PLANNING AND REGULATORY COMMITTEE 22nd May 2018 PLANNING APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION Item 1: 07/17/0352/O Location: Land North and South of Andrews Lane and South of Peakes Way, Cheshunt Description: Demolition of existing buildings at Garry Ross Farm and development of a mixed use scheme to include a new linear park and comprising up to 380 dwellings, 64 bed care home, local centre comprising up to 604 sqm of A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 and D1/D2 uses and associated ancillary facilities, a primary school, improved recreational, leisure and sporting facilities and associated open space, landscaping and car parking provision as well as private and communal amenity space. Applicant: Crest Nicholson Ltd Agent: RPS CgMs Date Received: 07/04/2017 Expiry Date: 07/07/2017 Item 2: 07/17/0864/O Location: Tudor Nurseries, Burton Lane, Cheshunt Description: Demolition of existing buildings and construction of up to 360 dwellings [use class C3] including affordable homes, family housing and ‘retirement village’, retail unit up to 500sqm [use class A1], associated open space, drainage features, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle accesses and ancillary infrastructure and ground works. Applicant: CEG Land Promotions Ltd Agent: Code Development Planners Ltd Date Received: 22/08/2017 Expiry Date: 21/11/2017 A1 Item 3: 07/17/1267/O Location: Langdons & Ballymour, Andrews Lane and Land Between Andrews Lane and Burton Lane, Goffs Oak, Herts, EN7 6SP Description: Outline application for up to 60 dwellings including associated access Applicant: Mr Spitaliotis and Mr Brunton Agent: DLA Town Planning Ltd Date Received: 11/12/2017 Expiry Date: 12/03/2018 Officer Contact: Peter Quaile Date of Committee: 23/05/2018 Ward Councillors: Leader of the Council; Cllr Moule; Cllr Jeremy Pearce RECOMMENDED that planning permissions be granted subject first to submission to and clearance by the Secretary of State, the applicants completing planning obligations under s.106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) for the terms set out in this report and the conditions in respect of each application in the Appendix at the end of this report. Background The two larger major outline applications relate to land to the north and south of Rags Brook and encompass much of the area lying between Peakes Way at the northern extremity and Goffs Lane to the south. The northern application which in total encompasses an area of nearly 44 hectares [ha] seeks permission for up to 380 dwellings, a 64 bed care home, a two form of entry primary school, a linear park and a small commercial centre. The southern portion proposes up to 360 dwellings, a retirement village and a local convenience store on a site area of 15.6ha. There is also a smaller outline application which proposes up to 60 dwellings and public open space on 4.5ha of land which extends from Andrews Lane through to Burton Lane and was submitted in December 2017. These three schemes comprise the great majority of land allocated under draft Policy CH2 in the Local Plan which was published as a Regulation 19 Draft Local Plan Consultation Document in November 2017 in preparation for submission to MHCLG which took place in March earlier this year. The final element of the draft site allocation is a small parcel of land south of Andrews Lane, to the west of Rosedale Sports Club, which is at present not subject to a planning application. A2 This report is structured as follows: Strategic planning and the draft site allocation Detailed assessment of the northern application [07/17/0352/O] – Pages 9-24 Detailed assessment of the southern application [07/17/0864/O] – Pages 25-39 Detailed assessment of the Andrews Lane/Burton Lane application [07/17/1267/O] – Pages 40-51 Strategic highway issues – Page 52 Planning obligations – Page 53 Conclusion Recommendation Conditions for each scheme in an appendix If Members of the Committee have technical or factual queries on any matter covered by this report then they are encouraged to contact the case officer for clarification in advance of the meeting. 1. Strategic Planning, Draft Allocation and the Principle of Development 1.1 The background assessment work in relation to the Green Belt which underpins the draft allocations in the Local Plan is set out in the Council’s “Green Belt Topic Paper” June 2017. This document builds on previous evidence studies in order to provide the most up to date basis to inform draft allocations and amendments to the Green Belt boundaries. The topic paper notes that the required housing supply from 2018-2033 cannot be met solely by use of land in the urban area. The inevitable conclusion from that premise is that land will need to be found within the Green Belt to reach the housing targets set out in the draft Local Plan. In looking to intrude into the Green Belt the topic paper emphasises the requirement to demonstrate “exceptional