^ V O N A L ^ A £ SCRIPTA % EDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 2 NUMBER 207 ‘VC ^A/ITEO / . 1 9 3 4 ^ Washington, Tuesday, October 26, 1937 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. E xecutive Order Armistice Day— 1937 DESIGNATING THE HONORABLE MARTIN TRAVIESO AS ACTING JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR PUERTO By the President of the United States of America RICO FOR THE TRIAL OF THE CASE OF UNITED STAGES V. JU LIO A PROCLAMATION PINTO GANDIA, ET AL. WHEREAS November 11, 1937, is the nineteenth anniver­ By virtue of and pursuant to the authority invested in sary of the cessation of the most destructive, sanguinary, and me by section 41 of the act entitled “An Act To provide a civil government for Porto Rico, and for other purposes”, far-reaching war in human annals; and approved March 2, 1917 (39 Stat. 965), I hereby designate WHEREAS Senate Concurrent Resolution 18, Sixty-ninth and authorize the Honorable Martin Travieso, Associate Congress (44 Stat. 1982), passed June 4, 1926, provides: Justice of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, to perform and “That the President of the United States is requested discharge the duties of Judge of the District Court of the to issue a proclamation calling upon the officials to display United States for Puerto Rico in the trial of the case of the flag of the United States on all Government buildings United States v. Julio Pinto Gandía. Juan Alamo, Manuel on November 11 and inviting the people of the United Avila, Raimundo Dias Pacheco, Santiago Nieves Malsan, Julio Mange Hernandez, Dionisio Velez Aviles, Jesus Casellas States to observe the day in schools and churches, or other Torres, Aníbal Arsuaga Casellas. and Juan Bautista Colon x suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies expressive of Rivera (No. 4456 C r.), and to sign all papers, records, and our gratitude for peace and our desire for the continuance orders necessary or appropriate for the proper adjudication of friendly relations with all other peoples”; and and disposition of such case. WHEREAS lawlessness and strife in many parts of the This order is necessary for the reason that the Honorable world which now threaten international security and even Robert A. Cooper, Judge of the said District Court of the civilization itself, make it particularly fitting that we should United States for Puerto Rico, is a necessary witness for again express our wish to pursue a policy of peace, to adopt the Government in the trial of the said case and is, there­ fore, under legal disability to act as judge in such case. every practicable means to avoid war, to work for the res­ toration of confidence and order among nations, and to re­ F ranklin D R oosevelt peat that the will to peace still characterizes the great T he W hite House, majority of the peoples of the earth; October 22, 1937. NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT, [No. 7731] President of the United States of America, do hereby direct that on November 11, 1937, the nineteenth anniversary of [P. R. Doc. 37-3104; Filed, October 23,1937; 11:26 a. m.] the Armistice, the flag of the United States be displayed on all Government buildings, and do invite the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremo­ WAR DEPARTMENT. nies in schools and churches, and other suitable places. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand Anchorage G rounds for S an F rancisco B ay, S an Pablo B ay, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Carquinez S trait, S uisun B ay, New Y ork S lough and DONE at the city of Washington this 22nd day of October, S an J oaquin R iver w ith R ules and R egulations R elating in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and T hereto [seal! thirty-seven, and of the Independence of the REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE AND NAVIGATION OF SAID BAY United States of America the one hundred and B Y VESSELS OTHER THAN COMMON . CARRIERS CARRYING sixty-second. EXPLOSIVES F ranklin D R oosevelt Table of Contents By the President: Anchorage grounds: San Francisco Bay: Number S umner W elles Temporary anchorage________ 1 Acting Secretary of State. General anchorage__ ____ 2-9 Naval anchorage___ _______________ ;_______________10-12 [No. 2258] Explosives anchorage_______________________________ 13-14 Explosives storage anchorage_______________________ 15-16 [P. R. Doc. 37-3112; Filed, October 25.1937; 10:16 a. m.J Quarantine anchorage_____________________________ 17 2631 2632 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, October 26, 1937 TABLE OF CONTENTS—Continued ' \ umui W . Page Rural Electrification Administration: Allocation of funds for loans____________________ _ 2673 Securities and Exchange Commission: FEDERALMREGISTE Order amending order approving acquisition of se­ curities in the