/ . I . .] . \ ; ; ■ V V \ .- M I H ' 7 f i i m f m & VS ■/>< . - , J ' Idaho's Largest EveningEi N evspaper• r Ev«nl«ti|or ■ ^ ■" ' - - -72nd‘Vear;iar,No.295 ............... ■ Twin Falls, Idaho, Mononday, August 15,19>7 15' • w- mma re ifiire st firre s ^Eailifo] h h ty United Press International B ackfires a rc .fires3 intentionallyintc set by fireliglilcrs to H More dangeroerous forest lires flared in Califorifomla clear an area toward:d wlilchwl UlC m ain fire is burning, loday a s fireflgliIgJilcrs battled lo save wilderness arareas and thus halt the unconlrconlrolicd flumc.1 wlien they reach from the itflrcscasoninyears. It.' L T lie latcst.bla:)lazcs to give sc rlous.concem to offlclTlclals. .Tlic.Callfomia.Dfvlsioivision of.Forcstry warned Sunday, - > ■ al - UlC state-federal firc control centerte r- I n . t h a l t l i c 2,ooo.rc8i<}entsofntsof Carmel Volley-rclejilmllcs Sacram ento weiwere^lhe Bear Trap and Long Can,!anyon from the north end of ththe holocaust — clean dried J ____ leaves It'OiirlliCirTWJfra1i3Trorn ffar around Ih e lrhom eaas . ---------Tlte-Benr-TrdFrfifh-posaibiy-nion-cauaedr-beganHin4ale— — BflreprecautionaryTnca:m easure:---------- K | ^ --------S u n d a y a n d qiilc[ulckty spread toiooncrcsrin tho'Scfiicfiuola ------------ The CDF said theretwasaswurcTlrelihccsUblislicd wai '' ; ' National Foresrcsl in the Sierra. Nevada. Qfficfficlals' between the blaze and the tihy'cbmmuhily.'but a ' ’ ' - di.<>patclicd-12525-firefighters, - -bill.said 'Uiere...wasvaa no ___ spokesm an said if the ;heII fire crosscs t h ^ l l n c j « l ^ n t s ' eslimateonconlDnlalnmenl. The U n g Canyon blazeeburst' bi will be given a'minimilnimtim 'of 12' liouTs’'n o irc e for forUi a s the resucsulj.Gf lig litn in ^ tr lk e s a n d ivlthlnDa a_ few evacuation. ' iioiirs burned roirouglHy 100 a c re s ofplnlon a n d jiinipeipeH in, 'A*few unoccupied summersuni liomcs ftrMIller Canpn." '' the southeast sideofsId Ihc Sierra in Inyo County, also in the norlltcmm scctorsc of Marble Cbn^e. were Bullheblgprtproblem plaguing 9.000 firefighters> pipl t t ^ .surrounded by the lire,rc. butbi a spokesman said a'tirellr,c against th e rccei!cent rash of uncontrolled Californiala ffires been establlsfied!d ana round tlicm a n d tlic tiulldlngs remained alongmg the central coast, wticrc tho MaiMarble wereinnotmmcdlatedar:edangcr. Conc blaze eastJSl of Big Sur h a d grow n lo 130.000) atacres Tlic blaze has alreadylady ipusticd Into the Carmel River .wiUinosig(iofc(fcontalnment. Valley Waterslied arearca anda caused millions of dollan 'ires near the Kiamalh River In thec mnortli of da m ag e . Without the titre e s and b ru sh there will be a ■ consumed moreore than 12,000 a c re s a n d flared aciacross' ■ danger of flooding and mud slides'from the winler' . * from the north1h end of the holocaust clean1 driedd: rains. rugged ridges5 despitedc efforts lo r e s lra in them , ■ Sofar. morelhan2.100jLlOO^xpcrk.nccdflrcflgli^crsfrom..--— ; the Fong-Hanlm el — a cl.»ally_tvvo.fi StatCT-iiaveTras^’UireugirUic ' M c - j f l H --------ttiat had'bumed’icd'to'getlli ^ nvpi* '* Bon ncr^E— n nd • cenlcr on their way to assignmentsa battling western ^ • n e arb y Hog fire[ire, which .had consumed 1500-aciacres.