w .!_ m Serving Summit Ms ft -^ for 61 Years •# •fi Herald For Local News No.3t ST SECY10M 4I,TYI (In two MUtit) SUMMIT. N.J., THURSDAY, MARCH 2. 1950 Bat«r«4 at SMWMI Ctuw Matter at Uu rmttt*** aMMMwatt W. JM W» ta« act *t March J. mm, $4 A riA» teem YMCA to Give 64th Annual Red Cross Drive Off to Flying Dinner and Report Start With $6,000 in Early Gifts The 64th annual dinner meeting of the Summit; YMCA will be held With $6,000 in advance gilta already in, the Summit Monday at 6:48 p.m. in the Y Red Cross drive for $37,676 was given a send-off Monday auditorium on Maple street. when chapter workers were guests of the Rotary Club at a More than 150 persons are ex- luncheon at the YMCA. pected to attend the affair which will feature a symposium on Of the $37,676 quota, $26,000 will remain in the city "Viewpoints on the Voluntary while the balance will be ippplied Agency." Participating in^this will to the national goal of $67,000,000. be four Summit resident* Thomas Reed, Miller Will More than 600 peraona will par- A. Miller, Pendennis Reed, Donald ticipate in the local campaign. Bourne and George D. Smith. Robert O, Peterson, Rotary pr«- James B. Burke, president of the Head Local Grou| Ident expressed confidence, in the 11 •• I M • campaign'* succew and declared association, will preside. th6t th dub take Spotlighting the function of the In HospitaHflCniftlll DrivRriVOe * " « sreat pride "Y» during 1949 will be a colorful IIVjpilUl VI If V In Bounding the opening gun"' and Miss Madge Evans Organization of efforts on' behalf demonstration of the year's work "iCaHInt happgy thtoe b»cSummik »uct hchapte a r "on^ e with members participating. A of the $2,000,000 Overlook Hospital building program *rnovpd;.fotward of the beat in the Eastern area," musical program also has been Mrs. Eleanor Topp, guest speaker, igh School Senior arranged, this week In two important phases In Sumrnit, with the orgsinization also aUjMued her faith in Sum- Allan R. Devenney, general secre- of a special businesa and profes- mit's abllny to reach its goal: Mrst tary, will give his annual report, sional committee for the building Topp is assistant director VoU IWins DAR Award and Rev. Jesse Lyons of the Meth- fund and the appointment of a unteer Services. Eastern Area of odist Church will give the invoca- chairman to load the public cam- the American Red Cross. tion. |for Citizenship THE OPENING GUN of the 1950 Summit Red Cross fund raisins; drive chairman; Mrs. Eleanor Topp, guest speaker; Robert O. Peterson, Ko- paign to be conducted here in "It takes money," «he aaid, "for Rudd A. Crawford, chairman of April. the Red Cro«s' international and Selection of Mlsa Madge Evan*. for $37,676 was fired Mortday noon when Chapter official* and cam- tary president; Mrs. Frederick Gilbert, publicity; Mrs. S. R. Hamby, the nominating committee, an- Woodruff J. English, general national actlvltiea and it's up to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa paign workers were guests of the Rotary Club luncheon at the YMCA. apartments: Walter McNamara, business; A. C. Bernard, Chapter chair- nounced yesterday that nomin- chairman of the public campaign, the 3..7O0 chapters to keep the pot r. Evans of Summit avenue, for The local Chapter was cited as being "one of the best in the Ea»t" by man; Mrs. Douglas A. Smith and Mrs. Palmer J. Lathrop, Chapter vice ations for the flection to the board the speaker, an Area Red Cross official, and confidence in the current reported that Pendehnis W. Reed, boiling." e Beacon Fire, Chapter, DAR, chairmen. At the small table in the foreground are (clockwise) Mrs of directors has been posted for fund campaign was expressed by all. - Above, at the head table stated of 43 Colt road, has accepted the Volunteer workers. Mrs. Topp nual Good Citizenship award Hans J. Meyer, North Side chairman; Mrs. R. D. Ingalls, Township the prescribed period. 1. to r. are Mrs. Mark N. Donahue, South Side chairman; Frank H. Pratt, chairmanship of the Summit cam- said, are the "Hfe blood of the Red as announced this week. Miss campaign chairman; Mrs. A. G. Harms, Borough chairman, Mrs. Rich- The directors named are Bernard industrial chairman; Mrs. Ree<$ Hixson Card, campaign office manager; ard Badgley, Borough campaign chairman and Mrs. A. R. Roy, Passalc paign organization. Under Mr. Croav." She emphasized that the Ivans Is a senior at Summit High S. Biggs, of 277 Ashland road; H. Mrs. John H. Emery, executive director; Haddon H. Smith, campaign Township chairman.