w, - PPPIPP RIMRWErrill t7Mreteei7mmsmessmmmen COMAE% C EMU 'TIC% HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 26—NUMBER 22 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1935 $2.00 A YEAR Harman Receives Speaks Tods, II Class Day Paper Sir Willmott Lewis Addresses Spoon Man Award Sees '35 In 1945 • Ninety-Ninth Graduating Class From Classmates As Seniors Frolic Stresses Importance Of Students' Association Newspaper Publication ACTIVITIES OF THE DAY I1:00 A. M. Commencement ex- Social Justice In Head. Twice Voted Marks Yesterday's ercises in Roberts Hall. Introductory remarks - Modern Life Best All•Around Exercises President W. W. Comfort. Awarding of prizes and W. H. Harman, Jr., '35, received Class Day exercises yesterday honors. the Claes of 1935 Spoon, the high- at 3 o'clock on the terrace beyond Commencement address— 71 Diplomas Awarded est honor which a class can give, at the southeast end of the librare Sir Willman Lewis. Awarding of decrees. Commencement exercises start- the Class Day exercises Friday af- witnessed an innovation for such ed this morning when Haverford's ternoon. June 7. rams. A four-page newspaper, 1:00 -P.M. Lunch in Founders prog Hall. ninety - ninth graduating class twice voted the Hannan was containing storks and advertise- 1:30 P. 11. Founders Club meet. marched from in front of Founders beat all-around undergraduate in ments concerning the members of Hell to Roberta Hall. The class leg in the Union. was accompanied by members of the annual News Questionnaire, the class of '35 ten yeses hence, 2:00 P.M. Cricket game nith the faculty and the Board of and was president of the Students' was prepared in a 30 minute news- Alumni on Cope Field. Managers. AL 11 o'clock an ad- Association during his senior year. paper office scene and distributed dress by President W. W. Comfort He served on the Customs Com- to the seniors and their guests. opened the ceremonies which join- g his sophomore and G. Rohrer, chairman of the ed the Class of 1535 to a century mittee durin of Haverford graduates. junior years and on the Student Class Day Committee opened the $141,600 Given To Following the presentation of 71 Council for the past two yearn. SIR WILLMOTT LEWIS exercises with a welcome. Follow- diplomas and the announcements He has been active in three Washington correspondent of ing him E. H. McGinley, perman- of prises and honors, the large au- sports. After winning lettere in the London Times, Who ad- College This Year dience listened to the graduation dressed the graduating clans ent class president, gave a Mon basketball for three years, he cap- g address. delivered by Sir Willmott tained the 1934-35 squad. He has at commencement this morn- talk. Then the traditional handin Lewis, Washington Correspondent also obtained letters for four years ing. down of the spoon to the Junior Centenary Emergency of the London Times. in baseball and for two years in Clare took place. G. C. Fraser. Fund Receives Sir Willmott stressed chiefly the soccer. president of the class of '311, re- importance of society and social According to the 1935 Record. ceived for his class. E. J. Mat- $30,000 justice In the modern world. "Man Fineman, like many a rose, "blush- 300 Attend Prom and women differ from animals is ed unseen during his Freshman lack, Chairman of the Spoon Man 5141,800 has been added to the many ways,' he said. "but in year." He was elected Class Pres- Committee, next made the spoon nothing so much as in this: that In Given By Seniors general endowment of Haverford the animal world the weeknese of ident for the second term of his award for the present year to W. College during the past year, it sophomore year, however, and is H. Harman, Jr., '35. the individual is paid for by the now a member of the permanent has been announced by the Admin- individual; with us, it is society, Executive Committee. He in a Haverfordians Furnish Dispense With Mock Awards istration. not the individual, which eventual- ly suffers." member of Founders Club and Dispensing with the usual Pre- Of this amount $14,000 wan re- the Beta Rho Sigma fraternity. Music For Dance An engineering major, he lives in In Founders sentation of mock awards, as has ceived from an anonymous donor Six Win High Honors Marion, Pa. been done in former years, the for the prineiewd of the Hinehenefl After a plea for courage and E. J. Matlack, '35, chairman of newspaper scene caused much Astronomical Fund; $50,000 by idealism, Sir Willmott concluded: As a climax to the Class Day Ex- "Slowly but Inevitably, one great the Spoon Committee, made the ercises, held yesterday, over 150 merriment as editor