is- to a likely winner, just as with any stock sue, President Obama and market. GOP presidential nominee According to the organization’s web- Mitt Romney differ on site, more than 100 universities have whether loans or postgrad- enrolled in the UI markets since their uation jobs will help stu- establishment in 1988. dents in the long run. The Presidential Election Markets Romney hopes to create are split into two categories: vote-share a plan that strengthens and winner-takes-all markets. The vote- and simplifies the finan- share markets are traded on the basis cial-aid system, as well as of the percentage of votes each candi- strengthening the econo- date gets in the general election. The my with job creation. winner-takes-all markets are based A.J. Spiker, the chair- solely on the winner. man of the Iowa GOP, Historically, the markets have been pinpointed the biggest dif- quite accurate in predicting the out- ference between the two come of elections. In 2008, the mar- candidates: jobs after col- ket favored Obama by a huge margin lege. leading up to Election Day. This was (Top) UI junior Catherine Clark studies at the Java House on Oct. 18. Clark has more than $40,000 in student loans. (The Daily Iowan/Joshua Housing) (Above) UI student Brian Behrens watches a movie on Oct. 17. Behrens’ parents are helping him pay for sEE lOans, 5 school. (The Daily Iowan/Nicholas Fanelli) sEE iEm, 7 UI Field House renovations begin Group aids The Field House has been a LGBT seniors part of the UI community A Johnson County group is since 1927. working to become an affiliate of SAGE, the largest national by QuEnTin misiag [email protected] organization advocating for LGBT seniors. Renovation has begun on the 85-year-old Field House in order to improve access to the congested Uni- by TiErra simpsOn versity of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics [email protected] complex. The 240,000-square-foot facility When Patrick Cronk officially has been a part of the UI community came out of the closet at 28 years old, since 1927, and it was most recently his mother, father, and six siblings renovated in 1985. Its features in- shunned him. clude 10 basketball/volleyball courts, Cronk, the secretary of the Visibili- a climbing gym, classrooms, saunas, ty Action Team and a lord archbishop, 16 racquetball courts, six multi-ac- said the hardships didn’t end with his tivity rooms, a cycling studio, and a coming out. swimming pool. The now-57-year-old was banned UI spokesman Tom Moore said the Construction continues on the UI Children’s Hospital, near the Field House, on Monday. The Field House from attending his mother’s funer- project’s goal is to enhance traffic flow will undergo renovation as well to make way for the new facility. (The Daily Iowan/Ian Servin) al, has lived through the murders of to the health-science area, specifically two lovers in hate crimes, lost four the hospital. ect manager for UI Facilities Man- head between the South Gym and ex-lovers to AIDS, and buried 17 of his “The basic project is creating a new agement. “Everything that currently roadway through the ‘Main Street,’ ” resides there will be relocated to the said Hugh Barry, a senior design proj- new southeast entrance. A new over- sEE FiEld hOusE, 7 sEE lgbT, 7 WEATHER dAily iowan Tv insidE To watch daily iowan Tv: Classifieds HIGH LOW 9 • scan this code Crossword 6 79 63 • Go to dailyiowan.com Opinions • Watch UiTv sunday-Thursday 4 Partly sunny, quite windy. night at 9:30 Sports 10 2 | The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa • Tuesday, October 23, 2012 News dailyiowan.com for more news The Daily Iowan Planning for the end early Volume 144 Issue 85 BREakiNg NEws sTaFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher Email: [email protected] William Casey 335-5788 Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief Emily Busse 335-6030 CorrectiONs Managing Editor Call: 335-6030 Sam Lane 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for Metro Editors accuracy and fairness in the reporting Kristen East 335-6063 of news. If a report is wrong or Jordyn Reiland 335-6063 misleading, a request for a correction Opinions Editor or a clarification may be made. Benjamin Evans 335-5863 sports Editor PuBLishiNg info Molly Irene Olmstead 335-5848 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is arts Editor published by Student Publications Alicia Kramme 335-5851 Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Copy Chief Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily Beau Elliot 335-6063 except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and Photo Editors university holidays, and university Rachel Jessen 335-5852 vacations. Periodicals postage paid Adam Wesley 335-5852 at the Iowa City Post Office under the Design Editor Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. Allie Wright 335-6063 TV News Director suBsCRiptiONs Ryan Jones 335-6063 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 web Editor Email: [email protected] Tony Phan 335-5829 subscription rates: Business Manager iowa City and Coralville: $20 for Debra Plath 335-5786 one semester, $40 for two semes- Classifed ads/Circulation Manager ters, $10 for summer session, $50 Juli Krause 335-5784 for full year. advertising Manager UI students Victoria Castillo and Emma Rathe have a discussion in the In Death and Dying course on Oct. 17. This UI course is participating in a program Out of town: $40 for one semem- Renee Manders 335-5193 called Honoring Your Wishes, which aims to improve advanced-care planning. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell) ster, $80 for two semesters, $20 advertising sales staff for summer session, $100 all year. Bev Mrstik 335-5792 For the first time, really talks about it. So rolled in the course. “It’s send address changes to: The Daily Cathy Witt 335-5794 the whole point of the going to happen. So you hospice Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Production Manager members of a UI class is to get educated might as well be prepared Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Heidi Owen 335-5789 about the different kinds for it.” Several local businesses class plan what of death.” Many students take the donate money to fund they would want if The goal of the pro- class because they believe the Honoring Your Wishes gram is to consider what the knowledge they gain program. correctiON they experienced people would want if they will help them in their fu- a sudden illness or were suddenly ill or in- ture careers. • Iowa City Hospice ($30,000 In the Oct.21 brief “Regents to ponder fees,” The Daily Iowan jured and could not com- “I don’t really have very and above) incorrectly reported the music fee will be added from a previously injury. municate. If the person much experience with • UI Health Care ($15,000 to nonexistent fee. The fee and amount for private music lessons are chooses to, the end result death, and with my field, $29,000) the same as last year. The package will be presented differently. The BY BRiaNNa JETT is an advanced-care di- I am going to come across • The Center ($5,000 to DI regrets the error. [email protected] rective, a legal document death a lot,” said Castillo, $14,999) in Iowa. The choices who is majoring in social • Hills Bank and Trust Com- Planning for death made beforehand must work. “I think it would be pany ($5,000 to $14,999) comes at the end of a life, be followed. really nice to be able to right? “This is a way to ensure have those open conversa- Source: Iowacityhospice.org Not always. University that people’s health-care tions I’ve never had before of Iowa students in a class preferences are honored — before I have to do it have begun to take a clos- and to also relieve family with a client.” er look at what they would stress at a time of crisis,” The two students all want at the end of their said Jane Dohrmann, the plan on continuing the your behalf.
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