,t+a- 0n t lD- 2l-J// c!!r! MA r!jiri) ar:: ,,r., , iuj RELEA5ED irod,[i. ol tir PDalimirtt ltr"ilfi+u'*"*., D4rrtu.d d Gludior v- REGION X. NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MAI,AYBALAY CITY DIVISION MEMORANDIIM No. 3// s. 2020 TO Alsistatrt Schools Division Superitrt€ndent ChiefEducatioo Supervisori snd Staff, CID and SGOD S.hool Heads All Others Concerned This Division FROM VICTORIA . GAZO, PhD, CESO V Schools Divi S uperintendent iil D DATE August 20, 2020 SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT AND PRODUCTION OF GRADE 3 RBI LEARNING EPISODES AND TVBI LESSONS FOR THE REGION I,f,Vf,L L In response to Region Memorandum No. 259, s. 2020 e itled " Derek)pment of l,eaming Resources in A*lio, Vuleo dnd other Digital F-ormats", this OIIice shall conduct series of Orientation per l,carning Area on the Development and Production of Grade J RBI Learning Episodes and TvBl L6sons for the Region L,€vel to be facilitated by the designated speakers witb the assfutance of the r$pective Learning Area In-chsrge on AugNt 2i26,2020 at the LPT Holl, BukidnoD Natiotral High School, Malaybalay City. Horvever, mirimum he{lth strndards/protocol sball be strictly observed during said sctivities. 2. This activity p marily aims to ensure education continuity through the delivery of quality assured K-12 aligned distance leaming resources to be used in the RBI p.ogram implementatio[ and TV Production specially designed for the Fomal Blucation. This intewention proudes appropriate lcamers' leaming opponunlties amidst the pandemic. The mechanics ofthe implementation shall be presented by the mandated OfTice. 3. The participants ofthis activity are the ldentified Master Teachers and Teachers in the field as script \1,riters, grouped per leaming area and the designated TWG evaluators (see Enclosue No.l). The identified School HeadgDepartment Heads shall be the members of Technrcal Working Group (TWG) per learmng area and shall be managed and su!,ewised respectively by the Education Program Supewisors as the TWG Chairman. Purk 5, Casisans, N4alaybalay City Te lefax (088) 314{09a Em.il: malayb.lay.city@d€p€d.gov.ph I \.t -'- iF-i AlTdrtir !t tlt pritipind DtorrtEtrI oI CDlrdiotl RI,GION X- NORTHERN MINDANAO DIVISION OF MALAYBALAY CITY 4. The TWG shall serve as the RBI and TVBI Lessons Material Evaluators of the team W(h the rcchnical assistance of the Division Quality Assurance Team, they are to evaluate the materials as to the content validity, completeness and compliance to the quality assurance standards. The identrfied team members shall be given conesponding Certificate ofReaognition for the valuable services rendered. 5. The leaming materials that will be developed for the Radio-Based Instructron (RBI) and TVBI Lessons of the leamiog areas of grade 3 level shall utilize the identified Most Essentlal Leaming Competencies (MELC) with the integtalnn rf learrung competencie! in Ldukasyon su Pagpapakatao fr.sP, for values formation. The language to be used shall be in accordance with the K - 12 Curriculum exrsting policy guidelines ofthe department. 6 Below is the scheduie ofactivilies Activitv Date Person/s Responsible Orientstion otr the Development August 25 - 26, 2020 Chairman per L€aming Area 8nd Production ofGrade 3 RBI - Speakers and Facrlitators Learning Episodes srd T\aBI -RBl Focal Person Irssons for the Regiotr l,evel -TV Production Focal Person Oy Balch of po icipant,\) Batch 1 August 25,2020 Chairman per Leaming Area - Filipino and Araling 9:00AM - 11:45AM - Speakers ard Facilitators Psnlipunrn prrticipants -RBI Focal Person -TV Production Focal Person Batch 2 August 25,2020 Chairman per Leaming Area - Mathematics and Scietrce 1:00PM - 4:00PM - Speakers and Facilitators perticipents -RBI Focal Pe6on -TV Production Focal Person B{tch 3 August 26, 2020 Chairman per kaming Area - Euglish and MTB particip&Etr 900AM-ll.45AM - Speakers and Facilitators -RBI Focal Person -TV Production Focal Person Batch 4 August 26,2020 Chairman per Leaming Area - MAPEH 8nd f,dukasyon sa l:00PM - 4:00PL4 - Speakers and Facilitators Pagpapakatao (EsP) -RBI Focal Person participants -TV Production Focal Person Writeshop on Script Writitrg August 27-28, 2020 Script writers with the and September l-2, supervision ofthe Chairman per 2020 leaming area Pu.k 5, Gsisang, Malaybalay City Telefar (088) 314{094 Email I ma layba lay.city@de ped.rov. ph ,:tj 3t[rUi. ot tD. DtitiDirr, Deff&rart !l Clurdion Rf,GION X- NORTHERN IVIINDANAO DIVISION OF MALAYBALAY CITY Script Evaluation per learning September 3-4 2020 Designated L€aming Area ,rea Evaluators with the lesdership and technical asslstsnce of the Chairman Script Etrhancement based on September 7-8, 