American Mineralogist, Volume 81, pages 595-602, 1996 A synchrotron radiation, HRTEM, X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman spectroscopic study of malayaite, CaSnSiOs LEE A. GROAT,! STEFAN KEK,2 ULRICH BISMAYER,3 CLAUDIA SCHMIDT,4 HANS GEORG KRANE,s HINRICH MEYER,3 LEONA NISTOR,6 AND GUSTAAF VAN TENDELOO6 IDepartment of Geological Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z4, Canada 2FR Kristallographie, Universitat des Saarlandes, D-66041 Saarbriicken, Germany 3Mineralogisch-Petrographisches Institut, Universitat Hamburg, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany 4Institut fUr Mineralogie, Universitat, Welfengarten I, D-30060 Hanover, Germany 'Institut fUr Kristallographie, Universitat, Kaiserstrasse 12, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany .Universiteit Antwerpen (RUCA), Groenenborgerlaan 171, B-2020 Antwerp, Belgium ABSTRACT Synchrotron radiation, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman spectroscopy were used to study the structure and thermal behavior of malayaite, CaSnSiO,. No indications of deviation from A21a sym- metry and no structural transitions were observed between 100 and 870 K. HRTEM revealed that the material is free of domains and antiphase boundaries. However, the lattice constants, cell volume, and Raman-active phonons show a thermal discontinuity near 500 K, which is possibly related to variation of the coordination sphere around the highly anisotropic Ca position. INTRODUCTION rameter (Salje et al. 1993a). In perfect agreement with observations by Zhang et al. (1995), Kek et al. (1994) Malayaite, CaSnSiO" is a rare mineral found in skarn recently showed that in synthetic titanite between 850 deposits. The structure of malayaite was solved by Hig- and 496 K the Ca atoms are displaced parallel to a and gins and Ribbe (1977) in space group A21a and was re- c, so that the true symmetry of the intermediate regime fined to R = 4.7% from data collected with conventional is P2/n. However, the average symmetry isA21a because Zr-filtered Mo radiation. They showed that the structure of antiphase domains. consists of comer-sharing SnO. polyhedra that form chains The situation in natural titanite is more complex. Hig- parallel to a. These are linked to sevenfold-coordinated gins and Ribbe (1976) found that in natural samples, both Ca atoms by Si04 tetrahedra. Malayaite is isostructural AP+ and FeH substitute for Ti. At levels of substitution with titanite, CaTiSiO,. Takenouchi (1971) showed that greater than approximately 5 mol% (AI + Fe) titanite there is complete solid solution between the two phases shows diffuse k + I = 2n + 1 reflections, which disappear at elevated temperatures. The solvus is asymmetric, with at approximately 15-20 mol% (AI + Fe). Higgins and a maximum of 888 :t 15 K at a composition ofTio.7,SIlo.2,' Ribbe (1976) suggested that octahedral sites containing Synthetic titanite undergoes an antiferrodistortive tran- Al or Fe serve as boundaries on either side of domains sition at 496 K from a monoclinic high-temperature phase of Ti octahedra with atoms displaced in opposite direc- (A2Ia) to a monoclinic low-temperature phase (P2/a). tions. The greater the amount of substitution, the more As described by Taylor and Brown (1976) and Ghose et abundant are the domains, which results in more diffuse al. (1991), the transformation in titanite involves dis- k + I = 2n + 1 reflections. placement of the Ti atoms from the centers of the TiO. In their study of the malayaite structure Higgins and octahedra parallel to the a (relatively large shift), b, and Ribbe (1977) found no evidence of violating reflections, c axes (both relatively small shifts). This displacement even on very-long-exposure precession photographs. They pattern leads to antiparallel sublattices of octahedral suggested that the formation of domains leading to an chains because within individual chains the Ti atoms shift average A21a symmetry in titanite is dependent on the in the same direction. This transition in synthetic titanite substitution of cations smaller than Ti. They proposed has been studied in great detail because ofthe antiferroel- that because Sn is approximately 0.085 A larger than Ti ectric distortion pattern (Taylor and Brown 1976; Zhang it is more likely to occupy the center of the octahedra; et al. 1995), the nonclassical critical behavior (Ghose et therefore, the symmetry of malayaite is more likely to be al. 1991; Bismayer et al. 1992), the mobile antiphase A21a. No information on the thermal behavior of the boundaries above Tc (Van Heurck et al. 1991), the pseu- malayaite structure and related physical properties was do-spin characteristics (Bismayer et al. 1992), and the available. corresponding effective critical exponent of the order pa- This study was undertaken to determine whether (1) 0003-004 X/96/0 506-059 5$0 5.00 595 596 GROAT ET AL.: STRUCTURE AND THERMAL