FFaaccttss ab aboouutt t thehe N Niliele B Baasisinn BBaasisnin A Arereaa 33,1,17766 X X 1 1003 3K Kmm2 2 LLococaatitoionn -4-40S0S t oto 3 3101N0 N a anndd 2 2440 E0 E t oto 4 4000 E0 E MMaainin T rTirbibuutatarireiess VVicictotoriraia N Niliele/A/Alblbeertr tN Niliele, B, Bahahr rE El lJ aJabbeel,l W, Whihitete N Niliele, B, Baaroro Pi Pibboor-rS-Soobbaat,t , BBluluee N Niliele, A, Atbtbaarara, B, Baahhr rE El lG Ghhaazazal l RRiviveer rL Leennggthth 66,6,69955 K Kmm ( on(onee o of ft hthee w woorlrdld’s’ sl olonnggeests tR Riviveer)r) EEstsitmimaatetedd N Naavvigigaablblee L Leennggthth 44,1,14499 K Kmm CCoouunntritrieess BuBruurnudnidi DRD CR oCnognogo EgyEgyptpt EtEhithiopoipaia KeKneynaya RwRawnadnada SoSuotuht Shu SduadnanThTeh Seu Sduadnan TaTnaznaznainaia UgUagnadnada ErEitrrietraea MMajajoor rL Laakkees sw witihthinin t hthee B Baasisnin LLaakkee V Vicictotoriraia, L, Laakkee T aTannaa, L, Laakkee K Kyyooggaa, L, Laakkee A Alblbeertrt PPooppuulalatitoionn ( T(oTotatal li nin a allll t hthee N Niliele C Coouunntrtireies)s*)* 443377 M Mililliloionn %% P Pooppuulalatitoionn w witihthinin t hthee N Niliele B Baasisnin** 5544%% ( 2(23388 M Millillioionn) ) TeTemmppeeraratuturere NNigighht tM Mininimimuumm - 1-100 c0 c a anndd d daailiyly M Maaxximimuumm i nin J uJunnee 4 4770 c0 c PPrereccipipitiatatitoionn MMaaxx A Annnnuuaal l2 2,0,09988 m mmm/y/yr ri nin E Eththioioppiaia MMinin A Annnnuuaal l0 0 m mmm/y/yr ri nin E Eggyypptt MMeeaann A Annnnuaual l ooww ( D(Disicschhaargrgee) )( m(m3/3y/yr)r )a at tA Aswswaann 8844 X X 1 1009 9m m3/3y/yrr DDisicschhaargrgee/U/Unniti ta arereaa 2828 X X 1 1003 3m m3/3K/Kmm2 2 MMaiainn C Coonnsusummpptitvivee W Waateter ru usese AAggrircicuultluturere CoCmompipleilde bdy b My ilMlily lMy bMubluirloir, oG, IGSI/SR/eRmemotoet See Snesninsign Sgp Sepceiacliiasltis (Nt (Nilei l–e S–E SCE, CE,n Etnetbebbeb)e) *S*oSuorucrec: eU: NU NP oPpouplualtaiotino Dn ivDiivsiiosino Wn oWroldrl Pd oPpoupluatlaiotino Pn rPorsopsepcetcst 2s0 210212 WhWhaatt’s’s o onn?? JJananuuaarryy - - M Maarrcchh 2 2001313 DDaatete AAcctitvivitiyty VVeennuuee JaJann NNCCooRRee P Prorojejecct tE Eeecctitviveenneesss AAllll C Ceenntetersrs JaJann NNEELTLATACC/N/NEELLCCOOMM M Meeetitningg KKigigaalili 111 – – 1 12th2t hF Feebb RReeggioionnaal lM Meeetitningg f ofor rN Naatitoionnaal lN NBBI ID Deesksk O Occeersrs EEnntetebbbbee 222ndn dF Feebb NNiliele D Daayy c ceelelebbraratitoionns s( R(Reeggioionnaal la anndd N Naatitoionnaal)l) BBahahr rD Daar,r E, Ethithiooppiaia ( f(ofor rr egregioionnaal lc ceelelebbraratitoionns)s) AApprirlil 3388tht hN Niliele-T-ATACC M Meeetitningg EEnntetebbbbee CComomppileilded b by yT oTomm W Waakaok,o P, rPorojejcetcst sO Ocecre, rN, Nileil-eS-ESCEC -E -nEntetbebbee QQuuiziz WWhhaat ti sis t thhee m maajojorr d deeteterrmmininaannt to of fp popopuulalattioionn d disistrtribibuuttioionn i nin t thhee N Niliele B Baassinin?? SSeenndd y yoouurr a annsswewerr t oto: :e edditiotorr@@nnilielebbaassinin.o.orrgg AAnnsswweer rt oto t hthee p prerevvioiouuss q quuiziz qu queesstitoionn S TThhee s siningglele m moosst ti mimppoorrtatannt ti nintrtraa b baassinin a aggrricicuultltuurraal lt trradadee c coommmmoodditityy b byy v voolulummee a ammoonngg t thhee N Niliele R BBaassinin r ripipaarriaiann s statatetess i sis m maaizizee.. A Y E MMeemmbbeer rs statatetess 2 STRONGER TOGETHER BuBruurnudnidi DRD RC oCnognogo EgyEgyptpt EtEhtihoipoiapia KeKneynaya RwRwanadnada SoSoutuht hS uSduadnan TheThe S uSduadnan TaTnaznaznaiania UgUagnadnada SeSenndd u uss y yoouur rc coommmmeenntsts an andd vi vieewwss NNiliele B Baassinin I Innitiitaiatitvivee S Seeccreretatarriaiatt PP.O.O. .B Booxx 1 19922 E Enntetebbbbee – – U Uggaannddaa TTeel l ++225566 4 41144 3 32211 4 42244 ++225566 4 41144 3 32211 3 32299 EEddititoorriaial lC Coommmmititeteee ++225566 4 41717 7 70055 00 0000 CChhaairir DDoorrooththyy K Kaaggggwwaa FFaaxx ++225566 4 41144 3 32200 9 97711 EEddititoorr JJaannee K K. .B Baaitiwtwaa EEmmaaili l nnbbisiseecc@@nnilielebbaassinin.o.orrgg MMeemmbbeerrss TToomm W Waaaakkoo WWeebbssitiete hhttptp:/://wwwwww.n.nilielebbaassinin.o.orrgg JJoohhnn O Oggwwaanngg DDisicslcalaimimeer:r T: Thhee v vieiewws se expxpreresssesedd in in t hithis sn neewwslsleettteter rd doo n noot tn neececesssasarirlyil yr ereppreresesennt t hthoosese o of fN NBBI, Ii,t ist sM Meemmbbeer rS Statatetes so or rP Paartnrtneersrs NBI OVERVIEW Construction of the 80 MW Regional Rusumo Falls Hydroelectric dam. The project is a joint undertaking between Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania. Rwanda Burundi, between is a joint undertaking project dam. The Hydroelectric Falls Rusumo the 80 MW Regional of Construction Introduction Organisational Structure The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) is NILE-COM an intergovernmental partnership EN-COM NEL-COM of ten Nile Basin countries, NILE-TAC namely Burundi, DR Congo, Regional Expert