-- Til r --------------- MELBO RNE ------------ - AusTRALIANABR BooK RE v iE w "The Church has complacently lived off the moral capital of Christendom until it 'If we did not have a rev iew devoted to our literature, we wou ld risk not having a li terature is nearly gone." at all. ABR is an essenti al part of our literary Th e Anglican Church's new draft code of ecology - not just a magazine but an ideal.' professional ethicsfor church workers Delia Falconer 'ABR is the Australian literary periodical th at the world has been waiting for.' " ... many things in this nation frankly are Cli ve James rotten - in foreign policy, in immigration • Reviews policy and in welfare policy. And the opposition federall y is as responsi ble as • Essays the Government is for this." • Poetry New Na tional Council of Churches • Commentary President the Revd Prof James Haire • Events Visit our website fo r more details: The Melbourne Anglican [email protected]/-abr Mention this ad for a free sample copy of TMA Subscribe now! $67.00 for ten issues (incl. GST) Ph: (03) 9429 6700 or E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (03) 9653 4221 Also available at select bookstores and newsagents or email: [email protected] Money ~o lUJffiLlUJ ITlJ 0M@ ~ @o@@ lUJo@ lUJ can buy r. happiness. It can buy you renewable e nergy, J '""" Thoolofkol Coli•!• ~ healthcare & more efficient public transport. I Trinity College Theological School By putting your money with Australian Ethical Investment, (Ang-lican Province of Victoria) y ou a re in vesting in portfoli os dedicated to be ne fit The Theological Hall of the Un iting Church in Australia so c ie ty and the e nv ironme nt. 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I . ~.A , 'I I ~ • • ~~ H A IJI'of II< EUREKA STREET <> Os: Ef; 3::)> EUREKA STREE ImN c;;z zm cO $:',., ~~ "'"'V>n~ c:: -o,.,m)> --j-,., ~~ mo:o •iX N I COVER STORY om"'"'" 8?; 18 Gallipoli revisi ted vl COMMENT Dale Blair confronts the land, and the ~ legend, of Gallipoli. 3 5 Andrew Hamilton Sexuality and ministry I 0r COLUMNS 0 Cl LETTERS -< 4 Matthew Klugman; Moree Nutt; 7 Ca pital Letter Fr John Hill, Emily Millane Jack Waterford The boy who cried wolf 9 Summa Th eo logiae fames McEvoy The church in the world SNAPSHOT 10 Archimedes 6 Bombs, bells and asylum-seeking Tim Thwaites Curiouser and curiouscr chooks 11 By the Way Brian Matthews Blair whiching Publisher Andrew Hamilton 'I THE MONTH'S TRAFFI C Ed itor Marcelle Mogg 54 Watching Brief Assistant edi tor Susannah Buckl ey 8 Anthony Ham Cuban rhythms Juliette Hughes Fabulous nobodies Graphic designers )anneke Storteboorn and Ben Hider 8 Julian Smith Children at war Director Fr Chris Gleeson " 10 Rosie Hoban Keep on walking Bu siness manager Mark Dowell POETRY Marketing & advertising manager Kirsty Grant 14 Grant Fraser Thames Subscriptions jess ica Ballersby FEATURES Edilorial, production and adminis trat ion 50 Meg McNena Jungian Counterpoint assistants Geraldine Battersby, Alex 12 Th e ali enation of Iraq Connell y, Steven Conte, Paul Fyfe '1, Anthony Ham on Iraq and America. Juliett e Hughes, Irene Hunter, Lee IN PRINT Beasley, Marg Osborne, Ben Wells 1 5 Truth, conscience and conversations Poetry editor Philip Harvey 39 Politica l overdrive Film ed itor Siobhan Jackson Andrew Hamilton puts them under the Contributing editors Adelaide: Greg microscope. Stephen Holt meets Marilyn Dodkin's O'K ll y 'I; Perth : Dean Moore; Sydney: Bob Carr: The Reluctant Leader. Ed rnund Ca mpion & Gerard Windso r; 22 Rom ance v. rea lity Queenslond: Peter Pierce Virginia Bourke on failed sterilisation 40 M yth-take no mistake United Kingdom Denis Minns 0 1' and the High Court. Juliette Hughes reviews Terry jesuit editorial board Peter L'Estrange Sl, Pratchett's The Wee Free Men and Eoin Andrew Bullen 51, Andrew Hamilton Sl, 25 Artistic freedom Colfer's Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Peter Steele Sl, Bill Uren ' I Sarah Dickson-Hoyle visits the 'queue Patrons Eureka Slreel gra tefully Code. acknowledges th e support of jumpers' at the beach. 