WASHTENAW June/July/August 2008 Iyar/Sivan/Tammuz/Av Volume XXXII: Number 9 FREE More than $1.8 million allocated for needs local and abroad Israel Scouts Friendship Jeffrey Lazor and Ellisha Caplan, special to the WJN Caravan at JCC July 15 ollowing a year of celebrating Jewish Deborah Huerta, special to the WJN life, the Jewish Federation successful- Each year the Israeli Scouts Friendship Caravan F ly raised and allocated funds to sup- spends a day entertaining and educating the port activities locally and abroad. Over 1,500 campers at the Jewish Community Center of families and community members contrib- Washtenaw County’s Camp Raanana, followed uted to a combined Annual Campaign and by an evening performance at the JCC, spon- Matching Grant Fund of over $1.8 million. sored by the Benard L. Maas Foundation. The The 2008 Campaign, chaired by Susan Fisher Friendship Caravan is part of a delegation of and Dr. Gary Freed, focused on all the posi- approximately 100 scouts who travel to North tive aspects of Jewish life that the community America each summer to represent the land of enjoys and supports through their generous Israel. Using song, dance, and storytelling, the giving. President-elect Fisher, who had the Israeli Scouts celebrate the Jewish heritage and unique opportunity to both co-chair the bring the sights and sounds of Israel to life. campaign and serve on the allocations com- This summer the Israeli Scouts will be mittee, commented that “throughout the performing at the JCC on Tuesday, July 15. campaign we lived the theme of ‘Celebrating The evening will start at 6 p.m. with a pizza Jewish Life,’ spanning the events associated dinner, followed at 7 p.m. by an all-ages per- with the campaign, gathering together at the formance by the Israeli Scouts. phone-a-thons, working with our generous The performance is free and the cost for donors, and finally, the pleasure of allocating which fundraises in a similar fashion to the offset some of the projects we simply could the pizza dinner is $5 per person ($15 per funds locally and in Israel.” Federation, saw a 13 percent decline in their not afford to support through our Annual family) for JCC members and camp families, The 2008 Campaign saw over 150 new annual efforts last year. “The dedication of dollars,” continued Gross. Twelve local agen- or $7 per person ($21 per family) for others. and renewed pledges and a nearly 10 per- our community to helping others through cies and projects received $1.7 million. These Reservations are required by Thursday, July cent increase in major donors. The Matching the annual campaign, given the current fi- dollars support everything from scholarships 10. Registration forms will be available at Fund, which was spurred by an anonymous nancial climate, was both inspirational and for formal and informal Jewish education, to www.jccannarbor.org and at the JCC. n gift, coupled with the generous support of 14 humbling. I feel very proud to be a part of programs for Jewish older adults, and emer- local families, raising $100,000 to fund local this community,” remarked Dr. Freed. gency relief for local families in crisis. projects that are not otherwise included in Even with a stable campaign, the Alloca- In the coming months the Federation will the Annual Campaign Allocation. tions Committee, co-chaired by Susan Gross send all donors a full listing of allocation “Michigan has been particularly hard and Stacey Lee, had some difficult decisions decisions. A full allocations report will soon hit during the current downturn, so the fact to make. “The needs increase every year, and be available online at http://www.jewishan- that our campaign has remained stable is we do our best to fairly disperse the funds,” narbor.org/. For more information, contact pretty remarkable,” commented Allocations said Gross. “Fortunately, the additional Eileen Freed at 677-0100. n co-chair Stacey Lee. Washtenaw United Way, $100,000 from the matching fund will help Jewish Federation welcomes new executive director Jeffrey Lazor and Ellisha Caplan, special to the WJN he Jewish Federation of Washtenaw from 1981 to director of the American Jewish Committee, individual who fits our community well and County has selected David Shtul- 1988, where they Pittsburgh Chapter, and at the United Jewish has the background David brings,” remarked T man as executive director. Most re- were found- Federation of Pittsburgh for seven year as their Rosenthal. cently the director of agency endowments at ers of Moshav assistant director of planning and allocations, Shtulman is a graduate of the University the United Jewish Federation in Pittsburgh, Shorashim in and their community relations associate. of Maryland at Baltimore where he received Shtulman has spent his professional career Galilee. While “David is a very well respected and recog- a master of social work and he holds a master serving the global Jewish community. there, he worked nized Jewish