Building List - January 1, 2021 NOT FOR PUBLIC USE - DO NOT DISTRIBUTE AES Number Description Acronym Building Sign Address A002 Chase Hall CHA same 3605 FAIR ST A003 Agricultural Hall AGH same 3550 EAST CAMPUS LOOP S A004 Dinsdale Family Learning Commons DINS same 1625 N 38TH ST A006 Miller Hall MILH same 1675 ARBOR DR A009 Biochemistry Hall BCH same 1705 N 38TH ST A016 Recreation and Wellness Center RWC TBD 1717 N 35TH ST A017 Kiesselbach Crops Research Laboratory KCR same 1870 N 37TH ST A021 Agricultural Communications Building ACB same 3620 EAST CAMPUS LOOP S A023 Leverton Hall LEV Ruth Leverton Hall 1700 N 35TH ST A024 Plant Science Teaching Greenhouse PSTG same 3855 FAIR ST A027 Teaching Greenhouse West TGW same 3850 CENTER DR A028 Teaching Greenhouse East TGE same 3850 CENTER DR A029 Utility Plant, East Campus ECUP Utility Plant 1935 N 37TH ST A032 Family Resource Center FRC same 1615 N 35TH ST A035 Insectary Building INSB same 3865 FAIR ST A036 Keim Hall KEIM same 1825 N 38TH ST A039 Loeffel Meat Laboratory LML Animal Science Complex, Loeffel Meat Laboratory 3940 FAIR ST A040 Entomology Hall ENTO same 1700 EAST CAMPUS MALL A041 Mussehl Hall MUSH same 1915 N 38TH ST A047 Poultry Building H & I POHI same 3715 MERRILL ST A048 Poultry Building F POF same 3745 MERRILL ST A051 Pump House PH TBD 1900 N 33RD ST A055 Love Memorial Hall LRH Love Hall 3420 HOLDREGE ST A057 Conservation & Survey Annex CSA Conservation and Survey Annex Building 2000 N 34TH ST A058 Service Building SVC same 1915 N 37TH ST A060 Larsen Tractor Museum LTM same 1925 N 37TH ST A061 Forestry Hall FORS same 1800 N 37TH ST A062 Water Sciences Laboratory WL same 1840 N 37TH ST A065 Hardin Hall HARH same 3310 HOLDREGE ST A066 Forage Research Laboratory-USDA FORL Forage Research Laboratory 3870 CENTER DR A067 Baker Hall MBH Animal Science Complex, Baker Hall 1830 N 38TH ST A068 College of Dentistry DENT same 4000 EAST CAMPUS LOOP S A069 National Agroforestry Center-USDA NAC National Agroforestry Center Forest Service 1945 N 38TH ST A071 Stewart Seed Laboratory SSL same 2101 N 38TH ST A075 Bio-fiber Development Laboratory BDL same 1605 N 35TH ST A076 Ruth Staples Laboratory CDL Ruth Staples Child Development Laboratory 1855 N 35TH ST A077 Warehouse 1 W1 Warehouse 1, 3630 East Campus Loop 3630 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A079 Terry M. Carpenter Telecommunications Center TELC no sign 1800 N 33RD ST A080 Warehouse 2 W2 same 2105 N 38TH ST A082 Varner Hall VARH no sign 3835 HOLDREGE ST A083 Insecticide Storage Building ISTO 1855 N. 39th Street 1855 N 39TH ST A084 Human Sciences Building HSB College of Education and Human Sciences, Home Economics Building 1650 N 35TH ST A085 McCollum Hall LAW College of Law 1875 N 42ND ST A086 Nebraska East Union NEU same 1705 ARBOR DR A087 Barkley Memorial Center BKC same 4075 EAST CAMPUS LOOP S A088 VBS Annex VDC same 1900 N 42ND ST A089 Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Hall VBS same 1880 N 42ND ST A090 Life Sciences Annex LSCA 2100 N. 42nd Street 2100 N 42ND ST A091 Veterinary Clinical Skills Laboratory VCSL 2000 N. 43rd Street 2000 N 43RD ST A092 Plant Sciences Hall PLSH same 1875 N 38TH ST A093 Agronomy & Horticulture Greenhouse 4 AHG4 no sign 3855 MERRILL ST A095 Behlen Metal Storage Building BSTO 1931 N. 37th Street 1931 N 37TH ST A096 Splinter Laboratories SPL same 2000 N 35TH ST A097 Sewage Sterilization Plant SEW 2005 N. 43rd Street 2005 N 43RD ST A098 Agronomy & Horticulture Greenhouse 3 AHG3 same 2065 N 