Cranford Chronicle Cranford football team loses to Westfield in overtime. See page C-1 • -/I BYMARKMAYNARD up-level GT with all the power Vol. 113, No. 37 CRANFORD • GARWOOD • KENILWORTH Thursday, September 13, 2001 5Q cents- COPLEV NEWS SERVICE •••.. •••' conveniences. '.••':, .'..'"'.".• ••••. the GT: With Versatrak starts The Pontiac Aztek might just at $27,315i including a, $850 des- have had its 15 minutes of fame tination charge. The test truck - and it could, ehjerge'as>a 8ur-' came with one beefy .option vivor. • ..'.;•. •• • • .-.' .• '•• •"•.•" package for $2,265 that boosted Briefs I recently spent a week in a the sticker to $29,680. yellow all-wheel-drive Afctek GT That's a lot of money for an Oarwbqd church and it was an experience.quite Aztek,. at, least for the young, unlike the one. I hatj about, a ': outdoorsy buyer Pontiac hopes hosting picnic year ago when this so-called '.'•'toreach.. '•'-';' • .".,'• •:..•.•':'. ',.' ••• GARWOOD .'••.—••• Garwood Sport Recreation Vehicle was . The ISC option pack included Presbyterian Churchis hosting a- just going on sale, . leather seating surfaces, a dual community picriio beginning at 1 Residents It took thick skin to drive the playback cassette and CD with p.m.Sunday inUnaini Parkby awkwafd-looking Aztek before equalizer, power driver's seat, the picnic tables and barbecue's. its debut on this season's '•.» !•. head-up display: (for speed, A Softball.game is- planned "Survivor;...:, The . Australian radio, etc: hearted onto tKe lower and horseshoes, croquet, volley-' try S Outback." People made rude edge of the windshield) arid the ball, basketball' and. tennis ..as, comments and saluted it with sliding rear cargo-tray;. well;as playground equipment . the finger-down-thfe-throat ges-. The cargo tray seems like a. for "the? are also' avail-. tum- ; "••••••.•• • •'..•• I a bin with flipia iblo. -Thcro will bfe prizes • This time-afonrid, it . doors that can be rolled in ancl almost a hero's welcome. People games for children. out of the cargo area. The bin Those attending are asked to. walked up'.to it and said things! •. has meshTieparators for grocery tragedy like, "Tight!" or "Hey, it's Colby's bags or other' stuff, but loading :bring food withthem. ' car" and Tool,an'Aztek." '••.; :'" groceries into the bin took extra By GREG MARX • Colby Donaldson, 26, a cus- effort to slip the'bags into the TIIBCHRONICLE .-. •'. ••; •;». tom auto designer from Dallas, compartments. \ .; POWMIAS V••.;••. UNION COUNTY — As of ll •-• was the runner-up in this sea- Note to dog owners: the flat- Military veterans yirho live in son's show, but in. Episode, 13 he top bin is a skating rink for your Union County —• especially those i Wednesday, at least ong, won a night in ah Aztek with the pet unless covered with some who spent time as Prisoners of grandfather and two fathers, of; tent and air-bed option. kind •• of carpeted mat. Also, the War—- are invited to participate Cranford students were twain The praise for the. Aztek was cargo area could turn into an in the annual Union Cbvuity counted for in the Wake of Tuesday's terrorist attack on thjf .'•. totally unexpected. The c.ar does- easy-bake oven when exposed to PQW/MIA.': Remembrance Day. n't look.any different now than sunlight through; the expansive Ceremony on Friday, Sept. 21.^ World Trade Center. ^. .'^ when it debuted, but the sight of. glass in the sloped tailgate. Tins year's event begins at Just before midnight Tuesday • it has become more familiar and; night, 25 cars sat in the. cori*'oi " • Built in to the base price of Hi 11:15,a;ni. iri front of the Union perhaps, more acceptable. the GT are many standard fea- •County Courthouse on Broad muter parking lot at the**' Aztek's styling helps disguise":• tures, including 4-wheel disc -Street in Elizabeth, V •. Cranford train station. its origins in. the standard brakes, tinted' glass; roof rack, ' "The purpose of this annual In the door of a local ^ Montana minivan, which is 11/2 split folding back seat, air condi- event is to take time but to reme^ someone had posted the signj;.-.'. inches \jvider, 5 inches longer and Pontlac's new Aztek Is drawing a more positive reaction than Its predecessor. fe&ber and to honor - the personal "Bank Closed due to National . tioning with dual zone controls, 1 r; ; weighs 15 pounds more than a power mirrors/windows/Iocks, 6- sacrifices of all our prisoners bf Disaster." ; . .t...'./:. --'•'•''''.'