1-33 1 Loca tion, bounda ries , ar ea and pop ulat io n Locati on and boundari es- l Area-l, Popul ation -2 Hi story of district as an ad minis tra tiv e un it Ad min istra tive hist or y of Rewari Sub -Divi sions, ta bs ils and thanas Topogr aphy Nat ural drai nage Mamm als-I7 , Bird s-17 ,Re pti le s-20,- Fi sh-20 Rain fall-20, Temperature -2I, Humi dit y-2 2,C1oudin ess -22, Specia l Weather Ph en ome na-22 34 -55 The Anc ie nt period 34 The Medi eval period 38 The Mod ern period 45 Area and population Language Religious life Hindus-61, Jains-63, Muslims- 64, Christians-64, Sikbs-64 Superstitions Fairs and Festivals Social groups-67, Joint Family sysr em- 70, Marriage cu stom s-71 , Divorce-74 Vill ages -76, Dwellings, furniture and decorations-76, Dress and ornaments-78, Food-78, Folk culture-79, Folk songs-79, Folk dances-8! Rural rebabilit ation-83, Urban rehabilitation-83, Urban loans-84, House building advanc e-84, Socio -- economic trends 84 87-127 Introd uction 87 Land utilization 87 Irrigation 89 Irrig ation facilitie s-90 Rainfall-90, Can als-90, Wells and Tub ewell s-91 , Tanks and bunds-93, F1o -d embankments and marginal bunds-94, Mas ani Barrage-94, Hamidpur bund-94 Set up of Agriculture Department-94, Soils-95, Crops-96 , Cropping pattern. ,-99. Rotation of crops-·IOO, Fodder crops-l 00, Dry farming-IOO Regional Research Station, Bawal 102 Krishi Gyan Kendra, Narnaul 103 Horticullure-I05, Vagetables-l05, Agricultural implements- 106, Manures and chemical fertiliz ers-I09 Livest9ck popul3 .tion-115. Cattle and buffaloes-116. Sheep and wool development-117. Piggery-117. Camels-117, Animal diseases-lIS. Slaughter Houses-119, Poultry development-119, Problem of stray animals-119. Gaushala development-l20. Dairy farming-l20 121 122 126 129-138 129 131 Financial assistance-I31, Commercial banks-I32, Haryana Financial Corporation-l32 Small scale Industries 135 Village industries 135 Mineral based Industries 136 Rur al Indu stri aliz ation Pr og ramme 136 Sou rce of powe r 137 Indu stri al Cooperatives 137 139-154 Banking and fi na nce 139 Indi geno us bank ing 139 Joint St ock Banks- 14l ,Coopera ti ve Cr edit-142, Pr imary lan d de vel opm ent banks-14 ~ 144 144 Scho ol Savi ngs bank (S anchayik ••)Schem e-144. Pay Rol l Saving s Gro ups- 14 5, MahiJ a Pra dhan Kshe triya Bachat Yojn a- 146, Agenc y s>s tem-1 46. Ext ra-de pa rt mental branch Postm aster s-147. Pu bl ici ty -147 A'o 'ar ds-14 7 Trade and co mmerce Re gula ted Mark ets-148 149 Cooperat ion in trade 150 Storage and wareho using- 15l, Consumers Coope rative Stor es-15L St ate trading- l52 We ights and meas ure s 152 Cu rre ncy an d co in age 153 155-172 In troduction Agr a-Delbi rout e-155. Delh i-Aj rner rout e-155 Road s and ro ad transp ort Ro ads-I 57. Nationa l Hig hwa ys-158 , St ate hi ghways. 158 . Other roads- l 59, Can al inspectio n roads-1 59, Road Transp ort -160, Pa sse nge r tra ns po rt-161 , Goods transport -165 Rail wa ys Delh i-Re wari Railway lin e-1 66, Re war i-Bh atind a- Fazilk a railw ay line -16 7. Bikane r-Delh i ra ilway line- 167, Phu lher a-R ewari rai lway line -1 67. Delhi -Bandikui- Ajrn er-Ahemdab ad railway line -167 Transpo rt by air 167 Tr ave l/Touri st fac ilit ies 167 Pos ts, te lep ho nes an d tel eg raph 168 Pos ts-168- Telephones -I71 , Telegrap h-l7 2 173-181 173 174 Services in the pri vat e se ctor 176 Personal se rvi ce s 177 Barbers- I77, Wa sherm en -177 , Tailor s- 177 178 181 183-196 183 Pr ice s an d wages 184 Prices.184, Narna ul Mlndi -18 5, Mahe ndragar h Ma ndi -186, Ateli maod i-186, Kanina ma ndi -1 87, Rewari mandi -187 , Wages -190 Employment situation 191 Community development 194 197·202 Adm ini strati ve di vision s 197 Di str ict aut hori ti es 198 Dep uty Commissoner- 19 8. Sub -Di visi on al Officer-200, Tah sil dar jNaib Tah si ld ar-20 0 General arrangem ent for disposal of bu siness 201 Development organisation 201 Judic iary 202 Dis tr ict Atto rney-202, Oat h Commis sioner -202, Public Notar )'-202 203-230 Fiscal history 203 Haryana Land Holdings Tax Act-210 Special cesses and collection of land revenue Sar-i-deh-212. ItJaq-212. Begar-212. Lamberdari-212. Sarrafi-212, Maskirat-212, Nankar-213 Mandir Hari Dass-213, Gaushala-213, Bhet Gurdwara-213 Revenue administration and land records Land record-218. Punjab Acts-218, Pepsu Acts-218 Consolidation of holdings Land ceilings-221 Other sources