Working Groups Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Hydromet Wetlands Strategic ENSAPT NEL-TAC Analysis South Sudan, The Sudan, NILE-SEC State of the Environmental River Basin Groundwater Tanzania and Uganda. It was Flows Report established on February 22, 1999, ENTRO NELSAP-CU Joint Project Implementation Units and Committees by Ministers in charge of Water Rusumo LEAF Nyimur Interconnection Affairs in the Nile Basin countries: “To achieve sustainable socio- regional national economic development through National Focal Points the equitable utilisation of, and Transboundary Water Affairs Units National Intersectoral Coordination benefit from, the common Nile (Ministries and Institutions related to water) Basin water resources”. Water NBI provides Member States with NELSAP Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme ENSAPT Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Programme Team the only basin-wide and impartial ENSAP Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Programme NELTAC Nile Equatorial Lakes Technical Advisory Committee Nile-COM NELSAPNile CouncilNile of Equatorial Ministers Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme Nile-SECENSAPT NBIEastern Secretariat Nile Subsidiary Action Programme Team platform to discuss with trust EN – COM ENSAPEastern NileEastern Council Nile Subsidiaryof Ministers Action Programme ENTRONELTAC EasternNile Equatorial Nile Technical Lakes Technical Regional Advisory Office Committee Nile-COM Nile Council of Ministers Nile-SEC NBI Secretariat and confidence how to jointly NEL- COM Nile Equatorial Lakes Council of Ministers Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program EN – COM Eastern Nile Council of Ministers NELSAP-CUENTRO Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office take care of and utilise the shared Nile-TAC Nile Technical Advisory Committee Coordination Unit Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program NEL- COM Nile Equatorial Lakes Council of Ministers NELSAP-CU water resources for win-win socio- Coordination Unit Nile-TAC Nile Technical Advisory Committee economic benefits and to promote Institutional set up regional peace and security. The setup of NBI is informed by the principle of subsidiarity to enable leveraging distinctive development potentials and addressing constraints and challenges unique to geographic regions. The Objectives of NBI Secretariat (Nile-SEC) based in Entebbe, Uganda is responsible for the overall corporate direction. Two Subsidiary Action Programmes (SAPs) offices, namely the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office • To develop the Nile Basin water (ENTRO) based in Addis Ababa - Ethiopia for the Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Programme (ENSAP) resources in a sustainable and the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme Coordination Unit (NELSAP-CU) based and equitable way to ensure in Kigali - Rwanda, for the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme (NELSAP) focus on prosperity, security and peace preparation of joint investment (infrastructure) projects. for all its peoples Core functions • To ensure efficient water Facilitating Basin Cooperation - Providing the regional platform for multi stakeholder dialogue, management and the optimal information sharing, joint planning and management of shared water and related natural resources in use of the Nile resources the Nile Basin • To ensure cooperation and joint Water Resource Management - Strengthening Member States’ institutional and technical action between the riparian capacities as well as developing and operating a shared knowledgebase to support decision making at countries, seeking win-win basin-wide level and action at lower levels. gains Water Resource Development - Assisting Member States to identify and prepare regionally • To target poverty eradication and significant investment projects and mobilising financial and technical resources for their promote economic integration implementation. Goals & Actions for 2017 - 2027 GOAL 1: WATER SECURITY GOAL 2: ENERGY SECURITY GOAL 3: FOOD SECURITY Meeting rising water demand Unlocking and optimising hydropower Increasing agricultural productivity potential Our actions: Increase storage capacity in Our actions: Identify and prepare bankable Our actions: Undertake analytical work to the basin; support the improvement of water investment projects in power infrastructure; introduce and promote an approach that use efficiency in major water-use sectors; in special cases such as the 80 MW Regional examines and proposes options for addressing strengthen river basin monitoring and analysis Rusumo Falls Hydro-electric Project, extend the water-food nexus in the Nile Basin; identify of data from monitoring networks; promote implementation support to the countries; and prepare investment
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