HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT OF THE STATE OF UTTARAKHAND Sponsored by Directorate of Economics & Statistics Department of Planning Government of Uttarakhand Institute for Human Development (IHD) Plot No. 84, FIE, Patparganj, Delhi-110092 Email: [email protected] Website: ihdindia.org 31 December 2018 1 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT REPORT OF THE STATE OF UTTARAKHAND Sponsored by Directorate of Economics & Statistics Department of Planning Government of Uttarakhand Institute for Human Development (IHD) Plot No. 84, FIE, Patparganj, Delhi-110092 Email: [email protected] Website: ihdindia.org 31 December 2018 2 CONTENTS Abbreviations List of Tables, Figures and Maps 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1 2. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN UTTARAKHAND .......................................................................... 17 3. INCOME, EMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY ................................................................................ 39 4. ENHANCING LIVELIHOODS: AGRICULTURE AND TOURISM .......................................................... 77 5. MANAGING MIGRATION ........................................................................................................... 122 6. EDUCATION ........................................................................................................................ 149 7. HEALTH ............................................................................................................................... 169 8. ENVIRONMENT, NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, AND NATURAL DISASTER .................. 187 9. WAY FORWARD .................................................................................................................. 225 References .............................................................................................................................. 240 Annexures ............................................................................................................................. 249 i ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank AGCR Annual Compound Growth Rate AISHE All India Survey on Higher Education AMRUT Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation AYUSH Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy BPL Below Poverty Line CAG Comptroller and Auditor General CEBs Census Enumeration Blocks CGHS Central Government Health Scheme CHCs Community Health Centers CMIE Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy CPCP Central Prevention and Control of Pollution CRRI Central Road Research Institute CSO Central Statistics Office CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CW Casual Workers DDP District Domestic Product DES Directorate of Economics & Statistics DIPP Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion DLHS District Level Health Survey DMRC Delhi Metro Rail Corporation DTDO District Tourism Development Officer ELQI Employment and Livelihood Quality Index ESIS Employment State Insurance Scheme EYS Expected Years of Schooling FGDs Focus Group Discussions FSUs First stage units GDI Gender Development Index GDP Gross Domestic Product GE Generalised Entropy GEM Gender Empowerment Measure GER Gross Enrollment Ratio GHG Greenhouse Gas GIDS Giri Institute of Development Studies GIHM Government Institute of Hotel Management GII Gender Inequality Index GNI Gross National Income GSVA Gross State Value Added HDI Human Development Index HDR Human Development Report HKH Hindu Kush Himalaya ii HPI Health Poverty Index HRVC Hazard, Risk, Vulnerability and Capacity IAY Indira Awas Yojana ICDS Integrated Child Development Services ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development IFAD International Fundfor Agricultural Development IHDI Inequality Adjusted HDIs ILER India Labour and Employment Report ILSP Integrated Livelihood Support Project IMF Indian Mountaineering Foundation IMR Infant Mortality Rate INR India Rupee INRM Integrated Natural Resources Management IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change JDY Jan Dhan Yojana JSY Janani SurakshaYojana KIS Key Informants LFPR Labour Force Participation Rate LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MDF Moderate Dense Forests MDMS MDM Scheme MGNREGS Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme MIS Management Information System MMGSY Mukhya Mantri Gram Swarozgar Yojana MMSJ MukhyaMantriSatataJivika MoSPI Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation MPCE Monthly Per-capita Consumer Expenditure MPI Multidimensional Poverty Index MPI Multiple Poverty Index MSBY Mukhyamantri Swasthya BimaYojana MSME Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises MW Megawatt MYS Mean Years of Schooling NAS National Achievement Surveys NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training