professional, and we are thrilled of arts in Jewish Studies from the Baltimore “David brings a depth of experience and in the medical that he decided to join our organization in Hebrew Institute. He holds a bachelor of arts knowledge that will help continue to move electronics field this very important capacity,” said Malcolm degree from State University of New York. our community towards a strong future. I and participated Cohen, current Federation board president. David and his wife Debbie have two grown look forward to working closely with him,” in programs Much of the credit for recruiting Shtul- children—Ari, a computer design engineer said Susan Fisher, incoming Federation board to foster bet- David Shtulman man belongs to the Search Committee headed in Silicon Valley, and Tal, also a Jewish com- president. Shtulman was introduced to the ter Arab-Jewish by Prue Rosenthal and comprising a diverse munal professional currently employed by the community at the Federation’s Annual Meet- relations in the region. He also served as a cross section of the community. “This was an Associated Jewish Federation of Baltimore. ing on May 29. combat engineer in the Israel Defense Forces. exhaustive process; but well worth the time Shtulman said he is “thrilled to be a part of Shtulman and his family lived in Israel Shtulman previously served as the executive and effort to have found such a wonderful the future of this community.” n Washtenaw Jewish News NON-PROFIT ORG. In this issue… 2935 Birch Hollow Drive U.S. Postage PAID Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Ann Arbor, MI Mandy Israel @ 60 Community Permit No. 85 Patinkin Just the Photo at Summer facts Album Festival Page 4 Page 15 Page 18 I Community 2935 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 voice: 734/971-1800 Host families sought for Israeli counselors fax: 734/971-1801 Deborah Huerta, special to the WJN e-mail: [email protected] www.washtenawjewishnews.org ach year Camp Raanana, the Washtenaw Jewish Community Center’s outdoor day camp for children entering grades kindergarten through eight, is happy to have two Israeli shlichim (cultural emissaries). Shlichim are talented young Israelis Editor and Publisher E Susan Kravitz Ayer who have finished their military service and have chosen to spend their summers serv- ing as counselors and Israeli Assistant Editor specialists at camps across David Erik Nelson North America. Camp Raa- nana’s shlichim not only have Calendar Editor Claire Sandler a wonderful impact on the campers, but also provide Advertising Manager the local families serving as Gordon White their hosts with an unparal- leled experience, according Design and Layout Dennis Platte to past host families. Carol Lessure, whose Staff Writers family hosted Barak Hers- Judy Cohen, David Nelson, Sandor Slomovits cowitz of Haifa, last sum- mer, reports that Herscowitz Contributing Writers Halye Aisner, Toby Axelrod, Jacob Berkman, quickly became part of the Ellisha Caplan, Norren DeYoung, Sue Fishkoff, family and captivated her Devon Fitzig, Rabbi Aharon Goldstein, Gilla two young sons with his sto- Barak Herscowitz Henya-Wensel, Deborah Huerta, Ron Kampeas, ries of Israeli life. “When we Dina Kraft, Abigail Lawrence-Jacobson, Jeffrey volunteered to host one of the shlichim last summer, I wasn’t sure our location and mod- Lazor, Deborah Renner, Dina Shtull, Ronnie Simon, Grant Slater, Elliot Sorkin, Dina Spritzer est accommodations would be sufficient. In fact, Camp Rannana assured us that all the shlichim need is a private place to sleep and some refrigerator space. What you receive in Mailing Committee return is a life experience.” Ruth Ankiewicz, Beverly Bixler, Ruth Breslaw, Ethel Ellis, Steve Fishman, Esther Goldman, Lessure and the Camp Raanana community are eager to welcome Herscowitz back for Fran Goldman, Betty Hammond, Jayne Harary, another year as the camp’s Israeli specialist. Herscowitz finished his army service more Evelyn Horwitz, Doris Jamron, Marilyn Krimm, than a year ago, after serving as a search and rescue teacher, and is planning to start college Doris Miller, Bob and Sophie Mordis, Dorothy next year. He likes hiking in his beautiful native Israel and encourages everyone to come Newman, Esther Perlman, Irwin Pollack, see Israel’s breathtaking countryside. Herscowitz Lotte Rosenbaum, Esther Rubin, Sol Saginaw, also enjoys parties, music, theatre, and reading. Sarah Shoem, Nell Stern He can’t wait to return to Ann Arbor and Camp Special thanks Raanana, where he especially enjoyed Shabbat Ethel Ellis and Betty Hammond, and to all the activities, the Israeli Scouts performance, the businesses who support the WJN with their field trips, and the cool campers. Together with advertisements the camp’s music specialist, Herscowitz teaches The Washtenaw Jewish News is a free and in- campers about Jewish culture, Israel, and the dependent newspaper.
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