n- > ^ V. V+'i--'-:. I- j- ..'. •. i '■ -r Manrlr»8trr ^tr^ning Iferald Maachaater todga ot Maaoaa A daughtar was bora yaotatday H m Nkvalo Md CSub wffl have Tha Frlaadshlp drclo of tha Sal- U n . W. J. Crockatt oC U Mga- win hold a aUted communication _____ Memorial hoMtal to Mr. a moating tma evanlng at 7:M at vatloa Army will meet at the cita­ low Btraet left Friday for Soattie, tomorrow evening at 7:80 in the and M n Herman Cmriatlana o f Center Springs Lodge. An m m - del at 7:80 o’clock tonight From Wash., where ebe wOl spend the Maaooie Temple. Hie officen have Bast Hartford. M n Christhipa ben both old and new, are urged there they will go to the home of remainder of the winter with her ___ t t Owtar ahardh was the former Dorothy Irwin, to attend. ^ Mrs. JCthcl Carlson, Sunset Ridge, aon and daughter-ln-Uw, Mr. and prepared a program of entertain­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mra. Herbert Crockett of Seattle. tonewtec clflcOTi at ment to follow the buatneaa meet­ Bast Hartford, for their weekly The Original la New Eaglaad iMt •MBtac at tka of 88 School street. - C. O. Rice and R. F. Dimock of meeting. Mrs. hhoda KrinJak will ing. There will be no degree work. the Manchester Lumber and Fuel James and Anna Donahua have rrwiawt, Rotart RefreahmenU iflU ^ n rv ti. assist the hostess. , Tloa praaMent. Robart Sons were born January It in company are attending the annual sold their six-room homo at 383 convention of the Northeastern Loomis street to Ariand S. and and HEALTH MARKET Motataiy, lay ThfaU: Memben of the American le ­ Hartford Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Gagnon Robait Uaba; aodal Leonard Sexton of 171 Summit Lumbermen’s AssocUtion, Janu­ have returned from San Diego, Anna T. Hitchcock of TaicottviUe. gion auxiliary are invited to a ary 33-35 inclusive, at the Hotel The transfer was made by Arthur P aM da O n. ■earing meeting, Wedneaday eve­ street and Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Calif., and are making their home Tkylor o f 381 Center street Statlar, Now Toik. at 182.BIdridge street A. Knofla, local realtor. THDpla, ttt* ning at 7:80 at the home of M n TUESDAY SPECIALS 9yVbi»a David Thomaa, 40 Oourtland tan^ wm maat »««**«» VOL. LXIX., NO. •« at ^ i*«t o*dock alwi1> la Odd Fal- ■tract. l o w n ^ A aocial tima win foUow glvAT Green-Stamps Given With Cash Sales tba boataaai. Tha aaw antarMn* Winners of the Duplicate Bridga maat *«— —wjiii paraoanal ta M n. game Friday night were aa foi- Grand finale to Ruinous Blase Sex Offender aaiah Millar. M n . Halan Potyra, Iowa: (N orth-w uth). Mr. and Congress May Says Private Citizen Mn. Maryaret Wanaergren; ra- M n Henry Whitman, IlO H ; M n Final Week SAVOL BLEACH Contents 27e ftaalOBaBt oommlttae, M n. Annie O. O. Cartier and M n R. A. Park­ Blames Crime er, 108; Don Gustafson and A1 Allay. M n Carrie Samlow. M n CAMPBBLL« Ignore Notice AbWe Ddwatda and M n Letitta Whitney, 108'/4. (E a st-W e^ . Lil­ Rady. lian Server and Betty JM a^. Ot HALE'S On His Reading M H : Mr. and M n BEANS ^ 2 5 c Truman Gave Knew of Atom Bomb OOH; H. J. Rockel and Prof. WU- liam F. Kirkpatrick, M. A Mas­ ter Point game will be held at NO. e CAN BDBT OLNET Stories of Perversion Tinker hall on Tuesday, JanuaJ/ Much Talk of Reduc­ Gave Him Idea to 31, at 8 p. m., in addition to tne TOMATO JUICE 2 r. 21c RUG usual Friday night gamca ing Excises But Re­ Attack Little Girl Before Uranium Sold Jecting Proposed Tax REPAIRING Miantonomah Tribe, No. 88, Im- PRB^IIEII Goodin Tells' Police proved Older o f Red Men, hold Boost on Other Things b i n d i n g ' lU monthly meeting to^ht at « RICE DINNERS Can 19e Rescued last night from Atomic Energy Gommb* o’clock in Tinker hall. The n*wly Washington, Jan. 24—(JP>—Con- Winter Hits CLEANING elected officers will occupy their angry crowd of Buckland parents sion Official TestifiM positions for the first time and a 1 U . CAN PRESnEB OLD FASHIONED graas ahowed aigna today of writ­ only by the drawn gun of a police Pregel Knew About Urge attendance is hoped for. ing Ita own tax ticket. Ignoring officer, Bernard J. Goodin, 28, Cold Punch lactaBatkma Wall To Wall Prealdent Truman's advance notice calmly told polict today how and ProJect in Spring of With Tha New Tackleaa RICE PUDDINGS c 21c The women’s club of Manchester i that he will veto any bill that cuts why he assaulted a child in an 19^ as President Method will meet tonight at eight ° taxes without making up