l REPRODUCE-LOCALLY. Include form humber.and ateona Itd reproductions Form Aooroved - OMEf No: OS81~55 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 201200393 The following statements 6reinade in aCcordance with the PriviJcy Act of (974 (5 U.S,C, 5526) iJnd AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE the Paperwotk Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION OFFICE Applieation is required in order (0 determine if a plant variety protectiQn cerlificate is to be issued APPLICAnON FOR PLANT VARlloTYPROTECTION CERTIFICATE (7 U,S, C, 2421), Information is held confidenna! ilntifcerfificate is Issued (7 U.S,C 2426), (Instrilctibmi andihfarmatian collection bLJrdimstatement (In reverse) 1. NAME OF OWNER 2, TEMPORARYDESIGNATION OR EXPERIMENTAL NAME 3. VARIETY NJ'\ME TAKANOOO., LTD. Takane Ruby 2011 4. ADDRESS (StreetandNa,. arRFD, No., City, State, and ZiPCade,.and COLJntryj 5, TELEPHONE (include area ccx!e) FOR Of'FlClAL USE ONLY 137, Miyada-rnura, Kamiina-gun, Ni1gano-ken, 399-4301, Japan 81-265-85"3150 PVPONUMBER 6, FAX (ioclude area code) cJ Ob}DD3Q3 81-265-85"4734 FILINGOATE 7. IF THE OWNER NAMED is NOT A "PERSON", GIVE 8. IF INCORPORATED, GIVE 9; DATE OFINCORPORATION FORM OF ORGANIZATION (corporatiall, pattllership, STATE OF INCORPORATION association, etc) corporation July 18, 1953 311.~11?. Japan July 18, 1953 Unofficial Copy F FILING AND EXAMINATION FEES: 10. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER REPRESENTATIVE(S) TO SERVE IN THIS APPLICATION, (Firstpersonllsfed \\;i/ receive ali papers) E E s $ Wu, Ohiang-Shan 43'02.- Toa International Patent Office R DATE E '3/~//l 12F-5, NO.99, Fu~HoRoad, Yung-Ho Oity, Taipei Oounty, Taiwan (R.'O,O) c CERTIFICATION FEE: E $ I V E DATE 0 11, TElEPHONE (Include area code) 12. FAX (Include "rea code) 13. E-MAIL 886.2-2924-9341 886-2-2924"0700 [email protected] 14. CROP KIND .(eoromon Name) 16, FAMILY NAME (Botanical) 18, DOES THE VARIETY CoNTAIN ANY TRANSGENES7 (OPTJONAL) BUckwheat Polygonaceae n YES I NO 15, GENUS AND SPECIES NAME OF CROP 17, IS THE VARIETYA FIRST GENERJ'\TIONHYBRID1 IF SO. PLEASE GIVE THE ASSIGNED USDA-APHIS REFERENCE NUMBER FOR THE APPROVED PETITION TO DEREGULATE THE GENETICAllY MODIFIED PLANT FOR Fagopyrum esculel)lum Moench n YES I NO COMMERCIALIZATION, 19. CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX FOR EACHATIACHMENT SUBMITIED 20, DOES THE OWNER SPECIFY THAT SEED OF THIS VARIETY BE SOLO ONLY ASA CLAS (Follow instructions on reverse) OF CERTIFIED SEED? (See Section 83(a}of the Pian! Variety ProtectiOl1 Act) a, I Exhibit A Origin and Breeding History of Ihe Variety YES (If "yes". answer items 2Umd 22 below) b, I Exhibit B, StalemenlotDistinctness t NO. (if "no", go /0 Item 23) c. I Exhibit C, Objective Description at Variely r ..' UNDECIDED 21, DOES THE OWNER SPECIFY THAT SEED OF THIS VARIETY BE LIMITED AS TO d, I Exhibit:D, Additional Descriplionof Ihe Variety (Optional) NUMBER OF CLASSES? e. I Exhibit E Statement ollhe Basis at the Owner's .o.wnership [] YES I NO f, I Exhibit F, Declaration .Regarding Deposit IF YES, WHICH CLASSES? n FOUNDATION o REGISTERED 0 CERTIFIED g, !!! Voucher Sample (3,000 viable lIntreated seeds or, for IUber propagated varieties, vetifiCation 22, DOES THE OWNER SPECIFY THAT SEED OFTHIS VARIETY BE LIMITED AS TO that tissue clillUre'MII be deposited .end maintained in an approved public repository) NUMBER OF GENERATIONS? h, I Fiting and Examination Fee ($4,382), made payable to "Treasurer of the United n YES I NO Slates" (Melito the Plant VlirietYPtotectioo Office) IF YES, SPECIFY THE NUMBER 1,2,3, etc, FOR EACH CLASS, o FOUNDATION o REGISTERED o CERTIFIED (If additional explanlition is necessary, plelise /1se}he space indicated on.the reverse.) 