circumstances” as required in the NPPF in relation to altering Green Belt boundaries through the plan-making process and sets out 26 detailed criteria on which to establish “exceptional circumstances”. The topic paper examines each of the sites proposed for release from the Green Belt and appraises them individually against the stated criteria. Rosedale Park is critically assessed on pages 32-33 of the topic paper and is found to accord with the principles of sustainable development and the conclusion is that there is a strong case to release the site from the Green Belt. 1.2 Policy CH2 of the Regulation 19 Draft Local Plan Submission Document allocates Rosedale Park “as a series of interlinked new suburban parkland communities…” The three sites noted above are explicitly named in the Policy and a series of criteria which aim to guide development on the three land parcels are set out on page 44 of the Draft Local Plan. Page 45 of the Draft Local Plan emphasises that Rosedale Park is to be developed in accordance with a comprehensive master plan. An indicative concept plan is set out on the same page which shows prospective land parcels, parkland, corridors, inclusive access north-south and west-east along with the location for the new primary school and southerly extension to the Rosedale Sports Club. 1.3 Policy CH2 of the Regulation 18 and 19 consultation drafts of the Local Plan have been subject to 32 comments from residents and interested parties of which 27 raised objection. The comments made relate to the following matters: A3 Goffs Oak Community Association [GOCA] objects to the proposed site allocation. [IDs 24, 28, 30,33,34,35,37,38]: Rosedale Park is located in Goffs Oak not Cheshunt Rosedale Park housing proposals are too big to be accommodated by existing health facilities and too small to pay for new health facilities Insufficient secondary school capacity Harm to the Green Belt, especially coalescence with Cheshunt Government favours sustainable locations such as next to railway stations rather than unsustainable car-dependent rural locations such as Rosedale Park Majority of Tudor Nursery site is not derelict and is open land Tudor nurseries site is viable for glasshouse/horticultural use Flood risk at the Tudor Nurseries site Biodiversity loss resulting from Tudor Nursery proposals Rosedale Park North is a greenfield site with high landscape and biodiversity value Misleading to claim that the housing will expand/extend/improve Rosedale Sports Club Too much housing on Rosedale Park North Destruction of beautiful countryside No need for additional open spaces/paths as Goffs Oak already well served Unsustainable proposal as no access to services No exceptional circumstances for release from Green Belt Insufficient provision for elderly people [GOC, Mr Barry Cressey, ID449] Other objections to Rosedale Park: No development in floodplain [Environment Agency ID 680]. River buffer strip of at least 8m [Environment Agency ID 680]. Road network cannot cope [Keith Veralls ID 591, Dr David Storey, ID 58] Cap on apartments will worsen affordability [Mrs Pierce] No evidence of how secondary education need will be met [Mrs Pierce, ID 118] Transport strategy will mean that residents will have to travel to Lieutenant Ellis Way or Brookfield [Mrs Pierce, ID 118] Should mention the heritage assets close to the proposed development and any protections [Historic England ID 155] Green Belt - ref Barwood court case 2017 [CPRE, ID 342]. 5% apartments inappropriate [Crest Nicholson, ID 423] Tree requirement excessive [Crest Nicholson, ID 424] Unnecessary reference to CPO [Crest Nicholson, ID 427] Site off Rags Lane should be allocated [Abbey View Produce, ID 573 ] Tudor Nurseries should be retained.[Keith Veralls ID 591] The council should not have assisted the landowners with their application prior to the matter going to public consultation [Keith Veralls ID 591] merging of Goffs Oak and Cheshunt [Keith Veralls ID 591] A4 The Goffs Oak Community Association in objecting sought the deletion of Policy CH2 from the emerging Local Plan. The issues of detail are examined in detail in the assessment of each respective application set out below in this report. The existing draft policy was submitted to the Secretary of State on 15th March 2018 and the Examination in Public is anticipated in early autumn this year with formal adoption anticipated in early 2019. The draft policy anticipates around 790 dwellings for the overall site. The current applications seek outline permission for up to 800 dwellings and have come forward for development without the small parcel of land in separate which adjoins Lea Mount and which would support approximately 20 dwellings. The overall quantum of proposed development is considered to be consistent with the principles of the draft allocation under Policy CH2. (See Local Plan concept plan on page 8 of this report).
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