n»f > 'v ’ „f . ^ i ' \ ■. r .. y l ^ ■ "<.• ■ ■' ■ .■ . w - i • ■■ . " ; - v • . -I- ■ .•#< . •: : : -’ v . ' 1 1: y • - V-.,; ■ / SATURQAY, MAY 2J>. 1967 7 PAGE lOURTEEirS ' ianrliPBtpr ^ n rn l^ silin 'a lb Average Daily Net Pre*.q’Ran ‘T h* W cB th tr a hlglr sdHool youth, one of the Fer the Week Ended many - who volunteered to malte PtJC to Resume .p 6INERAL May 25. 1S67 Fsrsmst of U. S. Wtatho? BtoOdti About Town the lane a success. ' Heard Along Main Street Asked for his license, the Cldaf Railroad J^aritig T V SERVICE \ Cloudy, cooler toaight* Low la AH iMmtMni o( the UuUee Auxil­ reached for Die spot whe;-e it is 1 2 ,570 5da Tueaday'.Mr, ptooaoiIt tom- iary to Maneheeler C9iapter, No. usually kept but had trouble lo­ Days M b R s And‘on Some of Mmchetter'i Side Street*^ Too SThs SUte Public Utllltlee Oobs- # Z s 9 9 Phia Parte Member of the Andlii peroturoa ■''lasver hsanidlty, High 17, DAV, are aaked to meet at the cating it. / Nights corner of Onirch and Locust 8U. miasion (FUC) wilt resume Mon­ TEL. MI 8-6482 Bureau Of drcutotioa 76-78. '■• ->■'>4 ■ He fumbled in every pocket un­ day its drawn-out hearing ito the at 10:45 tomorrow morning to at­ ' Longer Lasagna v»jobs there. Tom, whom Alice met til the high s c ^ t youngster in Manchester~—A City of ViUdge CftarIn . tend the worship service in St. -For a small, group of women In 1946 at a party in. his honor New Haven' Railroad petition to mock anger toid him to "hurry ] abandon Kkrtford-Putnam paa- - ^ ^ ^ — ---------- ^— - Mary's Xpiscopal Church at 11 whose hobby is cooking, the proj­ while he was in Washington on up. Sir, yoii’re ' holding up the; o'clock. Members are requested ect for the week was lasagna. leave from Red Cross duty in the senger eervlce via Muchester. VOL. LXXVI, NO. 202 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAYt MAY 27, 1957 (Ctosalfled AdvertlBBg on Pnge iS) line." Finding the license, at last, I Service on. the line has been in­ PRICE FIVE CENTS to wear uniforms. The women were looking forward Philippines, is area coordinator the Chief haSded it to the youth, j to it. 'niey would bake a laSagna for public information. They live terrupted since the Aug. 1966 flood DOROTHY GRAY 1 who looked it over and then waved I when a railroad bridge over the A Mtback party will be held at flt for a Medic prince. in an apartment at 3427 Valley him through to the n«kt point. I a COSMETICS A the ZIpser Club., tonicht at 8 They borrowed a large pan from Drive,- Parkfalrfax, Alexandria,- Quinebaug River in ^tnadb was o ’clock. the church,,and went to work. In­ Va.. and drive In together to their / Parkhurst' Traced knocked out. * ' k "W* Dullvup" 4 Arms Talks GOP in House to the pan went the sauces, the offices in the National Red Cross An old-tinier who reads the ' The railroad, which claims it Civil War Averted Manchester Auxiliary Police will eggs, the chopped meat, . the headquarters. Herald pretty thoroughly, and par­ cannot afford to rebuild the bridge, f Arthur Drug Stores j meet Monday ni^ht at 7:80 at Po­ cheese, the iasagna itself and all ticularly "Heard Along,” says he being of^osed on its abandon­ May Save Pqrt lice Headquarters. Plana will be the other ingredients that would Help Situation noticed an item to the effect that ment petition by residents and of­ Seen* Near contribute a savory, hearty dish. Tony retired a year or so ago ficials of Etostem' Connecticut made at that Ome for the group's the Lutz Museum had received an As F'ignole Ta kes participation in the Memorial E^y But then, trouble. When the after years of ^service as caretaker old almanac, dated 1877, publish­ towns. Oi Defense Cut parade. women put the pan into the oven of a large estate. Full of spring ed for G. S. Parkhurst of "North The hearing Monday will be held Showdown for batting, they found it didn’t fit. fervor recently, he decided to Manchester." He ea.vs the Park­ in the PUC office in the State Of­ Washington.' May 27 (AV-House The pan protruded, keeping the answer an advertisement for a hurst referred to was no doubt fice Building, in Hartford, starting Intermediate Girl Scout Troops Klite Studio Photo Republican ISaders. agreed today 22. 40 and 41. and Brownie Troops oven door about two inches away couple to work In a private home George Parkhurst who managed at 10:30 a.m. It will be the sixth CMS Haiti ’^Presidency London, May 27 (A*)-i--The to try to restore to the 1958 de­ 42. 