Average Daily Net Pre^ Ron The Weather For n ie Week Ended Thirty per cent chance ol light March 20, 1971 rain-snow periods tonight and early tomorrow. Tonight’s low ilanriijfetpr lEiipning BpraUi In 30s; Tuesday’s high In 40s. 15,765 ^ Manchester—9M____f___^__ AA City. of_M. %/JttVillage ^^^ Charm (Classified Advertising on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS VOL. L X X X X , NO. 151 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1971 1 Vessel Sinks; Three Die Enemy Raids 33 Crewmen As Flames Lost at Sea Sweep Inn V Jungle Base; PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP)— CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. (AP) 'IWrty-three of • 44 crewmen — An Intense fire, with flames were missing today from the that could be seen for miles, tanker Texaco Oklahoma, which raced through the 17-year-old broke In two In heavy Atlantic Canandaigua Inn early today V sesu _120___ miles northeeist. of- Cape__ lAovrlnoFleaving at iMicrfleast tnv*AAthree r\AV«ar\napersons V Kills 33 GIs Hatteras, N.C. dead, seven missing and send­ Eleven men of the tanker’s ing 14 persons to hospitals. By GEORGE ESPER crew were rescued from a life 'Firemen searching the smold­ Associated Press Writer raft by a passing freighter, ering rubble found two charred which headed for New York as bodies burled In the wreckage. SAIGON (AP) — North Vietnamese sappers ran the Coast Guard resumed a A third man died of a heart at­ through a U.S. artillery base in the jungle south of search this morning for possible tack after fleeing the burning Da Nang early Sunday, killing 33 Americans and hotel in the early morning survivors. hours. wounding 75 within an hour. It was believed to be the Most of the missing crewmen 2 highest American death toll of the war in an attack were from the area <rf Port Ar­ Stanley Rypka, a former pa­ tient at a Veterans Administra­ thur, Tex. ’The tanker was load­ 4* on a U.S. i n s t a l l a t i o n . -------------------------------------- The U.S. Command reported The attack on the artillery ed with 220,000 barrels of oil. tion Hospital here, collapsed at 12 of the sappers were killed, base 50 miles south of Da Nang ’The Coast Guard here said the the scene and died at the hospi-^ some of them Inside the base began about 2 a.m. with a bar­ cutter Ecanaba and an aircraft tal. and some by helicopter and rage of 60 to 60 mortar rounds from Its air station at Elizabeth Detective Anthony Decere that pinned down the less than City, N.O., were sent this morn­ said the fire broke out on the C lio gunsJilps. Much of the base was over­ 400 Americans defending the ing to search an expanded area top floor of the four-story brick 'is? of 3,600 square miles centered building sh o^ y after run, but it remained in Ameri­ base. around the area in which the ml<lblght and engulfed the can control today. “ Extensive “They put in some mortar 9 Texaco Oklahoma went down. ground floor within minutes. action is being conducted in the rounds and our people took cov­ ’The tankers Texaco Nebraska Occupants of the 70 rooms in­ area,” the U.S. Command said. er,” said one American field cf- and Texaco Illinois Joined in the cluded students at the Finger There was a general stepup In icer. • “ TTiere were sappers search. Lakes Community College and enemy action, much of it in the goiiig through the place throw- patients recently discharged Da Nang region. U.S. officers jjjg satchel charges into our The Coast Guard said it was a •IP’, jgr mystery why nearly two-thirds » nearby Veterans Admln- It said the North Vietnamese and bunkers and firing posiUons. of the crewmen apparently Istratlon hospit^ Viet Cong were taking advan- sappers swept across the i tage of the dark of the moon— base and dropped the charges didn’t escape the sinking ship BMUhart Walker, 24, a sec- (AP photo) early Saturday. ond-floor occupant, said he was “there is always higher enemy ^ ^g„t across. They did People search through burned wreckage of their homes in Dacca after Eyewitness acUvity about this time because yje damage.” It was 36 hours after the 661- ^e heard pec the Pakistani army destroyed large parts of the city. This picture was taken foot vessel broke in two. In 16- Ple shouting. it’s easier for the enemy to get ,j^g dynamite bombs wrecked Into poslUon without being de- ggjjjg urtUlery guns and cut foot seas and winds of 40 to 60 T ran out into the hall and by AP photographer Michel Laurent yesterday before he was deported. G ives View tected,” one officer said. communication lines to knots before the Coast Guard to fall Ol) me,’’ Walker said, learned of the tragedy. to fall onb me,’’ Walker said. Viet Cong sappers