38TH ST A099 Plant Pathology Greenhouse PPG same 2075 N 38TH ST A100 Chemical Storage Building CSTO 3702 Merrill Street 3702 MERRILL ST A101 National Agroforestry Center Storage Building-USDA NAST National Agroforestry Center Storage Building 2140 N 38TH ST A102 Animal Science Complex ANSC same 3940 FAIR ST A103 Welpton Courtroom Building WELC College of Law 1875 N 42ND ST A104 Agronomy & Horticulture Outstate Testing Laboratory AHTL same 3720 MERRILL ST A105 Animal Science Loafing Sheds LOAF 4011 East Campus Loop (North) 4011 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A106 Agronomy & Horticulture Physiology Building AHPH same 3710 MERRILL ST A107 Waste Accumulation Building WAST 3740 Merrill Street 3740 MERRILL ST A108 USDA Physiology Building-USDA USDP no sign? 3708 MERRILL ST A109 Landscape Services East Campus LSEC Landscape Services 3520 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A110 Nebraska Statewide Arboretum Greenhouse NSAG same 2150 N 38TH ST A111 Pesticide Storage Building PEST 4421 Fair Street 4421 FAIR ST A115 Perin Porch PER no sign 3621 EAST CAMPUS LOOP S A121 Agronomy & Horticulture/Forestry Shops AHFS same 2103 N 38TH ST A122 Library Depository Retrieval Facility LDR same 2055 N 35TH ST A124 International Quilt Museum IQM same 1523 N 33RD ST Note new acronym A125 Community Garden Shed GRDN 4401 Fair Street 4401 FAIR ST A126 Morrison Center MOLR same 4240 FAIR ST A127 Modular Laboratory MODL no sign 1976 N 42ND ST A128 Animal Science Storage Building ASTO same 3735 MERRILL ST A130 Campus Rec Equipment Building 5 - East Campus Rec Fields ORB5 no sign 4100 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A131 Campus Rec Equipment Building 6 - East Campus Tennis Courts ORB6 no sign 1800 N 40TH ST A132 Animal Science Hoop 1 ASH1 no sign 3975 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A133 Landscape Services Equipment Building LSEB no sign 3620 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A134 East Thermal Energy Storage ETES no sign 3755 MERRILL ST A135 Animal Science Feed Storage Building ANSF TBD 4021 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A136 Animal Science Hoop 2 ASH2 TBD 4017 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A137 Material Handling Facility MHF no sign 3700 MERRILLST A201 Food Industry Complex FOOD same 1625 ARBOR DR A202 Filley Hall FYH same 1625 ARBOR DR A203 Fleming Fields Annex Building FFAB no sign 2301 N 33RD ST A204 Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center NVDC TBD 4040 EAST CAMPUS LOOP N A205 Utility Response Facility UTF TBD 3730 MERRILL ST A206 Massengale Residential Center MRC TBD 1710 ARBOR DR A207 2320 N. 43rd Street 43RD TBD 2320 N 43RD ST A208 Orchard House Replacement OHR TBD 4417 FAIR ST A209 Materials Management Facility MMF TBD 3735 MERRILL ST A211 Pump House 2 PH2 no sign 4075 EAST CAMPUS LOOP S A540 Colonial Terrace Apartment A-1 CTA1 no sign 3330 STARR ST A541 Colonial Terrace Apartment A-2 CTA2 no sign 3400 STARR ST A542 Colonial Terrace Apartment A-3 CTA3 no sign 3323 STARR ST A543 Colonial Terrace Apartment A-4 CTA4 no sign 3401 STARR ST A544 Colonial Terrace Apartment B CTB no sign 3344 STARR ST A545 Colonial Terrace Apartment C-1 CTC1 no sign 3320 STARR ST A546 Colonial Terrace Apartment C-2 CTC2 no sign 3340 STARR ST A547 Colonial Terrace Apartment C-3 CTC3 no sign 3315 STARR ST A548 Colonial Terrace Apartment C-4 CTC4 no sign 3333 STARR ST A549 Colonial Terrace Apartment D-1 CTD1 no sign 3301 STARR ST A550 Colonial