No Need For New Inquiry Into Assassination 0f JFK oted By House Leaders WASHINGTtJ I.f\ - The leaders of 'naUon - and [ !mow 01 no sucb '" never had any doubt that the eonunis­ both parties in the House of Representa­ evidence," Ford said. ion answered tile basic questions. , am tives said Tuesday they see no need now If some sl!DiCicant new (ads WW! to not dOling my mind to the possibility new for a new, congressional investigation of turn up, he said, he would not object to I evidence may come up, but as of tbls the a inaUon of Pmident John ,. new inv ligation by responsible authori­ tage I see no rea n for a congressional Kennedy. ties invtlitigatlon." These vl~ came separately from the Recent boob and artld castin& doubt The office of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy majority leader, Rep. Carl Albert, (I). on the conclusion that OswaJd aded alone, (J).N.Y.l said be had DO comment 011 Okla '. and the minority leader, Rep. Ford laid, are only "speculation based on the suuestion. for a new IIIv U,aUon. Gerald R. Forel. (R-Mich.l. wbo was a the Information, testimony and evidence Sen. Ruasell B. Loq II).La.l laid Mon· member of the pre 'denUal commission carefully co idered by the Warrm Com­ day in New Orleans be has .Iways thoutht that investigated the Wing. mission ," a ~ perllOQ was Involved in the as· Both emphasiud that th y know of DO In a similar vein, Albert said in an sa ination who was "a mud! better shot sub tantial new evidence to sbake the interview "There Is no new evideJ1( I than OsWald." Long said he thinks there over·all conclusion of the commission, have seen that ~d justify even consid­ .heuJd be further investieation. beaded by Chief Justice Earl Warren, that erin, that Congress take this up." Lee Harvey Oswald, alone, kiUed Kennedy. Albert said he III aware of the contro­ Arthur M. Scl1Je!inler Jr., ~torian and Their slBtem nta came on the third an­ versy over the number of shots fired at fonner KeMeciy adviser. agreed. eomment. the presid nbal automobile, I dispute In, that " uhstantlal (aeU and doubla do niverqry of the faW hooting in DaU , " Tex., at I time when controversy over the heated (urther thi week by a Life magi· e ..."" . c om m I , s ion', fUldings reacbed new line article. The maga· AI to whether a cong 01181 commlU.. beights, and uuesUons were made th.at zin quoted Texaa GOII'. should Jook into tilt IDItter, Cbalnnan Conar should take a fresh look at the John B. Connally, wbo Jam O. Eastland (I).M J of the Senate • FISHERMEN TAKE aelvlnt ... of file un ..lsonabl. wlnn '111 'rHIH ov.r. Th. low wlter IUlt below the Burlington Str'" eVidence. wu riding in the auto­ Judiciary Commltt and of Ita internal mobJle and wa wound­ walther to try for lust _ INA cltflsh befwe the lowl River dam Is • 'avorit, spot for c"tlrIII off. " Unles t.here i new lind significant evi­ security subcommittee, declined to give ed, u dltagreeing with - Photo by Marlin L.vlson dence. J don't think there is any need a PeJ'SOIIal opfnjon, "It's up to the com­ for Congr to Investigate the Kennedy the detailed comml ion mittee," he said In a telepbone interview. findlnge about the bots. Connally, who reviewed an amateur fUrn y "f Itudled the commis­ strip laken on the sceDe, Is quoted II say­ sion report," Alb e r t Ing he It certain "that one bullet caused said. "Y kept up with the the presidnt'l fir t wound, and that an proceedings in the n WI- entirely separate shot Itnlck me." Con­ papers. I read Gerry CONHALL Y nally said Tuesday, "I don't want to lalk e-TIoi. Iowan Forc!': !:ecJ[," written by Rep. Ford. any more about it." Serving thtl University of Iowa and tIle People of Iowa City Businessmen Reaffirm E.tabliabtd in 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa-Wednway, November 23, 1~ Opposition To ~enewal EIghteen membera o( !be Iowa City pansion of the centr.I bualDela d' trict to Faculty Group To Write Chamber of Commerce aIflrmed or reaf­ the IOUth. (inned their stands allalnst the proposed The alternative plan placed the respon­ Iowa City urban renewal project in a meet­ slbillty (or upgrading the downtown area In, of the general membershJp at City directly on the indivldu.J property owners. "lgh auditorium Tuesday nlaht. [t called for a qualified loea! buJJding in­ A ·Letter On The Draft One member expre sed approval of the spector to check each busineu and lubmlt plan. He was Thomas H. Wegman who to the property owner I list