is THE MORNING OREGOXTAX, SATURDAY, NO VE3TBEB 25. 191G. 'JUST 24 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS. NO MATTER WHERE YOU SHOP SHOP EARLY New England 25c-50-c Books 19c Eyeglass Special $5 ALL CHARGE Turkey Dinner 65 c PURCHASES Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce A large quantity of holiday books, boxed novelties, toy Your eyes examined and glasses prescribed, only when Giblet Gravy Mashed Potatoes picture books, juveniles' A, B, C, Santa Claus, Alice in needed, by our graduate Deep Choice of Indian Pudding with Cream Wonderland, essays, poems and miscellaneous fiction. This optometrists. curved lenses made today and balance of month or - in gold-fille- d mountings. Today only, $5. We repair New England Apple Pan Dowdy is a big Saturday special at 19c. On sale, in . Th& Q.ualit V Sto re- Portland go on December accounts, payable Tea or Coffee. of glasses; lenses duplicated from pieces. Tea Room and Grill, 11 to 2, Ninth Floor CENTER AISLE, MAIN FLOOR " Optical Shop, Balcony, Sixth Street. January 1. Our Thanksgiving Readiness All Over the Store Emphasized Today in Our Men s Shops This Is THE "Manhattan" Store 50c to $1.00 Drape 81.25 - $1.75 Silverware 98c Included are hammered Sheffield silver sandwich trays one illustrated Select Your Thanksgiving Shirt Now Veils Special 39c comports, sugar baskets, castors, condiment 6ets, salt and pepper Manhattan shirts, known as the best, are here in shaker sets, candle holders, "silverine" picture frames (guaranteed not greatest variety of new styles for your choosing. The very popular Shetland, hexagon and Chantilly to tarnish), pie plates with silver-plate-d frames and Guernsey linings, meshes in bordered effects with chenille Jots. Black, marmalade jars and cruet sets. Many beautiful patterns in plain crepe and corded white and brown. FREE Wright's Silver Cream Polish a generous sample with every madras effects, as well as Solway silk, crepe flannel $1.00 AUTO VEILS. 750 purchase today in our Silverware Shop, Main Floor. and fine French flannel. The workmanship and fit Good quality chiffon veils, in all the staple shades. Two-thir- ds of a yard wide and 1 yards long. Light are of the very highest order and the styles un-equal- ed. and dark. Shirts with extra long sleeves for tall men. NEW SKATING VEILS, $1.75 Select your Thanksgiving-da- y shirt Saturday. The newest idea in skatinjr and motoring veils PRICED $1.75 TO $6 Shetland knit veils in black and white. Overcoats at $25 50c VEILING, YARD, 250 NEW IMPORTED ENGLISH WOOL TAFFETA AND SILK Hickey-Freema- Adler-Rocheste- Face veiling in hexagon mesh with chenille dotted n, Rogers Peet, r, Alfred TAFFETA SHIRTS AT $7.50 designs. Navy, black, taupe and brown at half Decker & Cohn (Society Brand), Louis Holtz and others almost Shirts that are noted for their fineness of texture and price. as renowned as these world-know- n clothing concerns are repre- beauty of workmanship. Neat striped effects and novelties. JUST IN New circular veils in black, with che- sented in our unparalleled assemblage of new Winter overcoats own specifications nille dotted designs at $1.25. at twenty-fiv- e dollars. What other store can such selec- Made according to our particular and Imported novelty meshes, offer priced at $7.50. circular veils in $1.75 to tion at such a price? $2.50. Veil Shop, Main Floor. The season's wanted overcoatings of the most dependable NEW VIYELLA FLANNEL SHIRTS AT $5 standard in garments of all models and sizes are here at this The wearers of this excellent make of shirt will be glad to well-like- d price. There are pinch-bac- k and form-fittin- g gar know that we have all sizes and styles in the newest patterns. ments lor young men and advanced dressers, semi-fittin- g, box- - long, belted-bac- k ?:JSr'. Silk shirts priced at $3.65, $4.65 to $8.50. No. 2. Folding back and loose, overcoats for men of more - ture years and conservative taste. Every authentic -- Men's "Silk Maid- Sox, wonderfully good hose, at 50c. style feature is embodied in these coats. Full-line- d gar- Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor ments; quarter-line- d, plaid-bac- k overcoats with all seams satin piped. Big patch pockets, slash pockets and Cartridge regular pockets. Self and velvet collars, including con- Advance Spring Styles in "Trooper" Hats vertible style. All shades of blue, black, gray and brown in plain colors and mixtures. Every good kind overcoat ages, A new shipment of men's soft felt hats in the popular Preino $4.50 of for men of all tastes and builds. Take large "Trooper" shape