77 and 78 of the South Neigh­ •from closing. which he had noted in his local the old' Union grocery store, a day since Jan, 21 that the PUC has U.N. disarmament subcom­ borhood will hold their Juliette For a few minutes, there was a paper. stone building on the West side Celebrate 60th Anniversary given to thq case. for all 8 counties fense appropriation bill about mild panic. The h4at would epcape Armed with the clipping, h? set By LARRY ALLEN mittee resumed negotiations Vow presentation at Camp Merrle- of Unlon\ St. across from Wood Mr. and Mrs. George R. Little.'V-—-— ------------ today aniid signs that its 10- $300 million of the }2 )i billion cut Wood Monday from 6:30 to 7:30 through the two inches o f space. out to locate the source of the ad. Lane. 'The family lived in the ;14 Spruce St., will celebrate their | Little of Bristol, Howard R. Lit- for all 4 corners Port Au Prince, May 27 (/P) out by the Appropriations Com- To 0 M ilitarize Zone p.m. Girls attendiiv should bring What would become of the As he was quite apt to do In such white house on North Main St. at Road Work Halls — Crisis-ridden Haiti had a week-old -talks on interna­ mitte*- their own lunches. Beverages will lasagna? circumstances, - he stopped at a Union. He remembers because 60th wedding anniversary tomor- They have new provisToi^l president to­ tional - ai:miments 'reductions The party’s 30-member steering be supplied. Dolores York of the Finally, the women put their gasoline station seeking directions. he was interested in their daugh­ row with an open house from 3 to gjx grandchildren and three great- During Holiday havV^a'ched a showdown committee "agreed to support Junior Planning Board is chalr- heads together and came up with The- attendant urged him to place ter, Abbie Day Parkhurst. • 'ITie ,0 p.m. for their many friends and ' grandchildren. day, but tensidh^ill gripped smendments to spread the extra a plan. One of the Women knew A telephone call in response to the the capital. Armed^^ police stage. money through all three branches — man of tha affair. two gingham mills in the valley ; relatives. j' Mr. Little and the late George Delegates of Russia, the United thefg'Was a patrof asbestos gloves ad, and dialed the number for him. pear the store were razed many Mr. and Mra. Little have Ave l McKinney eetabllshdd a feed and Hartford. May 26—Brtunilnous watched for any renewal of -of the armedr^rvicei. ------ .at her home. She hustled back-rto Grabbing the phone, Tony said: surface treatment of state high­ States. Britain, Franc^mtinTan^ Waiat^ Soviet Back Five Manchester residents were years ago. "At long last” Union ichildren; Mrs. Willard Joyce of [grain business in 1903 and he was violence which ITi Med The $300 million repr'esents fetch them, and whan she, was re­ "This Is a Tony so-and-so. I wanna ways will be suspended from CONNUTICUT MIDICAI AitVtCI ada met in London’s Lancaster elected to membership on the St. has a new look—there are im­ Hartford. Miss Olive Little of active In that business until four wounded acores over the House. The session.marked the end about one-fourth of thp $1,200,000- turned. she used them to stuff the apply for the job you advertise." proved sidewalks now at each aide : Turners Falls, Mass., Fh-ancls -G .' years ago. Wednesday thro-.-gh Monday', June r.O. 90% 1G1 - NffW HAVIN 1 000 which the president said board of directors of the Connec­ 3 inclusive. State Highway Com­ of an 11-day recess during which 2 ticut Heart Assn, at the annual open space. At the other end of the wire, of the street ahd another change weekend. ought to be put back in the bill A few towels draped over the a woman's voice explained: "We missioner Newman E. Argraves Daniel Plgnole, 43-year-old each of the delegates returned in the interest of security. meeting held Thursday at the there is neither -“‘North of South * W.. A home for top level government Free, Yjnited Reich gloves and the door, and the didn’t advertise for help; we said the suspension was ord^ed to mathematics profeasor and Idol of Rep. Mkrtin of Massachusetts, WampanoM Country Club, West Manchester" now. It ia just consultations and instructions. Hartford, 'fiiey are: Dr. Harold problem was aol-ved. Ute heat advertised for work." Manchester like the great Indus-, sKord good driving conditions over Haiti’s workers, was sworn in Republican leader and chairman of ____ from the oven stayed where It be­ "Oh," said Tony, “I thought you the Idemorial Day holiday period.] Sunday at some of the clashing y.S.
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