ALGEBRAIC ANALYSIS AND RELATED TOPICS nnoindentBANACHALGEBRAIC CENTER PUBLICATIONS ANALYSIS AND comma RELATED VOLUME TOPICS 5 3 INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS nnoindentPOLISH ACADEMYBANACH CENTER OF SCIENCES PUBLICATIONS , VOLUME 5 3 WARSZAWA 2 0 0 n centerlineTWO .. CENTURIESfALGEBRAICINSTITUTE .. ANALYSIS OF OF THE MATHEMATICS AND TERM RELATED TOPICSg quotedblleftBANACH ALGEBRAIC CENTER ANALYSIS PUBLICATIONS quotedblright , VOLUME 5 3 n centerlineDANUTA PRZfPOLISH EWORSKA ACADEMY hyphen OF ROLEWICZ SCIENCESINSTITUTEg OF MATHEMATICS Institute of Mathematics comma Polish AcademyPOLISH ACADEMYof Sciences OF SCIENCES n centerlineS-acute niadeckichfWARSZAWA 8 comma 2 0 0 hyphen0 g 950 WarszawaWARSZAWA comma 2 Poland 0 0 e hyphen mail : rolewicz atTWO impan period CENTURIES gov period pl OF THE TERM n centerlineAbstract periodfTWO Thenquad termCENTURIES quotedblleft\ ALGEBRAIC Algebraicnquad OF Analysis THE TERM ANALYSISquotedblrightg in " the last two decades is used in two com- pletely DANUTA PRZ EWORSKA - ROLEWICZ n centerlinedifferent sensesf ` ` period ALGEBRAIC It seems ANALYSIS thatInstitute at least of Mathematics ' one' g is far away , Polish from Academy its historical of Sciences roots period Thus comma in order to ´ explain this misunderstanding commaS theniadeckich history 8 of , 0this - 950 term Warszawa from its , originsPoland is recalled period n centerlineThe term quotedblleftfDANUTA PRZ Analyse EWORSKA Alg acute-ee− -ROLEWICZ mail brique : rolewicz quotedblrightg @ impan . open gov . parenthesis pl quotedblleft Algebraic Analysis quotedblright closingAbstract parenthesis . The in termthe last \ Algebraic two decades Analysis is used " in the last two decades is used in two completely n centerlinein two completelyfdifferentInstitute different senses . of senses It seems Mathematics period that atIt seemsleast , one Polishthat is far at least away Academy one from is its far of historical away Sciences from roots its .g historical Thus , in order to roots periodexplain Thus comma this misunderstanding in order to explain , the history this misunderstanding of this term from comma its origins I would is recalled like . to recall the history n centerlineof this termf from$Then itsacute term origins \fS Analyseg period$ niadeckichAlge ´ brique " ( 8 \ Algebraic , 0 − 950 Analysis Warszawa " ) in the , lastPoland two decadesg is used The term quotedblleftin two completely Algebraic different Analysis senses quotedblright . It seems was that initially at least used one by is farLagrange away from two hundred its historical years ago n centerlinein the title offrootse his− . bookmail Thus open , : in rolewicz orderparenthesis to explain cf $@$ period this misunderstanding .. impan References . gov comma . , I pl would ..g open like square to recall bracket the history 1 797 hyphen of 1 8 1 3 closing square bracketthis term closing from parenthesis its origins . in order to point out that most of Abstractresults have . The beenThe term obtained term `` \ byAlgebraic Algebraic algebraic Analysis operations Analysis " was on initially analytic '' in used the quantities by last Lagrange period two two decades .. As hundred we shall is years used ago in in two completely differentsee later commathe senses title in that of . hisIt general book seems and ( cf that common . References at sense least this, one name [ 1 797is wasfar - used 1 8 away 1 in 3 the ] ) from in1 9 order th its and to 20 historicalpoint th out that roots . Thus , in order to explaincentury period thismost misunderstanding of results have been obtained , the by historyalgebraic ofoperations this term on analytic from its quantities origins . As is we recalled . To begin withshall comma see later weshould , in that explain general what and is common meant by sense Algebraic this name Analysis was used at present in the 1 open 9 th parenthesis and 20 th cf period TheEncyclopaedia term ``century Analyse of Mathematics . Alg $ commanacute openfeg square$ brique bracket 1 '' 997 ( closing `` Algebraic square bracket Analysis closing parenthesis '' ) in period the last two decades is used inThe two main completely idea ofTo Algebraic begin different with Analysis , we shouldsenses in its present explain . It comma what seems is more meant that strict by at Algebraic comma least sense Analysis one derives is at far frompresent away the ( cf from . its historical rootsfact that . Thus theEncyclopaedia differential , in order operator of Mathematics to D explain = d divided, [ this 1 997 by d ] misunderstanding ) t . is right invertible in ,several I would function like spaces to period recall the history ofFoundations this term of AlgebraicfromThe main its Analysis idea origins of Algebraic are the. following Analysis : in Let its L present open parenthesis , more strict X , closing sense derives parenthesis from be the the set of all d linear fact that the differential