e Springfield Student Volume XVI SPRINGFIELD, MASS., NOVEMBER 26,1925 Number 9 Dr. Seerley 1M. A. C. and Springfield Have Enviable Football Game, Returns From Records - Fast Contest Expected Dinner and Dance Lecture Tour Today' s Features back, and he, too, has shown some I M.A.C. good work in the backfield. I SPRINGFIEtn DEAN BACK FROM 19-Bates-0 I The first game of the season with 50 - Cooper Union - 0 ANNUAL FELLOWSHIP TRIP TO COLLEGES I Cooper Union proved to be a runaway 19 - Norwich- 0 24 - R. P. I. - 0 MEETING HELD IN HALL 1 for the Red and White and it was in 13 - Conn. Aggies - 0 6- Vermont-O In Most Successful Trip Of His this game that Coach Rothacher tried 54 - Worcester - 0 I out his various new men. Bardo, Bol­ 10 - N. H. Univ. - 10 Dance W ill Come In Afternoon in­ Career, He Speaks Before 38, o- Amherst - 27 Ilier and Howe, of last year's fresh- 20 - Boston Univ. - 0 stead Of Evening; Open-house 000 People In 125 Appear­ 41 - Lowell Tex. - 6 man team and "Tex" Maddox, a new­ 0- Amherst-16 comer from Texas, were given a In Dormitory From 4.30 to 7.30 ances; Spreads Gospel Of Social 6-Tufts-4 17 -Providence - 13 chance to "show their stuff" and all As consolation for the faculty rul­ Hygiene of them have been important cogs in l!:===============::::!..l' ing that classes will meet tomorrow Dean F. N. Seerley returned to When Co a c h Jack Rothacher's the Red-and-White machine this year. Other men who will be lost to next as usual, Springfield students will campus and resumed his regular du- Springfield eleven lines up against the I Coach Rothacher's men showed year's team by graduation are Berry, make merry today in a round of fes­ ties Thursday after an extended tour I strong M. A. C. team coached by the some real football against R. P. I. in Crawley, Rau, Woodson, Beasley, tive activities which include the final of the Southwest where he lectured reliable "Kid" Gore today, we shall the second game of the season. "Bob­ Moles, Shafer and Shaw. football game of the season, a dance at practically all the lal'ge colleges see the best representative teams that by" Berry, in his llew l'ole as a quar­ The M. A. C. gridders come here in the We t Gym, open-house in the dormitory and Chef Hall's famous and high schools on social hygiene I' these worthy mentors can possibly put ter-back, used faultless generalship today with an impressive record and and sex education. Leaving campus I together. The entire season's schedule and the entire team worked the plays a victory over the Massasoit team will Thanksgiving "feed." September 29, the dean went straight , has been more or less of a prepara- to perfection, all of which helped to mean the New England Conference The annual fellowship meeting, tra­ to Missouri where he spoke at the I tion for ~oday's classic, .and bot? down the men from Troy, by a 24-0 championship. At present they are ditional gathering of men of all various teachers' colleges and univer- teams are In excellent phYSIcal condI- score. "Tex" Maddox made his sec­ tied with the N. H. University. classes, will meet in Woods Hall at 8 sities. From Missouri he went to Ar- tion. ol".d field goal of the season in this Playing through a schedule of sev­ a.m. This is the one meeting when kansas where a very warm welcome Coach Rothacher has molded to- game and since then he has swelled en games thus far, Coach "Kid" faculty and students unite for an hour was extended to him by the various gether a team which might well be his total of "three-pointers" up to six. Gore's eleven has scored 152 points to of fellowship. Many of the new men Y. M. C. A.'s and colleges. Leaving the envy of many a college mentor. It was Maddox who pulled the Ver­ opponents' 56. One of the high lights are expected to be present for the first here about the middle of October, Dr. Starting the season with nine lettel'- mont game out of the fire fol' the of the season was their 54-19 win time. Seerley visited six Oklahoma cities. men as a nucleus around which to Rothacher-men when they were held over the W Ol'cester Tech aggregation. The outstanding event of the day His schedule was completed in Texas build a team, the Red-and-White for downs on numerous occasions by The work of Captain Jones at end will come in the morning, when Coach from which state he started for home coach has worked almost daily since the Vermonters. He