EDITION NUMBER16: JULY 2010 SCHOOLS IN NORTH AMERICA Full details of next annual meeting in Rotterdam DMT Training Salvage and Construction New Full Member:The YAK Academy Mumbai Page 2 PageP A MESSAGE FROM THE Edition 16: July 2010 Editors: Alan Bax CHAIRMAN and Jill Williams Art Editor: Michael Norriss I would first like to welcome new members, and you will read on page 3 is a GAP Analysis com- International Diving I look forward to their involvement with the fu- paring as many National Standards as possible Schools Association 47 Faubourg de la ture work of the Association. They are: The YAK with those of IDSA, in order to ensure that the Madeleine Academy, Mumbai, to Full Membership (Diver IDSA Standards are fully comprehensive. 56140 MALESTROIT Training) - page 3. and to Associate Member- I am looking forward to the Annual meeting FRANCE Phone: ship: ‘Forespro’ – Spain ‘Centre Méditer- in my home country, the programme follows, +33 (0)2 9773 7261 rannéen Plongée Professionnelle’ (CMPP), and the involvement of members is essential. e-mail: Morocco. ‘Regional Centre for Underwater Please send in items and proposals for discus- [email protected] Demolition’, Montenegro. Podvodrechstroy sion by 15 August – after which new items will web: www.idsawordwide.org Divng School, Moscow.University of South- not be accepted until the end of the meeting if ern Denmark. and to Affiliate Membership time is available. DERA Diving, Indonesia. Finally, don’t forget that the Editor of IDSA Front cover Since the last IDSA News we have had two News is always looking for articles and photo- photograph Board meetings which are reported on page 3. graphs of diving activities, please send in news A diver from Svensk They have generated a number of items for the of any events which would be of interest to Sjöentreprenad AB Rotterdam Agenda, with the purpose of accel- working on a Current divers. Measuring Device erating the progress of the Association towards near Oregrund International certification. One of the items as East Sweden LEO LAGARDE One of the main thrusts is towards ABOUT IDSA International Diver Certification in or- The Association is concerned with all divers - Offshore, der to bring together the various Na- Inshore and Inland, and has established International Div- tional Schemes which are currently in er Training Standards based on the consensus view of its existence. However, the Association many members. is not just concerned with standards, The Standards provide both a yardstick for those re- it also serves as a valuable forum for sponsible for either administering existing National Stan- the interchange of News & Views be- dards or creating new ones, and a guide for Clients, Div- tween members, many of whom are ing Contractors and Divers themselves. the only Commercial School in their It is considered that the introduction of these Inter- Country. Current routes for this in- nationally agreed diver training standards will have the terchange are the Newsletter - pub- effect of Improving Safety Providing Contractors with a lished in January and July, the IDSA direct input to the Diver Training Syllabus Enabling Con- Website,the Annual tractors to bid across National Borders on a more even meeting in Septem- playing field Improving diver quality Providing Divers with ber/October, and greater Job Opportunities. various and many Some governments have and will, set their own National forms of contact diver training requirements.The IDSA programme provides between members a means of equating National Standards by maintaining a and the Executive Table of Equivalence. Board. Page 2 PageP Page 3 BOARD MEETINGS THE YAK DIVING ACADEMY, MUMBAI fitted with all the necessary equipment DELFT – January 2010 AUDIT May 2010 for Surface Supplied Air Diving, and in The Meeting took place at the Netherlands The YAK Group was formed in 1999 by Mr. addition to their on-site chamber there is Diving Centre and was attended by Leo D.S Yadav with the purpose of providing a modern Hyperbaric facility at a nearby Lagarde (Chairman), Mark van der Esch quality education and training for the Mari- hospital. (Treasurer), John Rabone a co-opted mem- time Industry to all, keeping in mind the Courses are residential and the Acad- ber and Ashild Eftevåg deputising for the globally changing education requirements emy provides excellent accommodation Secretary Dag Wroldsen. and the needs of society. for all students Following the brief discussion of the Membership Structure during the Annual A MESSAGE Meeting the subject was further discussed to consider the possibility of simplifying the FROM THE categories. CHAIRMAN As a first step towards the Standardi- sation of Programmes, it was decided that a GAP analysis of the main National Diver Training Programmes should be initiated in order to identify the differences and similari- The Group initially started with Maritime IDSA GAP ANALYSIS ON DIVING STANDARDS ties between them. Courses approved by D.G Shipping (Govt In line with IDSAs endeavours to provide The conduct of the