DFTS-05134 Editorial Recently, whenever we call to Calcutta to give and get the latest news, we hear variations on the same theme: "Baba's spending 22 hours a day for Anan­ da Nagar" or "There's even more urgency now (for Ananda Nagar construction) than there was at the time of the Global Jagrti construction", and so on. At the last count, there were 77 buildings under construction at Ananda Nagar, includ­ ing agricultural research centers, PASAKA wildlife sanctuary, new MG Quarters, buildings for Farm, Farpro, Industry, Commerce, 23 bio- gas plants, Central Officecompound, solar energy, hormone research center, Prabhat Sam­ giitConservatory, ... more every day. This is undoubtedly byfar the biggest project Ananda Marga has ever under­ taken: to build a self-sufficient model city as an example for the world. Natural­ lythe lion's share of the financial support for this work willcome from New York Sector, which - at least for a little while yet - includes the richest country of the world. So this Ananda Purnima edition of Crimson Dawn is devoted to Ananda Nagar, to try to giveour readers an idea of the magnitudeand scope of this vast project. Certainly by the time you read this there will have been many new developments at Ananda Nagar. Dharma Maha Cakra will be held there at the end of May, at the new site on the other side of the railroad from what we used to callAnanda Nagar.At that time the whole project will get a huge influxof energy, as Margiis from aroundthe world gather at His feet. I had the good for­ tune to be there for DMC a few years ago, at which time one thing Baba said left a deep impression on my mind. He said, "I am A'nandamu'rti of A'nanda Nagar". - Ac. Shubhamayananda Avt. Latest News From India Baba's birthday celebration was a very special occasion in Calcutta this year. He gave darshan twice:in the morning, after hearing the Vanii read in many dif­ ferent languages, He sent this special message; "I wish you all a happy new life and a happy new year." He also gave a discourse, ending with Varabhaya Mudra, and afterwards declared that it was not a mini- but a maxi-DMC.In the evening there was a special dance and song program of Prabhat Samgiit. But the big news is ANANDA NAGAR, to which Baba is devoting almost all of His time. Margiis from this sector are especially requested to share their knowledge of appropriate technology, to help make Ananda Nagar completely self-sufficientin energy production. Anyone having information or expertise in the field of non-conventional energy, please contact Dada Shubhamayananda at Sectorial Office. 1 DFTS-05135 CityofBIiss in a Land of Light Avtk.Ananda Mitra Ac. That ancient land was like a vast ocean ruffledwith surging waves - an ocean of land with no name, no history of its own.Who was there to give the name? Who was there to disclose its identity? Three hundred million years ago, human beings had not yet come onto the earth. This unnamed, mountainous land - treeless, arid land - was later named Rarh, an ancient Austrik word which means 'laterite (reddish) soil'. In the world of those days, there was no north­ ern India, no Bengal, no Deccan plateau - no deserts of Rajasthan or Gujarat, no Arabian Sea - there was only the southern part of the Deccan plateau con­ nected to Africa, the Andaman Islands, Malaysia,Indonesia, and Australia, in some places above water and in some places below water. >I< In the world of those primordial days, uninhabited by human beings, the land of Rarh was the most of allother lands ... " So beginsP.R. Sarkar's geographicaland historical account, "The Starting Point of Civilisation - Rarh"..... But unlike other histories and geographies which conjecture from early records in stone, this description of a primeval land emerges from the mind of a seer which has expanded beyond time and space, which peers into the ageless past with the vision of wisdom. This little known volumeis of great significance to us all, for it describes a timeless land which spawned human civilisation, and which will, once again, in the not too distant future, lead the decaying human civilisationof today to great heights. For in the center of this land of Rarh lies Ananda Nagar, the spiritual and or­ ganisational center of the dynamic movement of Ananda Marga, and the place of pilgrimage for millions of seekers of truth from around the globe. >l<This was the ancient original continent of earth, sometimes called "Gondwanaland". **"Shabhyata'r A'divindu -Rarh" in the originalBengali. A SOCIETY OF SOCIAL EQUALITY The dense forests of ancient Rarh - the thick forests that fed the rivers and attracted the rain-clouds - abounded with innumerable wild animals, and after the Ice Age recede and the huge creatures gradually became smaller in size, the first humans