- ------- b la re s .' .Ttieyburned Inen extrem ely rugged te rr a in covereddwith m . -nienj are 105 trainod-inod c rew s fro m lh«<;U.S. Forest lim b er and bnisliash nol far from th e F o rk s of the Salmilmon. Service, state forestryry agenciesa{ and Job Corps camps, ,• aboul 20 milesiwest'ofScollVailcy. wc . In 2C eastern states.s. CooperationC belwcen- several' ■ The Big Surir fire, named Marblc'Cone., hass beenb ' federal agencies andd the stale forestry'organizations . spreading a halfalf mile a day on lls north and southcithcast' has cnablcd-any area.oX?.o.oX.t))P c o tw lry to call on Ihesc > sections, and mmost of the 5.70p firemen pressed:d IntoI crew s for assistance diirlngcHtlcaldiirli firesituallons. W EARY A re5 fl{Igblers pause during their labor service for It liavlave bcen conccnlraled In those areas:as. As fires a re contained.ned. iUie exhausted fireflglitcrs are o c a fire brea kic liIn (he Big Stir a re a of C alifornia F ederal officiliclals said lines have been establisilished given tim e for i ts l andnd tlientli reassigned to another fire. '• to w atcb a helJccllcopter d i^ retardant chemicals around 105 mileliics of the flames wilh 14 miles sllllllllu n - A lm ost 5.500 flrellBhlfighters havo been brouglit Into [kfi on flames neaib)i ^ . M ore than UiOOO a c re s In the I ,, checked, Tho) hhigli hum idity In -th e rugged vailvalleys Callfomla from other:r anareas of Uic couniry — many of B attItie co n tin u es Los Padres NNatlooal Forest have been made it difflcu'Icull for the crews to launch cffccfcctivc 'these arc from stalesles tlUiat may soon be faced wlUi ■ blackoedbyibeI h e llte . _______ • . — . ‘'hnrbflmg '' _ equally critica l situation!Jlions. - . -J - - -uel buil » o o m - ?ssion.’''F a lic y '• FaJicyfiaysWilys fhe nationwide rusJi toobiain - • ByKENHODGDGE H e says-lyfr-ihc lending boom has been ~ advci^ cffccls of (he recewi on boom • Is lo a n s for newew ho h m es h a s c aused the spurt Tlmes^ewswriwriler thriving for ncariy two years now. Last says. ••That construction ather __ cllon. He says the money has _____ -— _ W eal -------- — MAGJC—VAbbEY—A- -A—noiionwlde ----------- ^yeor-was-aly p lyvnrri yAnr.fnr tinmp mnr- ...........naUomvldc::_____ :_______________________^ c onstruction >es to continue be en availableiblclor l two years, but demancf . building boom rcflcclcd In a hIgJi r a le of tgoges mdand this year promises lo break He says the boom promises • \M- •< y ^ '^ ' ' / beginning to .conqucr the fea r new home construction Inin |parts of Magic that record,ltd. slncc permits Issued nationwlnwidc In June ' Is only now beg e than for June of rcccsslonandland bring people to lenders. VallDy is Ihe resull of nm plcplcavallabllllyof Local lenderslen agree Magic Valley is w ere gra n te d al a fa ste r ra te tli - • oflaslycar.- — - ■ __ mortgage money and jncricreased demand ' close M theheheelsofthenatfonaltrcnd. 