BEHAVIOR OF MALAY AITE TABLE 1. Crystallographic data and refinement information for malayaite a (A) 7.1535(6) Crystal size (mm) 0.19 X 0.11 X 0.06 b(A) 8.8933(8) Wavelength (A)/mono 0.5597(1 )/Si(111) c(A) 6.6674(6) Reflections collected 4017 ;3 C) 113.342(7) Unique data (21m) 1384 V (A3) 389.50 Unobserved (I Fa I < 3u) 13 Space group A2/a R(%) 1.51 Z 4 Rw(%) 2.31 there are reflections violating extinction conditions for Data reduction included normalization to the primary A21a that are too weak or diffuse to be seen on precession beam intensity monitor and an on-line correction for the photographs; (2) the apparent A21 a symmetry is the result (measured) beam polarization, following the procedure of of a domain structure; and (3) the thermal development Kirfel and Eichhorn (1990). The data were corrected for of the structure or its metric shows any discontinuities. absorption by approximating the shape of the crystal with a polyhedron (eight faces). The unique data set (Rin! = SAMPLE 2.9%) comprised 1384 reflections (13 with IFI < 30"IF[)' The samples used in this study are from a skarn ap- With no evidence to suggest violation of the A center- proximately 4 km north of Ash Mountain, near Mc- ing, the structure was refined in space group A21a. Start- Dame, in northern British Columbia, Canada. Electron ing values for positional and thermal parameters were microprobe analyses were performed with a Cameca Ca- taken from Higgins and Ribbe (1977). Least-squares re- mebax instrument, operating at 20 kV and 25 nA. The finements were based on IF I with weights = [O"}+ (0.02. following standards were used: Al203 (AI), quartz (Si), F)2]-1, chosen to minimize variation of mean wil2 as wollastonite (Ca), Fe203 (Fe), and Sn02 (Sn). Wavelength functions of Fo and (sin 8)/"11..An isotropic extinction cor- scans were used to search for additional elements; none rection (Becker and Coppens 1974a, 1974b) was applied were detected. The results were processed with the Ca- using a type-l Lorentzian distribution. The refined pa- meca PAP program. They show 21.82 wt% Si02, 21.06 rameter was g = 0.61(2) X 104; the most strongly affected wt% CaO, 0.17 wt% Fe203, and 56.86 wt% Sn02 (average reflections were Lil (y = 0.45), 220 (0.59), and 020 (0.73), of eight analyses), corresponding to 0.98 Si, 1.01 Ca, 0.01 where y is the intensity reduction relative to the kine- Fe, and 1.0 I Sn atoms per formula unit (renormalized on matic value. Scattering factors for the neutral atoms were the basis of five anions). Hence, the malayaite is almost taken from the International Tablesfor X-ray Crystallog- pure CaSnSiOs, with a negligible amount of Fe substitut- raphy, volume 4 (Ibers and Hamilton 1974). Anomalous ing for Sn. dispersion corrections were taken from Cromer and Lib- erman (1970). Computer programs used in the refine- SINGLE-CRYSTAL X-RAY DIFFRACTOMETRY ments include modified versions ofORFLS (Busing et al. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction data were collected at 1962), ORFFE (Busing et al. 1964), and ORTEP (John- 295 K with the four-circle diffractometer at HASYLAB son 1965). beam line D3 during dedicated experiments (4.5 GeV) of Refinement with anisotropic displacement factors for Doris III. The wavelength used throughout the experi- all atoms led to convergence at R = 1.7% (Rw = 2.8%). ment was 0.5597(1) A. The sample showed sharp Bragg Attempts to split the strongly anisotropic Ca site were reflections with full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) unsuccessful because the positions converged and the R values (0.012-0.016°, w scan) typical of good quality mo- values increased dramatically. Refinement with anhar- saic crystals. The lattice parameters, refined from 16 cen- monic displacement parameters (i.e., higher cumulants tered reflections, are a = 7.1535(6), b = 8.8933(8), C = up to third order, "g tensor") for the Ca site led to a large 6.6674(6) A, (J = 113.342(7)°. A continuous scan mode decrease in Rw. Only one tensor element (cm) was signif- was used where the w axis wasrotated at a constantspeed icant; refinement with this additional parameter led to a throughout the Bragg position, with scalers recorded and reduction of Rw from 2.8 to 2.3%. Crystallographic data cleared at fixed time intervals. The scan speed was ad- and refinement information are given in Table 1, final justed to record (after insertion of appropriate attenuator atom parameters in Table 2, selected interatomic dis- combinations) a maximum of 2500 counts, without ex- tances and angles in Table 3, detailed data collection and ceeding measurement times of 0.1-1.0 s/step. A total of processing information in Table 4, details of the refine- 4017 reflections (including test reflections) were recorded ment results (including g-tensor elements for Ca) in comprising two asymmetric units with (sin 8)/"11.
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