JONG ISLAMIETEN BOND: A STUDY OF A MUSLIM YOUTEI MOVEMENT IN INDONESIA DURING THE DUTCH COLONLAL ER& 1924 - 1942 A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulf111ment of the cequiremen& of the de- of Master of Arts Uistitute of Islamic Studies McGiii University Montreal Canada @Dadiri Husni 1998 National Library Bibiintheque nationale du Canada uisitioris and Acquisitions et 36 iographic aivicc~ savices bibliographiques The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accorde une Licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Lbary of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, disûiiute or selî reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous papa or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur fomut électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve La propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial exûacts hmit Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantie1s may be printed or oaienivise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT Author : Dardiri Husni Tiîie : Jong Islamieten Bond: A Study of a Muslim Youth Movement in Indonesia during the htch Colonial Era. 1924- 1942 Department : Institute of Islamic Studies De~e : Master of Arts (M.A.) This thesis deals with an influentid young Muslim intellectual movement, Jong Islamieten Bond (m),which had active towards the end of the Dutch Colonial era in Indonesia. It will fmt investigate the circumstances under which the JIB was founded. Second, it wiii go on to survey the development of the organization with respect to its leadership between 1924 to 1942. FinaUy. this thesis will analyze in some detail the ideology and the activities of the movement. It will attempt to shed a light on the W's role in defining Islam as both a religion and an ideology in the struggle to form an Indonesian identity for the funire Indonesian nation. Auteur :Dardhi Husni Titre :Iong Islamieten Bond: L' Ctude d'un mouvement de jeunes Musulman en Indonésie pendant l'ére coloniale hoilandaise, 1924- 1942 Départment :Institut des études islamiques Dipl6me :Maîtrise 8s arts (M.A.) Cette thèse traite du jeune et influent mouvement inteflectuel musulman. le Jong Islamieten Bond, active vers la fin de l'ère coloniale hollandaise en Indonésie. il nous ttudieraus dabord les circonstances qui ont ment B la fondation du JIB. Ensuite, il y aura une examination des dCveloppement de l'organisation entre 1924 à 1942. La thèse analysera tgalement en detail son idtologie et ses activités. Eile tachera ci' dclairer le rôle du W en dtfinissant I'Islarn comme une religion et iddologie de lutte ayant pour but la formation ci' une identit6 pour la future nation indonésienne. 1 would like to extend my deep appreciation to aii those who have assisted me during my graduate studies at the Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University. Fust, 1 would iike to thank Professor Howard M. Fedeapiel. my academic advisor and thesis supervisor. without whose guidance and encouragement this work could not possibly have been accomplished. His inteilectual perspicacity and life-long cornmitment to SC holarshie, particulady in Indonesian stuclies, his ce freshing honesty-al1 have aven me a mode1 of academic excellence. 1 benefited greatly from his constructive criticism and am indebted to him in a way that perhaps cannot be repaid. My sincen th& go to dl my professors, the faculty members of the Institute and in particular Professor A. Uner Turgay. the Institute's Director, for his patience and his continuous scholarly guidance. Many thanks are due also to CIDA (Canada International Development Agency) for a scholarship gant and to the staff of the Indonesia-Canada Higk Education Pmject. 1 am patiy indebted for his generosity to Bapak Da. Abdurrahman MA, who now Iectures at IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. He provided me with copies of Het Licht magazine, unavailable in any Canadian Li'brary, and kindly discussed various topics with me, thanks to his own intenst in my field. 1 wish aiso to tbank many other coileagues: Jamt Wahyudi (who provided me with materials hm Yogyakarta); Drs. AMul Muthaii'b MA, (who helped me translate and who discussed with me Dutch texts, without which this thesis wodd have lacked important prUnary soums); htuRopi, Yusuf Rahman, Mizan Sya'roni, Ahmad Zaini, Aminil Hadi and Masdar Hilmy (for valuable inteliectual exchanges, genemus help and encouragement); the staff of the Islarnic Studies Library, in particular, Salwa Ferahian and Wayne St. niornas, and that of the Kroch Library of Comell University, especially, Ben Abel, who assisted me in obtalning matetials, books and articles relating to the topic. 