University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 11-4-1936 Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 06, November 4, 1936 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 42 No. 06, November 4, 1936" (1936). The Rollins Sandspur. 471. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/471 lie Nhlp of State >IlticnI Fornin of Hodgre-Pod^e Rollins anii0pur eeiabrgru Triumph (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1936 (Complete Campus Coverage) ROOSEVELT SWEEPS NATION IN LANDSLIDE t RUSSELL COMPANY Re-elected For Second Term LEADS LANDON IN I TO PRODUCE SEVEN 45 STATES WITH I PLAYS THIS YEAR RECORD PLURALITY t] All Performances to Be Given Maine, Vermont and New IJ! In Annie Russell Hampshire Are Safety ,] Theatre Republican ^MRS. SMITH TO MANAGE WIRES CONGRATULATION i *Men Must Fight' By Reginald I. Lawrence Opens Series OFCHflPPELON Largest Electoral Vote in History A program of seven outstanding attractions, including four produc­ The voting citizens of the United tions by the Annie Russell Com­ States expressed desire for the pany, will be presented on the An- ROLLINS PLATES continuance of President Roose­ '• nie Russell Series at Rollins Col­ velt's New Deal program in their lege this coming season, it is an- China Is Designed For Use Will Be Preceded By Academic record vote yestreday. , nounced. Of Trustees, Faculty Procession Although final tabulations have ' The Annie Russell Series, which And Staff not been released, it is conceded supplants the Professional Artists HOLT WILL GIVE TALK that Roosevelt will win with a Series conducted by the late Miss record plurality, in all but three ^ Annie Russell for several years, SPANISH MOTIF IS USED states. Maine, Vermont and New will be directed this year by Mrs. Bishop Wing Will Give The Hampshire, having an electoral • Dorothy Lockhart Smith. Mrs. Year of Research Was Spent Invocation vote of 12, are the only states in Smith will also assume the man- Perfecting Design the Republican column. • agement of the Annie Russell Com- At 1:26 A. M., Landon wired his Franklin Delano Roosevelt John Nance Garner The annual Armistice Day Con­ ,' pany and direct three of the four vocation will be held in Knowles congratulations to President Roose­ * productions to be offered by this A shipment of plates reproduc­ Memorial Chapel at 10 o'clock, velt, and released a statement con­ ^' company of players. ing the Knowles Memorial Chapel, Wednesday, November 11. It will ceding the election to his oppo­ The Annie Russell Series, all with a part of the Annie Russel] WHO'S WHO be preceded by a formal academic nent. • performances in which will be giv­ Theatre in the background, has just OEAN GAMPOELL POLITICAL RALL! procession of faculty and students. FARLEY RESIGNS AS en in the Annie Russell Theatre, been received from the famous ON The Invocation will be given by POSTMASTER GENERAL • opens on January 15 with a pre- Wedgwood factory in England, ac­ the Right Reverend Dr. John D. James J. Farley, chairman of the ^ sentation by the Annie Russell cording to Miss Katharine Lewis, MR. DENNY TALK HELO WENOESOAY Wing, Bishop of South Florida. Democratic National Committee, • Company of "Men Must Fight" by Alumni Secretary of Rollins Col­ CAMPUS President Holt will give a short resigned this morning as Postmas­ Reginald Lawrence and S. K. Law­ lege, who, with other graduates of address. ter General of the U. S. rence. This vehicle, which will be Rollins, has been working out plans Committees Of Chapel Hold Bryant Prentice Jr., •37- l*rafessors Speak For Their' Bryant Prentice, president of the In August he was given tem­ [ staged by Mrs. Smith, is described for a Rollins plate during the past First Meeting Chick's" home town is Buffalo, Respective Candidates Student Council, will read the porary leave of absence from the as "one of the most interesting and two years. I N. Y., and as president of the Proclamation of the President of duties of this office until Novem­ provocative plays given to the Miss Lewis stated that while TO REORGANIZE STAFF Club he's to be found in the n^ TROWBRIDGE, CHAIRMAN the United States. ber 4, 1936, so he might fulfill his American stage". A second per- these plates are designed primarily Gale Hall. He is one of the sh The A Cappella Choir, under the task as Chairman of- the Demo­ Continued on page 2, col. 3) for the use of trustees, faculty, ing lihgts of the philosophy de­ leadership of Mr. C. 0. Honaas, cratic National Committee. The alumni and undergraduates, a