23, HAS THE VARIETY(INCLUDINGANY HARVESTED MATERIAL) OR A HYBRID PRODUCED 24, ISTHEVARIE1YOR .ANY :COMPONENTOF THE VARIETY PROTECTED BY FROM THIS VP,R.IETYBEEWSOlD, DISPOSED OF, TRANSFERRED, 0.R USED IN THE.U, S, OR INTEllECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT (PLANT BREEDER'S RIGHT OR PArENT)? OTHER COUNTR'IE5? 0 YES !!! NO n YES 0 NO IF YES, YOU MUST PROVIDE THE DATE OF FIRST SALE, DISPOSI'r!ON, TRANSFER, OR USE IF YES, Pl£:ASE GIVE COUNTRY, DATE OFF.IUNG OR ISSUANCE AND ASSIGNED FOR EACH Co.UNTRY AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES. (Please lise space indicated 00 reverse.) REFERENCE NUMBER. (Please :lIse space indicated on rever.a.} 25, The owners declare that a Viable sample of baSICseed of the variety has been turnlshed wllh appllcallon ~ncl WIll be replenished upon request ,n accordance.wtlh !luch regulallons as,may beapphcable, or for;:l tuber propagated variety a tissue. culture will.be deposited-in -a public repository and-maintained for".the.duration of,tho certificate. The undersigned owner(s) is(ace) the owner at Ihis sexually reproduced otlOber propagated plantvatiety, and believe(s) Ihat the variety is neW, distinct, uniform, and stable as Jequired in'Section42, and is entitled to preitection under the provisions of Section 42 onhe Plant Variety Protection Act. Owner(s) is (are) intormed.that faise representation herein can jeopardize protection and result in penalties, ."'S'"IG"'NA'""T"u;,;R"'e'O;';;F'"'O""w'"N"'e=<R;---------------------------'Sool'2G"NAA-TnU"R;ce'"'O"F"O"VMVN;:;E"'R'------------------ - 'NuA"M"'E-;(P"".:::.:::s::'.-=pn::'n;;"/:::.r:-.ly::':pe=i;---------------------------t.N~A ••.M"E"(.;;PI;;;:.e;;;S:;;.-;;p;;:rln;;;./-;;or;;/:;;:yp:::.:>}----------------------~--'- TAKANO 00., LTD. Jun TAKANO "'CA"'..:OP:.A"C""IWV";:O"'R;"'iTM-IT"L"e--------------.,. !1,;;'OAA-Tr<E'-----------+CRAMP;;A;;:C:nIT'VY'"iO:;;R)'TF1ITToLte:-------TijO:;;A;;T'OE------------------ president ST-470(07.:Q1-200S) d6signed by the PlanfVifrietyProfection.Office 201200393 Unofficial Copy i .. iENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: To be effectively file.d witl1.the Plant VarietY Protection Office (PVPO), ALL of the followin~ item~ must be recEiived in thePVPO: 1) Completed'application form signeQ pytheowner;. (2) ..eolJlpletedexhibitsA, B,C, E,F;(3) for a tuber I'l'lproQuceci vcuietY, verification mata viablt} (inthe ense that it will reproduce an entire plant) tissue cul.ture willpe deposited. and maintained in anapprove(i public rep()sit()ry; aT1d(4) Paymentbycredltcard .