1 very much appreciate the efforts of Reem Meshd, Asad F. Shaker and Steve Millier, whose help in rendering my rough drafts into better English throughout the writing of this thesis has been of a consistent quality. 1 would also Lke to express my special gratitude to my mother whose courage and du'a have aiways inspired me, and to my extended family in Cilacap, Pekanbaru, Bali and Demak, who have always supported my academic ambitions. This simple expression cannot begin to describe the depth of my feeling. 1 would like to express my deepest ibanks and affection to my beloved wife, Nurhasanah Bustam, who not only encouraged me to pursue my graduate studies abroad, but accompanied me and supported me ali the way through. Despite the "boredom" I must have caused her as 1 struggled to finish with my course and this thesis, her passion and love has always been pure and unstinting. I could never thank her enough. Finally, 1 would Like to acknowledge the patience of rny beloved son, Mikael Adlan Husni, whose uncompIaiaing acceptance of the prolonged absence of his father, especiaily on his fmt bkthday, has aiways been my fht concem. His humble piece of work is lovingiy and humbly dedicated to both. NOTES Ail references in this thesis wiil be fùlly quoted the first time used in the footnote, followed by the page number. For example, Benda, Harry I. The Crescent and the Rising Sun. liadonesiun Islam under Jupanese Occupation 1942 - 1945. The Hague, W. Van Hoeve, 1958.25. After their fht mention, al1 author's name. titles of work. etc. wiil be shortened, foiiowed by the page number, such as, Benda, The Crescent and the Rising Sun, 27. Reference to works in languages other than English will foilow the same pattern. For example, in its fmt mention, reference in bahasa Indonesia will be as follow: Rahardjo M. Dawam. Inteîfectual Intelegensia dan Periluku Politik Bangsa: Risalah Cenàekiawam Muslim (Bandung: Muan, 1993), 61. The translation of the titles of Indonesian works WUbe suppiied in bibliography. The Arabic transliteration in this thesis wili follow the system used by the Institute of Islamic Studies McGill U~versity.The table of this scheme is as follows: - 1 9 - Short : a - -; = - u- - ~ong:à = * ; i = 9; u = R Dipthong :ay = 3* ; aw = (t * TABLE OF CONTENTS Notes ............................................................................................................................... v Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... vi Introduction ................................................... .............................................................. 1 Chapter 1: ISLAMIC AND NATIONALIST MOVEMENTS IN INDONESU AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF JONG ISLAMLETEN BOND (W)..... 7 A. The Rise of Parties and Organizatioas: The Genesis of Indonesian ...,...,. Nationalism .....................................,...,. 7 B. The Youth Movement During the Early Development of Indonesian Nationalism ............................................................................................ 23 Chapter II: JONG ISLAMIETEN BOND DURING TEE LATE OF THE DUTCH COLONIALISM 1924-1942 .................................................................... 41 A. The Establishment and the Development of the JIB .......................... .. 41 B. Its Ideology and Its Islamic Activities .................................................. 66 Chapter iII: DEFlMNG ISLAM: W'S RESPONSE TO RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL AMI POLITICAL ISSUES *.o.................a............ ....... .... ..80 A. The W's nsponse to Chtistian Missionaries and the Ahmadiyah Movement ............................................................................................ 8 1 B .The JIB and Women's Issues ................................................................. 98 C. The W's Response to Nationalism ........................... ........................ 109 Conclusion .................... .. ............................................................................................118 Bibliography ..............................................+.................. .........................................123 INTRODUCTION Foiiowing the inauguration of the Dutch "Ethical ~olicy"'at the tum of this ceniury, perceptible changes occumd in the Dutch attitude towards the indigenous Indonesian population. Among these changes. one may mention the developments in the field of education. Aithough attendance at govemment-run schools was somewhat nstncted, yet to borrow Feith's words, &'thedoor was opened to the nse of a srnail but crucidy important new gmup of Indonesians
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