2020 Scripl wrilers with lhe the evaluatioD Iindings/ sup€rvrsron ofthe Chairman per recommendations leaming area Submissioo of Eahanced and September 9, 2020 Charrman per leaming area Final RBI scripts to the Division Quality Assurarce Team for Evaluation Division Quality Assurance September 10-l l, Purisims J. Yap Evaluation 2020 EPS ln-Charge of Divisioo Quality Assurance with the presence and assistance ofthe leaming area chaiman /Co Chair Voice/Video Recording and September l4- 25, Chaiman p€I learning area editing 2020 Submission of RBI recorded September 28, 2020 Division RBI and TVBI Lesson episodB and TVBI L€ssons to Steering Commiftee the Division Office and be forwarded to the Regiotr Orlice 7. ln cases thal the Chairman needs to meet the team an)'time after the orientation for fufiher relevant infomation and instruction, rt is encouraged to consider the call for efhcient disposition of their duties as the person accountable on the lask assigned provided that the said call will be communicated first to the School Head ofthe conc.em teachers. 8. It is to reiterate the compliance of the provision stipulated in the Divlsion Mernorandum No. 284, s. 2020 enhtled " Freeing lhe Development Team of Radio and ndeo Ptod.uclions frcm Ollice and School Wotk" which is anchored on the provisions stated in the Regional Memorandum No. 259, s 2020 for appropriate action 9. Shall there be queries, contact Jasmin J. Adriatico, Education ProgEm Supewisor at 09177714505. Copy fumished: ClD-Learning Resource Management Section TO BE POSTED IN THX WEBSITE PLrrk6, Casisans, Mal.ybalay City Telefax (088)314{094 Email: [email protected] {Eit\J1_ a4rtlic ol tlo Prilimmr D.crrtnm !I €lo.di![ Rf,GION X- NORTIIERN MTNDANAO DIVISION OF MAI,AYBALAY CITY Enclosure No. I LIST OF IDf,NTIFIED SCRIPT WRITf,RS PER LEARNING AR-T,A FOR THE REGTON-BASED RADrO-BASED TNSTRUCTTON (RBl) PROGRAM GRADf, 3 LEVEL 1. MATHf,I{.{TICS Technical Working Name School Group/ Evaluators l. Sosit G Lachica Malapgap ES Chairman: 2.Dolores M. Sohento Malapgap ES Imelda S. Betrtillo 3. Nena C. Cabrejas Malapgap ES Educatior Program 4. Merih,n O Daguimol Malapgap ES Supervisor 5 Jewelrose M Emano Malapgap ES 6 Michelle L. Taneca Malapgap ES Members: 7. Mary Joy P. Rebote Malapgap ES School Heads 8. Daniel Delos Santos Malapgap ES - Mary Fe Gumayao 9. Fe Sharimavne Verallo ES C San Roque - Teofilo Oltoy Jr. l0.Marlon B Vallejera San Roque ES Jason G Javenar San Roque ES ll Additional Members: 12 Judy B Cabreias San Roque ES Prescilla Dauz, 13- Jan Rvan S. Cardente San Roque ES Mary Joy Rebotc, 14. Dennis P. Panganiban San Roque ES Jocelyn Balino, 15- Joan C. Namoco San Manin ES Maria Socorro Ramos. Dulc€ 16. Merryhza B Vallelera San Martin ES Villanueva 17. Jocel C Gambuta San Manin ES Doris Tirol 18. Evana B. Menil San Martin ES Rosabella Onip4 19. Alicia M. Lucero San Martin ES Noralyn rotrolo, 20. Jean P. Pineda San Martin ES Alb€rto Berondo. 21. Fedila P Portillas San Martin ES Evelyn Salem, 22. Marcelina T. Watiwat San Martln ES Romil t-€ono, 23. Danna d. Lamasan San Martin ES Nelira Caballero, 24. Marites R. Genosa San Martin ES Heidi Palmad 25. Manchu M. Edesa San Martin ES Elsa Tan 26. Jea-an A. Lamban San Martin ES 27. Mary Joy J. Roias San Martin ES 28. Ma. Susan S. Delos Santos San Martin ES 29. fusalita S. Balicanta San Martin ES 30. Evel B. Palma San Manin ES Purk 6, Gsrsary,lvlalaybalay City Telel"x (088) 31a{09a @ Ernail: [email protected] ph iE.,,.ri"._ 3lTltlic!lt.Drilapircl Dtolllrrart ol €!!(dion REGION X- NORTHERN MIIIDANAO DIVISION OF MAI-AYBALAY CITY 31. Relane P. Delos Santos San Martin ES 32. Nezvl D Tion San Martin ES 33. Reginald P Edesa San Martin ES 33 Prescilla A. Salem Lmabo CS 34. N M. Sal Linabo CS 35. Linda D. Baco Lrnabo CS 36. Rosario N Eva Linabo CS 37. Mercita N. Balite Linabo CS 38. Elmer V. Suizo Linabo CS 39. Maria Fe S. Rojas Linabo CS 40. Emel V. Ca Linabo CS 41. Rosalie T 'agalrn Linabo CS 42. Helcn P. Daus Linabo CS 43. Joyce B. Lawreto Linabo CS 44. Cherl A. Muzones Linabo CS 45. Maila B Dumala Linabo CS 46 Zenaids P. Hallas Linabo CS 47. Jovelyn A. Naringgahon Linabo CS 48. Brc e Daus Lrnabo CS 49. Aileen M. Tago Linabo CS 50. Clissy J. Callanta Linabo CS 51. Insh E Remate Linabo CS 52. wilma A Lumanog Sawaga ES 53. Sweney 1,. Ho Sawaga ES 54. Flordeliza L Mindaro Sawaga ES 55 Mercedes P. Capio Sawaga ES 56 Clndy A Bayon Sawaga ES 57 Nilda S. Chome Sawaca ES 58. Lucille Jean v. Salon Sawaga ES 59. Maribeth Joy B. Pamisaran Sawaga ES 60. flora M. Feliciano Sawaga ES 61. Eva Mae C. Ybaflez Sawaga ES 62 Jason E. Sup€fia Sarraga ES 63. Analiza C. Gamalo Lalawan ES 64 Luz S Matawhav Lalawan ES 65.
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