Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1968 The Anchor: 1960-1969 5-10-1968 The Anchor, Volume 80.25: May 10, 1968 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1968 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 80.25: May 10, 1968" (1968). The Anchor: 1968. Paper 12. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1968/12 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 80, Issue 25, May 10, 1968. Copyright © 1968 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1960-1969 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1968 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. anc OPE oCOLLEGrE ^Ccc^ OLLAND, MICHIGAN 80th ANNIVERSARY - 25 Hope College, Holland, Michigan 49423 May 10, 1968 Rocky Second McCarthy Wins in Choice 68 By George Arwady in that Hopestudents gave a much At Hope College, 19 per cent t anchor Editor higher percentage of their votes voted for immediate withdrawal to liberal Republicans such as from the war; 59 per cent voted Senator Eugene McCarthy was Gov. Rockefeller and New York for a phased reduction; five oer the winner of Choice 68 in bal- Mayor John Lindsay and a much cent favored the current policy; loting both on the Hope campus smaller percentage of their votes seven per cent voted for increas- and across the nation on April 26. to Sen. Kennedy than the average ed military action and 1 1 per SEN. MCCARTHY received student body in the nation. cent wanted an "all out" mili- 167 of the 537 votes cast at Hope There were two questions on tary effort. and 285,988 first place votes out the Choice 68 ballot dealing with of 1,072,830 cast in the national the war in Vietnam and one in ACROSS THE NATION. 18 collegiate presidential primary. reference to the urban crisis. per cent voted for immediate with- Governor Nelson Rockefeller drawal; 45 per cent voted for was second at Hope with 130 SEVENTY EIGHT PER cent of phased reduction of our military votes, Richard Nixon third and the Hope College voters favored effort; seven per cent favored the Senator Robert Kennedy fourth some form of reduction of our current policy; nine per cent chose with 42 votes. military action in Vietnam. The to increase our effort and 21 per Sen. Kennedy, however, finish- comparable national figure was cent wanted "all out" war. ed second in voting across the 62 per cent. Seventy-one per cent nation with 213,833; Mr. Nixon of the Hope voters supported re- On the bombing north of the was third with 197,167 and Gov. ducing the bombing of North Vi- 17th parallel. 36 per cent of the Rockefeller fourth with 1 15,937. etnam further than the current Hope voters approved of per- THE HOPE VOTING break- limited approach. The compara- manent cessation of bombing; 35 down indicated that, although ble national figure on the bomb- per cent favored a temporarysus- Hope has double the percentage ing reduction was 58 per cent. (Continued on page 1) of declared Republican Party THREE MEN ON A HORSE — Mel Andringa calls a man about members than the average college a horse as Barb Phail worries about his future. The Little Theatre campus, its students cast a higher production will be seen next weekend. percentage of votes both for Mc Kresge, 'a Friend' Give Carthy and against the Vietnam war than the average student 'Three Men on a Horse' body. Thirty per cent of the student $125,000 to SCSC Fund body at Hope voted in Choice 68. Republican Party affiliation was Hope College has been present- dent center, according to Presi- Is Presented Next Week indicated by 217 Hope voters. ed two grants totalling $125,000 dent VanderWerf. The President Democratic Party ties were to be used exclusively for the could not predict the eventual "Three Men on a Horse," a lick as Harry, the bartender; and indicated by 60 students and 165 proposed Student Cultural-Social groundbreaking date, however. farce-comedy, will he presented Charlie Lang as Al, the photo- voters said they were inde- Center. DR. VANDERWERF SAIDthat Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday at grapher. pendents. THE COLLEGE has been giv- the SCSC fund needed between 7 and 10 p.m. and Saturday at Beth Mills plays Trowbridge's THE SPERRY RANI) (Jnivac en $100,000 by an individual $600,000 and $750,000 before 8 p.m. in the Little Theatre. wife, Audrey. Barb Phail is the computer indicated that na- "friend of the College," accord- these two grants were received. gangster leader's girl friend; tionally 336,151 of the voters were ing to President Calvin A. Van- "We still have a ways