NHamp 352.07 G61 1974 GOFFSTOWN ANNUAL REPORT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/annualreportofto1974goff . INDEX BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION 34 OF GENERAL INTEREST BIRTHS 20 ADJUSTMENTS 18 BOARD OF Named after Col. John Goffe, early settler, soldier Rabies certificate required. Fees: Male - $2.00 — civic leader. Female - $5.00 — Spayed Female $2.00. After BOARDS, TRUSTEES & COMMISSIONERS . 2 and June 1, $1.00 penalty for late licensing of dogs. CONSERVATION COMMISSION 33 Date Incorporated . June 17, 1761. DEATHS 25 Automobile Registration Permits Available Location Hillsborough County, 9 nniles west from Town Clerk to residents. Resident tax EDUCATION 34 of the City of Manchester on Route N.H. 114, receipts and car title required. FIRE DEPARTMENT 26 north of Bedford on Route N.H. 114, east of New Boston on Route 13 and south of Weare on Route Tax Bills Sent out in September or Octo- HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 3 N.H. 114. ber on property assessed as of April 1st in the LIBRARY 31 name of the owner as of April 1st. Flesident taxes Population - 1 960 ... 7,230 1 974 ... 1 0, 1 00 mailed June to residents age 18 to 65 as of April 1. MARRIAGES 21 PLANNING BOARD 19 Elevation of Zoning Ordinance — in effect — controlling the Town Hall 306 feet above sea level land uses in Commercial, Industrial, Residential, POLICE DEPARTMENT 25 Bartlett School 240 feet above sea level Agricultural, Flood Plain and Conservancy Open RECREATION 30 Top Mt. Uncanoonuc Space. (so.) 1 321 feet above sea level SELECTMEN 5 Grasmere Village 269 feet above sea level SOUTHERN N.H. PLANNING COMMISSION. 18 Glen Lake 271 feet above sea level Kelley Falls 1 60 feet above sea level TAX COLLECTOR 15 TOWN BUDGET 9 Area 37 square miles TOWN CLERK 20 Miles of Roads 142 TOWN MEETING 1974 6 Annual Town Meeting and Election First TOWN WARRANT 1975 7 Tuesday of March. VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION 33 Type of Government Open Town Meeting, WATER PRECINCTS 28 three-man Board of Selectmen. Qualification for registration of voters Must be 18 years of age, a citizen and resident of town. Registration with Supervisors of the Check list at times announced in local newspapers. New registrations 10 days prior to all elections. Absentee Voting Qualified voters for pri- mary and general elections. Dog Licenses All dog licenses expire April 30th; a dog should be licensed when 3 months old. University of New Hampshtre Library TOWN REPORT 1974 BOARD, TRUSTEES & COMMISSIONERS as of December 31, 1974 GOVERNOR CONSERVATION COMMISSION TREE WARDEN Meldnm Thomson, Jr. George T. Aimo 1975 Paul Weir Lary Fletcher 1975 UNITED STATES SENATORS Karen McRae. Chair-person 1976 LIBRARY TRUSTEES Diana Sterling 1976 Thomas J. Mclnlyren Lorraine D. Snay 1975 Raymond Lazott 1977 Marilyn Pingree 1975 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS Georgette Y. Hecker 1976 Charlotte B. Davenport 1976 Norman E. DAmours TRUSTEES OF TRUST FUNDS James T. McKenna 1975 Judith A. Temple, Chairperson 1977 GOVERNOR'S COUNCILOR Warren B. Baker 1976 Pauline Richards 1977 Walter C. Patten 1977 Bernard A. Streeter. Jr. BUDGET COMMITTEE STATE SENATOR PLANNING BOARD Robert L. Wheeler, replacing David Pollard 1975 Milton Meyers 1975 Nelson M. MacAskill 1975 Robert B. Monier Paul E. Bedard 1975 E. Bruce Bynum 1975 Stephen H. Mattil 1975 Gossett McRae 1975 :RAL'DAI REPRESENTATIVES TO THE GENERAL Diana Sterling 1975 Richard E. Fletcher 1976 COURT Robert Preston 1977 Thomas E. Lally 1976 Arnold B. Perkins Aime H. Paradls Arthur Rose 1978 Paul E. Laperle 1976 Jo Ellen Orcutt Barry C. Morgrage Henry T. Grady, Selectman Ralph C. Steger 1976 Robert W. Wheeler Edna M. Carlsen 1977 CEMETERY TRUSTEES Charles W. Hitchcock 1977 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Mildred Dearborn 1976 Daniel P. McNerney 1977 Henry T. Grady. Chairman 1975 Clinton 0. Rising 1975 Richard P. Berry, replacing Aime H. 1975 John C. Sarette 1976 George Williams 1977 Paradis Elmer B. Nickerson 1977 Jay Hunter, School Board FIRE WARDENS Henry Burnham, Village Precinct Robert W. Wheeler, Grasmere Precinct ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Libert Sousa 1975 Henry T. Grady. Selectman Lloyd M. Sorenson, Moderator 1976 Lawrence Putman 1976 George T. Almo. Town Clerk 1975 Willard C. Pratt 1976 SUPERVISORS OF CHECKLIST Vivian I. Sorenson, Treasurer 1975 Peter Jenkins 1977 George T. Aimo. Tax Collector Leo Charest 1977 Ann Gauthier, Chairperson 1976 Hedley G. Pingree, District Court Judge Theron J. Morgrage. Chief & Forest Fire Warden Leo Charest 1978 Joanna Barnard. Distnct Clerk Lionel Soucy, Assistant Chief Ruth Gage 1980 Theron J. Morgrage, Fire Chief & Forest Fire War- den SEWER COMMISSION INDUSTRIAL COUNCIL Robert J. Wike, Police Chief Marcel 0. Genest 1975 Raymond Cloutier Arthur Rose Lorenzo J. Perry, Supt. of Highways Laurent