Terrace Apartment D-2 CTD2 no sign 3345 STARR ST A551 Colonial Terrace Apartments Shop 1 CTS1 no sign 3332 STARR ST A552 Colonial Terrace Apartments Shop 2 CTS2 no sign 3342 STARR ST A575 Pershing Armory PA no sign 2000 N 33RD ST A576 Pershing Maintenance PM no sign 2000 N 33RD ST A721 Agronomy & Horticulture Greenhouse 1 AHG1 same 2100 N 38TH ST A722 Entomology Greenhouse 2 EGR2 same 2110 N 38TH ST A723 Entomology Greenhouse 3 EGR3 same 2120 N 38TH ST A731 Agronomy & Horticulture Greenhouse 2 AHG2 same 2041 N 38TH ST A732 Natural Resources Research Annex NRRA same 2051 N 38TH ST C000 Sapp Recreation Facility CREC Campus Recreation Center, Sapp Recreational Facility 841 N 14TH ST C001 Canfield Administration Building South ADMS Canfield Administration Building 501 N 14TH ST C003 Andrews Hall ANDR same 625 N 14TH ST C004 Architecture Hall ARCH same 402 STADIUM DR C005 Avery Hall AVH same 1144 T ST C007 Bessey Hall BESY same 1215 U ST C008 Brace Laboratory BL same 510 STADIUM DR C009 Burnett Hall BURN same 1220 T ST C010 Coliseum COL Campus Recreation Center (Coliseum) 1350 VINE ST C011 Love Library South LLS Love Library 1248 R ST C013 Love Library North & Link LLN Love Library 1300 R ST C019 Architecture Hall West ARCW Architecture Hall 400 STADIUM DR C021 Pershing Military & Naval Science Building M&N Military and Navel Science 1360 VINE ST C022 Morrill Hall MORR same 1335 U ST C023 Mueller Tower MUEL no sign 1307 U ST C024 Nebraska Hall NH same 900 N 16TH ST C025 Woods Art Building WAB same 1140 R ST C026 Nebraska Union NU same 1400 R ST C028 Utility Plant, City Campus CCUP Utility Plant 905 N 14TH ST C030 Seaton Hall SEH same 1525 U ST C031 Benton Hall BENH same 1535 U ST C032 Fairfield Hall FAIR same 1545 U ST C035 Selleck Quad Building K SELK Selleck Quadrangle 600 N 15TH ST C036 Raymond Hall RAYH Neihardt Residence Center 540 N 16TH ST C037 Love Hall LOVH Neihardt Residence Center 540 N 16TH ST C038 Heppner Hall HEPP Neihardt Residence Center 540 N 16TH ST C039 Piper Hall PIPH Neihardt Residence Center 540 N 16TH ST C044 Richards Hall RH same 560 STADIUM DR C047 Sheldon Museum of Art SHEL same 451 N 12TH ST C048 Louise Pound Hall LPH same 512 N 12TH ST C049 Stadium East STE no sign 1100 T ST C050 Stadium West STW no sign 1100 T ST C052 Canfield Administration Building North ADMN Canfield Administration Building 503 N 14TH ST C053 Temple Building TEMP same 1209 R ST C054 University Health Center UHC same 1500 U ST C055 Henzlik Hall HENZ same 1430 VINE ST C058 Westbrook Music Building WMB same 1104 R ST C060 Behlen Laboratory BEL same 500 STADIUM DR C061 Abel Hall ARH same 880 N 17TH ST C062 Sandoz Hall SZRH same 820 N 17TH ST C063 Abel-Sandoz Food Service Building ASFS no sign 840 N 17TH ST C068 501 Building 501 same 501 STADIUM DR C072 American Mathematics Competitions Building 1740 American Mathematics Competitions 1740 VINE ST C074 Hamilton Hall HAH same 639 N 12TH ST C075 Oldfather Hall OLDH same 660 N 12TH ST C076 Business Services Complex BSC same 1700 Y ST C086 Scott Engineering Center SEC same 844 N 16TH ST C091 Kimball Recital Hall KRH same 1113 R ST C100 Devaney Sports Center DEV no sign 1600 COURT ST C101 Manter Hall MANT same 1101 T ST C102 Schorr Center SHOR same 1100 T ST C105 Campus Recreation Boat House BOAT same 1000 N 16TH ST C107 Broyhill Fountain BHF no sign 1400 R ST C108 Sheldon Sculpture Garden SSG no sign 451 N 12TH ST C112 Watson Building WAT Landscape Services 1309 N.
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