Inequities in Tax SEE STORY BEIXJW Cloudy, Mild / Cloudy*'an.d mild with rain WEDMLY HOME eicpected today and tonight. Cloudy and mild again to- Red Bank, Freehold morrow. I \ Long Branch FEVAL (Bee DetaOi, Pajs }) 7 Monmouth County's Home .Newspaper for 90 Years VOL. 91, NO. 147 RED BANK, N.J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1969 32 PAGES Tifij; Told Rule Violation Suspected Worn Pueblo Skipped COBONADO, Calif. (AP) - to tell you that facts revealed gative hearing. Nevertheless person representing a for- "No, I did not," Bucher an- A Navy cpurt told Cmdr. in this court of inquiry render Bucher's status suddenly had eign state nor permit any per- swered. '••• • Lloyd M. Bucher yesterday you to be suspect of a viola- changed from "a party to the sonnel under his command "Commander Bucher re- that he was suspected of vio- tion of USNR Article 0730. court" to "suspect." Short- to be removed from that mains fervent in his desire lating naval regulations in "And you are further ad- ly after the crew's release command by such a person, to tell this court the full de- surrending the intelligence vised that you don't have to- just before Christmas at least so long as he has the power tails," Harvey said. ship Pueblo to the North Ko- make any further statement two Navy admirals had called to resist." "Commander Bucher, am reans. He was informed by the on it and any further state- Bucher and his men, heroes. Bucher's civilian attorney, I reciting your wishes cor- five admirals constituting a ment on it may be used Quotes Rules E. Miles Harvey, immediate- rectly and that you were ap- court of inquiry that any- as evidence against you in a With a * Brooklyn twang, ly demanded, "Commander, prised of your rights to re- thing he said from now on subsequent trial." Newsome quoted regulations: at the time the North Ko- main silent?" might be used against him in A court of inquiry is not a "The commanding officer reans first set foot on your "Yes," Bucher said, "You court-martial proceedings. military trial, like a court- shall not permit his com- did you any longer have / have." til^lil mand to be searched by any the power to resist?" (See PROBEKS, Pg. 3, Col. 3) vBut Bucherr obviously shakr- TAX HEARING — Assemblyman Chester Apy, right, R-Monmouth, questions a en by the statement, said witntts at a hearing on property fax exempHons for churches and other organi- he would continue to give zations. Hearing commission members include, from left, William H.- McLean of' "full details'* of the Pueblo's capture and of trie 11 months Hoboken, Episcopal Canon Stuart F. Gast of Bellmawr, Russell T. Wilson of Hack- he and his 81 surviving crew- •nsack and Apy. V' (AP Wirephoto) men spent in captivity, Gunman Fires at Russian Bucher resumes his testi- mony today — the first anni- versary of the seizure of the ship by the North Koreans. Cosmonauts in Motorcade Yesterday Budiezy 41, de- scribed how he gave up the MOSCOW (AP) - A gun- men who made the two-ship were the four cosmonauts be- shooting was not broadcast. Apy: Exemptions Pueblo with her guns still man fired a series of pistol flight Jan. 14-18 or any other ing honored for their success- The source said Soviet au- covered. The' court re- shots at the triumphant cos- cosmonauts or officials, were ful flights in Soyuz 4 and So- thorities kept it quiet in or- cessed briefly after he told of monaut motorcade yesterday hit. yuz 5 — Vladimir Shatalov, der not to. detract from the "receiving" aboard a party as it beaded into the Krem- There was no official con- Boris Volynov, Yevgeny heroes' reception given to the of North Korean riflemen lin, a Soviet source reported firmation of the attack, and Khrunov and Alexel Yettsey- four cosmonauts. about 20 miles off Woiisan today. it was not reported by the ev. - The street where the attack Harbor and how they prod- The chauffeur of one car Soviet press, radio or televi- The gunman, described as a reportedly occurred was Have Inequities ded his crew to sitting post- sion. , packed with persons'cheering and a motorcycle policeman young man, was reportedly tions on the deck. were wounded, and George The • attack reportedly oc- seized by bystanders and the cosmonauts. As the first .TRENTON (APj^The law work," he said. "Even as a sponsibflity," said Naples, After then: return, his face Beregovey, who orbited the • curred as the motorcade ap- turned over to the police. cars passed, the source said, exempting churches and char- personal opinion, I'm not pre- who emphasized that he tensed as he heard counsel earth last October, was cut on proached the Kremlin's Boro- The progress of the motor- the young man dashed from itable organizations bom pay- pared to say whether I think was speaking as an in- for the Navy, Capt. William the neck by broken glass, the