lim­ On Wednesday evening October partment, and is intending to try On Wednesday, October 28, a will sing a commemorative ode, "A. reason for his resignation has not ited number of them will be avail­ 28th, the first meeting of the out for the coming Rhodes Scholar­ political rally was held at 10 o'clock D. 1919", by Hooker-Parker. been announced. Knowles Memorial Chapel Com­ able for friends of the College, ship this year. He plays half-back in the Annie Russell Theatre. Pro­ The benediction will be given by mittees was held in the Frances especially those in Orange County. on the varsity football eleven, and fessor Trowbridge, acting as non­ Dean Campbell. The distribution will take place Chapel for the purpose of reorga­ has become one of the most de­ partisan chairman, introduced each HOLiS TALKS AT Bishop Wing, who will given the through the alumni office in Pine­ nizing for this year and to acquaint pendable men on the team. Chick of the speakers. Invocation, was born in Atlanta, MISS LANGFOOD IS hurst Cottage. incoming students who attended is also president of the Student The different opinions were well Georgia, November 19, 1882.. He with the various functions of the •Council and has won varsity let­ divided. Professors John Martin The Rollins Wedgwood plate is was educated at the University of TIE ART SEMINAR committees. Bryant Prentice, pres­ ters for baseball and tennis, be­ and Rhea Smith spoke for the New an achievement in distinction and Georgia and at William and Mary beauty, according to Miss Lewis. ent chairman of the Chapel Staff, sides football. Member of Omicron Deal; Professors Howard and Bid­ SPONSOR AT GAME College. He received his D.D. de­ Her Subject Was The Beauty presided. Delta Kappa, the senior honorary dle gave an idea of the Republi­ Almost a year of research in the gree at the University of Georgia Invited Under Auspices Of Of Egyptian Art Fogg Art Museum of Harvard by Dean Campbell was the first society for men. can platform and explained why 1918. Libra a member of the Wedgwood staff speaker. After welcoming the new they were against Roosevelt; Pro­ Henry Lauterbach, '37—"Hank" In 1913 he married Mary Cath- SHOWS LANTERN SLIDES (Continued on page 2, col. 3) students he outlined briefly the fessor France told what the So­ ESCORTED BY STUDENTS comes from Saugatuck, Conn. This (Continued on page 2, col. 5) functions of the committees, ex­ year he is president of Theta Kap­ cialist party stands for; and Alan Mrs. Marjorie Holmes, in her plaining their accomplishments in Taulbee, a student, read Browder's Ulk last Thursday at the Art Stu­ pa Nu, living at Hooker Hall. His Frances Langford, radio and the past and what was hoped for major is business administration, Communist platform. The speech screen star, was sponsor for the dio, told of the beauty of Egyptian them this year. of Professor Clarke, who is, like Art and showed pictures on the NEW DORMITORIES which will probably land him at the Rol lins-Wofford game in Leesburg - Dean Campbell was followed by France, a Socialist, had to be elimi­ screen of heads, figures, and pieces head of some big concern, some Friday night. Mr. Trowbridge and Mr. Denny. nated for want of time. of stone, on which were drawings, day. But here at Rollins his fame Miss Langford is a former Lake­ The former talked on the great to show to her audience how really rests upon his tennis game. He has Speaking for Roosevelt, Profes­ land girl and is spending her vaca­ INSPECTEO TOOAY need for cooperation and under­ great the Egyptians were. been on the tennis squad for three sor Martin emphasized the past tion in Florida. She spent a week standing between American stu­ (Continued on page 2, col. 6) of her stay at Clearwater beach Centuries ago they invented years and last year was captain TO GIVE SEBMON dents and those of European coun­ but has returned to Lakeland for geometry, built the Sphinx and the Miss Hagopian Will Sing At and number one player. He has tries and pointed out certain ways the remaining three weeks. pyramid.s, and innovated the art of Vesper Service represented his fratrenity on the "Her Husband's Wife" Will Talk in Chapel On The in which Rollins undergraduates Intramural Board and is a mem­ After her vacation she will re­ sculpturing. Many of these remain could participate in these move- Will Be Presented Subject "We Utopians" to remind of a civilization now ber of the Inner Council. Last turn to Hollywood to make another O.
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