matter of: International Hydro-Electric System_____ ______ 2673 Order consenting to withdrawal of application in the matter of: Published by the Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Washington and Suburban Cos__________________ 2673 Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 500), under reg­ Order dismissing proceedings in the matter of: ulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, with the Marlin-Rockwell Corp., common capital stock, par approval of the President. value $1.00---------------------------------------- 2673 The Administrative Committee consists of the Archivist or Act­ Order to show cause and for hearing in the matter of: ing Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated by the Attorney General, and the Public Printer or Acting Publio Michigan-Utali Consolidated Mines Co., capital Printer. stock, par value 25 cents___________________ 2674 The daily issue of the F ederal R egister will be furnished by mall United States Tariff Commission: to subscribers, free of postage, for $1 per month or $10 per year; Public notice, investigation discontinued and dis­ single copies 5 cents; payable in advance. Remit by money order payable to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing missed: Office, Washington, D. C. Cigarette-making machines and parts___________ 2675 Correspondence concerning the publication of the F ederal War Department: R egister should be addressed to the Director, Division of the Anchorage grounds for San Francisco Bay, San Federal Register, The National Archives, Washington, D. C. Pablo Bay, etc., rules and regulations relating thereto—-------------------------------------------------------- 2631 TABLE OF CONTENTS Department of Agriculture: Page Anchorage grounds—Continued. Agricultural Adjustment Administration: San Pablo Bay: Number General anchorage________________________ 18-20 1938 Agricultural conservation program bulletin 2640 Naval anchorage__________________ ________________ 21 Bureau of Animal Industry: Explosives anchorage______________________________ 22-23 Notices under Act to regulate interstate and for­ Carquinez Strait: General anchorage_________________________________24-25 eign commerce in livestock, etc.: Suisun Bay: Montevideo Livestock Sales, Inc., Montevideo, General anchorage_________________________________26-27 M inn______________________ 2648 San Joaquin River: South Greeley Sales Yards, Greeley, Colo. General anchorage_________________ 28-29 (C. V. Owens, et al.)______________________ 2648 Rules and regulations: Paragraph Bureau of Biological Survey: Anchoring so as to obstruct or endanger passage of other vessels ____________ i ___________________________ 1 Big-game animals on preserves, schedule of prices Mooring with two or more anchors may be required 2-3 . for sale of surplus-._________________________ 2649 Anchors not to be placed outside anchorage areas_____ 4 Vessels anchoring in emergency_____________ 5 Department of the Interior: Special limitations__________________________ 6 Division of Grazing: Captain of the Port to assign berths________ 7 Arizona, grazing district notice__ _______________ 2638 Vessels notified to move into anchorage to act promptly_______ 8 Division of Territories and Island Possessions: Vessels carrying explosives: To anchor only in anchorages Nos. 13, 14, 15, 16, Alaska Railroad, charges assessed on operation of 22, and 23_______!___________!__________________ _ 9 motor cars in passenger service______________ 2638 Vessels not fitted with mechanical power anchors_______ 10 General Land Office: Written authority to anchor single barge carrying explosives..___________________________________ _ 11 Idaho, stock driveway withdrawals reduced_______ 2639 Captain of the Port empowered to shift position of any National Bituminous Coal Commission: vessel_______________________________________________ 12 Order declaring that boards for Districts Nos. Anchorage permits for vessels engaged in recovering 1-8 have failed to take action required by sunken property, laying pipe or cable lines, etc_____ 13 Rules and regulations not to be construed as relieving Order No. 39; Commission action provided; from penalties_______________________ __*_________ — 14 filing of data__________1 ___________________ 2640 Special regulations applying to San Joaquin deep water channel and Stockton turning basin: Farm Credit Administration: Vessels anchored because of distress or heavy fog_ 15 Federal Land Bank of Baltimore, charges for deter­ Written permission for permanent mooring___ __ 16 mination of title__ ________________ 2649 Federal Communications Commission: Divisions abolished, powers, etc., to be exercised REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE AND NAVIGATION OF THE by Commission___________ 2672 WATERS OF SAN FRANCISCO BAY,
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