the rev­ isolated spot on a Buckland to­ Blizzard Conditions Pre* in the South Methodist church. % enue elsewhere. bacco plantation. Of Sole Sales Agent Rabbi Abraham Feldman, D. D., of GRAPES Lbs. 19c There waa much talk of reducing “I've read in newspapera and vail Over Minnesota, MANCHESTER the Temple Beth Isnel, Hartford For Canadian Firmtv excises—sometimes called sales or magazlnea about men molesting Dakotas and Montana Corpet Center will give a *Book Talk’ M n Ed­ nuisance taxes — hut reJecting little girls BO I thought I’d try It Contract Violation ward Radtke la chairman of ar- part or all of Mr. Truman’s pro­ myself,” Goodin is reported to have SOS Blain S t 2-4S4S nngemenU for the p roi^ ^ CABBAGE Lb. 5c p o s e , , tax boost on confessed to police. By The Aiisociated Press Mrs. Paul Ballsleper and Mrs. Wil­ 81 000 000,000 'Pw tory Trained Stock other things. Furious Buckland residents last Winter hammered a wet, cold Washington, Jan. liam Mitchell are co-chairmen of The president yesterday asked night seised and pummeled Goodin, Personnel the hosteasea. punch across the northern half of —House investigators h e m Congress to enact a tax law which charged with raping a 8 year old testimony today that a pri­ U p N ow GREEN PEPPERS 2u.25c would: girl. So ugly waa their temper that the country today. Manchester Aaaembly. No. 18, Increase Federal revenue by 81,-* Blizzard conditions prevailed vate citizen knew about tha Order of Rainbow for Oirla, will they yielded the accused to the law 000,000,000 by higher taxes on cor only after being brought under over Minnesota and occtlona o f the atom proJect at the time A meet this evening at seven o’clock poratlons with annual profit! over Dakotas and Montana. Tempera- in the Masonic Temple. At eight A t These threat of a policeman's drawn re­ company the man headed HEALTH MARKET 880,000 and by larger esUte and volver. lurea tumbled and strong winds sold 1,000 pounds of uranium~ o’clock a aemi-public insUlistlon gift taxes; and reduce many war­ whlpp^ snow Into bugs drifts. of officers will take place. of Sames, snMke and debris Into the air in tbo late The residents had turned out to compounds to Russia. Tha Sale Prices time excise rates — hut only to A gasoSno drum explodee sad sends n dond seek the victim of the sex attack Some highways were blocked. the extent that the revenue loan la Are which destroyed the aununer heme of Mannel Amaral ia Portsmouth, B. 1. <AP Colder Weather Forecast man was Boria Pregsl and Xi Gamma Chapter of Beta stages at a after she had been reported as lost. Colder weather was forecast ai the time was tho opring o f 1S48. Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow STOCK REDUCTION tscovered by plugging existing tax wlrophoto). law loopholes. Aa the real situation made itself the storm moved south and east­ Tho teaUmonjs came from Dr. evening at 8 o’clock at the home of He recommended no Increase In clear to the searchera, who sud­ ward into the central states and Philip L. Merritt, Atomlo E aor» Mrs. Henry Matson, 261 Spruce Haleys Own Brand Sturdywear You don’t usually think o( a Meat Market having a denly discovered the suspect in "clearance" sale but, becauM of the work being done Individual Income taxes. waa expected to bit aa far south oommlaston official who formerly street r Third MaJor Point Added their midst, they charged the man, as the Oklahoma-Texas panhqndte. made warUme uranium purchases Extra Special! to instaD a new refrigeration system in our market, we Raid Blamed No Harmful Effect and It was with the utmost diffi­ Oaro) ralght, 21, (sbmra) of Slam- Shortly after the president’s The mercury was 22 below sero at ford. goea aa trial la Saporlor for the atomic bomb proJecL He are definitely selling out such products which usually meaaigs was read in the House and culty that he was rescued from Great Falls, Moot, and 12 at appeared before the Houee IJB* SHEETS the fury of the crowd. .ooort at Bridgeport today for tTO are stocked for longer periods than ordinary turnover. Senate, the Rouse Appropriations On ‘Mutiny’ Minot, N. D „ early today. , 1,- 1 mercy ohooUag ct her father, who American ActlvtUae committee. You gain by the sale, we all gain by the new refrigera­ committee discloeed that the Treas­ Seen In Price Rise Mskea Statement Another cold wave from Merritt eald Pregal was preei* In his statement Goodin said 1 waa III of caaoer.
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