operator D = dt is right invertible in several function spaces . Theoperators term `` with Algebraic domainsFoundations and Analysis ranges of Algebraic in a linear '' was Analysis space initially X are open the parenthesis following used by :in Let generalLagrangeL(X comma) be twothe without set hundred of all any linear topology years closingago parenthesisin the titleoperators of his with book domains ( cf and . rangesnquad inReferences a linear space X , (n inquad general[ 1 , without 797 − any1 8 topology 1 3 ] ) ) in order to point out that most of results have been obtained by algebraic operations on analytic quantities . nquad As we s h a l l over a field Fover of scalarsa field F withof scalars characteristic with characteristic zero and let zero L sub and 0 letopenL0 parenthesis(X) = fA 2 XL closing(X) : dom parenthesisA = = open brace Asee in L lateropen parenthesisX ,g in: thatLet XR closing(X general) be parenthesis the setand of common all : dom right A invertible sense = this operators name in wasL(X) used: Let inD 2 theR(X 1): 9 thLet and 20 th X closing braceRD period⊂ L0(X ....) be Let the R set open of allparenthesis right inverses X closing for D; parenthesisi . e : DR be= theI( set identity of all operator right invertible ) if operators in nnoindent century . d R t L open parenthesisR 2 X RD closing( i . e parenthesis . the periodLeibniz .... - Let Newton D in formulaR open parenthesisholds : d Xt closinga f(s parenthesis)ds = f(t) for period all .... Let R sub D subsetfunctions L subf 0 open parenthesis X closing parenthesis be the set of all right inverses for D comma i period e periodn hspace DR∗fn = Iffrom openi l l gTo theparenthesis space begin under identity with consideration , operator we should closing ) . explainMoreover parenthesis , what dom if D is= RX meant⊕ ker byD: AlgebraicFor all R; R Analysis0 2 at present ( cf . R in R sub D open parenthesis i period e period .... the Leibniz hyphen Newton formula holds : d divided by d t integralnnoindent sub aEncyclopaedia to the power of t f of open Mathematics parenthesis s closing , [ 1 parenthesis 997 ] ) ds . = f open parenthesis t closing parenthesis for all functions f n hspacefrom the∗fn spacef i l l undergThe consideration main idea closing of Algebraic parenthesis Analysis period .... Moreover in its commapresent dom , D more = RX strict oplus ker , D sense period derives from the .... For all R comma R to2000 the powerMathematics of prime Subject in Classification : 1 - 0 , 1 A 55 , 1 A 60 , 0 A 20 . nnoindenthline factKey words that and the phrases differential: algebraic analysis operator , right invertible $ D = operatorn f r a , c operationalf d gf d calculus t g .$ The is right invertible in several function spaces . 2000 Mathematicspaper is Subject in final formClassification and no version : 1 hyphen of it will 0 commabe published 1 A 55 elsewhere comma . 1 A 60 comma 0 A 20 period n hspaceKey words∗fn f and i l l phrasesg Foundations : algebraic of analysis Algebraic comma rightAnalysis invertible are operator the following comma operational : Let calculus $ L period ( X ) $ [47] beThe the paper set is of in finalall form linear and no version of it will be published elsewhere period open square bracket 47 closing square bracket nnoindent operators with domains and ranges in a linear space $ X ( $ in general , without any topology ) nnoindent over a field $ F $ of scalars with characteristic zero and let $ L f 0 g ( X ) = nf A n in L ( X ) :$dom$A =$ nnoindent $ X ng . $ n h f i l l Let $R ( X ) $ be the set of all right invertible operators in $ L ( X ) . $ n h f i l l Let $ D n in R ( X ) . $ n h f i l l Let nnoindent $ R f D g nsubset L f 0 g ( X ) $ be the set of all right inverses for $D ,$ i .e $. DR = I ($ identityoperator)if nnoindent $ R n in R f D g ( $ i . e . n h f i l l the Leibniz − Newton formula holds $ : n f r a c f d gf d t g n int ^f t g f a g f ( s ) ds = f ( t )$ forallfunctions $ f $ nnoindent from the space under consideration ) . n h f i l l Moreover , dom $D = RX noplus $ ker $ D . $ n h f i l l Forall $R , R^f nprime g n in $ n begin f a l i g n ∗g n r u l e f3emgf0.4 pt g nendf a l i g n ∗g n centerline f2000 Mathematics Subject Classification : 1 − 0 ,1A55 ,1A60 ,0A20 . g nnoindent Key words and phrases : algebraic analysis , right invertible operator , operational calculus . The paper is in final form and no version of it will be published elsewhere . n [ [ 47 ] n ] 48 .. D period PRZEWORSKA hyphen ROLEWICZ nnoindentR sub D comma48 nquad x in XD comma . PRZEWORSKA Rx minus R− toROLEWICZ the power of prime x in ker D comma i period e period the difference of two primitives of x is a constant period Let nnoindentF sub D = open$ R bracef D Fg in L, sub x 0 openn in parenthesisX , X closing Rx parenthesis− R ^f : n Fprime to theg powerx of 2n in = F$ semicolon ker $ FX D =, kernel $ i D .
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