—Photo by Jay. Reed's leadership, teama of volun- national organization could not hool and her election wa» made Evarts Low, of 32 Colt road; H. teer workers, consisting of both exist without the help given by iy fellow students and the faculty. Woodward McDowell, of 19 Madi- men and women residing here, are the individual chapters. The award is made yearly by ell son avenue, and Matthew L. Zleg- being enrolled to carry out the She added that she worked with IAR chapters in their respective ner of 243 Morris avenue. Alfred 75-Yoice Choir Proclamation campaign next month. the local chapter during the war ommunities. Several candidates R. Hartley of 15 Norwood avenue, Sarah Lawrence Meanwhile, following his ap- and commended it for carrying on ire selected by high •chool stu- and Bryant W. Griffin of 35 Ridge WHEREAS, the National Red Cross has .set the sum pointment to the chairmanship "a mervclous community Job." and the' final selection is road, are listed for setond term. To Give Lenten of $37,676.(0 as the 1950 quota for the City of Summit; and President Coming Thoma* A. Miller, local building Chapter Officials Present ade by the faculty. Candidates Members whose terms are expir- supply firm head, launched the Haddon H. Smith, campaign |re selected on the basto of ing are Robert R. Diefendorf, of 8i WHEREAS, the need for services of the Red Cross activities of the business and pro- chairman, expressed the chapter's Essex road; William A. Herr, of To Athenaeum fessional committee. Its members, Achievement, personality tnd Festival Sunday is greater today than ever before during peace time years appreciation for the kick-off of the Scholarship. 71 Beekman road; Amos Hiatt, of The fifth Athenaeum speaker, in advance of th« public campaign, drive which opened officially yes- 15 Edgemont road; Thomas W. A chorus of 75 voices, represent- due to its extensive disaster relief program' and the con- who la expected to draw a full will call upon those engaged in terday. As the successful candidate, Mis* ing the combined choirs of the Johnston, of. 38 Lennox avenue, and house to the high school nudltori- business and professional work in Among the key personnel of the Evans will attend the state DAR Methodist, Central Presbyterian tinuing increase of assistance to veterans of World Wars Max. A. Solmssen, of 75 Essex road. um Thursday evening, March 9 is Summit seeking subscriptions to Red Cross chapter who attended meeting at Trenton on March 16 and First Baptist churche*, will I and IIr Dr. Harold Taylor, president of the fund to expand Overlook Hos- the luncheon were: A. C. Bernard, tnd will meet other candidate*. sing the annual Lenten festival progressive Sarah Lawrence Col- pital and extend the scope of its chapter chairman: Mrs. Douglas the group will spend the day vtelt- program this Sunday, March 9, at 7, therefore, urge all our citizens to cooperate with lege, Bronxvllle, N. Y. He will scientific services. A. Smith and Mrs. Palmer J. ng the state capitol, hlstorio sites Area Film Councils 8 p.m. in the sanctuary of Central the local organization in order that the task may be com- speak on "What Is Progressive In Members of the committee, meeting Governor Alfred. E. Lathrop, Chapter vice-chairmen; Presbyterian church. pleted in the alloted time. The house-to-house canvass will 'Education." which held Its first general meet- Driscoll. Following a luncheon an Mm A. O. Harms. New Provi- The program has been arranged Rev. David K. Barnwell, D.D., ing Friday at the Suburban Hotel, dence Borough chairman; Mrs, A. Announcement will be made of the Flay Museum Cut be conducted during the first two weeks of March. by the directors of music of the president of the Athenaeum, in an- are: Charles H. Ackley, Fran* A. 11 Roy, Pasaalc Township chair- flection from the group of a State various participating churches and Summit folks have a'^T^jgi^ponded most generously nouncing th« subject of the fifth ! Bonne, Frank D, Con'ntll, Richard man; Mr* R. D. Ingalk, New od Citizenship girl. This award At Meeting Here Winston A, Johnson of the First tp these- appeals aa<^w*'Ci!f^$£«ti! those *vho artill need the lecture, daicU | L. Cojrhy, Jr., John Davidson, Jr Providence Tawn#h,ip fund drive barries with it the gift of a $100 Vigorous epiHWjftSS *t6 Governor Baptist Church will be at the or- I Elrtwr G. Houston, Frederick C. Vi jftSS *6 G "Dr. Taylor is one of the out- chairman, »nd Mrs. Richard Badg- United States bond. Drlscoll's recommendations for gan while Alma L. Oncley of the Vital services furnished by the Red Cross. Kentz, Jr., David Ludlow, Thomas standing young educators of today ley, New Providence Borough fund Miss Evans is active In dubs and abolUihlqg the State Museum with Methodist Church and Nellie Gor- A.
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