SENIORS Sign up as soon as possible There will be an all-col- for Oracle .pictures! lege skating party on Men V- outside the Spa Tuesday, December 15, i , Girls — in Mary Low sponsored by the Junior You must have $3 at time of Class Scholarship Fund. sitting. Please be on time for appointments. < Literar y CJollec f n Guest And I^eeturer Is At t^ of Rare Tr@asi. res - Clark Mollenhbffj spoke yesterday at•'.the '.de-libation of the Love- Renowned News Writer May Crai famous woman columnist for the Guy Gannett joy Building. His speech concerned the threats to ! freedom of the Is Given to Oolby g, Mrs. David T. Martin : of Still- newspapews of Maine and former President of the Women's Nation- press. Mr. Mollenhoff stated that the free 'press is not threatened to v water, Oklahoma, a retired English al Press Club, will speak ori Wednesday, December 9 in the Art & a great extent today, on the surface, but that we in. America tend to professor, has enriched the collec- " Music Building's Given Auditorium. Mrs. Craig is one of tlie fore- take fr eedom for granted. .-- ^ tions of the Miller Library Treasure most woman reporters in the United States, and her presence at He said, "My concern today 'is over the apathy where, there are Room by a series of gifts . Mrs. Mar- Robert's siefious ; encroachments ' on the . right tin's generosity ; covers quite' a wide Colby will be an experience not to be missed. A supper in on the conduct of government and of access to information . ' . concern- scope; she has contributed ' some Union sponsored by the Oolby Echo ing either a result of a lack of know- on .other matters that are vital to things to every J type of ' collection will precede her evening all-college ' ¦ Most Fraternities ledge of what :a.free press means to the general welfare.'' ,. v : . which the Treasure Room has. These lecture. a democracy, ; lack of enough inter- -"Government . .secrecy represents include, for the. most part,, -works A panelist for twelve years on our real concern today. The majority : show est , to dig in and learn where some by recent arid modern . English au- Will Hold Foririals "Meet the( Press" television , of those who erect secrecy barriers ¦ arbitrary govermental secrecy pol- . thors. '• '' ' . • ; she has invented questions which are well meaning, but mis-guided . She icies can take us,, or lack of guts At to books, there are some, forty 'Next Friday., Ni ht she refers to as "escape-proof" and short-sighted;" , They use such g " "woman present at the to speak out." Mr: Mollenhoff went . first editions, mostly inscribed by Most of the Colby fraternities will was the only terms as ' 'protect U.S. secrets from retreat at on to say - that he knew Americans Sir Sydney Cockerell, retired Cura- hold Christmas formals on Friday, Eisenhower-Khrushchev the Kremlin" ; and fear that infor- David during Khrushchev's were no strdnger, brighter, or more tor of the Fitzwilliam Museum at December 11;, The band of Gordie Camp mation will be twisted by political courageous than many , peoples .Cambridge and , secre tary to;William Howe will provide music for Delta visit to the United States in Sep- enemies. ' - ' . ' ' " ' ' . the ¦was the first woman crushed by totalitarian governments, . Morris ^during Kelmscott vP.ress Kappa Epsilon from 8-12. A din- tember. She Commit- but that they' were only luckier. The - "The problem of access to infor- days. Some of the authors repre- ner at the Kappa Delta Rho house to be elected the Standing , are - Alice tee of Correspondents that governs slogans of the free press are so mation arises when the official sented in the SC circle will precede their dance, with the : Shaw 1 the press galleries. She has trav- strong ly 'rooted in our history that knows or suspects the inquiries re- Meynell, 'George Bernard! , band of Sammy Salida providing few, American political figures- would porter may, unearth facts not wholly Robert Louis Stevenson, Karen Blix- the music at the Winslow Grange eled all over the world in her pur- (' William Mor- suit of the news : Korea the Middle take the risk of any direct attack on complimentary to the administration en (Isaak Dihensen), Hall, lasting from 8-12. The dance , ,de' John Cow- the Normandy Campaign, the the institution of the free- press. or the reporter is known to have ris, Walter la Mare, at the Zeta Psi , house will last from East, ¦ Wilfrid; Scowen ' Blunt, raids on London the Mr. Mollenhoff stressed the use of been critical of the administration. ' peri Powys, 8-12 :30 with Ered Petra's band •V-bomb • , : Laurence and Clem- and Cuba; subtle methods to influence the Mr. Mollenhoff then gave several ex- Max Beerbohh, play ing. Sigma Theta Psi will meet North Pole, s. Mar- , press. Among them were smooth aihples of where "executive secrecy " ence Housmari. Among. 