of thinge to The University Faculty Council passed The Council will ask faculty members to operates Things " Thinll' " Thlnlll In the be done to bring tile buI.IdIai up to cltJ a motion appointing a committee to draft express opinlona concerning what will be downtown buslnell district. building code standards. a letter stating the University's policy on written in the letter. The meeting was tbe aecona wled by The plan also asked lor aD III-out "clean the draft at a meeting beld at 3:45 p,m. In other business acted upon by the the Chamber board of directors to IOUnd streets proeram" by the city and pro­ Tuesday in the House Chambers of Old council, it asked the Ad Hoc Committee on out the membership on ita leelinliS on posed putting all utJJltles In the CBD Capitol. tenure to check into the Barnett case to urban renewal, About 125 members at­ underground , Once tbe letter is written and approved It see what channels of appeals are open to tended. Several of the speaken lpeclf\caliy en­ wiil be sent to the national director and Barnett within the University and If he has Four of the 19 speakers said they also dorsed th J(H:alled "compruniM plan," the Iowa director of the Selective Service or has not used these channels. represented the Downtown Busi!les! and A recurring theme all evening wu that Commissions and to the Congressmen from The Council also passed a motion to ap­ Pro f e ilion a I Men's Association of parking. Three apeakerl called for Iowa. point a committee to help prepare a facul­ (DTBP W, work on a park.lng ramp on the pr nt The Council said that it opposed the use ty handbook. The commmee will decide One of those four Will Roy A. Ewers, parklne lot at CoUere and Dubuque mee of grades and enrollment as a form of what should and what shouid not be en· owner of a downtown relalJ clothing store. to beein at once. student deferment. tered into the handbook. He presented an alternative plan drawn up Samu I B. Whiting, • real e tale dealer, by local busin men and WIS recommend­ lUll ted that the city acquire the building * * * ed to the city council back in September v.cated by Montaornery Ward and thOle * * * of t965 by the DTBPMA. loon to be vac ted by Sears, Roebuck " The plan Ewers outlined emphasized the Co. for add! tional parting IPIce. Colonel Suggests Reason' immediate need for parkinll facUities In The taking of private property under downtown Iowa City and called for a eminent domain for resale to redeveloper, parklng ramp to be started right away on also frequently cam. under fire. Telfor properly already owned by the dty. Larew called it "un· American" and Henry For Cutback In Draft Calls The plan also asked for Immediate ex- Linder called It 'morall, wrong." Wegman, the only mall to expres ap­ By RON BLISS "By the end of the current year, Ameri­ proval o( the propo8e<l urball renewal plan, StaH Writer can forces will have been increased by did 10 with qualification _ A possible reason for the proposed cut­ about 200.000 men," McNamara said. "but "[ guess J am 60 per cent or 0 in favor the increase in 1967 will be nothing on that Absenteeism of the plan. " Wegman aald. I8ck in draft quotas for the next four order," nonths was given Tuesday by Col. Cyrus Wegman said he also was very much t Shockey, professor of military science. The Army may take advantage of the In favor of the volunteer program outll/letl draft lull to reduce its huge backlog of Is Discussed by Ewers. but he exprc8Sed doubt that "It seems as though the urgent need for untrained national guardsmen and reserv­ uch a plan would get by the "sb cntee manpower has now been met and the ists. An article in a recent issue of the owners" of property in the CBD. Army no longer needs to draft as many Army Times, the Army's weekly newspa· "If the voluntary program does not men as it bas been," Shockey explained. per, said the Army is currently studying By Senate go through, federal urban renewal Is ,II "In just a litlle over a year," Shockey proposals to permit the training of as many we have left," Wegman said. SANTA ISN'T JUST FOR children, dlacoVl" o.Ila Funk, Itw. City, It she ttlls him continued, "The size of the Army has as 20,000 to 25,000 guard and reserve re­ Because or lack of a quorum, the tu­ Chamber president Roy A. Williams said risen from about 950,000 men to over 1,200,- cruits monthly during the four·month per· her Chrl.tml.
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