successfully has been one of the many pleasing Rothacher's "Fighting Eleven" will after having tl'aveled 7500 miles in the first week of September to put booted over two dropkicks which was features of the Maroon forward line. pit its brawn and brains against the six weeks. his men in shape for the season and a sufficient margin to conquer the His ability to sift through the inter­ trong Mass. Aggie aggregation in Dr. Seerley was particularly pleased particularly the Amherst and M. A. Green-Mountain boys, as they were ference and get his man and his speed what will be the final game for both with the work being accomplished by C. games. unable to score. in getting down under punts has made teams. Both teams have suffered but the 30 alumni met during the course I The first noticeable chang~ t?at the The game with New Hampshire him a dangerous defensive man. one defeat, both have been beaten by of his trip. On several occasions he coach made was the shIftIng of University was one of the best con­ Coach Gore is fortunate in having the same team, Amherst. Action is attended football games in which "Stretch" Mahnken from end position, tests of the season. This game proved four men like Sullivan, Moberg, Gus­ expected but the student body will teams coached by Springfield alumni where he played last year, to the to the Red-and-White backers that tafson, and Hillyard in his backfield. support the Red-and-White team to participated and wherever he went he backfield. This experiment proved to they had a fighting team which could Theil' work has been of high calibre the limit, rooting for a final victory found Spri~gfield men carrying on be a success as "Stretch" has been Ibe depended upon to come from be­ all season and the Agrarian follo\-vers to cap the most successful footbal their work with great success. pounding opposing lines for gains in hind and score. Trailing the univer- expect much of them in today's game. season for Springfield in several During the trip the dean spoke 125 every. game. Another . e~rly season I sity boys 10-0 at half time, the Mas- Gavin and Thurlow are two strong years. times to an aggregate of 38,000 peo- expen~ent was the shIftIng of the sasoiters scored enough points in the cogs in t.he forward line of the visi­ The dinner and the dance will vie pie. Thus his average audience versatIle Bobby Berry from h~lf- to Isecond half to tave off defeat. tors and their work stood out in the with each other for popularity in the throughout was about 300. The larg- quarter-back. B.obby earne:1 hIS let- Using nothing but straight football 6-4 victory of the Maroon over Tufts afternoon. The dinner comes first est numbel' addressed in one day was ter at half-back In t~o preVIOUS years the Springfield boys romped over the Saturday. but the social committee promises approximately 3,200. At night his of football at Sprmgfiel~l, but the heavy Boston University outfit by a Both teams are on edge for this that the dance will furnish a pleasant program called for an address to the change has not affecte? hIS. \V.ork, as 20-0 score. The Red and White went Turkey-Day classic and this final bat­ close to the holiday. The dance will faculty, a talk at the local Y. M. C. A., he has been a fixture In thIS Import- to Amherst for their second game on tle of the 1925 season should be re­ be held in the West Gym from 5 to 9 a talk at some club, or to any other ant position since the second game. foreign soil on Saturday, Nov. 7. The plete with thrills, speed, plenty of ac­ p. m. Decorations have been provided group in the community. He feels Boug~n~r, who v;as the star tackle of fast Sabrina combination proved to tion and spirit. Whatever the result for and "Bob" Morgan's Collegians that the trip has been even more the JUnIor varSI~y squad last year, be the stumbling block of the season, may be, a gruelling battle will be will furnish the music. The dance will worth while than the one which he has alternated WIth Mahnken at full- and they handed the Rothacher-men waged. be open to all classes and the Mass took last year to the Pacific Coast their first defeat. Incidentally this is Aggie players and their guests. where 92 lectures to 29,000 students the team that marred the otherwise Boy Scout Workers The first open-house in the Dormi of western universities were given.
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