raided a re- rear headquarters, The word came in the form of “ At that time, the desk clerk No Confirmation in Wrishington Of Pakistan settlement village 25 miles “We had no Intelligence the two messages from the Liberian .. joined me. We ran upstairs south of Da Nang early today, attack was going to take place,” killing 13 South Vietnamese, ggia one American field com- freic^ter Sasstown saying'it had and began pounding on doors. Editor’s Note: Associated wounding 21 and burning 100 rnander. picked up 11 survivors In a life "Even though fire was burn­ ing around them and the rooms Press photographer Michel houses. ’Twenty-five 100-pound a. South Vietnamese fire base raft. News Agency in India Reports Laurent was in Dacca, the capl- rockets hit the Da Nang Air a few hundred yards away was Both messages, . the Coast were filling with smoke,’ ’” Walk­ er cont^ued, “ some people tal of East Paklatan, when the base and the nearby Marble attacked. It provided artll- Guard said, reported 20 crew­ Pakistani army cracked down M'Ountaln air facility, damaging lery fire for the American base men missing—last seen by the started packing clothes. One man didn’t want to come cut un­ ,on toe Bengal Independence ^ few planes and helicopters during toe attack. survivors as they abandoned the Americans Die in East Pakistan movement. Newsmen were con- ^nd wounding several Ameii- two bases are midway be- stem secUtHi of the 20,064 - ton til he finished packing. We had to pull him ouL” NFW DFT HI (AP) — holding out at various points sands fled toe city, ZeltHn said. **‘'‘ ®*’ »he Laotian border and tanker about 6:30 a.m. Sunday. NLW DLLm (AI') \ ^ Official Indian sources said evaded toe ban and toured dev- shelled the headquarters of toe jhe populous coastal lowlands A Texaco spokesman in New A spokesman for the hospital said a staff member at the United News of India said <lay, but the W e« p a io s ^ l y^g J^g^ I>elhl gov- astated areas of toe city. The u_g Amerlcal Division at Chu gjjd are toe westernmost anchor York''<31ty said, however, rec­ today that some Ameri- a p p ^ e d “ be « , emment has received reports newsihen were deported over Lal_ south of Da Nang, but no „f allied defenses In toe region, ords showed 44 crewmen scene made contact with most of Dacca, toe provincial capital. of the former patients and re- cans working on an irriga- ° 1 that Shelk Mujib is free. The the weekend. casualties or damage was aboard. Tlie spokesman verified (See Page El|^t) ported them “ okay.” ’m e rebel radio clalm ^ toat h^"^"b^en"insl8t'- -------- ported. that 11 survivors had tion project in the Kush- flghting was continuing in Dac- y^^ ^ ^ A number of persons were tia district of East Pakis- •revo- By MICHEL LAURENT picked up. rescued by ladder from toe top- . villoH <5iinHnv in a ®®-, *n *he port city o^W ttagong juUonary planning center” but DACX3A, East Pakistan (AP) IVI The Coast Guard said today floors ajid others were led dowi^down tan Were killed Sunday in a« andana in the towns ^of xvtuiisinuRangpur ^ disclose the location. —- T The h e PakistaniPa army attacked the radio messages from the fire escapes to safety. bombing raid by Pakistani and ^ut toe gwem - Schlesinger, a Canadian the Bengali Independence move- freighter were apparently mis­ More than 160 firemen and . ment’s Radio Pakistan said toe B^Qj^jcastlng Oorp. correspond- ment in Dacca without warning planes. Top Court To Review Ruling taken about the tuimber of miss­ equipment from communities as [The agency in a dispatch from «POrted that ’’the Thursday night and took ing crewmen. far as 20 miles away were cWcutta said its report came vm® returning to normal, with ^gg clearly In control” people by surprise, i\ The Sasstown, en route to called in. At the height of toe from across toe border. govermnent employes re- he left Dacca early Satur- The army’s American M24 On Social Club Segregation four hour blaze flames were vis- a U.S. Embassy spokesman tuimliig to work tod ^ , banks re- ^ . tanks, artillery and infantry de- (See Page Bight) able for almost ten miles. said no such word had been re- opening and toe curfew In Dac­ac If there Is any choUenge to stroyed large p a ^ ot East I^k- WASHINGTON (AP)—The Supreme Court agrwd An ambulance driver said ceived In New Delhi, but he add- ca lifted from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. the army’s rule.” Schiesiiiger i s l e ’s i ^ e s t city and provin- consider whether private social clubs that most of the victims he saw were gji that such a report would be The rebel and government ra­ said In Vancouver, "it’s proba- elm eajdtei.
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