vitsky Gate, shortly after 2 cade from the airport through the crowd and fired the shots. ing property "taxes in New the church should be taxed." dividual and not for the en- Newsome, declare: ."Com- source said. But the source p.m. Riding in an open car the city to the Kremlin was During the subsequent cere- Jersey was pictured today by Most of the witnesses at tire city council mander Bucher, it is my duty said none of the four space- at the bead of the procession shown on television, but the mony in the Kremlin Palace a legislative chairman as hav- the session were, representa- Earlier, Edward J.l£adem, ol Congresses, television cam- ing "obvious inequities." tives of church groups, who a lawyer representing the Ro- eras several times showed Assemblyman Chester Apy, said the exemptions they now man Catholic' Diocese of Beregovoy. He seemed re- R-Monjoutb, chairman of a receive are justified because Trenton, told the commission laxed, and there was no vis}- commission studying the con- they contribute to the public the church property tax ex- • bit evidence*rf a,cut on aij troversial subject, said , It welfare. emption was based on a con- neck/ •>•.-• would be premature to spec- Should Fay stitutional right "long and uni- During- ithe;festivities a versally recognized." messenger handed notes to ulate 'wtieHier .the tax-free But one witness, Trenton By LONIA EFTHr.OULOU for comment last night Hay- Leadem.said the churches m the bache- the, situation has reached this Yuri Andropov, chairman of statutes might be changed. - Councilman Gerard Naples, NEW SHREWSBURY - An den Messner, field represen- lor -and • master's degree perform a public service and point. I feel confident, how- the KGB>: the state security He ' commented yester- said that as-far as he' was impasse was reached yester- tative for the New Jersey Ed- -guides. ; that what they don't contrib- ever that with continued good committee, and to Leonid I., day after a publicTiearing by concerned any institutions day in the Monmouth Region- ucation Association, said the faith and Intelligent action we a 12-member, bi-partlsan com-' should be eligible to pay ute in taxes they make up for , Under their present con- Brezhnev, general secretary al High School salary nego- NJEA was not involved with tract, basic salary for the £h.all be able, we hope, to mission. taxes. ^ in fulfilling the educational of .the Communist party. They tiations. the negotiations though it had' bachelor's degree guide is reach an agreement on rea- were seated, along with, otter ToTaayThTaMgfflffitratei-~~"rriPFecTJnOT —and^spiritual -needs-of-th* "in a statement issued lasfT conferred -with "MREA7 £ p; sonable terms;" ~officia]s™andi-Tlignitariesr-on— that we've got a real problem property taxes no entity can community, night, the Monmouth Region- Although neither the board Norman J. Fields, presi- Mr. Fields added that the the stage with the cosmo- that's going to take a lot of properly be relieved of all re- (See TAX, Pg. 3, Col. 4) al Education Association nor MREA would discuss dent of the Board of Educa- board would be in a position nauts. • , (MREA) representing the teacher demands, it is known, tion, said last, night that the to, issue a detailed statement < , Later, while medals were school's teachers, said the that teachers are asking less board, had not yet officially . in the near "future, "• being pinned on the cosmo- five-month old talks, ground than the $1,000 hike in mini- received the MREA state- MREA accused the Board nauts, Andropov banded a to a halt, "due to an inabil- mum salary, recommended ment. - of Education of maintaining note to Brezhnev, who read it Azzolinaito ity to reach common ground by NJEA, * and they are not Disappointment Cited that, with the exception of with a serious expression. ,.*•'• • • . • • f>v for settlement." following NJEA's recommend "Personally,"—Mr. Fields •two_Qr_three contract_pro^_ _ The 'television commentator MREA also announced it dation to seek a $1,500 dif- said, "Lam disappointed that' (See IMPASSE, Pg. 2, Col. 3) made no-mention of this. has appealed to the Public Employment Relations Com- For Better Crime Lab mission for the appointment of .a mediator who would help TRENTON — Assembly- The Republican lawmaker a. minimal regional labora- end the stalemate. man Joseph Azzolina, K- said he "wants to know ex- tory at $280,000, with, the ex- In this statement, MREA Teacher Death Saddens Area, Monmouth, announced yes- actly what is needed before pense, considerably higher if said it had proposed a sal- terday he has called a meet- opening a concerted drive for equipment for extensive lab ary guide to the Board of ing with State Police offi- legislative approval of neces- 1 work is included.
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