Beaulac 1976 Robert L, Wheeler, Paul E. Bedard Raymond A. Cloutier, Town Counsel Arthur Rose, Chairman 1977 Chairman Dana Anderson, Recreation Director Clifford Martel Robert Preston PARKS & PLAYGROUND COMMISSION Hedley Pingree Henry Burnham BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Clint Robinson Janet McDougall Antonio J. Roy, Jr. Robert Lambert Alternates: Paul Bedard Roland Bernard Robert Sarette Richard Carlsen Alan Hall Henry Hunter Lionel Cullerot Dana Anderson, Recreational 1975- Helen Miller Peter Stanhope Director Richard 1. Barnard. Edwin Rivers Elmer B. Nickerson, Chairman 1975 Robert Gamache Selectman Edmond Neveu 1976 Roger Gagnon Theodore J. Rohr 1978 Claira Monier John Peltonen 1 Bicentennial Committee excavation and widening. Daniel McNerney 13 High St, Goffstown, N.H. 03045 Co-chairmen We dynamited and excavated approximately N.H. Alice Knight Addison Road Goftstown, 03045 Co-chairmen 1500 feet of ledge on Tirrell Hill Road to straighten R.F.D. r, N.H. 03102 Heritage Mary Shirley #2 Mancheste and widen the hill. Two new culverts were replac- Edna Carlsen 6 South Mast St. Gotfstown, N.H. 03045 Horizons ed for drainage. Eva Shirley R.F.D. #2 Mancheste r, N.H. 02102 Honzons Two more lanes were added and finished at the Alfred W. Poore 1 Carr Court Goffstown, N.H. 03045 Festivals shopping plaza on Mast Road. Gordon F. Burns 42 North Mast St. Goffstown, N.H. 03045 Finance The storage shed at the cemetery was built and Clinton Rising 17 South Mast St Goffstown, N.H. 03045 Finance much grading and rebuilding of a portion of the Eleanor Duclos 68 Mast St. Goffstown, N.H. 03045 Secretary Westlawn Cemetery including a new road, plus Publicity Douglas Gove Elm Street Goffstown, N.H. 03045 600 cubic yards of loam from Mt. Road was strip- ped and trucked to the cemetery and then laid out and graded. More fencing is needed to complete this job, plus paving of the roadway itself. The cemetery received quite a bit of vandalism dam- age this fall, due to someone breaking off all of the water faucets and standpipes. Until these are replaced, no water will be available to water flowers, etc. Approximately 5,000 tons of hot top was used this year on town roads, plus about 1,000 tons of cold patch. Winter sand was swept off the streets again. We are using much more sand, approximately 6,000 yards, in an effort to cut down on salt usage. More new roads have been added again this year due to new developments, so even with using more sand, we are at present holding our own. We have asked for one new sander body, which will improve our sanding 100% and speed up our service. We also screened and stockpiled our winter sand again. We received our new pakker plus the two dump trucks we had asked for: and now, we should be able to give faster and more efficient service, win- ter and summer. We now have no hired trucks; and therefore, have better control as they are radio equipped, except for one truck. As your road agent, I expect, barhng a bad accident, etc., that we should not need any new dump trucks, pakker truck, or pickups for at least 5 to 8 years, with prop- er maintenance and care. For this, I wish to thank the selectmen. Budget Committees, and the gen- eral taxpayer as our equipment, in general, is tops Greg Gaunthier - Grade 1 and should last us a long time, even with much In 1974 the Goffstown Highway Department had to the late completion of Daniel Plummer Road, usage. a busy season with several major projects on not as much was accomplished on St. Anselm's Our operators and drivers and laborers are con- highways, sewer projects, sanitation projects, ceme- Drive as had been anticipated, although most of scientious people and taxpayers too, so therefore, tery projects, and other projects that had to be the underdrainage has been installed in the work- they take pride in the equipment they operate, and done in conjunction with private contractors, and so ing area, and the hght of way has been cut to the for this I thank them all. These same employees forth. Daniel Plummer Road was completely re- proper width. At present, we are waiting for the weld and do mechanical work whenever the need built including loaming and seeding, culvert install- telephone company to move their poles so we can ahses, as we have no mechanic. We have three ation, excavation for new gravel and hot top. Due continue our underdrainage and commence our pickups, one car, seven dump trucks, (one eductor truck to clean catch basins), one sidewalk plow, done again this year, plus some new. due to the tion. This should give our young people at the high one grader, two loaders, and one bulldozer. This new traffic light installations at the shopping plaza school and the Recreation Center much more pro- equipment is used lor highway, sanitary landfill plus, reactivating of the traffic light at Pinard Square.
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