'Mr at tlie Calumet Club in Augusta, May Craig' s writing has punch " autographed public relations operators, who are rights had been used. , ' ' tin's own friends who where dancing will be to the music and has been called "spicy ". Her ¦ Draper and Vachel so helpful that reporters do not do In conclusion - he said : .'As cit- books are Ruth; of. George , Packard. , Delta Upsilon is reporting is usually a result of the . ' their own digging and thinking. izens , and voters, perhaps . even as re- Lindsay. .- • having Harry Marcliard's 14 piece questions she asks while interview- In the line of autograph letters, ; ing her current subject In her pur- Another method is the misuse of se- por ters, editors, or public officials, society band from Boston, from 9- . favored Colby with curity classifications which serves you may not . be asked to defend Mrs. Martin has 11. Alpha Tau Omega will also, hold suit of the truth $he i s regarde d as liberal specimens from the pens of ;only for the news, to withhold information that should your printing presses or your liffy festivities on Friday evenings. 'a crusader not ¦ John Cowper Powys, be classified. This ' covers up mis- but in' many ways you will undergo Viola Meynell, Pi Lambda Phi is holding its but for equal rights for women re- ¦ Alexander - Kei-ensky, James Norm- porters in the newspaper world. In takes , as well as improprieties, and tests that will . determine ', whether forma] on December 12, but has not 'Allgood, : Harry S. at times things are withheld, for you have what it takes to carry, on an Hall, - Sara completed arrangements. Phi Delta her fight for the position she has Laurence Housman, and "security reasons" when : the truth in the spirit of Elijah Parish Love- Truman, Theta is having an informal evening attained, she became involved in over . 150 specimens ; frb.m a promin- the women s suffrage fight that of thethe. -matter-is-matter js,. ;thatth,at they.;they- ar^,are.,with-wjth- joy ... A certain per cent of this : on December 11. Tau Delta Phi will ' r v ¦ ¦ "e_it'-'fikure" ii_i''Hh6^1iterar'y ; ¦r; i ; held forpoiiticar reasons. •" ' ',' ;. group- (here) will have the industry," ' not have a Christmas formal, but wdft wagfed ''"auTing and after the world who niust i remain anonymous. A third . method is that of officials integrity,: and. courage to , face, the will entertain underprivileged child- first World War) During Woodrow : 'As , to manuscripts; ¦ ¦> there is an being, slow or "unavaible" ' at res- large ' issues: But the real test of ren from Waterville before Christ- Wilson's administration she made autographed poem by , Laurence ponding .to reporters who are known whether ' the' spirit of Elijah Parish mas vacation Lambda Chi Alpha the remark that has been so often Housman several scripts of' his to be critical to the administration. Lovejoy lives, at Colby College and n held a pre-Thanksgiving pajama Continued on Page Six BBC radio talks, and four notes of On the other hand, there are special in the United States, will be based party. instruction written by the poet Wil- privileges granted to, friendly re- frid Scawen Blunt. porters. The technique of hiding the The Women ' s Union Commit- CHRISTMAS CARD SALE Ohange Aniiouneed Photographs and , portraits of records of executive agencies is used tee is sponsoring a bus to Bos- I.R.C. is sponsoring a Christ- Blunt, Cockerell and ; Laurence on the grounds of "national inter- ton for the Christmas vac ation. mas card sale for UNICEF For ©at Warn ings ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ' ¦ The bus will leave Colby at 1 Housman complete Mrs. Martin's (Children 's Fund). The sale will ests." ' ' ' ' . A change has been announced in p.m. December 16 arid munificent, contribution. • take place between now and 1 "We of the press , must accept the go to the method of notifying individual South Station. It will return .It is. through generous, and in- Christinas vacation. i fact that an agressive press , will al- students in the men' division of from South Station January 4 valuable gifts such as these, that Tlie designs of the cards are j s ways , be- faced | with some obstruct- , first vacation warnings. Effective at 5 :30 p.m. Ticekts will be on the Colby, College Library has de- many and varied. A display ofj ion or harrassment,", Mr. Mollenhoff Monday, November 23, lists of va- sale outside of the Spa from veloped , its Treasure Room which is the different kinds of cards Will i stated. He feels, however, that the cation warnings will be posted on Wednesday to Friday , December replete with rare books and manus- bo exhibited in Miller Libra ry on j r press should hot have any special ¦; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ the bulletin hoards of each frater- 9-11 from 11-12:30 and on Sat- cripts.^ ' :¦ .
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