1 ‘ ' i’ \( W aon,______ - . - - - --■•our'fcn So f a r th is ycarlM 3.000 new■w 1lio u lc siia v c ------- - ore.a demand thing than.sup:......... for new homes. real e s ta te volum e Is Tup' con ' • :y says. "We have had a good - bcen sta rte d In th e nation cccompared 10 .‘■Mortgage lending by sasavings and loan ■ slderably,’ly,” Jerry McGrath, vice ' lending for two years. This is M partly only 720.000 now s ta r ts fo r UlC s Inslllulions is al an nll-tlm;lme,record." ac- . presldenl-ml-manager of Idaho feonk and- )Ing to continue."------ - — ................... ......... - - cording lo Noel Fahey.-rcs£'c sc arcliasslsla n l______ .Jnistj;A)j,..says. ,..s .‘iTMs.ls an availabjijly ____ in 197G, he say s.,... ______ ‘•We’re going v e ry m uch fast — cloudy ----------rfor-u;sn:cat?Uii-or,Sflvine3'igs'Assoclallons In yoar Inlerm.•rms o f money.” .............................. nM orllianlosI ' P a u l MosciDy.cley. senior vice president al ! year. lf)0.".Faliey adds. Hesoy! —;-----------ehtargOT^— — ---------: - [vwipto' hnvo .m o rc -dl.sposablo iays atllicrnle____Eirsl_FeriernI .S; 8 . — P a g e i r ^ So far this y e ar. Fahey says,s;i; savings and income ihlsthis yeaV.” McGralli continues.. .j..,j. .cpnstnjcUoiT„lsl going rtgiiilUl mw.--.llir , lliutinTwlnFallI Fa lls a n d B urley hls.comp'any _!___ D cpnrtm cnt.of C om m erce precircdicLs a lotal -ftpH .■< vcrj — loan'lns(ltuHons"Iirfvt; Irom5nca=5«?i-billlo‘n ~ — ^-Without;!!-)t-li-you-wouldn't-havo Itils-dom and____ very, active.year. ln.Uie.rcal_________ to prospective iiomeowniA-ners com pared fo rlo an s.” of m ore lhan l.B m illion new' homho es will b e e s ta te business—ess-lhel6anpartoflt." WARM with only S3S.-1 billion fortlr the same period "It juslLSI seems lo be a nallonwide built this year compared lo 1.5j.5 million fhe year before. (Con(Contlnuedonp.2) - ■ )' . la st year. recovery' In the last two years from the Magicc Valley ' • i^ r “STRICTER-CONTROlROb; Results-of a recentt ':“— questlonnalre~show—K<-Ketchum—residents-Jayor._ •• stricter growth control.1. P ag e 13. ^ S m cokers,iibi]n - s m o k e r ss w a n t c o nmfort i n flif U g h t !, NEVER-BORING: On call 24 hours a day. thee or subjective consensus" alxiut Ihe securlty-buslness.:h- fuIl-time.-buL.never-boring.--I^ull -WASHlNGTON~(UPli— - A . ^ n c w - C iv ll-___sa ld.-Whlic.23,^23,950.,favored, a J.pinl_h,in_an(t_lli<‘_•____ ralliprjhaji groupjng ^mol^rsrs itjigcther al the “tradition or si Acroriauilcs Board staff study,dy_found strong .’rest favoi^cd 'one br''hion!''6r‘‘'tIie olhor•— re.Vroflhaplanc.'Siudleshnve-slij-'showh’tlils would ^ "effc ci ofsuoirsnl•IfsnToTcc^ ‘ P ag e 13. :udy also found no.firm evidence lhat support for new regulations; t<to ensure llial'. suggestlon.s. tw effective Iwcause ot thet aair condil loning Bul Ihe study; “l^i(H;s d a m ag e ' llie h c ^ Ih of^diY- ^__snickccs-cmi-fl.yJo£omiart<iqual lUwpjinndrHJiS^^pcrwHis-sif.nrd'it-rt-t—(ircubtiotrpatt«nn\'lthirrthirpla p la n e r--------------^--------ciRiirs-liircmiH r: : COACH rOHARr.EDL:SDL:_-Wobd— R iver— VfiHey— hlflcd tlicir attack smokingpasseniissengers more llian cigarettcs.
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