()r 201200393 heck drawn on a U.S. bank f()r $4;382 ($1518filing fee and $3,864 examination fee), payable to "Treas!)rer of the United States" (See Section 97.6otthe ~eguJations and RlJ/eS of Prectice). NEW: With the application f(>raseed reprOdUced varielyorby directdeposit~oonafter~finng;theapplicantmustprovide ,t !l,iast 3,000 viable 'untreated seecis()fthe variety pet S9, and for a hybrid varietY aUeast 3,000 IJntreatedseeds ofeac;tllil}e necessary to reproduce the ariety. Partial appUc;:ltions will be held in the PVPO for not more than 90 days; then retvrnedtq tl1eliPplicant asun"filed. Mail ap\)lication and other eql,lireme to Plant VarietY Protection Office, AMS, USDA, Room 401, NAL Building, 10301 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 2070o-235tRetainone,coPY j(your files.nts All items .on the face of tnl:lapplicationare self explanatory unless. noted below: Corrections onthe ..apPlicationformanclexhifjitsmustbeinitialed d ,nd dated. DO NOT use ,mas!ting materilils to make correctiQns. lfacertiflcateis allowed, you will be requeste l9'senda paymenl Qyc;reditqard ofqlieck iayable to' "Treasurer of the United States" in tile amount of $768 for issuance of the certificate. CertificateS will peissl,leci tb owner, not li~nseeot agent. 10TES: It is the responsibilitY of theapplicaiitioWnertokl:lepthe PVPO informed of anychanges•of $ddress orcllaiigeofownersltip or assignment or owners epresentativeduring the life of the application/certificate. TllefeesJor filing a change of address; owners representative; ownership or assignment;1 5 or liny nodificationof owner's name is specified in Section 97.175iJfthe regulations. (See Section 101 ofJhe Act, andSecti()ns 97,13Q,97.131,97. 7 (h)ofthe ~eg(Jlations and Rules of Prectice) Plant Variety Protection Qffice Telephone: (301)504-5518 FAX: (301) 504-5291 General E-mail: p\1POmail@usdaigov Homepage: http://wwolMJ.ms.usda.9()V/science/pVpo/PVPindex.htm Unofficial Copy ~PECIFICro avoid conflict INSTRUCTIONS: with other variety names in use, the applicant musl check the approllriate recognIzed authOritY and provide evidence that the permanent lame of the application varietY (even if it is.a pal'l'lntl'll, inbred line) has been clearedbYlheappropriate recognized authoritY before the Certificatek of Protection sissued. For example, for agricultural and vegellilble crops, contact .U.S. Department of Agriculture, AgriculturalMar!teting Service, !-ivestClc anci Seed 'rograms, Seed Regulatory and Testing Branch, 801 Summit Crossing Place, SUite C, Gastonia, North Carolina 2~054-219~ TelephClne: (704) 810-8870. Ittp:Jlwww.ams;usda.govllsg/seed.htm. TEM (1) the genealogy, including. public liIm:!commercilill varieties, lil}es, 9fcldries used, and the breeding method; 19a. Give: (2) the details of subsequent stages of ~election and multiplication; , (3) evidence of uniformity and stabilitY; and (4) the tYpe and frequeriCY of variantsdu(ing reproduction and multiplication arid state how these variants may be identified 19b. Give a summary of the variety's distinctness. Clearly ~tate hOlflthisapplication varietY maybe distinguishecl.frpm all other varieties in the same crop. II the new varietY is most similar toone varietY or a group of related varieties: (1) identify these varieties and state all differences objectively; (2)atlach replicated statisticlill datafor~harlicters expressed numerically and demonstratethaUheseareclear differences; and (3) submit, if helpful,
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