of revenue, State and Central State sources of revenue-221, Stamp duty-222, Registration fees-222, Excise and Taxation-223, Sales tax-225 , Central Sales tax-225, Property tax-226, Passengers and goods tax-226, Entertainment duty-227. show tax-227, Motor spirit tax -228, Profession tax-228 Central sources of revenue Central excise duties-229. Income tax-229, IEstate duty-230, Wealth tax-230, Gift Tax-230 231-242 231 Incidence of crime 231 Murder-232, Dacoity-232 ; Robber y-232, Burglary-233, Rioting 233, Sex crimc-233, Theft-233, Cattle theft-233, Cheating-233. Smuggling in foodgrains-233. Offences under Excise Act, Arms Act and Police Act-233, Road Traffic and Transport-234 Org anisation of Police-235, Civil police-235. Mounted poJice-236. Railway Police-236. Police wireless starions-236. Village Police-236. Home guard-237 Sub-jail. Mahendragarli-237. Sub-jail. Narnaul-238. Sub-jail. Rewari- 238. Welfare of prisoners-238 History-238, Narnaul and Mahendragarh ,~ Tahsils-138, Bawal tahsil-240, Rewari Tahs il-241,Revenue Courts-242, Bar associations-242 (vii) CHAPTER XIII-OTHER DEPARTMENTS 243-252 Public Works Department 243 Public Health 243 Public Health Division, Rewari-243, Public Health Division, Charkhi-Dadri-243 Irrigation Jawahar Lal Nehru Construction DivisionNo. 1, Rewari-244, Jawahar Lal Nehru Construction Division No.2, Rewari-244, Mahendragarh Canal Divisi on No.2 at Charkhi Dadri·244, Mahendragarh Canal Division No.3, Narnaul- 245, Mahendragarh Canal Division No. 4- 245. Bunds and Investigation Division, Narnaul-245 Buildings and Roads Provincial Division, Narnaul-246. Provincial Division, Rewari-246 Haryana State Electricity Board 246 Co-operative Department 247 Department of Welfare of Scheduled Castes 248 and Backwards Classes Finance Department 249 Public Relations Department 249 Food and Supplies Department 250 Planning Department 251 CHAPTER XIV-LOCAL GOVERNMENT 253-263 History of Local Government 253 Narnaul Municipality-254, Rewari Municipality-255, Notified Area, Mahendragarh-256, Notified Area, Bawal-257, Notifid Area, Kanina-258, Notified Area, Ateli-258 Town Planning 259 Panchayati Raj-Rural Local Government 260 Panchayats-260, Functions-260, Judicial powers-261, Income-262, Panchayat Samitis-262, Duties-263 (viii) CHAPTER XV -EDUCATION AND CULTURE 265 -282 His to ri cal ba ckgr ound 265 Medium of Ins truction 267 Educ ation of Sc heduled Cas tes 267 and oth er Bac kward Cl ass es Incen tiv es-268, Educ ational Set-up-269 Governmen t Co llege , Na rn aul -270, Government College, Mahendragar h-27 1, Rao Bi render Sin gh Co ll ege of Educ ation. Rew ari-271, Ahir Col lege, Rewari- 271, Kri shan Lal Pub lic Co llege. Rewari-27 2, Salis h Public Coll eg e of Ed ucation. Rew ari-2/2 , Rashtriya Jublee Co ll ege . Rew ari 272, Jant a Co lleg e (Gov ernmen t Col lege), Bawal-272, Shri Krishna Col lege, Kanwali-273, Orien ta l Co lle ge , Nar naul- 27 3 Technic al Education and Indu stri al Tr aining 273 Physical educat ion 275 National Cadet Corps 27 8 National Service Schem e 278 Jain Libra ry, Narnaul -279, Jain Libr ary . Re war i- 27 9. Jain Library, Mahen dr agar h- 279 , Ba I Ch aritra Nirm an Sabha Li bra ry. Mah endra- garh- 27 9, Navyuv ak Lib ra ry. Re war i-279. Jain Librar y.Bawa l- 280. Agg arw al Lib ra ry. Re wa ri- 280. Ma Bh art i Li brary . Ka nina- 280. Mu nicip al Libr ary . Narn aul- 28 0. Munic ip al Librar y. Ateli -280 . Muni cipal Libr ary . Rew ari-2 80. Muni ci pal Library. Bawal-280. Municipal Libra ry. Mahendragarh -280 . Municipal Library. Kan ina-28L District Librar y. Narnaul-28L Bar Library. Narnaul-281 . Bar Library, Rewari- 281 . Bar Library, Mahendragarh- 281 CHAPTER XVI-MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES Indigenous system of medicine 283 Medical and Health Services 285 Civil Hospital . N arnaul-285 Civil Hospital . Mahendragarh-286. Ci Iii Hospital . Rewari-286. Railway Hospital. Rewari-286. T.B. Clinic. Narnaul-286 Malaria-287. Tuberculosis-28B. Trachoma-288. Gastro-enteric diseases-289. Vital statistics- 289. General standard of health-289 Preventive measures to promote public health School health services-290, General health education-29L Family welfare-292, Maternity services-293. Prevention of food adulteration-293, Nutrition-294. Water Supply-294. Sewerage-294 295-312 295 Labour legislation-296.
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