has just been received. Brown, green, your "pick" today at $25. leading here, with a very smart, Other overcoats in newest fabrics and styles, $15 to $50. gray and all the shades are with single lens. Double Mackinaw coats, handsome garments, $7.50, wide satin band. lens Takes a $10, $12.50. Buy now these hats will be right in the forefront of fash- S5.85. OUR "STANDARD" SUITS $25 picture 24x314, and uses are "top of the heap" in men's fine clothing at the ion next Spring. The best quality and workmanship com- a roll film. bined in hat the very moderate cost of $3.00. It is small price. All fabrics, styles and colors for men and young this at and compact and will easily go into the coat men in all sizes. Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats, $4 and $5. pocket or a lady's handbag.' "INVINCIBLE" CLOTHING $13 Knox Soft and Stiff Hats, $5. Complete Line of Kodaks From No. 00 Suits and overcoats that compare favorably with Mossant's (Imported) Soft Hats, $5. Premo at 75c to the Graflex at $125 many of the $20 garments and some ed $25 Men's Hat Shop, Main Floor Kodak Shop. Main Floor. clothes sold elsewhere. Men's rultiln?Shnp, Th i rd Women's Flannelette Drugs, Etc. New Coats for Girls From 3 to 14 50c Isabel Face Powder now 430 50c Pond's Face Powder now 430 Pajamas and Gowns 25c Pond's Vanishing Cream at 2O0 Specially Priced Saturday at $4.95 25c Pond's Cold Cream now at 2O0 25c Williams' Brilliantine now 190 50c These are exceptionally attractive little coats at this very mod- Bazin Depilatory now at 430 price. plain novelty 25c Squibb's Violet and Unscented erate Both colors and mixtures are included. At $1.25 & $1.59 Talcum Small and large cape collars are in evidence, also loose belts. Sizes Powder priced vat 190 3 to 14. Special 50c Capillaris priced now at 430 at $4.95. Fancy blue or pink striped pa- 25c Vivaudou Peroxide T. Paste 200 Beautiful New COATS FOR LITTLE TOTS AT $5.95 in wash ribbons 25c Calox Tooth Powder now 2O0 Sizes 2 to 6 years. Pretty styles in black matilamb coats with jamas, trimmed 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste now 200 Byron collar, turnback cuffs and wide belts. and frogs. All regular sizes. Spe- - Hyglo Nail Powder and Cake priced 3 DRESSES DRESSES. I iM of C1 OK an A S1.KO 500 and 250. $5.39 $2.49 10c Ricksecker's Guest Soap, three Neckwear Sizes 6 to 14. One-pie- ce A special sale of pretty little for 250. style, Empire dresses, made of good dresses in coatee with and navy, copen Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap, without yokes. Made of excel- 'quality brown and At & new size, 100. lent materials in navy, fancy mohair and challie. Satin $1.59 $1.98 10c Jergen's Peroxide Soap 98c trimming. Sizes 2 to 6. at 70 color checks and plaids. With 10c Dr. Stewart's Buttermilk Soap A very special purchase enables white collars. BATH ROBES Extra sized outing flannel gowns priced at 70. us to sell the newest of the sea- for women who like warm, comfort- 5c Lurline White Soap, 3 for 100 son's favored novelties in neckwear RAIN COATS A new assortment of warm J4-l- b. robes just In. Eiderdown Squibb's Sugar of Milk 1O0 at this low price today. Dainty HATS AND BONNETS, $3.95-- $ bath ably large gowns. In fancy stripes 11.50 Every desirable style rub- fancy figured ma- 25c Sal Hepatica on 1 ONE-FOURT- and blanket sale at 70 new shapes and patterns in square, LESS H and pure white materials, both 25c Mentholatum on sale at round and pointed styles. Some berized poplin, sateen and good terials in light and dark colors. 170 vel- tweeds, tan, blue, gray kimono and yoke styles. Trimmed Lithia Tablets now at 250 with picot edges and others scal- Infants' bonnets and hats of fine in and Prettily made and trimmed. in fancy braids. Special at $1.59 25c Lino Ointment now at 2O0 loped or hemmed; many with lace vets, velours, plush, corduroys,' etc. mixtures. With and without Sizes 2 to C. Priced at $1.25 to Vinol, Cod Liver Oil Tonic, $1.00 edging. Saturday at 98c. Daintily trimmed in ribbons, tips, flow- raglan sleeves. Priced $3.49 to $2.59. and $1.98. Third Floor, Sixth St. Drug & Toilet Goods Shop, Main Fl. Neckwear Shop. Main Floor. ers and bands. All less one-quart- er. $8.50. Sizes 2 to 16. Girls' Shop. Second Floor. "PERRIN'S" NEWEST FRENCH Santa Claus Is Here Today Sixth Floor KID GLOVES FOR W O M E"N Women's Underwear We are exclusive Portland agents for these famous gloves our Fall and Winter stocks are now complete see th s new styles today, choose your plovea Summum, two-clas- p jf.
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