1 s: the lRlsh oraenr.cec 3ROC BO. 29 )(Ay - JUNE 198'7 90 pence FOOTER BELA Y h'VENT PHOENIX PARJ(, DUBLIN SUNDA Y JUNE 28tb J 987 Three Rock DC invite you to a fun event., a "Pooter Relay" competition, at the Phoenix Park, Dublin, on Sunday, June 26th 1987. There will be registration on the day until 11.30 am and a mass start ior all competitors at 12.00 noon at the Papal Cross. Teams Dust consist of three runners, in the following classes: One ' A' runner Any class. One 'B' runner Any class except ~19, 21, 35. One 'C' runner Any M55 or older )113 or younger '<145or older Wl7 or younger • B' and 'C' runners may run in a hisher class to pomplete a t.eam but 'A' and 'S' runners may not run in a lower class. There will be j i:l ty controls and ebch team must, betweE:n them, visit all 50. All runners will start toeether and 1.l,e 11r6t team back aCI'oSG the finish line with all 50 controle; (no more, no less! > will be declared the wioners. Once a team crosses the finish line they will not be allowed back into the competition area. Teams need 1101,. be ar orn the sanle club, but a special prize for the best j'andly "eam will be awarded. There will be a draw at 11.30 to make up telllmG iTom inci,ividiJale. who arrive without teams. JoIaps will be premarked arid will have ccmtrol cards and description& on the back. 'Jhole teams Cbfl be pre-ent.ered: pleas~ tell your olub secretary and get him/her to contact the orSbniser on the Friday eveni ns bef ore thEo event saying bow IIIllny teams can be expect.ed from your club. Because of the risk of vandal ism to controls in th~ Phoenix Park only small oont.rols will be used, and you will need t.o bring a pen with you as punches will not be used, Entry fees: ~6. 00 per team. Individuals looking :for runs on t.he day: £~.OO (Senior), £1.50 junior. IDA M,EK8ERSHALF PRICE For informbt10n contact John McCullough (Ol-95~198, evenings). THREE ROCK ORIENTEERING CLUB 48 Letter!to 1 rib. J..H::>tl 1 0 ut<lri.N'tbt ... HU.'r.!;I MY - JU.H.h IvleW f ~~;.N' v'(~U-] 11,14 theEdttor A reply to "Being Elite is :' t.... .: i en 1..-r ietrieer .lS PUO.lls.n~ ill. t,wo-mon't.hJy lOt.erv.l.1.E. ."fna 1';; I"\Iv.:1l1aole ..d't)u~.t,; ..,tl lrl·:,;h Orlt~nTtoerlO~ .... *':.luh:;' &p.cret.al*les. AU m.l"terl..5l "~l1n':I~rn1.np; '··:.-:IlI~ ...J'lIo~. wlLJ "'" ~F"'t"H'J.,IV r,?r.:o?lll,,\,1 by thli' eo i cor . .ionn llccul1''''81l, .j4. Our. With interest I read the article"Being Elite is .."by Aonghus oCleirigh hmet ur iv«, i)ubl:ln 1.0. in your Irish Orienteer 28. As an H 50 Swiss I fully agree with the content, and any Junior orienteer in Switzerland who has any ambitions rt('" f't:lllJulll:> ,:,xpTt?ssp.d til Ine JrJsn or ien ceer are no't ne~'t:!;:-£.Qt"ilv th':lIie 0] tU~ will aim to run in the Elite categorie when he reaches the age of ..", IT.O' (JI 01 .ny on ..n~e'?l1o", or8aniSdt10n. wnlle evel y ell on. "~ Ina" ... '-0 20. However,this is not easy to reach especially for boys.and a lot of 'I,',UI~ U.e .1,.,.ur,;~y 01 I.he r mor met rcn coneatneo 1n me ITiSD unt?nt.eer no things,such as technical skill,physical conditions,training conditions "'''P'.JII~ll·II11Y ·:"..n b'e ace .. p\p.d lor ..rrors 01' OIPlb .. 10n!;. or JOI r,oelr health. coaching etc. must be right. To bring out top orienteers also 1)1i.......'1~JI·1h.:.I::·:-. needs a system of orienteering events which meet international levels not only 1n the Elite categories but also at the junior levels.This is not mentioned in the article, although it is quite important. In order I 1'0"1 copy \I() ~es J or to", HJrtbclllllllB issues are: to support the writer would like to add some points as regards to "o.~iO %0 Juue l!1tl'1 Orienteering in Switzerland which may already be known by the lOA me- 1I0.:Sl ;!.U August 198'1 mbers. "0.3% ~O October 198'1 "0.3:$ lU Oecember 198'7 We have 4 levels of competitions ranking from the top down as follows: 1 t-or .,,(' Lillir ,"J'orRlH'l.iun all orienteering contact 'I'bB IT'l.sb Orioo teering Swiss Championship lIe.b,'I(:iiH'uJl. JIj Tile \.1flO, 't'llodparJr., ~'JJlol:ett.J·. l)ub.l'lll 1<>. 