NDDP Net District Domestic Product NER Net Enrolment Ratio NFHS National Family and Health Survey NIDM National Institute of Disaster Management NRLM National Rural Livelihood Mission NSS National Sample Survey NSSO National Sample Survey Organisation NTFP Non-timber Forest Products NULM National UrbanLivelihood Mission OBC Other Backward Class ODF Open Defecation Free OF Open Forests OOPE Out of pocket expenses PCO Public communication office PDS Public Distribution System PDS Public Distribution System (PDS) iii PHCs Primary Health Centres PMAY Prime Minister’s Awas Yojana PPP Public Private Partnership PPP Purchasing Power Parity PPS Probability Proportion to Size PS+SS Principal Status +Subsidiary Status RAY Rajiv Awas Yojana RBI Reserve Bank of India RE Regular Employment REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation RSBY Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana RSBY RashtriyaSwasthyaBimaYojana SCs Scheduled Castes SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SDM Skill Development Mission SDMA State Disaster Management Authority SDP State Domestic Product SE Self Employment SGY Shilpi Gram Yojana SHGs Self-help Groups SIDS Small Island Developing States SKICC Sher-e-Kashmir International Conference Centre SRS Sample Registration System SSA Sarva Sikhsa Abhiyan STs Scheduled Tribes TFR Total Fertility Rate TTD Thirumala Tirupati Devsthana U5MR Under-five Mortality Rate UAPCC Uttarakhand Action Plan on Climate Change UDRP Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project UHRD Uttarakhand Human Development Report UKSDM UttarakhandSkillDevelopmentMission2013 ULBs Urban Local Bodies UNDP United National Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNPR Unemployment Rate UPS Usual Principal Status UTDB Uttarakhand Tourism Development Board UUHDA Uttarakhand Urban Housing Department Authority UUSDA Uttarakhand Urban Sector Development Agency VCSGPSY Veer Chandra Singh Garhwali Paryatan Swarozgar Yojana VDF Very Dense Forests WPR Work Participation Rate WTO World Tourism Organisation iv LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND MAPS LIST OF TABLES 2.1: Uttarakhand: District-wise Performance of Indicators used for calculating the MPI (% households) 3.1 Youth Unemployment Rate: Spatial Distribution 3.2: Spatial Distribution of Employment Status 3.3: Spatial Distribution of Industrial Structure 3.4: Occupational Distribution of Workers by Level of Skill 3.5: Spatial Dimensions of Occupations 3.6: Spatial Dimensions of /Wages Average Daily Earnings (in Rs.) 3.7: Spatial Distribution of Average Daily Earnings/Wages (in Rs.) 3.8: Spatial and Social Group Distribution of Monthly per Capita Expenditure households (in Rs.) 3.9: Percentage of Population below Poverty Line 3.10: Spatial Distribution of Poverty 3.11: Spatial Distribution of Inequality 3.12: Percentage of Households Benefitted by Government Employment and Livelihood Schemes, 2017 5.1 Migration Status: Individual 5.2 Migration Status Household 5.3 Migration Status Household (excluding residents) 5.4 Migration Status by Location and Social Groups 5.6 Process of Migration (First Migration) 5.8 Work Status (current migration, percent) 5.9 Percentage Shares of Remitters 5.11 Mean Remittances Per Year 5.12 Frequency of Remittances 5.13 Frequency to visit Native Place in last 365 days 6.1: Gross Enrolment Ratio at Selected Levels of Education 6.2 Ratio of Number of Schools by Levels 6.6: Improvement in School Facilities in Uttarakhand (2005-2015) 6.7 Out of School Children Age 6-17 years by Sex (percentage) 6.9: Distribution pattern of Dropout at various levels of Classes (in percent) 7.1: Availability of health personnel by population (in lakhs)- 2018 7.2: Current Availability of Health Personnel in Uttarakhand-2018 7.8: Geographical Differentials in Health Care Beneficiaries by Type of Scheme, Uttarakhand, 2017 8.1 District-wise Forest Cover in Uttarakhand 8.2 Major Glaciers in the Ganga Basin in Uttarakhand 8.3 Ranking of Districts in Uttarakhand by Vulnerability to Climate Change 8.4 Ranking of Districts in Uttarakhand by Vulnerability to Climate Change v LIST OF FIGURES 2.1: Uttarakhand: District-wise Life Expectancy at Birth, 2017 2.2: Uttarakhand: District –wise Mean Years of Schooling 2.3: Expected Years of Schooling 2.4: Per Capita Net District Domestic Product (NDDP) –in Rs. 000’ 2.5: District Wise HDI 2.6: Uttarakhand – District wise Life Expectancy at Birth disaggregated by sex, 2017 2.7: Uttarakhand: District Level Mean Years of Schooling by Sex 2.8: Uttarakhand: District Level Expected Years of Schooling by Sex 2.9: Uttarakhand: District wise Estimated Per Capita Annual Income (in Rs. 000’) 2.10: Uttarakhand: District-wise Gender Development Index (GDI), 2017 2.11: Uttarakhand: District-wise Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index, 2017 3.1: Growth Rate
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