• .;- "";3r'..; front-wheel-drive Aztek. highway. and allowed the front tires to get Weight gain, can be an issue the performance will be accept- speaker AM-FM-OD, '• remote war and military personnel .And thaVterrifying news maji • Adding Versatrak all-wheel All-wheel drive helps trim the a better grip through sharp missing in : action," said have been just the beginning, asr - for Aztijk; With Versatrak, the able for most users. The stan- locking* utility packs in the front Freeholder Linda Stender, liai- drive is a good idea, but pricy at two-wheol-drive Aztek's notice^ turns.. top-line GT model, weighs 4,043. dard arid only driveline is a 3.4- door slots and a removable front local residents tried to' make'.1 $2,300 extra; . son to. the Union County able understeer, iheaning.that in The ',: added!;.'.. weight .of pounds; or 265 pounds more . liter WG and 4-speed automatic console cooler. ;..';'•'. '•'.'. sense of the assault and its ." Versatrak is an on-demand sharp turns or enthusiastic cor- Versatrak also may, have given than, the already .full-bodied POW/MIA Committee. : impact on their community and? transmission, fuel mileage of Safety features include dual- Police and fire departments fourvwheel-drive system that nering the' front tires tend -to. Aztek more poise in evasive twb-wheel-drive model. Pontiac the all-wheel-drive GT is_i8 mpg front and side air bags,'anti-lock;' their world. Seemingly every powers the front wheels until slide. That's not too scary,when, maneuvers. With the weight low boasts'of Aztek's 185 horsepow- have been asked to sound their area resident knew or knew of • "around town and 25 on the high- brakes, automatic . headlights sirens at noon on Sept. 21 in someone who works in lower they lose grip arid power is piped. the driver is expectirig.it, but the in; the body, sudden moves at er, but it takes at least, that to .way or 1 mpg less than the two- and. battery rundown protection. to the rear tires. It's mostly for fear factor increases dramatical: highway speeds could be made honor of the PPW/MIAs.. ' Manhattan. carry .passengers arid all their wheel-drive'version. : Despite its car-by-committee For more information, call improved traction .in inclement stuff; ;.•••••; '•.•;"• : •••' ' ••'' ;...:.' . But if there was a glimmer of ly. when understeer is combined without frightening conse- . Pricing for a two-wheei-drive design, Aztek embodies many Stender's office at (908) 527- conditions, riot climbing. moun- with panic brakitig. ... •. quences. The front-wheel-drive Aztek starts at just •under hope to be gained this week, it tains. ; In fact, Pontiac recom-/ Consequently, the . five-pas- . good; ideas and innovations,, but ;4116.' •;•;:• '• :''. • v, ••/ .. All-wheel drive seemed, to model feels more top-heavy and senger Aztek.isn't •as sporty to $22,000 for an entry-level model it took a corporate investment in •was just how many people have mends not taking Aztek off the. better balance the tall shape squiggly in evasive actions. drive, as a Pontjac. should be, hut and goes up to $24,000 for the been able to make it out of the "Survivor" to throw it a lifeline. Superintendent area alive. : . ' to meet residents Dave Collier, a Cranford resi- dent and banking consultant, ; CRANPOSI) . ; — was immediately across the Superintendent ". Lawrence, ' street when the towers exploded. Feinsbd will host his. monthly . "A little after 8:30, I heard a ^Open Agenda Meeting^ tonigfat' screaming jet and a boom," at the Hfllside Avenue. School. Collier said. "Then a massive The meeting ,will allow town- . explosion. I saw massive ship residents to speak informal- amounts of debris, some the. size- ly with the superintendent about of a refrigerator, just raining school district matters. .-•" '•'••/: from the sky." The meetmgwill begin at 7:30. Collier ran from his ninth- p.m, in the school's library. floor office to find a pile of rubble forming in the street. "I saw a. County college offers piece of an airplane... To my left, I saw a foot. You couldn't even see . Brand New 2001 Chevrolet Brand New 2001 Chevrolet Convertible students Late Start .the blacktop." . ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ CRANFORD -v; Union. Minutes later, Collier heard County College's Office of the same sound again. That's? 5.7L V8, 6 sp. manual, transmission, pwr 5.7L V8, 6 sp. mahutrans, pwr str/brk/wlnd/lbcks Recruitment will host an open when it was pretty clear it wasn't; str/brk/wlnd/locKs/mlrr/seat, AIR, AM/FM stereo /rhlrr/soat, dual zono' air, AM/PM sldrop cass'w/12 house, for those students who an accident," Collier said. "You* cass, llr mats, till, cfulse, blacklaalh,.STK^Z4311, disc CD, b/s mldgs, llr mats, log lamps, tilt, cruise, VIN #15130932 MSRP.$48,890. 48 mo closed black Ibalh trlrrt, STK#Z4495,VlN #15135247 MSRP have decided at the last minute saw people running around*; ond lease.w/12,OQO'rnl/yr;15e'lhoroafter; $2411 $54,475. 48 mo closed end lease'w/i2,000ml/yr; • to take classes this fall. .. bleeding. It was a war zone.". .» Oust. Cash & $588 1st mo pymt = $2999 due at 1S« thereafter'.- $2300 Cust.
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