4 National A events 2 4 National B events about 120 local events (regional) ,;UV"H I'Hlfl'O: A .~" OJ .1\ ....,O.UI) ,:;, paw 1.0 tile suppH",r 01 tliP. cover Phttt.oRraph 11 ,I .\':> 1~"-1V.;,(l .11 flflll,."Vl" Tor'IR: bl".:k- .. n,!-whltE- pllll~" or 80n1J~ IV" x 6". The National B event was introduced 3 year ago when it was decided to rhllf;t...': 1/;'''''10 IAIlll'll'lljl': ur lnKln~ Li...~ \.1t'JJ K\J +JJ l l.'~,HII nom~ .,c 1,hp I r reh cut down travelling time by car, and for other varlOUS reasons such as "i),,'nlJl'''''',IJ'i'''' ", . ..,Ielll'''': r rt t IJ.J\c ....uH,,'ll\nl. environmental aspects. Two National B events are always held on the same day.one in the eastern part and one in the western part of Switz- tI&..sULJ'::>. II I.MI ;:r." or I~~.I.,.')I) pel' pag,., If.> iliad .. t.owb.rd", ellA p'Jbhc,,:tlon 01 event, erland. Competitors are free to choose which competition they want to "",u ...t",. i h r-, "n,OUIH J,;; b".,o:-<I on till: I"e.;ull,6 IJl:ll.l;!. 611blDltterJ III IS 101m go to.Applicable to Ireland such events could be held in raglons(Lein- ~1Jlr.aOl'" 101 ,,·P'o\lU ...t.OO an'l JS Cb!.,uld\e<l 011 the number ul pages b~nt m , not ster, MUnster or even smaller) at the same time, to avoid long travel- tU", Ilurn,<-' WIII'1I flll" Ily "VfJ'~<lT rn fJr1nt, 1;00 pl",<l8", t1Uy up CDIi!pr "'ben~"i'on ling on to many weekends. The latter would only be necessary for the III re:;ulti> o.. rore &enl]ln~ th03m In. Iyped or rgme Ie or good pbotocoprea are A events and for the all Irish Championships. 1>1·p.l",r",bl(~, OUT. relll03:mber that eacb pap,i? is reduced to bbou't .t./v tts; origillal size Iii pr llltlllg. The regional Championships in Ireland seem to be limited to one race only. This is quite different to Switzerland. First of all a regional HXTU.kE.S: ine r rx tur list 16 ~he most recenv available wben going press. ea to Championship does not exist except for the regional school competition i:..p.,l 1':11',,, Il.... soowu. however. ~ha~ chenges do occur. and 01ten at shan; for the age categories below 18 (H-12 to H-18 and D-12 to 0-18).1 live novice. 1\ II. WIse. cnereror e. to ver rrv tba't the even. is gOIng aoead as in the region ZUrich/Schaffhausen and the SChool championships conslst MIvertlSl"J b'y checx ing the 'weekend Sports Diary' In the newspaper's or of 9 events with 20 points for the winner of each race. and the 10th cOOt".:uog the Orp;an1!;;ll)g c lub. event being the final race(30 points for the winner). The 5 best races '%el''< pos';l.ble an uriilMn<:le Survey vIla Relerence 16 glven ior eacn area. it count and to win such a championship it is necessary to be a good and pr-:-o;:ntrv IS )Oequin·a It. 1& norm.;l1y indIcated In tilt. event mr or ae cron . ~venT, steady Orienteer. Many times a top runner lost everything on the flnal s'.", 't 1l1l1foS, are gener.;dy oe..weell 1J .11') bID and j .1)\) pm: do not ..,xpect to oe race. "I;OW",:I \'l ~t.art <lIter ~nu., unies6 otn,~rW1S'" SUlteo. At the age of 14 the 2 to 3 best ones of each junior category are el- tiU~t-RlI'rrOKS: ,DCllvl.\lUo' !ioUb",CTII)·r.10n~,at 1«01.0.5\1 per annum ,SIX 106ue5), or ected to the regional squad. In Switzerland there are 8 such squads. IltDf,,=, -, (l€.lo.~lJ. 'I 'Ull ClU~.h vour t:aul). and each year they compete against each other for the Swiss Junior CuP which consists of a relay on Saturday and an individual race on Sunday I\D.~ry rrrrjn di.str.J.butiou wlth flu \lio Ire ••. "ledSp. SUJlP'Y at. 1",,,61: o;<uVcopIes. The Sunday race is held and incorporated in a National A event and is I,"" In':lU';\On 01 an ",lien t "o'tr'1 lorm 1n 110 1& In no way ..0 0.3 taKen .;IS an subordinated. -.,':l'Jr<;",m",nt or r.,..:omm.~llti."tlOn lJi lhoa CI)lIIpe,-n10o r-oncerned. This year 3 of our local school championship events are subordinated AIJV&RTISi"(; RATES: P~ea"o: COD':b.ct ,be eUl~or.
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