Rohrer and bequest from the late Emma presentation. The other members eway Comfy, and notice of a moral truth has emerged, breaking couples danced at the Senior Prom associate editors C. G. Smith and Ridg upward through the crust of habit of the committee are R. W. Hires, from 9 to 1 to the music of Rice uest from the late Ellen Long• and F. J. Stokes, Jr. C. B. Conn. Jr. ridiculed professors beq and error—the truth thatjustke Longaker and his Ileverfordians streth of 120.000 plus the residu.. In accordance with the annual in Founders Hall. and college conditions. is the whole of morality, that to ary estate, which has not yet been' do wrong is to inflict wrong." custom, the two-foot wooden spoon The Alumni Room was decorated After the conclusion of the exer- 35 degrees of Bachelor of Arts was presented by the Class of and furnished for the occasion, and cises and playlet the group ad- handed over to the Corporation. were awarded, 27 of Bachelor of 1934. L. W. Flamm, '34, perman- "Doc" Leake served punch to tired the In addition, there has been ilk: ent president of the class, was the journed to the Garden where Science, 4 Masters of Arta, and 1 revellers during the dancing. There 000 contributed to the Centenary Master of Science. Six members recipient of the class spoon last were refreshments served during Class of '35, in conjunction with Fund; $3,000 additional for the of the Senior class graduated with year. the interntisslon. the Faculty Women's Club. had high honors and eight with honors. The patrons and patronesses for prepared refreshments in the form William J. Strawbridge Memorial The Founders Club prise for the Professor Jones Gives the dance were Professor and Mrs. of punch, ice cream and cookies. Observatory; $500, to be later in- Freshman who has shown the best Howard Comfort, Professor and Members of the Class Day Com- creased, by the Triangle Society attitude toward college activities Commencement Speech Mrs. Cletus 0. Oakley, Professor mittee included Rohrer, Conn. and scholastic work was awarded Mrs. Frank K. Fetter, and Smith, E. M. Evans, W. B. Nicolas, Endowment Fund; $350 from the At Swarthmore College Dean and Mrs. H. Tatnall Brown, W. N. Huff, F. N. Rolf. The for- Class of 1929 and $5,000 from the 37W, WoWn. garei.jP. tippCincBottne'dire! Jr. mer editor of the News, E. C. Class of 1915 for the Loan Fund; tory Prize. A full tint of the Speaking at the 64th annual H. C. Meserve headed the com- Kunkle, Jr. assisted in the publi- and a $50 membership in the awards appears no page two. commencement exercises at mittee for the Senior Prom. cation of the paper, Swarthmore College Monday, Pro- Trollope Society of London and Cow/ on Page I I feesor Rufus M. Jones, emeritus, New York from Dr. A. Edward told 107 seniors that the New Deal Newton. had met its hardest tests "because Information is given this morn- J.A. Brown, A.W. Stokes of a shortage of broad, unselfish. Record Enrollment, New Profs, ing that there has been contribut- magnanimous persons." He added ed in cash and pledges toward the Elected To Membership that "no society built on a bails of Dramatics Are Year's Highspots Centenary Emergency Fund for In Founders Club Today violence, tenor, or the strong arm the payment of accumulated .in- of a dictator can have any perm- Death of Dr. Kelsey Saddens Year Marked By debtedness about $30,000. anence in the Anglo-Saxon world." Two Juniors,- J. A. Brown and Dr. Jones warned the graduates Increased Student Activity, Five A. W. Stokes, will be officially elm that they were being sent into a Drive Stands At $30,000 ed to membership in Founders Club world in which "the old In dead, but Triumphs Over Swarthmore this afternoon at a meeting of that the new is not yet born." He pre- Pledged ; Pension Fund organization to be held at 1:45 dicted a new type of person would Thursday, September 20 Collec- week-end, a bright autumn social Of $42,000 Now Sought downstairs in the Union. The four be needed in the cooperative society event. other men elected this year, are tion opened the college year with Carl Sandburg delivered the W. H. Hannan, Jr., and E. J. Mat- of the future. raduates in attendance, ged to date More than 1200 people attended 333 underg Thomas Shipley lecture to a $30,000 has been pled lack of the graduating class and the exercises held in Clothier Mem- the largest enrollment in the his- packed Roberts Hall December 5, in the $150,000 Campaign drive. R. B. Wolf and R. E. Lewis of the tory of the College. Drs. Frank W. with concise comments on con- This was the announcement of class of '30.
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