to go," The basic theme of the play Grace, the elevator girl is played Democrats; 303,329 were in- derWerf. Dr. VanderWerf said that he observed. centers around Erwin Trow- by Sally Korstange. Additional dependents and only 2 68,703 this individual designated his gift The President said that he ex- bridge, played by Mel Andringa, cast members are Debby Noeand were Republicans. for the new student union. pected to be able to announce sev- who is employed by a greeting Laura Brown. Voters could indicate a first, Hope has also been presented eral additional grants to the stu- card company to write verses for Assistant director of the pro- second and third choice for pre- $25,000 by The Kresge Founda- dent center fund before the end the cards, and who has an un- duction is Bob Thompson. The sident in the balloting. Sen. Mc tion for use in construction of the of the year. He cited the efforts canny sense for picking winning set is designed by Keith Achepol Carthy led both the nation and SCSC. of Board of Trustees chairman race horses. A group of fun-loving of the art department. the Hope campus in total ballot- The two gifts "increase the pro- Huge De Pree and former chair- gangsters, played by Bob Kull- Tickets go on sale at $1.50 ing in all these categories. bability that the Board will act man Ekdal Buys in obtaining gren, Jeff Pruiksma and KenFeit, Monday in the basement of Van HOPE DIFF ERED from the na- favorably" in naming an early the $ UK),000 gift, noting that their the leader, find out aboufhis tal- Raalte. tional figures in these categories groundbreaking date for the stu- efforts were "instrumental." ent, and the laughs come when they meet up with Trowbridge. 4A Real Clean-Up' According to Donald Finn, di- rector of the play, the production is» "just for fun, with no deep hidden meaning at all." T ulipTime Festival Klompslnto Holland Other members of the cast in- clude Trowbridge's brother-in- law, Clarence, played by Tom land's Board of Public Works tence of students trying to study standard the Holland restaurants Bast; Ron Schubin as Mr. Carv- By Zelda Skagfang will be soliciting a door-to-door for final exams. adopt during Tulip Time. er. Trowbridge's boss; Dave Pav- ranchor Reporter free will offering for the purchase The college administration has A NOTE FROM the City Clerk's of a new Fire Engine. The old issued a special dispensation to office reminds everyone that all For the 39th time. Tulip Time, one was mistakenly sold as a students, permitting them to stock "Welcom Vrienden" signs must RCA Executive the annual replacement for the souvenir during last year's Tul- up from the local A & P and eat be down immediately following Maypole Dance, will klompen its ip Festival. :n their rooms due to the double the Tulip Time festivities. Committee Passes way through the streets of Hol- Friday and Saturday are high land Wednesday through Satur- lighted by more sidewalk and Trustee Revamp day this week. street scrubbing, these additional BUSINESS REALLY began events being added because, ac- The Executive Committee of the booming for Tourist (oops!) Tul- cording to Mayor Bosnian, "the General Synod of the Reformed ip Time after a 1950 Arthur God- Tulips planted at curbsides have Church in America has approved jr.frey television show featured the been pollenating rather heavily a proposed change in the com- Klompen Dancers. Since that time this year, thus producing a sticky position of the Hope College droves of eager Tulip fanciers yellow substance which detracts Board of Trustees. have driven miles to view Hol- from the appearance of the com- UNDER THE proposed plan, land's happy flower children. munity." the number of Trustees will be re- Tulip Time festivities will be duced from 53 to 26 over the NO TULIP TIME visitor kicked off with the traditional course of three years. should miss the Aqua-Ballet per- Volks Parade and Street Scrub- The plan will go up for a vote formed twice daily in the Black bing on Wednesday. There is no at the meeting of the entire Gen- River. Climaxing each perform- charge for attending these events, eral Synod this summer. ance will be the building of a py- but a nominal fee for broom and The plan provides for the se- ramid by a daredevil team of soap suds rental will be levied. lection by the General Synod of 13 high school girls, clad in full Rumor has it that the street scrub- of the Trustees on the reorganized Dutch regalia, watersking down bing fe co-sponsored by Lady Board.
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