forthcoming Full Mem- of India). Since then It has grown from guidance to diver training schools on the bership Audit of the YAK Diving Academy strength to strength and diverted into vari- best possible courses, including pro- was outlined and agreed. ous other associated disciplines e.g. Ship- grammes to truly International Standards, OSLO – May 2010 ping and Logistics courses, Warehousing, IDSA is currently carrying out a GAP anal- The meeting took place at the Norwegian Custom Clearance, Freight Forwarding, ysis of all the known diver training stan- Commercial School in Oslo and all mem- construction activities, and now Com- dards worldwide, including, but not limited bers were present. mercial Diving with associated Specialist to UK, USA, Canada, Australia, France, courses such as wet welding. Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark The YAK Group has its head office at to name but a few. CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai. The site cov- This analysis takes into account not only ers approximately 20,000 Sq ft, and in ad- the varying depths and bottom times used dition to the administration a number of DG by different countries as part of their Na- Shipping approved STCW courses are held tional standards, but also more important- LEO LAGARDE at this location. ly diving methods, safety procedures and IDSA approval has been given for a the theoretical and practical skills covered Level 2 training course (Surface Supplied during training, including the use of spe- Inshore Air Diver) which has a duration of cialised surface and underwater tools. 18 weeks Requests are in progress to diving con- tractors & oil companies who ultimately employ the divers, to feedback to IDSA what competencies they expect from a commercial diver. The programme, agenda and other ar- Although the analysis is still in its early rangements for the Annual Meeting in Rot- stages, it is already apparent that there are terdam were discussed in detail. vast differences between various coun- The re-structuring of the Membership tries in both the competencies required was further discussed and the outline of a and methods of training used. proposal for the Annual Meeting drafted. It is hoped, when completed, that IDSA The acceptance of recreational and other will be able to produce the highest lev- training (Military etc) or the ‘accreditation of els of training & competencies including prior learning’ and so the reduction of the recommended programmes & skills train- length of course time was considered and The auditors found the diver training and ing guides for our courses and member will also be an Agenda item for the Annual maintenance facilities very well kept, sev- schools alike. Meeting. eral of them being newly built. Any feed back from interested parties The possibility of increasing the status The classrooms are well equipped and all will be gratefully received if sent to of IDSA by obtaining 3rd Party approval for fitted with ‘Beamers’, many lessons being the Administrator (Alan Bax) at: the Audit Procedure from DNV or a similar given using the ‘Powerpoint’ programme. [email protected] organisation was introduced. Their 15m diving vessel is permanently or (John Rabone) at: interdive@telefonica Page 4 ANNUAL MEETING 2010 ROTTERDAM 13th to the 15th of October Hosted by ‘SMIT’ the World Renowned Salvage Company Smit’s floating conference facili- tyto be used for the meeting ABOUT OUR HOSTS relevant to diving op- erations and thus to the SMIT’ (founded in work and interests of 1842) is one of the old- IDSA and its members. est, most respected, SMIT Salvage’s name is and Internationally recognised names in the Marine synonymous with total commitment to the challeng- Sector. ing field of marine emergency response, where opti- The company has earned an excellent reputation mal care for the environment is a priority. by combining expertise and experience with high- As the world’s most experienced marine salvor, quality materials and equipment, based in nearly 50 a round-the-clock readiness for operations anywhere locations around the world. The company aims to in the world is maintained. Salvage is the first line of provide its worldwide services to shipping companies, defence against marine pollution when major casual- producers in the oil and LNG industries, (offshore) ties occur. construction companies, insurers, governments and Although IDSA General Meetings are normally shipyards. The highest standards of safety, health, hosted by a Full Member School, the Board welcomes quality and environmental protection are main- this opportunity for closer links with the Industry and tained. wishes to express the thanks of the Association to our The Salvage Division is the area of work most hosts. ATTENDANCE TRAVEL In addition to delegates from member schools and By Air Rotterdam Airport is about 15 km from the Confer- organisations, the meeting will also be open to non ence Hotel – Taxi fare about €35 members In the capacity of Observers.
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