44 Sacred grou nd C. and A. Ca rt er; the tru stees of th e es tat e of 26 Muslims & Christians ... where do Miss M . Condon; W.P. & M .W. Gurry Jim Davidson looks at Colin Holden's we stand? Church in a Landscape: A History of Eureka Street magazine, ISS N 1036- 1758, Dan Madigan, Abdullah Saeed and the Diocese of Wangaratta. Australia Post Print Post approved Fran]< Brennan blast the stereotypes for pp349181 /00314, is published len times a 48 Our killing fie lds yea r by Eureka Street Magazine Pt y Ltd, the Jesuit Seminar Series. Bob Reece reviews Patrick Collins' 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond VIC 3121 33 Th e king of children PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 3121 Goodbye Bussamarai: The Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 Moira Rayner on Janusz Korczak and Mandandanji Land War, Southern ema il: eureka @jespub.jesuit.org.au the early history of children's rights. http://www.eurekastreet.com.au/ Queensland 1842-1852. Responsibility for editoria l conten t is 34 Th e rage within . 51 The short Ii st accepted by Andrew Hamilton Sl, Margaret Rice talks to the man behmd Reviews of Sex, Power and the Clergy; 300 Victoria Street, Ri chmond The Rage in Placid Lake. Printed by Doran Printing Media Mania: why our fear of modern 46 Industrial Drive, Bra eside VIC 3 I 95. 36 Fam ily ties media is misplaced; Saving Francesco © Jesuit Publications 2003 Unsolicited manuscripts w ill be returned Greg Barns examines the growing gulf and Olhovsky Prince of Hamburg. only if accompanied by a stamped, between Australia and Canada. se lf-addressed envel ope. Requests for 41 Grass roots permi ss ion to reprint materi al from the FLASH IN THE PAN magazine should be addressed in writing to Lachlan Harris on Indigenous local th e editor. governm ent. 52 Reviews of the films Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle; Autofocus; Confessions This month 42 Th e empire's new clothes of a Dangerous Mind and A Mighty Cover photographs courtesy of the Will America take over the world? Not Australian War Memorial. Wind. Cover des ign by )anneke Storteboom. necessarily, says David Glanz. Photographs pp12 -13 by Mathias H ng, 46 Smith's invisible hand pp19-2 0 courtesy of Australi an War PUZZLED Memorial, p2 5 by Sarah Dickson-Hoyle David Ferris on the mysteries of the All illust rat ions by )anneke Storteboom. global economy. 55 Joan Nowotny Cryptic Crossword something to worry about'. Perhaps now unions, or churches, or anything else. As that the SARS crisis is officially over (at Giovanni Gentile said, 'the state becomes least for this year), we can look at develop­ a reality only in the consciousness of letters ing a more responsible international health individuals.' program, a program driven by the desire to Odd, is it not, that Western liberalism save lives, rather than fear. should lead in a direction that it theoreti­ Matthew Klugman cally abhors-one espoused by fascism and Hysterical flu Moonee Ponds, Vic communism? As Hilaire Belloc foresaw, we have become a mass of contented slaves The June Eureka Street drew attention controlled by a few billionaires and their to a number of the social, economic and Little credit political servants. public health issues associated with the Fr John Hill recent outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory I wish to provide a disappointing update to StJohn the Baptist Syndrome, or SARS. What it did not give, your readers regarding information in my Woywoy, NSW however, was a critique of the hysteria recent article 'Capital investment' (Eurel<a surrounding this outbreak. Indeed, the Street, June 2003). hype around SARS overwhelmed all our I have recently been informed by Mind matters media outlets; the only critical comment AusAID that government aid funding for I've seen has been an email drawing atten­ microcredit, whilst increasing steadily over Tim Thwaites' article ('Mind and Matter', tion to the counter-epidemic of Severe Loss the last few years, fell from $13 million Eureka Street, July-August 2003) was a of Perspective Syndrome or SLOPS. in 2001-02 to around $8.5 million in timely reflection on the power of the mind In what is increasingly becoming the 2002-03. This represents a 35 per cent cut to cure. Whether or not psychology can help decade of fear, SARS can now be added in funding.
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