hunted in those ancient woods. dressed in leaves, bark and hides, "those primitive humans were the embodiment of simplicity, the very symbol of the undulating land and the roaring thunder of Rarh. They were the venerable ancestors of today's humanity, and with the dust of their feet on our heads, we are now moving forward." DFTS-05136 From the earliest days of human existence, natural social equality (Sama­ Samaja Tattva) was established in Rarh. Even today there is not as strong a caste sentiment in Rarh as elsewhere in India, for in early Rarh there was no caste system; and the status of women - a clear index of the degree of social justice in any society - is much higher. Unlike other societies of old, which be­ came male-dominated patriarchies with patrilineal order after the ftrst matriarchal age, the society of Rarh was a happy blending between matrilinea and patrilineal order. Even in the subsequent patrilineal ages, the women of Rarh retained many rights and privileges inreligious affairs, property and so­ cial liberty, and until today Rarh women enjoy more personal and economic freedom than women elsewhere in India. THE STARTING POINT OF CMLISATION Indeed,Rarh is the very starting point place of human civilisation. If Chin civilisation is 6,000 years old, and Vedic civilisation is 15,000 years old, the civilisation of rarh is more than 20,000years old. And in this ancient civilisa­ tion, the seedsof spiritUality were first planted in human hearts. "In this hot land of Rarh, the scorching heat of summer and the cyclonic d storms of the laterite soil, inspired human minds to rush towards the InfInite, smashing alltheir earthly bondages. At the sight of the unique natural beauty of Rarh, they would cry in agony of separation from the Creator of that won­ rous nature, and their whole beings trembled with an upsurge of inner longing to know the Unknown. The deep spiritual yearning of their hearts made the people ofRarh mystic. Andwhat ismysticism? It isthe never ending endea to find out the linkbetween the fmite and the Infmite. The people of Rarh are mystics by birth." Because of their intoxicated yearning, their mad restlessness to know the Infmite, the people ofRarh came to be called "Batul" (later, "Baul") or "crazy This madness to realise Godwas the main inspiration for the cult of Baul, w attracted countless aspirants throughout the centuries, even' the great Rabindranath Tagore (he once said, "My poetry is the poetry of Baul"). Like the ektara or single-stringed instrument on which the Baul poets used to sing their mystic melodies, this single strain played thrugh all the Baul philosophies and practices - the restless yearning to merge into the Supreme. - to be continued 3 DFTS-05137 Notes on Ananda Nagar - May 10, 1988 The following notes are intended to give an idea of the vast scope of Baba's vision as it's taking shape at Ananda Nagar. They are by no means complete, nor are they up to date, as new information arrives daily. A Few Words About Anandanagar Anandanagar is the global headquarters of AMPS. It was established in the year 1963. It is situated in the Purulia District of West Bengal. Patna­ Bokaro-Ranchi railroad passes through it. Anandanagar isset in very pic­ turesque surroundings. It issurrounded by hills. Several brooks and streams flow throughit, Uttara and Daksina being the principal ones on its North and South respectively. Hillocks, rocks, slopes and valleys make up its topography. Though the soil is stony, it is fertile. It is rich incalcium and phosphorous. It isideal for horticulture. Anandanagar has a greatspiritual significance.Since ancient times it has remained a great "Tantra Piitha". WhyAnandanagar Has Been Chosen Asmentioned above, Anandanagar lies in the poorest part of the poorest district of India. The people there need our service most. Their mode of cultivation isvery primitive. In the whole year, they take only one crop. For the remaining eight months of the year the land remains unutilized, which isa colossal waste of natural resources. According to the new crop rotation system given by Baba, land will remain engaged throughout the year and the quantity and quality of produc­ tion will be many times more. This will bring a great improvement in the economic conditions of the local people. Anandanagar suffers from an acute scarcity of water. Foolishly local people have destroyed all the forests, which has a twofold effect.Rains have become extremely scarce, and whenever rain falls the water flows away causing deep erosion. Baba has prescribed a new system of afforestation and soil conservation for this area. When it is fully applied it will improve the water retention of the soil, its fertility and quantum of rainfall.
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